Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Significant Other? Perfection? "Romeo And Juliet?" Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Match " handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-12-17.


Anonymous said...

After filling out this survey and having my mom fill out the survey I was shcoked with the different results/opinions we had. I felt very similar to Romeo and Juliet becasue Juliet's parents had different ideas and of what the type of boys they wanted her to date. They weren't to fond of Romeo and seeing my mom's preference of what type of boys she prefers me to date shocked me. I thought we would be on somehwat of the same page but we weren't on the same page at all. This makes me laugh and I find it very funny about the different choices my mom and I have. I didn't really understand how Juliet felt and wondered why her parents were so against but I am excited to see how they overcame these obstacles.

Anonymous said...

Something from my “Perfect Match” that I find essential to share is how it really made me reflect on what I wanted in a match and who I was as a person. I wanted someone compatible, but you can’t have the perfect person for you if you don’t try and live up to who they want. In a relationship, it’s give and take. You can’t have everything if you don’t sacrifice for it. My experience relates to Romeo and Juliet’s situation because my parents may not have the same idea about what I want to have in a match. This makes me think of how hard it must have been for Romeo and Juliet because they weren’t accepted by their parents and most people.

Anonymous said...

When my parents and I filled out the survey, I noticed that they had the same traits for the perfect match as I did. We both wanted the best for me and we both want me to stay safe. This is like Romeo and Juliet because Juliet and her father, both want what's best for her and both want her to be happy. They may have the same ideas for the perfect guy for her, however, she may love someone else than who her father wants her to love.

Anonymous said...

When my parents filled out the survey I noticed they wanted things for me that made certain of my wellbeing and future, but also some things that focus on my happiness. I thought it was interesting to see what they wanted for me versus what I wanted for myself because they were similar but what my parents wrote first were centered around my future to be good, while my top traits were for my happiness. This is like Romeo and Juliet because her father wants her to marry well and pick someone who will take care of her while Juliet wants to marry for love. Both of them think they're choosing what's best for he.

Anonymous said...

When my parents and I filled out the survey we found out that we have similar views on what characteristics I would look for. I didn't really know what I would look for but then when I did my things met my parents. Its different from Romeo and Juliet because Juliet and her parents didn't agree on who she should marry, but her dad is trying to do what is best for her in his point of view.

Anonymous said...

As my parents and I filled out the Perfect Match Survey, we all realized that we had a lot in common. I clearly want someone that my parents approve of and that I find charming. I want him to be able to put my needs before his own and stay loyal to me. I would like him to have the same beliefs as I do and be truly committed to me. My parents wanted the same character traits. I am definitely not in the same boat as Romeo and Juliet because we have the same standard character traits for my future boyfriend/husband. It would be extremely hard to love someone and want to get married but your parents forbid it.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to see that my mom picked very similar characteristics to what I said. We both picked traits that meant I would be happy but also make sure there is a future. This relates to Juliet’s parents because they want her to have a future and be happy, but they don’t believe that Romeo is that person. I am curious to read this play to discover in more detail how Romeo and Juliet deal with being happy with each other against their parents’ will.

Anonymous said...

When my mom filled out the perfect match survey she put down pretty much the same exact qualities that I put down myself. Although there are a few qualities that she wrote that don't matter to me I was actually happy with the results. My situation is not like Romeo and Juliets forbidden love because my mom and I agree both agree on important traits and attributes. This makes me happy because it makes me think if I like someone my parents will approve of them to and I won't have to go through a Romeo and Juliet situation.

Anonymous said...

After me and my parents completing the “Perfect Match” survey it made me realize how both my and parents and I focused on traits that revolved around my comfort and happiness with my match. Even though I added physical characteristics including looks, and my parents did not I do not truly think that matters. Though I know they want the best for me, there were only some differences (not many). With that being said, this relates to what I know about Romeo and Juliet because the parents in the text wanted what’s best for their kids rather than what us teens may want. This makes me think that us kids who are dating should have more of like an 80%-20% ratio against parents, leaving them room to guide us but not choose for us.

Anonymous said...

