Monday, October 2, 2017

Progress And "The Martian Chronicles?"

Regarding Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles text, what are you contemplating so far about humanity and progress?  What does the reading of these stories challenge you to consider? Please respond during class on October 3rd, 2017.


Anonymous said...

I am contemplating that we no absolutely nothing. There is so much more to life and so much more that we haven't even thought about yet, things that are yet to be discovered. From the perspective of Mrs. K, the story almost seems as if it is coming from the voice and body of a human, but then you have to stop and realize and think to yourself that the women talking is a martian. The roles of the aliens and the humans seem almost reversed. The martians seem scared for the humans to come, and some don't even believe that there is other life on the "third planet" as the martians called it in the story. Here on Earth, very few believe in extra terrestrial life on other planets. In The Martian Chronicles, it is the same, except the humans are the ones who are make believe. This text is making me think about different perspectives on life and things we don't know. It is challenging me to keep an open mind and a smart mind as well, for I need to constantly remind myself that the story is being told by a Martian.

Anonymous said...

Reading the Martian chronicles makes me think that several of the predictions from books written in the past have not come to pass yet. Several science fiction books take place in the future, in this this future there is several advancements that have taken place. I have read several books that were written in the 1900’s that take place in the recent past. Their predictions are usually incorrect. For in stent Ray Bradbury thought by 2003 Humans would be able to go to different planets, and that all of humanity would be living on Mars. In Back to the Future they thought that there would be hover boards and adaptable clothes. That has not happened yet, and the fashion is completely different. The point being it is hard to extrapolate what the future will be, it is possible to calculate possibilities but certainties is nearly impossible. While some things will certainly come to pass, in what way and when is hard to tell. Humans will almost certainly go to Mars, but I do not know what technology will bring us there or when it will be created or put into use.

Anonymous said...

As I am reading the Martian Chronicles I am noticing that Bradbury has predicted that civilization would have explored other planets like Mars and even have the chance to life and thrive on different environments. But we have not even been to the point of exploring every planet let alone Mars. It makes me think how many things that have been predicted but we have not completed yet. Like for example in the movie Timecop or Back to the Future they predict that we would have time travel by now, when we are not even close to figuring that out. Others have predicted that hoverboards would be a daily thing. Some predictions have been right, but on the other hand because they are so far back it is unlikely that they are correct. Like Ray Bradbury tried to predict the colonization of Mars in the 1900’s, we have not even thought about that yet. We even have our predictions later in the future. Are they going to be right? No not all of them, the technology has to advance enough, and I don't know how far it will bring us.

Anonymous said...

While reading the Martian Chronicles I have taken an interest in how different Bradbury had expected the future to be than it actually was. I'm not entirely sure if that was what he truly expected it to be, but it surely has a huge contrast between what was reality and what the story tells the future to be, we haven't explored mars through humans, we haven't even sent a man to mars before let alone try to civilize it.

Anonymous said...

While reading story "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury I've noticed that the roles of Earth and Mars have been switched as in the people on Mars think humans from Earth are martians when people from Earth think that way about Mars. It would be amazing if we found life on Mars a the people from do, i'm sure we would start trying to bringing humans from Earth to live there at some point once we figure out how everything works. But, sadly we have not explored enough of space nor the ocean either, there is still so much to discover throughout our universe, so much to create or do. We still are working on time machines and all the scientific fiction we see and hear, but we haven't even gotten close to achieving that. If this book were to be based on a true story then I think we would have taken over Mars by now and starting to live there and created problems with the martians.

Anonymous said...

This makes me consider all of the accomplishment within technology we have achieved. Bradbury completely underestimated how far we would be at this point as a human race. This makes me realize that the world has come so far in the last 50 years and I don't think that many people acknowledge that properly

Anonymous said...

In the Martian Chronicles the author does a great job as portraying the negatives of humans through the Martians. An example is how the male Martian is very aggressive with his wife and he does some pretty horrible things due to jealously. Not only that, but the stories make you consider the fact that we are actually thinking about Colonizing Mars and developing the technology for it. We also have the technology already for many great things.

