Sunday, September 24, 2017

Technology? Our World? "The Martian Chronicles?"

Based upon your reading of recent technology development within this link Popular Science, what are you  thinking regarding technology, The Martian Chronicles, and our present day understanding of our world and universe. Complete this blog response by 2:30p.m. on Tues., Sep. 26th.


Anonymous said...

I am thinking that there is so much we don't know and so much we don't think about until it is mentioned. Looking at the Popular Science page, I noticed several things about robots and replacing people with robots, and I never really thought about it until now. There is a lot about this world we don't know, and there is probably a reason for that. The people discovering and developing all of these new materials probably don't want us to know about it. Thinking about things like these are actually kind of scary, because you never know what is going to happen. Our technology is so advanced and upgraded from past years. Like in the Martian Chronicles, the technology is advanced and very different from what we know and what we understand. We are so far off from what we need to learn for everyday there is something newly discovered and something for us to learn. It is absolutely crazy to think that there is so much more out there than we know, and that we have so much more to learn and we will probably never stop having things to discover and talk and think about. The short story relates to these because the technology is advancing, and in the story the technology in the story is already advanced and new. Its almost like we are the ones barely catching up to the story, not the story catching up to us.

Anonymous said...

Technology keeps advancing every year more and more. It is kind of scary to think that our whole world is based on screens. The technology was way different for the Martian Chronicles, I couldn't imagine how the people in the story would react to the technology we have today. Sometimes technology makes mistakes, so we shouldn't always have to rely on it.

Anonymous said...

Technology keeps advancing each year more and more. It's kind of scary because humans can lose their job because Robots are pretty advanced machine that can replace us with, fast food, cafe, security, and many other jobs. While in the Martian Chronicles their technology was way different than our technology today.

Anonymous said...

Technology, Earth, & the Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles was written 67 years ago by Ray Bradbury. He predicted by 2003 all of humanity would be on Mars. Only problem is, that I was born in 2003 in Little, Colorado, Earth. So that did not happen. My point being, people in the past have predicted that while by this far by this time, and most of the time it was wrong. So all of the scientific discoveries that are suppose to happen in a certain year may not. Humanity might not be able to even every do some of those things. Like curing cancer, or travel the galaxy at light speed. It is impossible to predict the future, it is possible to predict the likelihoods of the future, but the truth remains we truly do not know what is going to happen. Just Like Bradbury many of our predictions will never happen, many are false, amy will be delayed, and things that we never thought possible will come to pass.

Anonymous said...

Just think of it. Robots are going to be in our lives eventually. From replacing referees to the other side of the spectrum helping cling onto clothing for a "fashion statement". Ray Bradbury predicted that we would be sending humans to Mars. Its pretty crazy to actually know that we are thinking (more like trying) to achieve that goal. The idea of robots that can help drill tiny hole into your skull in a surgery type of procedure. What if you needed a tiny robot to help hug your heart to make sure it keeps on pumping? What if the robot fails? With the technology today it might be reliable but on the other side. If you get the robot and spend lots of money for it and it fails to work then leads to your death? Can robots really be that trusted?

Anonymous said...

Throughout the article Popular Science It shows many inventions and discoveries that are advancing and making/could make society better. Just to think about it, robots will probably soon be in our everyday lives, and it kind of scares me a little. The amount that the world has changed in a short amount of time is insane, and we all have our predictions on what will happen. For example in The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury predicted that civilization would move to Mars, and this book was written 67 years ago. Predictions were made about our time now, but they don’t really happen most of the time. So maybe robots might be in our lives, or we will run out of resources and have to travel to another planet, we never know until it actually happens. And until then,we keep on making theories, predictions and inventions until the world really does know what will happen next.

Anonymous said...

Each and every day something new is created. This connects to the Martian Chronicles because even though these shorts stories were written decades ago, they are about the future. All these technology headlines are incredible and makes us think about the our future. The author wrote these stories about colonizing Mars, and we are actually trying to do it. We have created so much, but there is still much to learn. Technology is still advancing, but tomorrow the new technology from today will be old. We are developing at an extraordinary rate. In the Martian Chronicles,the climate changes on Earth. SO the more we advance, the more consequences will occur. Not only Global Warming and all that, but everything else may also change.

Anonymous said...

After reading more of the of the article it makes me think about how far technology is, and how it is going to get farther and farther. As I was reading, there are these new ideas saying that during football games there will be a robotic referee, so they aren't bad calls. To think that technology can get that far is interesting to think about. I have mixed feelings about it. I think it's amazing how there are people that can think of things like this and make them work, but there are also bad things that can come along with technology becoming bigger and bigger. As I was reading Bradbury it also makes you think, because like he said many of our predictions will never happen, so you cant really assume what will happen with technology in the future.

Anonymous said...

After reading about joining forces with robots I realized how much we've grown in technology and robotics, but it also kind of scary because we've all had that theory of robots (technology) taking over the world. Now its slowly becoming a reality, soon everything we use will be electronic and nothing natural will be around anymore. These are just crazy things to think about.

