Friday, September 1, 2017


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Friday, September 1st, 2017 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

Danny MaCaskill inspired me to go and do more outdoor activities. His crazy stunts made me want to be outside doing something like hiking, scuba diving , cantoring, or skiing. It made me want to do something that is exhilarating, that I enjoy doing, that I do not get to do to often but I am good at. It also inspired me to try riding a bike again. I can ride a bike, but I am horrible at it. This reminds of some of the stunt that the Westernaires do. They do tricks on horseback that are insane and jaw dropping. Being in the horse back riding world, the first thing I thought when is saw this video was the Westernaires. This can relate to my writing and my academic behaviors because in the beginning he kept messing up. He would lose his balance or land wrong causing him to fall. He kept trying until he got the stunt right. If you mess up a essay, maybe you can not get your opening sentence down, or you do not understand a new concept you should keep trying even if you fall down. Meaning if you fail do not give up, try again until you get it.

Anonymous said...

He inspired me to focus on one thing and if I really love doing that one thing, I should work hard and never let anyone tell me I cant do it. The video was absolutely crazy, he was riding on fences and trees and it made me drop my mouth in awe. He clearly has great dedication to be able to achieve such skill and that to me is truly inspiring. And not to mention, the entire video he has a huge grin on his face. I want to be like him and do what I love passionately and with a huge smile on my face. He does the craziest tricks and stunts, and he must be a huge inspiration to little kids. If I watched this video when I first learned how to ride a bike, it would make me happy. I probably would have even tried some of the tricks myself.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's inspired Bicycles presentation related to my world by showing me to never give up even if I fall down. When I was younger and learning how to walk I cut my eye really bad, and it left a scar, but I kept walking after that, just like he kept trying to get on top of the fence. This video relates to writing because you always have to go back an edit a story in order to make it sufficient. He kept falling and getting back up, just like when people edit and keep going. His exploites can connect to academic indevers because you have to challenge yourself academically or you aren't learning enough, just like he is learning more about himself by doing what he is doing. Again, did he make you look twice? He most certainly did. Did he inspire and motivate you? Yes, because he kept going, even when it got really difficult.

Anonymous said...

Danny MacAskill inspired me to try new things. What he does on a daily occurrence is shocking. The stunts he completes are very dangerous, but I'm sure he loves it. I have always been on the safe side of things, but after watching this video, I kind of want to take a few risks. If I find something that I absolutely love, I should do it. I will most likely mess up sometimes, but so did he. He screwed up several times, but he kept getting back on his bike and trying again. I don't know if I would ever be into something that tricky, but it doesn't have to be what he is doing. Maybe it is just doing something that I wouldn't normally do. Danny MacAskill worked really hard to get to the point he is at today, and I hope to do the same with something one day.

Anonymous said...

Danny MaCaskill inspired me by his amazing bike stunts. It makes me want to go outside and learn how to do something amazing. There are many people out there like Danny. They are very good at certain skills that many people wish they knew how to do. He is spreading a positive vibe out into the world by showing people what he can do. At one point he couldn't even ride a bike! His perseverance is incredible. It makes me want to get better at the things I love doing.

Anonymous said...

Danny MaCaskill inspired me to go out and try something, even if I'm afraid. He got hurt a lot, and a lot of it looked really painful, but he kept getting back up and tried again. His drive and determination is really inspiring and I aspire to have qualities like that when I'm older. It shows that you will probably be the best of something, but it takes a lot of practice and determination. it doesn't just come naturally, you really have to work for it and want it. After watching this, I want to go and try something new.

Anonymous said...

Danny MacAskill inspired me, it made me think,you can do anything as long as you set your mind to it. The tricks he did with his bike were amazing to watch, In the beginning, he could barley ride a bike, but he set his mind to it and believed he could do it, doing that totally changed the outcome of how well he was able to ride his bike. I think I can relate,because it inspires me to try different things and be confident in things I might not be able to right now.

Anonymous said...

Danny MaCaskill inspired me to really enjoy my time outdoors. I go skiing every weekend in the winter when resorts open and when I ski, I really take it for granted. I should really be more grateful for the beautiful state that I live in and that I can do great things outside. This video inspired me to practice at what i'm good at so I can master it. I really want to continue my sports and get better at them as well as school each day.

Anonymous said...

This guy relates to my world because he likes to ride bikes a lot and does a type of bmx like me I do competitive bmx. He tries so hard and he gets to this point in life to where he can make a living off of what he does or getting sponsored in general. I try so hard and when I fall I get back up to try again. This doesn't motivate me as much as you think because this is a different kind of riding than I do I would watch other people and think that I could be that person. I think that I could get sponsored one day when im pro.

Anonymous said...

Danny MacAskill inspired me to appreciate others skills and talents more. His tricks in the video were really spectacular. The beginning of the video is a sign that says 'Danger of death, keep off' which really made me worry to be completely honest. One wrong move and hes gone. Suspense was circulating through my whole body. And thinking about how many times they recorded the video plus how many bikes he when through. His passion for riding a bike is so inspiring. At one time he was a beginner at biking, then he gained the skills over years and years of practice. Which makes me inspired showing me that I can do anything if I practice enough!

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill has inspired me to never give up and continue the skills I love. In the video his tricks were phenomenal and were insane. I did worry a little but when it showed the danger sign, but it made me relate because I ride horses for a living and it is the definition of danger. And I almost felt connected in a way, because with this you have to think that he recorded this many times and he most likely wiped out, but just like in riding once you fall you mount right back on. Just to think that at the beginning he was just learning how to ride a bike like us, and he soon blossoms into an amazing rider. I wanted to give up at some point because i was not improving but now I realize with all of the practice and improvements I can and did make, I can become an amazing rider someday. This has inspired me to do what I love and to continue and not give up even when things are hard, and someday I would like to make people's jaws drop like how Danny made mine hit the table.

