Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Significant Other? Perfection? "Romeo & Juliet?" Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Match " handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-26-18.


Anonymous said...

It's important to give details, because the story of romeo and juliet is in the detail. And by giving more detail, you can relate better to the story. My experience helps me relate better to romeo and juliet because it helps me know how hard it is to have feelings for someone you can't be with.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to find the perfect person and don't go for someone that doesn't fulfill the traits you love in someone. You shouldn't have to be forced to go with someone that you don't want to be with. In a relationship if you have a gut feeling about anything, then you should talk to the other person.

Anonymous said...

In Romeo and Juliet, they have a deep love for each other. They know each other well and seem to be comfortable with each other. From my experience, everything has to come naturally. With Romeo and Juliet, they are in arranged marriages but they feel nothing for those. If loves is there, it'll be obvious and if there's nothing there its even more obvious. It relates to how you cant ever force love and everyone will experience that.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet have a lot of qualities that make them a perfect match. Although they may have the perfect match in the movie, it seems hard for them to be a perfect match in real life. My parents said the perfect match would be some of the following; put the other person first, good communication, and strong role models. This could be a perfect match with couples in this time period, but it was different for Romeo and Juliet. The two lovers were a perfect match because fate brought them together, not because they had the good qualities of a perfect relationship.

Anonymous said...

When my dad wrote down what the most important thing he would want to look for in the person for me was “Someone she feels comfortable with”. After I read that, I kind of had like ‘aww’ moment but then kept on thinking about that. Romeo and Juliet didn’t really get to know each other for that much time before they started to have a relationship.

Anonymous said...

My situation relates to Romeo and Juliet's because I believe that Fate will bring me together with the right person and if I do come across unrequited love I just have to remember that it is not right for me.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important that you share common interests with your "perfect match". If you are both wasting your time because you don't have anything you want with the other person, then what is the point? This helps me relate to romeo and juliet because it shows how hard it is to have feelings for someone that might not have them for you, or vise versa.

Anonymous said...

The Perfect Match survey was very eye opening and showed me how parents really pay attention, and care about things that fit into the bigger picture when sometimes it’s easy to forget about important things. Marriage is for the rest of your life, and would be a big responsibility for Juliet’s parents to find a soulmate that she would enjoy for the rest of her life. Juliet’s parents want the best for her, but also have the responsibility of building the family and being the influences, so it would be a tough situation when she is married so young with someone she wouldn’t be happy with. If my parents had to choose my husband, it would be extremely hard to not rebel and not be happy when I don’t get to choose.

Anonymous said...

Rome and Juliet have many different and same qualities that make them a perfect match. Even though they may have the perfect match in the movie, it looks like it is complicated for them to be good in real life. When I asked my parents they said a perfect match would be understanding each other, communication, and always putting each other first. I think that us a perfect match for couples in this time period, but it was a lot different in the time period with Romeo and Juliet. I think romeo ans Juliet were a perfect match, because fate brought them together, not because they had good qualities of a perfect relationship, just because they had a idea of what they wanted and that idea was each other.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet seem to have a strong connection to one another and the perfect match survey showed me that you need to find someone who you have a connection to and share many interests with. People shouldn't be forced into something that they are not happy with and being able to relate to Romeo and Juliet shows how hard it is to have serious feelings for someone that they don't return back.

Anonymous said...

