Friday, November 18, 2016

"The Odyssey?" Background Information?

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc... Blog post is due Nov. 28th by 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

The main thing that I understand about the odyssey that they fought in war a lot but yet they still gave us what we have today such as parties calendars some with the knowledge on how to read the sun to find when the sun will go down.

Anonymous said...

Some comments that I can make about the Odyssey are that this was a very long voyage that was made from Earth to Space. This was a story about a man and his journey to find his home. An Odyssey is a long journey with hardships and challenges. Trojan war was one of the most famous wars. Odesies was a different kind of hero. Any trip or journey is looked at like a series of hard tests. Odesis needed to say who he was to feel important. He had a long journey home it was supposed to take 2 weeks but it took 10 years since they got very lost. All gods don’t always work against each other and somewhat go against one another. Odesis should live and embrace him live and receive immortality opposed to not receiving immortality. Odesis has faced many many challenges but still is able to make it through theses challenges and that life is the best and nothing can beat it. Throughout this video I have learned many new things about the Odyssey and am very excited to read and learn more about it.

Anonymous said...

Some back ground information I have had over the Odyssey is about a warrior named odysious and his journey on his way home. Odyssey is a long trip a long journey all for a purpose of whatever it is. There can be many obstacles during the journey which can be war just like in the odyssey. Odysious was a different kind of hero according to the video and saying that he is very human. The voyage to his home was suppose to take about 2 weeks, instead it took his journey 10 years. This brave warrior was given a mission to discover and wonder the dangerous sea it was a test. In other examples such as Apollo 13 was thrown many twists and turns before the astronauts had to come home.

Anonymous said...

It's The story of a mythical creature Odysseus. An odyssey is a long trip full of adventures and hardships. Odysseus is different and is more like a human then others. On his way home he must pass a series of "tests". An ego trip. He meets a cyclops where some of his men are eaten and his men poke him in the eye. Poseidon the cyclops father stirs up the sea. Ego is used as the word I. Myth was taught as science and history and as the forces of nature. Calypso offers immortality but rejects it. The word odyssey has now entered our language. He has to take the choice that is the lesser evil.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey is about Odysseus’ journey home to his family and town after the Trojan war, and all about the journeys and trials he had to take on that way. It took 10 years rather than the expected 2 months, Odysseus came upon the island of the Cyclops. The cyclops ate many of his men so they poked him in the eye, and the cyclops’ father Poseidon went out to get them and made the seas almost impossible to travel. He went to twelve extra stops, lost all of men and ships. So from this story I think the Odyssey is going to be about trials, punishment, adventure, man vs.self and man vs. society.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey is part of Greek mythology which illustrates a story of a man, Odysseus, who fights in the Trojan War then attempts to return back to his wife. On his way back, he must pass a series of challenges, such as fighting the cyclops Polyphemus who kills his friends. Odysseus outsmarts the giant and ends up stabbing him in the eye so he can not see any longer. Poseidon, who is the cyclopes father, seeks revenge by making it almost impossible to travel through the ocean. Throughout the journey he ends up losing all his men and ships. Overall the story seems to be very interesting and full of twists and turns.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is a story that focuses around Odysseus and his journey home after the Trojan war. In his journey, Odysseus is challenged by a cyclops,sirens, a three headed monster, and lotus. This story is about bravery and facing your fears to do what needs to be done. Odysseus ends up defeating all these challenges but takes a lot of motivation to get home to his old life. At times, Odysseus wants to give up. But, he strives to continue and tries his best in each challenge. This story is very entertaining and always keeps you wanting more.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is considered a long trip that is filled with struggle to find the place you want to call “home” although he is also a Greek God. From the video we find out that many people had struggled to fight in Wars. The phrase goes to those who are strong and fight through. Odyssey was a strong leader to a large amount of people. Odyssey wouldn’t be remembered if he wasn’t Odyssey. He is only remembered because he stood out from a long journey and was a leader and hero to many people. The Gods represent the forces of nature. They are known to form the shape of life. Everything is known as what it is because of these Gods. They are known to last forever: they live on even when we die. Odyssey thinks that he shouldn’t get immortality, he should just go home and live his life until he dies. I don't agree that Odyssey is kind of like Indiana Jones because he isn’t that adventurous and isn’t known to be a risk taker. “Life would be dull if you didn’t try something new every once in awhile.” This quote represents Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

The book, “The Odyssey,” is about Odysseus returning back to his home. He was known as an “Epic Hero” and fought as an individual. I think that the theme could be Ego, just like the book “Anthem” was. The video states that he was very bold and that he stood out. However, the God’s in this book represent nature. They justified human life with themselves. Poseidon won’t let Odysseus return back and he suffers in the seas. Odysseus follows the Goddess, Athena, who is full of wisdom and strength. He is just as strong as her because he struggles through his life, as for Athena doesn’t which shows how he stands out from others.  Finally, the definition of Odyssey means life itself, so I think the last thing I can take/understand about this book is that it’s going to be about how Odysseus explores through his rough yet bold life.

Anonymous said...

The Background film about The Odyssey states that an odyssey is a long trip home with many tough obstacles. For example; the greatest odyssey of all time began thousands of years ago, with one mortal man named Odysseus. Being a brave, bold, and sometimes a liar, Odysseus wanted to return to his wife Penelope after the Trojan war. But, confronted by many problems on his way home, he had to suffer through life and death solutions. These many problems were partly his fault when he stabbed Poseidon's Cyclops son in the eye. Poseidon made Odysseus's travel home 10 times longer than it could have been by sending the mortal to many different evil creatures and lands.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus is a part of Greek mythology that shows his journey homeward. Odyssey was many hardships and adventures in a long trip. Odysseus was a unique warrior from the rest. He was a human that could be compared to no other. His journey home took way longer than intended. Instead of 2 months, his journey from Troy took 10 years. Through this he encountered a cyclone, hard ship adventures at sea, and many unexpected events. He denied immortality as he wanted to live life with his family. Odysseus is different from the rest and it will be very intriguing to learn more about him.

Anonymous said...

An odyssey can be defined as a long trip or voyage with many difficulties. During the Trojan war, we are introduced to Odysseus and the Helen of Troy as explained in the Iliad. Odysseus adventures through many difficulties and obstacles on a voyage to Troy. He faces a cyclops which threatens the lives of his men and in return blinds him. Odysseus then tells the cyclops his name is No Man but later reveals his true identity because of the ego and pride he possessed that made him want his victim to know of him. The price we pay for our suffering makes us the noble beings we are and makes us more vulnerable and fame worthy than the gods. Odysseus rejects immortality to live his own life.

Anonymous said...

From what I understood from the video, Odyssey is about Odysseus’ life adventure and what happens to him. There was a war that may have happened 1200 BC. Odysseus is brave, bold, a liar, and human. He has a wife, Penelope. There was a journey that Odysseus went on that was supposed to take 2 months that ended up taking 10 years. There were very harsh punishments in the story, from my understanding. There is ego in the story, similarly to how there is in Anthem. The gods in the story are gods of nature and gods of men. This has a lot to do with Greek Mythology and all of the goddesses and gods. The poem could be about being a human being and how there is life and death. The word odyssey can mean life in today’s society. Odysseus can be compared to Indiana Jones, except that Odysseus is considered a better hero. I also think the poem will have something to do with space and exploration.

Anonymous said...

From the video, I gained the information that an odyssey is a long journey that someone endures on. Not just any journey, but a journey that is filled with adventure that is very bold and long. Many Greeks, gods and goddesses went on journeys back in ancient Greece. Many stories within Greek Mythology include stories in which the people went on many odysseys.