Anonymous said...

This video inspired me to keep practicing on everything, because you can only get better the more you practice. This relates too writing in so many ones. One of them is that there are so many layers too everything we write, and that is how it is for Danny to learn how to do all those tricks. This also relates too writing because the more creative you get, the more interesting it is. This inspired me to keep trying on even the most hardest things, and to get back up when you fall.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill inspired me from the very beginning of the clip because he didn’t succeed at first, but he pushed through and was eventually able to get up and cross the fence. He never gave up and walked away, which I think is so important because he is so popular and is super good at something, and sometimes when you are so good and you don’t succeed you go on to something else and try that before you can get something, but he didn’t and he kept trying and trying. Like everyone, he couldn’t bike at sometime in his life, but now he is amazing at it. Everyone is a beginner at something, and it just takes persistence and tolerance to become amazing at it. The voice that was in the video was hope and encouragement. It started off with him failing and not getting it, but it goes on to him doing more incredible and amazing things which shows that the creator of this video wanted to show the watcher that everyone has to fail to succeed at some point. This can also relate to writing because I am sure the video could have been about so many other things with so many other tricks, but they chose to highlight him not succeeding which contributed to the watcher’s understanding that he has come so far and he keeps getting better. This video showed me that you should never give up, and should keep going forward.

Anonymous said...

Danny MaCaskill inspired me to go out and try something new even though its tough and to never let anyone tell me I can't. In the beginning of the clip he had a hard time succeeding but he kept on trying over and over again until he got it. If you are good something don't give it up and try something else. This video shows that you need to try hard to become perfect at it just doesn't come naturally. This relates to writing because it starts out hard but after time and practice, you start to become more creative and better at writing. This video has showed me to continue trying and never give up.

Anonymous said...

Danny MacAskill inspired me by his amazing bike stunts. It makes me want to learn something dangerous like similar to that. Even Danny got hurt few times he still did it over and over than giving up. His message is more of like keep doing it no matter what.It makes me want to do something I can do for fun.

Anonymous said...

The video that Danny McCaskill made inspired me to take risk and try new things. He was doing quite dangerous tricks on the bike and watching the video even made me be stressed out. I was scared he was going to fall and he did a few times. I think what he was doing relates to the real world by just him taking risks and living life on the edge. There are going to be things that seem dangerous and risky but sometimes you just have to go for it because it could be something you enjoy. I think it connects to my academic life by me trying and learning new things. Like I could try new vocabulary in my writing or I could collaborate with someone I barely know. Anything that would take me out of my comfort zone. That what I think his whole video was about.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think twice about how I'm doing things. Danny must've crashed and burned many times before this video was perfect and he landed every skill. People always say “Fall seven times get up 8” and that's exactly what he did. It's really motivating because sometimes when I fall seven times I don't always get up eight. Danny is also inspiring because what seems impossible has now been done. I wouldn't have thought twice about trying to learn all those tricks on that bike but even in other aspects of my life it has inspired me to try a little bit harder even when I feel like giving up.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think twice about how I'm doing things. Danny must've crashed and burned many times before this video was perfect and he landed every skill. People always say “Fall seven times get up 8” and that's exactly what he did. It's really motivating because sometimes when I fall seven times I don't always get up eight. Danny is also inspiring because what seems impossible has now been done. I wouldn't have thought twice about trying to learn all those tricks on that bike but even in other aspects of my life it has inspired me to try a little bit harder even when I feel like giving up.

Anonymous said...

The evidently talented “trick biker” Danny McCaskill has motivated me to keep pushing no matter what. Throughout the first few tricks shown, Danny failed, but he never stopped trying to perfect his skills. He mastered every stunt, and then he kept trying new ones, failing, and trying again. The message portrayed is to constantly try new things, because the more I expand my horizons as a student, person, and athlete, the better I can understand the world. The better I can comprehend others and their actions. Most of all, the better I can present myself. Possessing knowledge in various different subjects will make me a more fascinating person. I will bring something to the table at every job interview and contribute in my classes. If I fail, I won’t quit, but instead I’ll keep on trying until I master whatever it is that I’m striving for. Danny showed perseverance and resilience, both of which are admirable traits. As I grow and improve, I want to display those traits as well; they will make me strong. Overall, the video “Inspired Bicycles” encouraged me to dominate my goals - both academic and personal.

Anonymous said...

The video "Inspired Bicycles" made me think about all the things I gave up on just because I wasn't good at it. It inspired me to think that next time I try something new, if I keep working at it I'll eventually get as good as I want to be. Danny might have crashed at the beginning of the video, but at the end he achieved everything he wanted to do and learned to master the moves he aspired to learn.

Anonymous said...

The video "Inspired Bicycles" made me think of how many times I have given up on things because I was not good at them. This made me think about how at some point the guy who is doing the tricks was not good at them like he is now and how anyone can do whatever they want it just takes practice. This gave me more motivation to try new things and not give up. I think that no matter what it is, if you practice something enough you will get good at it. This video inspired me to try harder on things I am not good at.

Anonymous said...

This video was very inspirational to me because it makes me want to try harder in things i'm not so good in such as schools subjects, math and science or just in stuff in my everyday life that I could do better. If I put more effort into things I struggle in then I will end up like this guy, a pro at bicycle tricks, but a pro at whatever I want to do better in.

Anonymous said...

To me this video was very informational, I was very inspired by the story behind the bikes. It makes me think that I can do anything if I word hard enough for it. I now also believe that I can be very successful in school. I think that I can over come obstacles in my way or I can learn and adapt to an obstacle I may not be able to move.