The sharing of the "Perfect Match" document in class made vital connections to the play "Romeo and Juliet" because it emphasized the similarities and differences in the preferences of students and parents when it came to significant others. As a class, the main trend was that many students were looking for the same things as their parents in their "perfect match". Personally, I think what we seek in a love interest directly correlates with how we have been raised, and what our parents have taught us to value. Typically, we search for a person with many similarities, so we look for many of our own values in others whom we pursue. In relation to Romeo and Juliet, the wants of the teenagers and the parents did not align, and therefore the relationship did not end up working out. In my opinion, parents should always be willing to listen to their kids, and kids should always have an open mind about the recommendations of their parents. A more open and honest relationship between parents and kids usually allows for better success in relationships and other controversial topics.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet both are different, yet they hold a lot of the same qualities. When looking at them in the play and in the movies, it is complicated but they find a way to make it work. They are both separated by a wall that is their families fighting. It in a way is like the “Perfect Match” document for me, my parents did not participate because they were busy, but they always want what is best for me, and in this case it is just like with Juliet. Capulet wants Juliet to marry and be happy, like my parents they want me to be happy. My parents are divorced, so when looking at their relationship compared to Romeo and Juliet, my parents did not have the same fate as Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet can’t be this way, they have to spend the rest of their lives together no matter what. So I think that Romeo and Juliet are not necessarily the perfect match, but not all relationship is perfect, and this story in a way is making love unrealistic, because love can not be forced, and it will not always be perfect.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Romeo and Juliet were blind-sighted by this feeling they thought was true love. I think that they should have stepped back for a moment and looked at the situation that they were in so that they could have realized that they were rushing things and they probably didn't even know each others middle names. I know that back then they did these kind of things, marriage, rather quickly but I do think they could have thought this through more. My parents thought that a perfect match for me would be someone who I really knew, a funny and kind person, and I feel like Romeo and Juliet didn't even know each others personalities. Connecting these two things, the document and the book, made me realize that it is vital to make sure you really know who your significant other is.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet have the "love at first sight" theory. The moment they saw each other they both knew which is a strong connection not a lot of people have. However their current situations are a big problem, they are both in forced marriages which is forcing love and in my experience it can not be force or nothing goes right. Who you love is up to you, its not up to your parents or an entire kingdom, its up to the people who are in love. If Romeo and Juliet are in love it will be clear to them and to others around.

Anonymous said...

I think its very important that your perfect match has common interests but also has different interests so your never just doing the same things. It gives you a chance to be able to do new things and expand your likes. Romeo and Juliet see each other and they immediately fall in love. They have things in common, like they hate their parents feud. To me this means that they found love in hate. I think that Romeo and Juliet believe in love at first sight, which is what makes their love so strong.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very important for you and your "perfect match" to share some common interests but at the same time to have interests that aren't the same as the other. It is important for you to share some likes but you don't want to be in a relationship with someone who is exactly like you, this gives you a chance to experience new things and to go on adventures. Romeo and Juliet found this balance within eachother and fell in love at first sight, they immediately have a strong connection to one another although they know nothing about one another, allowing them to learn more about eachother.

Anonymous said...

Just like Romeo and Juliet, our situation is forced. We have no choice in are action, we have to do what are elders say. They disregard what we say, because we are younger, and therefore we must be wrong. We have no choice but to do this blog post and the survey, just like how Juliet had to marry Paris and they had to keep their relationship a secret. Because both are elders know better, and we must do what they say. It also relates to us, because our parents do not know the inner workings of our hearts as well as they might think. My mom thinks she knows what I want in a boyfriends, but in reality she knows nothing of what I want. Just like Juliet's parents.

Anonymous said...

To me Romeo and Juliet are the perfect match they would do anything for each other, maybe even too much. However this marriage was very rushed and they really didn't even get to know each other. They fell in love at first sight and Romeo felt stronger for Juliet than he ever did for Rosaline. He killed himself because he couldn't bear a life without Juliet, but with Rosaline he was just grumpy and sad for days until he met Juliet. Part of the reason that I think Juliet fell in love with Romeo was because she wanted to find love for herself and not have her parents choose who she marries.

Anonymous said...

I think that your "perfect match" should definetly have similar interests as you, but along with different ones too because you know what they say "opposites attract", you don't wan't someone EXACTLY like you because it's said that you'll fight more. Unlike Romeo and Juliet they have different interests, but the thing that brings them together is their families hate, Capulets vs. Montagues.

Anonymous said...

I think finding " the one " is really a thing and it is really important to find someone you truly love if you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Romeo and Juliet seemed to think that they found each other and were the love of each other's life, although they did not find out because they both died. Sometimes it is true that opposites attract, and I do believe that its true you can be attracted to someone and feel a connection when you don't even know them. I think Romeo and Juliet prove you are not always meant to be with who people stereotype you with, and it is possible to find someone who you truly belong with.