Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  After watching the film clip, please respond during class.


Anonymous said...

One difference is how the cyclopes is how how they got away. They pretended to be sheep to get out of the cave after they make the cyclone blind. They did not do everything that the Odyssey. They also had a flute there to calm the cyclops. Then when they get out they ask if he is ok and then when they are a little farther away Odyssey’s told the cyclops his real name.

Anonymous said...

A subtle difference that I noticed between The Odyssey and the Cyclops episode is that Odysseus says that his name is Nobody; however, in the book, he called himself Noman. Another difference was that, in the video, one of his comrades tried to tell his real name before Odysseus claimed he was Nobody. A small difference that I noticed was that one of Odysseus comrades was playing the flute, even though that wasn’t mentioned in the book. The last difference that I noticed was that they escaped more quickly in the video, then they had in the book. However, there were many things that were the same; for example, Odysseus revealing his true name, the Cyclops killing members of Odysseus’ crew, and how the Cyclops became blind.

Anonymous said...

While the cyclops is drinking the wine, the men were all dancing. Also when trying to make a plan to escape the cave and the cyclops, a man plays a flute to mask the noise that way the men can do whatever they need to do. Also, in the movie the cyclops only ate one man while in the book the cyclops ate several. Most everything was the same besides those few differences.

Anonymous said...

I noticed a differences are that they make the giant fall asleep from giving him wine. Also there is a guy playing a flute to keep the cyclops alseep. Odysseus hangs under the largest ram not a random soldier like in the book. Odysseus is a taunter, he tells his true name when they are almost out of range.

Anonymous said...

Instead of passing out the giant just falls asleep and they do not sharpen the sword in the fire. The flute is not used in the book either. They do not escape on the sheep's bellies like described in the book. Odysseus and his men don't portray a good guest/host relationship and choose to eat the cyclops food which ends poorly for him. His hubris is shown greatly as it's clear his intentions are to harm the cyclops but only really thinks of himself especially when he reveals his true identity at the end.

Anonymous said...

Some of the things that are different about the book from the film were 1. there wasn't anybody playing the flute in the book, but it seemed to be a great distraction during this film, 2. Some of the men just ran out of the cave, but from what I read, I thought that all the men rode under the goats. 3. The cyclops only ate one person in the film, and it said that he ate two people in the book. I liked watching the film, because anything that I was confused about, I understood after seeing it visually in motion picture.

Anonymous said...

There are many similarities but also many differences. The first difference I found was within the text. In the book, Odysseus calls himself Noman but in the film he calls himself Nobody. There was also not a flute in the book, yet there was one in the film. The intelligence of the cyclops is the same. He is not very smart and is easily fooled (the potent wine and actually believing that Odysseus' name is Nobody/Noman).

Anonymous said...

In the episode the Cyclops only ate one man were in the book he ate about 6. Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is Nobody in the short film, were as in the original piece he calls himself Norman. Also In the text the men roasted the end of the stick in the fire to char the ends, but in the movie they only sharpened it. Lastly In the book there was no guy playing a flute, which I think was a good add on because it helped to distract the Cyclops and put him to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Although the film was a very close replication of the text there was also differences. In the book Polyphemus isn't immediately hostile but gives a false display of welcoming but eventually shows that he wants to eat the men. In the book he eats two men but in the film he only ate one. Then in the book the cyclops had kept them in the cave longer but in the video it seems that his actions took place only during a short period of time. Odysseus made a pseudonym in both pieces by saying his name was "Nobody" in order to protect himself since he knew the giant would scream "Nobody is killing me" which leads his brothers to believe that he is safe. In the end Odysseus reveals his true name because he wants to be recognized for his heroic work.

Anonymous said...

One thing I noticed was different from the book to the film is that the men were eaten without being cooked. Odysseus volunteered to get eaten, which did not happen in the book. In the book, when the Cyclops asked Odysseus his name he said Noman, but in the film he said No Ba Dee (Nobody). Cyclops did not accept the cheese that the men offered him, but did accept the wine and after he drank the wine, a flute began to play which did not happen in the book. In the book Odysseus comes up with the idea to tie his men to sheep, but in the film the men had the idea of getting past the Cyclops by getting under the sheep. Odysseus told the Cyclops his real name in the book which also did not happen in the film.

Anonymous said...

There are a few very noticeable points the movie missed, like how they stake used to blind him was set in fire and was like a 'hot stake'. There was never a mention of a flute in the book. When they were escaping, in the book they held on to the bottom of Rams, and in the book Odysseus call himself Noman instead of nobody.

Anonymous said...

A subtle difference between the book and movie is the pseudonym Odysseus uses. In the book Odysseus uses the name Noman but in the movie he uses the name Nobody. Another difference is that Odysseus comes up with the idea to hide under sheep where in the movie somebody else comes up with the idea. Also the use of a flute was added into the movie adaptation. Athena, Hermes, and Dionysus can be said to be present in the scene. Athena's trademark symbol, the olive tree, appears when Odysseus plots to stab the Cyclops in the eye. Hermes, the god of stealth and thievery, aids Odysseus in the form of sheep while Dionysus, the god of wine, can be seen through the wine he supplies Odysseus with to mellow the cyclops.

Anonymous said...