Anonymous said...

Reading the new technology advancements makes me think a lot more about how much more we have to discover and learn. Just reading these titles and seeing so much improvement in the world today makes me think about how much more there is to learn and how much more advanced we can be in the world. I noticed that there are a lot of advancement especially with robots and technology, that have made ground-breaking discoveries, but it’s incredible how many more doors open with each new discovery. I find it intimidating in a way of how much robots are being used now, and how advanced they are getting. It could be a concern of having too much power and being uncontrollable to where the human race is put into danger over man-made things and robots. The Martian Chronicles is super intriguing because of all of the advancements and high tech things that were created just in the Author’s mind, and creates so much room for advancement between the real world and science fiction. There is little time before we actually create some of the things that are used in the book.

Anonymous said...

After reading the story it makes you think. There are so many things scientists and space explores don't know. All the things we do know is such a little percentage of things we don't know yet, there are so many things to explore. During the story, Mrs K. makes you think twice. She almost seems like she is a human, but u have to stop and think over again, that she is a Martian. The Martians and Humans, are totally different from each other. The martians, are scared that the humans are going to come attack the earth and take over their planet. While Humans are the total opposite, they are worried that the martians are the ones that will come and take over their planet. While others, don't even believe there is a third planet. This story, really makes the reader think about all the different thoughts people can have in the word. It also makes you think about all the things we don't know in the world. While I was reading the story, I think it was challenging, for me to always know that the story was being told by a martian and not a human. It makes the reader remind themselves about it.

Anonymous said...

After reading the story I think and process a lot. Science and technology is improving by the day for example the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X just came out like three months after the 7. Scientists are learning more by the hour, not just on one topic either. Mr. and Mrs.K make you take a double take because their relationship can seem so normal then it gets confusing and you have to remember they are Martians. The Martian Chronicles makes the reader think and really try to comprehend whats going on in the story and what day / age they are in. Humans technology may be farther or it could be more behind, which makes the reader think harder.

Anonymous said...

Technology is a great thing to have around but too much is just getting scary. Technology is taking over humanity we are trying to replace human tasks with robots. Screens and computers are getting more and more popular and now they’re everywhere. In “The Martian Chronicles” technology was very different and if they saw the technology we had today they would be amazed. The scary part about technology though is that it does make mistakes and if they replace nurses and doctors with robots one mistake and many people's lives could be on the line. Even though technology is nice we shouldn’t depend on it for everything.

Anonymous said...

Based upon your reading of recent technology development within this link Popular Science, what are you thinking regarding technology, The Martian Chronicles, and our present day understanding of our world and universe.

My thoughts regarding technology revolve around the popular reasoning of the technology/robot uprising. Thinking logically, there would be no reason this wouldn't happen, and with all the machinery being invented that really has no purpose, except being invented for the heck of it, it would make sense. I also believe that we should start being smarter about the things we invent, and use it for more purposeful reasons, such as focusing more on the health institute, versus, creating robots that dance. I believe this because if we were to focus on more medical things, we would be able to expand our understanding, and save more lives. In the Martian Chronicles they seem to use their technology for more understandable reasons, such as the mask, and guns, (though the guns could be argued).

Anonymous said...

As technology develops, it starts getting scary. There are so many things that scientists don't even know about. Many things are going to start being used by robots. In the martian Chronicles, they use their technology very differently because of the time period and what they had. They don't have to worry about all of the changes today and what is happening.

Anonymous said...

this made me realize how much our technology sophistication has gone up recently. The martin chronicles are moving at a fast pace, going back and fourth and changing plot quickly. This has something to do with how fast technology is moving right now. We are coming out with more inventions in the real world but the day. We are coming up with new technologies like phones and computers by the month, when it used to be by the year. Everything is going at a much faster pace.

Anonymous said...

After reading and analyzing the recent technology development within Popular Science, I have concluded that technology is growing faster than ever. On the website, there are multiple showcases of new discoveries and inventions. Screens, computers and robots are taking over the modern age. Sixty-seven years ago, Ray Bradbury published The Martian Chronicles predicting that all humans would be on Mars in the early 2010s. Implying that technology is advancing faster than any of us can prepare for. However, there is plenty of knowledge that we still have not uncovered about our own Earth, let alone focusing on other planets. Keeping the globe safe by communicating through one another should be our top priority because robots are not always going to work. In fact, robots can’t help us with our emotional problems, because they don’t have feelings, but instead are programmed to do every task. Sometimes robots malfunction and can’t be fixed. The path that America is taking forces us to always chose technology and use it, because it is “the best” way. The more we connect and interact with technology, the less we connect with each other. Our humanity is being drained little by little. If the rate of technology use stays the same, humans will soon become the robots. On the other hand, some technology allows us to understand the organisms inhabiting the Earth better. For example, the study performed on the Venus flytrap included micro-robots in order to mimic the grasp. All in all, technology has many benefits, but they are not worth losing our best qualities.