Sunday, August 20, 2017

What Are You Thinking?

What did the 2016 Did You Know? presentation make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 25th, 2017.


Anonymous said...

The video scared me a bit. It is crazy to think that we already have so many people in the world, and in a few years we will have over 3 billion more. It makes me think more about my future because its going to be so different then what I thought it was going to be like. Its just really scary to think that so many things will be different. And for my parents, they probably had a way they wanted my future to go, and I doubt it will ever be what they imagined it to be. There is so much we dont know about the world, and things keep growing before we can learn and discover the things that are already here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how quickly our world is moving and its kind of crazy to think about how much technology has changed the way we live our lives daily, like 30 years ago we didn't have smartphones or wifi or even google and all of those things are involved in our lives everyday and it makes me wonder what's going to happen in the future and what technology is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

The 2016 Did You Know presentation really made me realize how big the world is. By 2020 there will be 10 billion people in the world. In my academics it makes me appreciate that I get to go to school and learn new things everyday, where some people don't get that opportunity. That video was also made a year ago, so that means more people are on facebook, more people are getting onto the internet, more people are graduation college, etc. It is proving that our world is growing very fast.

Anonymous said...

This made me think about how crowded the world is getting. People say America has too many people, but India and China have twice as many people as we do. I think that the world is moving at a much faster pace then it used to and I feel like it can not run this fast for too long.

Anonymous said...

What did the 2016 Did You Know? presentation make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world?

In 2016, I knew that the world was changing really quickly, but just like when you are in the car,looking at the moon, it doesn't look like it's moving at all, and just like change in the world, it appears to be moving slower than it is. But, after watching the video, we are all growing faster than we think. The population and technology are growing, probably, the most. The presentation made me think about how insane it is, how far we've come. In the 1900's, which was not that long ago, the first phone call was made, and now we have smart phones, television, and technology. This may impact my academics and view on the world, because after the politics on world destruction, I've been thinking a lot about how quickly we could disappear, yet when I was thinking the world was ending, it was just starting. The world is going to keep moving and it will keep changing, drastically. Just like the first inventors, we've all got a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how the future is going to be so different than any years before. The internet has a huge affect on the future of the world and how it keeps just getting more popular and how its affects and will affect jobs we have now or will have in the future. I'm blow away on some of the statistics. Like if facebook was a country it'd be the largest country. It shows how many people are getting on the internet. The video made me open my eyes.

Anonymous said...

The 2016 Did You Know presentation really made me realize how big the world is. By 2020 there will be 10 billion people in the world. In my academics it makes me appreciate that I get to go to school and learn new things everyday, where some people don't get that opportunity. That video was also made a year ago, so that means more people are on facebook, more people are getting onto the internet, more people are graduation college, etc. It is proving that our world is growing very fast.

Anonymous said...

Watching the video made me really put into consideration how many people there really are in The United States and how big our population really is. I really started thinking when it mentioned that during the time period of the video, 60 babies were born. The population is 7.3 billion people and is growing at such a high rate that by 2050 there will be an estimated of 10 billion people. It was cool and kind of scary how 25% of China that has high I.Q.s is more than North America combined, because it is so highly populated and is still growing, so what kind of lifestyle will that be for the people living in China and India. This could impact America’s academics because we have lots of competition with other places which could pose a problem when things start to matter.

Anonymous said...

This video sorta scared me to be honest. This is because the people on Earth are growing, but the space of the world is not. Environmentally we may end up killing our Earth if we don’t take better care of it with all the people now on Earth. But through our academics we can teach the students what we need to do, since we will one day be the leaders of the world. Along with that technology is growing at an excruciatingly fast rate, that the students will have to keep up with in order to continue learning.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To think that the the world is so massive is insane, thinking about the billions of people on the earth populating tons of areas. It seems huge in just Colorado when there are states and countries that are so much larger and have much more people. It is only 2017 and by 2020 we will have 3 billion more people populating this earth. It makes me worry and others worry about what we will do when it comes to supplies and areas to live. And to think of all of the jobs that will be occupied and how much more they will have to hire, Colorado is already hiring young to have more people working. Soon enough the world is going to change completely and there is going to be a change in supplies, taxes, and even the amount of roads and that would mean more constructions and more space taken up. All together the world is really about to change.

Anonymous said...

The most important piece of information in that video to me is how in 2049 there will be a computer that can compute more than our entire species. It makes you think how necessary are we? We are going to make something more intelligent than our entire species put together. What will the human race do after that, what can we do that the computer will not? What will be our purpose after we are not needed anymore? What will the computer be able to fix? What will it think of that we have not? Will it have AI, or will it have no emotions? Will it be able to fix problems such as the global hunger crises or lack of housing? Will it make millions of jobs not necessary? What if it does, and millions of people have no job? What if it makes things like space travel possible? Will it think of ways to travel across the stars? Will it answer questions about antimatter, and dark energy? Or will it just be a really fast computer?

Anonymous said...