Some differences in the story was that in the story there was no guy playing the flute as if it was in the movie, and in the story it was more dramatic from the cyclops eating 6 men instead of 1 in the movie, and they used their stick to take out his eye from sharpening it and burning it while in the movie they just sharpened it.

Anonymous said...

In the book, the ogre eats a few of Odyssey’s men, when in the video, the ogre had eaten a only one. Also, the ogre fell asleep but in the video but in the book he just gets drowsy. One last difference is that when they were escaping, they all just ran out, when in the video, one dressed up as a sheep to escape and got picked up another has a hard time escaping so he plays the flute which also doesn’t happen in the book. A similarity from the book is that Odyssey talks his way out of/tricks the ogre so that him and his men could live and that is the same thing that happened in the book. Odyssey has a talent for talking his way out of things and to save his men and that is exactly what he does to survive every time. He works his away around things.

Anonymous said...

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode? Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend. Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?

Odysseus hangs under and sheep and in the book he does that to but i don't rember reading about a flute and in the movie there was a person who was playing flute to clam the cyclops.

Anonymous said...

Comparing the Odyssey Film to the book, “Odyssey” there were many differences. For example, in the book, the Cyclops ate 4 men and not 1. Next, when Odyssey stated that his name was “Noman” in the book rather than “Nobody”, but either way it’s still on the same guidelines. Then, when they were about to blind the Cyclops, they burned the wood before stabbing his eye. But in the clip it just showed them stabbing it instead. Finally, the biggest difference I noticed was that there was nothing stated about a man playing a flute in the entire chapter. Yet in the video he was playing the flute the portion of the time to calm down the Cyclops. Overall, the clip and book still show how Odysseus is a heroic man and shows how he strives to save his men.

Anonymous said...

Some differences that I noticed in the movie compared to the text is that Odysseus never brought gifts for the Cyclops, yet he did say that his men were all guests and should have a gift. The Cyclops only ate one person in the film compared to four men in the movie. Along with, Odysseus pretending to have magic in his head and have all the secrets of the world, which was never spoken in the text. Another man played the flute that never occured in the novel while the Cyclops was drunk. Like the story the Cyclops's eye was poked by wood, but the stick isn't burnt in the movie like it is in the book. Last, in the story Odysseus's said his name was Noman, but in the movie he called himself nobody.

Anonymous said...

Some differences that I notice comparing The Odyssey and this film clip are that the way all of the men escaped from the cave, Odysseus calling himself nobody not noman, and one of the men playing the flute to calm the cyclopes. The first thing that was different was that in the Odyssey book it took much much longer for all of the men to escape than in the film. Another thing that was different about the book and the film was the way Odysseus addressed himself. In the book he called himself No man while in this short film he stopped a man from saying his real name but then said that his name was nobody. The last thing that I noticed that was different between these two things was the man playing the flute. In the film one of the men in the Odyssey was continuously playing the flute to calm the cyclops but in the story there was never any mention of anyone playing any sort of instrument. All three of these things are differences that I noticed between the Odyssey book and this short clip recreating the Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

In Book IX, The Odyssey, I spotted many differences between the movie and the story. In the story, when Odysseus seems more sneaky in the book than in the movie. For example, when he is building the large stick, he doesn't seem as devious in the movie as he does in the book. Also, in the book, they never described having one of his men playing the flute to put the cyclops to sleep. Also, in the story, Odysseus wants to try to treat the cyclops well like a regular human being. In the movie, he doesn't seem to act that way. Another thing I noticed was, in the story, they already have their large stick ready and hurting him and the wine to put in to sleep. The cyclops doesn't even know that they are there before he gets there. The cyclops meets them after they have everything prepared. In the movie, they prepare everything after they meet the cyclops and put him to sleep.

Anonymous said...

In the story, Odysseus says his name is Noman but in the short film or movie, he says it's nobody. Also in the video clip they use the flute to calm the monster down which is not shown in the story. As well as the video showing that Odysseus bringing the monster gifts.

Anonymous said...

The movie clip and the story in the book were about the same story but portrayed in different ways. At first, in both situations the men were frightened when the cyclops entered the cave while Odysseus tries to talk to him. The cyclone entered with sheep in the book but not in the movie. Also, in the book he eats two of Odysseus's men but in the movie he only ate one. Odysseus then gave the cyclone the wine but in the movie it was in a large bowl while in the book he drank three cups. When the cyclone was done he asked his name and in the book Odysseus responded saying his name was Noman and in the movie he called himself Nobody. While he was asleep, in the movie one of the men played the flute when in the book this didn't occur. In both, the cyclone was stabbed in the eye but in the movie instead of Odysseus's idea to crawl under the sheep, it was another man's idea to escape. Lastly in the movie, the man playing the flute got killed. Even though the movie and the book are the same story, there are different actions and views in each one.

Anonymous said...

Overall, the clip from the movie and the story from the book were the same but they were shown in different ways. There were a minimal amount of differences, but not enough to the point where the story and the movie seemed completely different. Some of the differences between the two, were the way the men escaped from the cave and how Odysseus kept on calling himself nobody instead of Noman,as he did in the book. Also, in the book it was never mentioned that one of his men played the flute in order to put the cyclops to sleep. In both the book and the movie, the same main story is told, however there are small details in both, that share more differences than similarities.