Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Technology And A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class today.


Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how advanced our technology is, and how this beautiful thing is bigger then us all. In the video technology is being used to its best. Equality also wanted to use his discovery to the fullest. Just like us but because Anthem isn't open to improve the future they turned it down.

Anonymous said...

The video "Technology and A primitive Futuristic society" tells us that we need to start to control our lives, and that technology is just going to keep growing and growing and we need to learn.In Anthem, Equality is trying to make his world easier, he wants there to be love, and he is trying to change his world. Life in 2015 is so different than equality's world,technology and people, and everything has just changed and become bigger. We are in the future now.Soon we will be the technology, and things will be way different than before.Like the video said, "Technology is us".

Anonymous said...

The video makes me think about and wonder how we basically teach the computer, instead of the computer teaching us. It makes me wonder about the types of programs that the computer deals with because I never thought about how the computers can take over us but in the end we are the computers. The video relates to Anthem because it makes you rethink about humans an how society works and then the video makes you rethink about how computers work and how they can can take over. Also in a way the computer almost relates to the council. In the story the council has all the power but in the end Equality learns that he had the freedom and power of independence all a long. And that us with us. We are Equality because we never really notice how we are in control of the computer and how we had that power of teaching it all along. If you really think about, the video does make me realize that the computer was programmed by people and people are the ones creating websites and all of the things involved with technology.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video "us in the machine" makes me think how easy it is for the machine to track my interests or my history to show me ads later on when I'm visiting a website. This video might connect to Anthem because revealing your identity can lead to consequences on the internet, like in Anthem. "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever." This is a quote in Anthem and goes to show how if someone just reveals one small individual detail about themselves they'll be punished. In the real world on the internet if something is seen as "weird" or "strange" but it is actually an individual trait of someone it doesn't matter, because they'll be judged on that one trait that makes them themselves.

Anonymous said...

In our society we have made technology come alive. We as a society have made google, and everything on the internet work. Every time we search up "How do I break up with this boy" the internet has an answer. We have an answer because we as a society have published those answers. Professionals create websites on cooking, and amateurs post videos on youtube. We are the reason technology is advancing. In Anthem they also work together, but not to advance technology. They turn down Equality when he advances in technology because he did it alone, like that in society no one person created what we have on the internet today. Many individual ideas came together to form Youtube, and questions answered, and games.

Anonymous said...

This video says a lot about technology in the present and makes you think about just what we can do with it and what it can do to us. It can influence you a lot. In Anthem, there wasn't this kind of technology and they never had the internet or anything else like it to influence them. This could also connect with education and how we learn. Also, the internet has to do with entertainment, and in Anthem, they had a lot different forms of entertainment, if they had any at all.Their society was not based on self enjoyment, and entertainment was not a big part of their lives.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how much the world has changed. Within the past few years, the technology industry has skyrocketed. It has changed the whole world. Unlike in Anthem, there is no technology what soever. The people use candles instead of lights. “We placed our glass box upon the table before them. We spoke of it, and our long quest, and of out tunnel, and of our escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention. Not a hand moved in that hall, as we spoke, nor an eye. The we put the wires to the box, and they all bent forward and sat still watching. And we stood still, our eyes upon the wire. And slowly, slowly as a flush of blood, the red flame trembled in the wire. Then the wire glowed.” (Anthem pg 70) This just shows, how slow this society was with technology, almost not allowing it.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's video made me think about how we are all connected through the internet and even without having to meet somebody you can virtually know about another person's life through blogs and videos. This video might connect to "Anthem", because in the video they were saying that we are all together and we can teach the machine how to be more than what it is. In "Anthem" the societies leaders control and tell everyone what to do while saying that this is the way to go, so that the Unmentionable Times don't happen again. Even though the leaders might not even know what happened during the Unmentionable Times.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video, "Us in the Machine" makes me think that our technology keeps track of the things we do in them. It collects data based on what we search and other things we do. This video connects with Anthem because the environment in the text does not save anything for their people. They don't get the resource of advance technology. "We have learned things which are not in the scripts." This quote explains the struggle Equality has to go through just to read and explore more.

Anonymous said...

It makes me think about the computers becoming aware and taking over the world, but that probably wont happen in my life time. It connects with anthem in the sense that we are all putting information in the computers and it says that computers are us.

Anonymous said...

In the real world we have practically everything, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, electricity, etc; In Anthem they have almost no electricity.

Anonymous said...

This video illustrates the encouragement of advancement in technology that Equality started to create at the end of the book and how society would be changed by it. The change in society the free thinking communication can have is tremendous an is what equality wanted to see in the future. The shown technology in the book creates a feeling of unease, knowing that the future went backwords. In the book he states, “This discovery haunted us. We followed it in preference to all our studies. We worked with it, we tested it in more ways than we can describe, and each step was as another miracle unveiling before us.” (Rand 53).

Anonymous said...

