Monday, October 9, 2017

Imperialism And "The Martian Chronicles?"

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking. Your blog response is due by Tues ., Oct. 10th at  2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking.

Imperialism makes me think about the Martian Chronicles in the sense that the US is still expanding its ´empire´, even in this book by Bradbury. Bradbury addresses it through expansion, and how we are trying to expand to Mars, and show the people that we are there to move onto their planet. We are considered immigrants through The Martian Chronicles in the sense that there was already life on mars. In imperialism you have a lot of main topics. Expansion and Immigration are just subtitles, in a way, to Political reasoning, Economic, and Social. Bradbury is showing this by showing that the movement to mars involves all of these ideas.

Anonymous said...

The Martian Chronicles relates to the video because thee is some imperialism in the book. The video makes me think about the book because in the book, there seems to be superiors (the male) and the non superiors and somewhat slaves because they seem to be controlled (the female). I notice that there is a connection with how the men want to be "manly" and "tough". The captain and the other crew members want to be "strong and tough" bu going into the fake Earth city. It seems as if the men think they are cool or something. Bradbury addresses imperialism by writing that the characters from Earth are coming to Mars to visit and possibly take over. Like the one so called failed mission with the other men who were announced dead, they didn't want to leave Mars because they had gotten so much attention from the Martians and they want to live there.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about how much Americans in the book The Martian Chronicles, were trying to take over, and how much we wanted to influence our culture on the martian colonies. America wanted to take over mars and begin to plant human families there. This makes me think about how we constantly try to influence our culture and take over other places without thinking about how we're effecting foreign culture, our how we're disturbing land. Throughout history we constantly invade space of others in an uncivilized manor, we never agree with foreigners to take part of land, we just assume that it's ours to take.

Anonymous said...

The crash course video showed me many connections between Imperialism and the novel. Imperialism in US history  is the act of one larger country expanding into smaller ones in order to gain more power and money. Imperialism in the novel is when America is trying to expand into Mars to get more space, and more money. These are similar because they are both including a more powerful country expanding into a less powerful one. Mars was not very developed, so in The Martian Chronicles, we wanted America to spread around the universe. The Martians were not very welcome to us, just like the countries we tried to move into were not welcome of us in the early 1900s. These are different because we are talking about countries, compared to planets. In the book, America is trying to invade another planet, little by little. In US History, America is trying to invade smaller countries, little by little. America tried to expand into many countries, yet we only got into two or three. If we can’t get into small countries, how can we get into another planet?

Anonymous said...

It makes me think of the astronauts taking over mars just like how America dealt with imperialism in other countries. We annexed Hawaii just like how the astronauts are trying to do that with mars. Sometimes we would fail like how we did with Canada. Just like how the the astronauts have already had 3 expeditions because of failure. They keep sending more and more humans to mars and the martians can't really do anything about it, because they are outnumbered.

Anonymous said...

Bradbury related imperialism into his novel in various ways. One reason the citizens wanted to imperial America is by expanding outside the States and over the seas. This relates to the book, by the humans wanting expand into Mars. They wanted to discover a new place for life, outside the United States. Another reason for America wanting expand is because they could get better resources in different places. One way that America was ahead of others was how they already put good soil into plantations in Hawaii. On Mars, the humans could find new soil, that could make for good crops and goods. America is kind of invading other countries space and wanting to take over their country, without permission. The other countries can’t do much about it though, because America is too big compared to their country. That is like the humans taking over Mars. The martians can’t do anything because their are too many humans compared to martians.

Anonymous said...

Throughout reading and my prior knowledge, I notice a lot of connections between war and the martian/human interactions and tactics. During the war, there are lots of casualties and life is often less valued than normal. The martians kill each other over small things and they don’t have very many laws about killing other people, such as war. There are no penalties for murder in war. Also, the main idea of The Martian Chronicles is expanding into Mars, without so many laws and war etc. This was the goal for Imperialism in the 1800s as well. Also, what comes with Imperialism is sacrifice and pushing something else out. Native Americans were pushed out like the Martians were killed by disease. There are always casualties that come with expansion. Lots of people wanted to move away from their countries because war, lack of rights, corruption, etc. and went to more advanced land like AMerica. In the book, the kid in one of the chapters wanted to go to war to get away from war and get out of all of the corruption of America. When AMerica expanded, they spread lots of diseases that killed tons of Cubans and natives that were not immune to these diseases. The martians were not immune to Chickenpox and ultimately were wiped out from this disease that the expeditions brought from Earth.

Anonymous said...