When I saw the Video the population of our world. So I was shocked that later we would have over 10 billion people living on our earth. In the future we would have smaller space but what would we do with water,food or our resources? I think we are not needed on this plane, because we are causing global warming the animals did NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this video was really cool and exciting to watch. I learned a lot of new things and facts that I never even thought about before. The fact that stood out to me the most was that China’s honor kids population is bigger than the USA’s entire child population. That is crazy! I don’t remember the exact number but I think that out of China’s population, 25% of them are honors. That means that 25% of their whole population is 100% of ours. Another fact that I saw was that 1 in 6 (I think) of marriages that end in divorces are because of Facebook. A social media app has ended marriages?! Unbelievable!! There were several other interesting facts that I learned, but I don’t remember them all because the video had at least 50 of them.

Anonymous said...

I thought this video was really insightful and I learned so many crazy facts! One thing that really made me think was how the most demanding jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004, so today we are learning things to do jobs that don't even exist yet! Another crazy fact that I saw was that 1 in 6 divorces happen because of Facebook. It made me wonder how that even happens? One last thing that made me really think was how the predicted population for 2050 was 10 billion people! It makes you wonder how we are going to have enough room on the earth for everybody. Will we have to worry about running out of clean water?

Anonymous said...

The video overall was very informative. Many facts that fascinated me. The ones that stood out the most to me were just a select few. “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet (using technology that haven’t been invented.)” was extremely interesting to me. The reason being that if teachers are preparing students for jobs we don't even know, what an adventure life is going to be in the future! “For the first time, we have 4 generations working side by side (Traditionalist-Write me, Boomer-Call me, Gen X-email me, Millennial-text me).” fact was pretty cool as well. “There are 100 billion searches on Google every month.” I thought that the searches were going to be a big number but not that BIG. “The first mobile phone call took place on April 3, 1973.” I like how it has the date and not just the year. “Candy Crush Saga earned $850,000 per day.” How can a gaming app get so much money?! Unless a child accidentally spent money on their parents credit card. “It is estimated that a week’s worth of new york times, contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18 century.” things have advanced immensely over the century.

Anonymous said...

In the 2016 did you know, made me really think about the world and how big it is. Just to know that in 2020 there will be 10 million more people then there is now is crazy to think about. It definitely made me think about the world and overpopulating, and thinking how will there be enough food water clothing ect. for everyone.In the video they also said that candy crush makes $830,000 a day. Thinking about that statement, also made me think, how far our world has come in technology. People must be board to spend money on a game like that.

Anonymous said...

The video allowed me to realize how massive and competitive the world truly is. It introduces the populations of China and India, stating that India has as many honor students as we have students! Therefore, implying the children of third world countries are hungrier for knowledge. Our education, which we sometimes take for granted, is what those kids feed on. What they live on. If there are other students around the world, thousands of them, that are just as smart as us, but hungrier, they will make the world more advanced. They will pass the United States in the race that determines what countries will advance planet Earth. As the world population increases, job opportunities decrease. As mentioned in the video most students are preparing for jobs that don’t even exist yet. This information proves that I need to take more out of my classes than just the homework or other assignments. The classroom is just the beginning. As I age, the world gets more and more advanced. We as students should follow our passions because what we love will take us the furthest in life. The most intriguing path will make us most happy in life. In America, the richest country in the world, we are presented with a plethora of opportunities. What third world countries do better is that they take those opportunities and exhaust them. We need to prove that we are capable of the kind of determination that can be found in India and China. Every time a child in America picks up a tablet to watch Netflix, or grabs their phone to Snapchat, a kid in India or China picks up a book and learns instead of wasting time sending meaningless photographs.
With the help of technology many US jobs are accessible to people from China and India which creates a competitive field in which we are forced to play. We need to be better than the brightest 25% of the competition.
Overall, this video inspired me to do as much as I possibly can to advance my skill set.

Anonymous said...

The presentation video made me think, that we're studying for jobs that don’t even exist yet and how just in a couple years this world will change so much, there will be over 3 billion more people. In just a couple years there will be so many advancements in science and technology. Not that long ago the Iphone came out and now there are already Iphone 7’s. The population amazed me too. It seems crazy that China has more honor students in their country than we have students. Also that 1 in 6 people blame facebook for their divorce? I don’t believe that I think people just want someone to blame other than themselves for their marriages that didn’t last. Overall this was a pretty interesting video it had a bunch of really cool facts in it that I never would’ve known had I not watched the video.

Anonymous said...

The video made me think about how in school we're being prepared for jobs that don't even exist yet. This really shocked me because, in the next 5 years were going to have so many more opportunities and do more occupations that are going to impact our world in new ways.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me think how much has happened throughout these years, its crazy that all the things that are happening now, we will all soon look back on. So many improvements on technology and social media , but social media has made marriages into divorces and that is so surprising to me that 1 and 6 people blame Facebook for their marriages ending.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me very nervous because as it is China is already dealing with over population. China has population control and what happens if the all the countries start using this method? People can't be adopted, they would have to be killed because they can't go anywhere else. This video also makes me think about how 3rd world countries can have the most intelligent group of people in the world. For example India has more honor students then the US has students total. Another thing is technology advancing. Technology advancing can be very good for us as a human race or very bad. Very good in the medical sense, more people will be helped mentally and physically. Very bad in the sense that we could just be staring at screens the whole time rather then one another which can lead to bigger issues. Overall this video was very informational and I'm glad I watched it.