This video about the machine makes me think differently about how I am using the internet, or the machine. This video might connect to Anthem because when we use the machine we have to be careful, just like they do in Anthem. If we aren't something bad can happen to our loved ones or ourselves. Like the video said that we need to start changing things in this world and how we look at things, Anthem needs to change things, too. For example, when Equality finds electricity, he doesn't want to live like he was before, but he cannot so he gets upset.That could happen in real life if we do not change things in this world A quote from the book Anthem is, "It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see." They need to change that into where people are aloud to see different words and say them without getting in trouble.

Anonymous said...

This video sparks new ideas and views about the internet and other technology. It shows the connection and relationship between people and computers and exemplifies different things we can use internet for. It’s similar to Anthem in the way that both are trying to change views about what they believe in. “We cannot understand this new life which we have found, yet it seems so clear and so simple.” (Anthem 85). In Anthem, Equality tries to show men his creation of electricity and defies the laws to love someone s the video tries to show people the variety of creations through the internet and technology and how we can connect to it all.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's video makes me think about how the machine uses us and how we are the machine. The internet uses our ignorance about what we are doing online to, in a way, learn new things and use them against us. An example being, according to what we look up and search, the internet calculates the ads that would appeal to us most. The video is like Anthem because the council uses the city's ignorance to force them to agree with the rules and laws. In Anthem it states, "Everything which comes from the many is good. Everything which comes from one is evil. Thus have we been taught with our first breath." (Rand 85). This quote explains what the city's thought process is and the horrible things that the people of the city are taught.

Anonymous said...

The short video, "us in the machine" has made me think about how our society is growing and creating new things that help us connect with the rest of the world. This connects with Anthem, because Equality has created something that can help the rest of his society connect with each other. "Then we knew what we must do. Our discovery is too great for us to waste our time in sweeping the streets. We must not keep our secret to ourselves, not buried under the ground." (Rand 60) These are similar, because we cannot keep our discoveries to ourselves, we have to share them. Once we do, we can connect with others and create a better world.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video made me think about how much technology has changed our lives, it makes you think about how much and how fast the world changes. Technology like we have today really hasn't been around that long but it still shapes our whole society. I think that this relates to Anthem because in anthem Equality believes that technology can help shape his society the way it has ours. He believes that technology is the best thing for everyone. And without someone to change it how is the world going to change.

Anonymous said...

The video we watch does make me think differently , and how I use technology/ machine. This video connects to the Anthem because just like the video and in anthem if we change the way we do things and think we an change the world. We control the worl we make is what it is right now. For example in the book Equality is tried of living like the others. He wants to do things on his own but the society won't let him. But he does it anyways and does many amazing things. Just like him if. We break the rules sometimes and do what seems right you never know if could change the world. "International 4-8818," we asked, "will you report us to the Council and see us lash to death before your eyes?" They stood straight of a sudden and they answered: " Rather would we die." " Then," we said, " keep silent. This place is ours. This place belongs to us, Equality 7-2521, and to no other men on earth. And if ever we surrender it, we shall surrender our life with it also."(rand 34) this shows how Equality is willing to die to shar with others. And maybe change the society

Anonymous said...

As this video shows us that computers are better than paper that there's more things on the internet than on paper. It shows me that our world is most up to date today. That can show us critical information and it also shows us that our most powerful up to date thing in my generation is the internet. In the book Anthem is totally different than our society today. The story does not have an up to date thing like the internet. I think why the society is like this is so no one can find out what the councer is hiding. With more up to date things it can make the society not as perfect as the council wants it to be. There's two different words and that not every world is the same.

Anonymous said...

Wesch’s short video about us in the machine makes me think about how people are evolving about technology and how the machine has to change to follow us. The phrase “us in the machine” is how we can control the whole web with little HTML and other little things that can dramatically change our way of living. This video can connect to “Anthem” by How Equality had wanted to evolve the society with the light bulb but it had completely had failed because the “machine” was taking over not the individuals that had worked for the society.
“We cannot understand this new life which we have found, yet it seems so clear and so simple,”(PG 85)

Anonymous said...

"Us in the Machine" shows that society is changing and times are changing, new technology is being developed and we should take advantage of the these developments.The world is changing and people need to change with it. However some people don't like to accept that. This relates to Anthem because the society is so set on it's rules and how things have been for so long that technology doesn't improve. When Equality tries to help his society and discovers something new, people don't want to accept it.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me think of how the machine uses us and how we are the machine. We need to start controlling our own lives and stop letting technology rule us. This video relates to Anthem because their society runs by technology which is what the video explains.

Anonymous said...

I thought about "Us in the Machine" as we use the machine but also in a way, the machine uses us. New technology is being invented, further advancing us into the future. I feel that we are changing with the world as well. When Equality 7-2521 had new ideas and inventions the society didn't accept them, even though they were there to help and further advance just like we are.