In the Crash Course it covers Imperialism and how Americans had taken over and expanded in many ways, like the Natives and then over to the other countries. We have been believed to be an empire by then. This relates to The Martian Chronicles because the Americans are flying over and taking over Mars like it was theirs all along. The taking over of countries was mostly for power, more resources and in order to expand slavery. Showing that there is expansion, just like in the book, they came and took over for more resources and to expand and take over for more space, because Earth is dying. This is completely like in older history. They are invading the Martians space and they can not do anything about it because there are more humans, this almost comes all the way back from when they took over Native land and did not think about what they think.

Anonymous said...

Bradbary address imperialism throughout the entire book. A huge problem in the book is the humans coming in mass. There are a lot less Martins so they are unable to do much about the take over. Huge, powerful, rich nations ( America, Spain, England) would take over a smaller, less advanced, poorer, and/or less populated nation (Guam, Cuba, India). There entire book is an extended metaphor about imperialism and humanity.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about how people of the earth want to live on and take over mars. Like the USS Maine, a lot of astronauts are killed in this foreign land. Bradbury addresses imperialism because he gives many examples of complications when astronauts try to have power in a different planet.

Anonymous said...

The video about imperialism made me think that Bradbury is making a lot of human connections. I notice that the humans going to mars was for the same or similar reasons the americans went and took over Cuba and the Philippines. The humans wanted to leave earth because of pollution and the lack of resources and a huge war that was about to happen. America needed more resources and wanted more land so they fought to get the islands they did. Bradbury addresses imperialism just by humans coming and taking over mars. They say its for on reason but it's probably for a whole list. He just address the idea in a new way other than humans against humans.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism made me think that The Martian Chronicles U.S was trying to expand the "empire" by taking over Mars. When America was expanding it was spreading many diseases. When the crew and the captain went to Mars humans were spreading Chicken Pox and wiped out the colony that was brought from Earth.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism and the Martian Chronicles are related in different ways. The video also relates because in the video it is just explaining and telling the listeners all about imperialism in the past. In the book it talks about humans expanding to Mars. This is imperialism, that’s how the book relates to history and imperialism. In the book the martians don’t really agree but the humans can’t figure out what's going on so they just keep sending more expeditions to Mars.

Anonymous said...

We have already looked at many ways of how the Martian Chronicles connect to to imperialism, but one other thing that came to mind is nationalism. The video portrayed to us viewers that nations at this time period were very strong and the Americans would even do things such as waving flags over the colonies they owned. This relates to the book because on one of the earlier expeditions the humans just wanted to be recognized in many ways. Bradbury also shows imperialism by having the martians rebel against humans on each expedition.

emma parker said...

In the video it talks about Imperialism, and how Americans have tried and accomplished it by taking over. The Americans have taken over so many times and tried to get extra colonies, we have been believed to be a empire. I think this relates to the martian chronicles because the Americans are flying over and keep trying to take over mars. Way back in WW1 when the Americans tried to take over different countries, was mostly for more power, and resources. Relating that there is expansion, just like in the book, the Americans came and took over for more resources and to expand to their own planet to seem bigger and better, all because earth is falling apart and dying. The Martian chronicles is just like other history. The people are invading the martians space and they could not do anything about it, because they are almost just like humans.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video reminds me of "The Martian Chronicles" because of the emphasis on colonization. Throughout the video, John Green speaks about how the United States became an imperial power following the Civil War. America was dominating other smaller and less powerful countries in order to gain more naval ports as well as to get involved in foreign trade. Shortly after wiping out the entire Native American race, the Americans immediately started going for other countries by spreading disease (chickenpox) or starting war. Their desire to take control of the whole planet correlates to the behavior of the Earthlings because of their presence on Mars. The humans invade the Martians’ home without any permission, just because they are superior. Humans have elevated technology and loads of research; giving them the upper hand. Additionally, human life has a lower value because of imperialism and colonization, which takes a major toll on the compassion and kindness of living beings. Without even noticing it, the humans expunged the Martians from their home (Mars) and ruined their own race (Earthlings) while doing it. The change in values and ideals was simply too much to handle, and as a result the humans’ attitudes were changed forever. In fact, colonization and imperialism affect the true nature of a nation's success so much that once a nation has adapted the ideas, it is close to impossible to reach humanity again.

Anonymous said...

There is some imperialism in The Martian Chronicles whether or not we realize it. The male martians seem to do all the work and the women are more like housewifes, this is like how it was when imperialism all started. Americans took over Mars just like the other land they took over and annexed during the stage of imperialism.

Anonymous said...

This is a really late response, but imperialism is definetly shown in The Martian Chronicles when the explorers go on almost 4 expeditions to Mars and try taking control of the martians. Martians did nothing to stand up for themselves, the humans did the same thing they did to Native Americans to the martians.