When completing the "Perfect Match Survey" I realized how it's common to want similar things as your parents. However, there is still a degree of difference that could create a problem when finding a significant other. My parents, I feel like would support me with whoever I chose, but they could still potentially have problems with them. In Romeo and Juliet's situation, their parents were very strict about it, creating the conflict because they both wanted to be with each other but their parents would not allow it.

Anonymous said...

After my parents and I filled out the Perfect Match Survey I noticed that there was many similarities and a few differences in the lists of me and my mom's list about my perfect match. My parents know the most out of anyone about me and most of the factors on my mom's list for me were traits of a person who fits who I am and looking out for me. The lists were very similar in the traits I wanted and the traits my mom had guessed for my Perfect Match. I thought is was very intriguing to find my parents thoughts vs and mine and how similar they ended up being. This relates to Romeo and Juliet as well because Juliet's parents just were looking out for her. They wanted to make sure she was treated very well but didn't approve of Romeo as their families had been in a quarrel. Her father didn't realize the true love Juliet had for Romeo and that was the most important. i also feel that in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's father doesn't give Romeo a chance and disapproves of him from the beginning. Both have different opinions on the idea of love and the perfect match for Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s important to know that my parents and I are on the same page when it comes to the “Perfect Match” survey. My parents and I both agree on characteristics that I should have for a perfect match. I know that in Romeo and Juliet their parents would not allow for them to love each other. However, if it were my parents and I chose someone who did not fulfil the characteristics I feel like they’d still respect who I liked. But in the story Romeo and Juliet , that wasn’t allowed. Some things that surprised me in the survey was that my dad only put down, “Personality”. That’s it. Nothing else. It just kind of shocked me because I know how protective he is about me and I’m stunned me he didn’t go into detail.

Anonymous said...

On the Perfect Match Survey, my parents surprised me by sharing my values in a perfect match for me. They chose many values that reverberated mine, but the characteristics they chose leaned towards my well-being rather than my initial happiness. The characteristics I chose reflected on my happiness and although my parents had the same characteristics their reasoning behind their decision was that those characteristics were the best for someone to take care of me. This intrigued me because what I had chosen for happiness was what my parents had chosen for wellbeing suggesting that my ideals came to be for my wellbeing as well. This is opposite of Romeo and Juliet's situation where Juliets parents desire someone other than Romeo and his character. They desire the best for their daughter rather than what she wanted.

Anonymous said...

I had filled out part of my survey first and then my parents filled out there part. It was weird to see that my mom mostly was so specific and seemed to have thought about this topic a lot. Where as I struggled thinking about what I would really want in a perfect match. Our outcomes were a little different, but some were the same. There were points were my mother was talking about what she wants for me and it was weird to see that my mom might know me a little better than I know myself.

Anonymous said...

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Match " handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate?

The thing that essential is that my parents have different points of view on guys and what we think of them. My parents won't let me date the dude unless they approve, which is rare. It makes me think that I should consider things before jumping into things.

Unknown said...

after fulling out the survey that me and my mom my not have the same things that we want in a guy for me but in the end we are able to compromise as well as her letting me learn lessons of what I want and what to stay away from

Anonymous said...

When I filled out the survey, I noticed that my mom only really cared about one quality, academics. I found this strange because this was more about my future and being supported moneywise by the person I’m with. These are different from than the qualities that I look for.I chose qualities that were more for my overall happiness rather than my well being. The matchmaker survey related to Romeo and Juliet because just like in Romeo and Juliet’s situation, my mom doesn’t look for the same qualities in a guy that I would look for. Also, if a guy that has the qualities I look for but doesn’t have the qualities that my mom looks for then she may not approve of a relationship, just like Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

After filling out the survey, I realized how alike my mom and I are about choosing traits and qualities. They were very similar and it just goes to show how alike we really are. My mom and I both care more about happiness than anything else. The traits I chose and the traits she chose were very alike, and not much varied between them.

Anonymous said...

After filling out the survey I was surprised on how me and my parents were the same about choosing qualities in someone and they value happiness as much as me. My parents also wanted traits for me to be most successful with if I match up with someone well