Anonymous said...

The story The Martian Chronicles makes Mars and Earth look very similar in some ways. They both speak English and can communicate to each other perfectly fine. The story also makes Mars seem orderly (in a way) and civilized. Ray Bradbury predicts many thing from over 60 years ago. He predicts that we would already be on Mars (living on Mars as well). We have been thinking (trying) to achieve that goal.

Anonymous said...

In the story "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury, I learned a lot about what he thought about the future. This story was written in the earlier 1900s, and he was predicting the future in the late 1900s. It seemed as if Bradbury thought that the Earth would already be on Mars, while we are still not close to that in 2017. I see where he was coming from because in the late 1900s, everyone thought there would be flying cars by 2017, and there is none. We all predict the future, but maybe we are just predicting too early. This story also made Earth and Mars seem pretty similar, but also really different. They both have houses, skies, and oceans. On Mars, it sounds like everyone has a very similar last name, like Mr. Mmm or Iii, etc.

Anonymous said...

While reading The Martian Chronicles there was a few things that I noticed that the people on Mars they are Martian so alike to humans so i have to keep reminding myself that they are Martians. How their Environments are different than the Earth's environment. In the story there was the part where Mr.K said there cannot be any living things on Earth because there's too much oxygen in their atmosphere. Showing how the Martians in "The Martian Chronicles" and humans are pretty much alike.

Anonymous said...

When reading The Martian Chronicles it interests me how much Bradbury thought civilization would advance. He thought by 2003 humans would have already explored Mars but here it is in 2017 and we still haven't sent a human to Mars. We have achieved a lot in the technology feild and that is very impressive but I think Bradbury had more in mind. Over the years so many new advancments and lots of people don’t realise that because they are to focused on acheiving new things.

Anonymous said...

From the story "The Martian Chronicles", Ive learned a lot about how people back in the 1950s thought humanity would be like in more recent times like 1999. Ray Bradbury thought by the late 90s we would have made it to mars and started colonizing it. We havent proven that prediction yet. I think from the predictions Bradbury has made helped the progress of having his prediction come true. From his creative thinking it probably encouraged science in some way. His prediction showed how curious humans are and why wed want to colonize a place like mars. This reading is making me consider that if there is other life on planets, then the life is pretty similar to humans and our civilization. IN the story, the martians have houses, families, and even last names like humans. Maybe Bradbury is making a prediction of how other life forms are.

Anonymous said...

Bradbury underestimate how far we would come as a human race. This makes me think about how people in the 1950's were thinking what life would be like now is different then it actually is. Technology is moving very very fast and people do not realize it. Not enough people realize how crazy how far we have come since the 1950's actually is.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about all of Earths accomplishments and all the people on Earth have accomplished. Bradbury did not expect us to be this far by any means he doubted the evolution of the human race. Considering when "The Martian Chronicles" was written, in the 50's it makes me realize ow far we have come and how much we have learned since then.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me a lot of back to the future. In the second back to the future, they thought we would have flying cars and a lot more advanced technology 2015. We had nothing in 2015 based on what they thought we would have in the 1985. Just like this book, Bradbury probably thought we were going to be at mars by 1999-2000. Obviously that did not happen.

Anonymous said...

The novel “The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury has allowed me to consider how much the human race has achieved over the last fifty years. Bradbury’s past predictions stated that we would be on Mars by 2003, yet there is no human establishments there. In this sense, Bradbury challenged humans and pushed them to invest their time in creating the technology that could get us there. NASA as well as colleges and other organizations have been using new technology heavily in order to produce research needed to transport astronauts to Mars. On the other hand, Bradbury did not predict how much the world would advance with “domestic technology”. On Earth, we have computers, robots, and soon self-driving cars. In fact, the world has grown more than Bradbury could have ever imagined, proving that Bradbury also underestimated us. The human mind is capable of anything, especially with purpose and dedication. The progress in technology and discoveries over the last fifty years is phenomenal. We should be proud and keep growing so that one day the human race will be able to colonize Mars.