Thursday, October 22, 2015

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How would This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go violate the societal norms set forth by the councils in Anthem?  Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society?  Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art?  Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response to prove your view(s). This blog response should be completed in class on October 23rd.


Anonymous said...

"This Too Shall Pass" and "White Knuckles" by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's Society by the band thinking creatively and out of the box. I made a connection from Okay Go to Equality because they both think very out of the box and very individual and creative. It is the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem because thinking individually is forbidden and seen as a Sin in Anthem."We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike." This is a quote in Anthem and shows how everyone has think all one plain way, and if someone would be thinking different than others, it would be seen as a sin.

Anonymous said...

In these videos creativity is at an all time high, we are making tasks that seem simple but make them look amazing, towards the end of anthem equality makes a discovery that he doesn't need anyone to hold back on creativity and he free.Equality states “At first, man was enslaved by the gods. But he broke their change. Then enslaved by the kings. But he broke their chains. He was enslaved by his birth, by his kin, by his race. But he broke their chains." he saying that the people he has been around for a while are "enslaved" and he was the only person to break free.Equality is free.

Anonymous said...

Within the book Anthem, creativity within the society, is not accepted. Everything has to be the same, nothing can be different. When Equality discovered electricity, and he showed the Council of Scholars. They got upset, and they threw him out. They did not accept his creativity, because creativity is not accepted. Unlike the videos we watched, they are based around the idea of creativity, I had not ever seen anything like it. It’s so different and so out there and so original. Which goes against the ways of the society in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

It is colorful and loud and random unlike the society in anthem which is dull and quiet and organized.

Anonymous said...

"This Too Shall Pass" and "White Knuckles" by Okay Go exhibit is the opposite of Anthem because in the videos they take simplistic ideas such as paint and dogs and turn it into a big contrast of ideas. In Anthem the society is encouraged to have no creativity and no personality. The videos basically shows the big personalities and the creativity that OK Go has and how the community can come together to make those videos. In Anthem the community never comes together to create anything different or creative. "Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against them, they abandoned their ideas, as all men must" (Ayn Rand 73). This quote explains how in the story the councils do not encourage the community to come together and make something new and different that no one has ever seen before. In the video it is the opposite because the community and the people come together to create something different that no one has ever seen before. So they are different within the fact that the communities come together in on and doesn't come together in another and also the creativity level.

Anonymous said...

The videos "This Too Shall Pass" and "White Knuckles" by Okay Go were both creative and showed different ideas. In "Anthem" the society is not allowed to think and come up with ideas out of what they have been labeled as. "It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see." Society can't or won't think beyond what the Council has decided for them. With the videos they aren't afraid to think of new and creative ideas that most likely wouldn't be allowed in Anthem. In Anthem they go through the same things and no one seems to be brave enough to break the pattern. With the videos they think and show that they can put many things together using bright colors and many different props to grab the audiences' attention. While the people in "Anthem" don't want to be noticed for fear of being different and breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

This is the antithesis of Anthem’s society because it is very creative. In the society, Equality and everyone else in not allowed to express individualism or personal preference. As stated, “There is no life for men, save in useful tool for the good of all their brothers. But we lived not, when we toiled for our brothers, we were only weary. There is no joy for men, save the joy shared with all their brothers.” (Rand 86). In the videos by Okay Go, there is a lot of expressed individualism and creativity, which is the complete opposite of the thoughts and teachings of Anthem’s society.

Anonymous said...

The music videos, This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles are both creative videos that depict the band finding interesting ways of playing their music. This is opposite of the Anthem society, because they want everything to be plain, the same, and non-complicated. They don't want colors, like in the video "This Too Shall Pass", and they want everyone to think the same way.

Anonymous said...

Anthem is all about working together as a whole. Individuality is one of the greatest sins, you can't go out and test hypothesis or experiment on discoveries like we do each and everyday. People in the video live in a society were creativity, intelligence and testing your thoughts are highly encouraged. The band in the music video gets more attention based on their creativity, people value and are intrigued with it. That's what makes Anthem and our society so different Anthem discourages creativity and we stand out and grow from being allowed to be creative and express ourselves.

Anonymous said...

In Anthem they value equality and essentially not making progress (electricty, etc.) they like everything to be the same. No individualism, no inventions, no crazy ideas. In the book the council even says to Equality, "what is not done collevtively cannot be good," this explains the society is based of dependence, in a negative way. In the music video, " This too Shall pass" is is everything but simple and normal. New ideas are scattered through out the whole video. The band has many machines work together to splash them with paint in the end. It is a creative idea that would not be passed in Anthem's society.

Anonymous said...

In these videos by Ok Go there is a lot of creativity, as there is not in Anthem. It is a big factor to deal with because without it you are just like everybody else. Unlike the videos, they are trying to be as creative as possible, which is really good. Equality had tried to be different and discovered something new but the Council of Scholars did not like it at all. Creativity is needed or people get upset or break even more rules. Being creative is Okay so Go for it!

Anonymous said...

In a way, Anthem and these videos are alike. In the community for Anthem, each person has something they are assigned to, they each have a specific job and role to play in the community. Similar to how in the videos, in order to make everything work, they each need to know there place and where to stand and they all contributed to make it work. However, they are also very different. Anthem encourages unity and similarity, while this band enforces individuality and originality. In Anthem all of the characters are the same, but in the videos, each person was very original, this shows through at the end when each person had a different color of paint. This text and these videos are similar but also very different.

Anonymous said...

I thought the first video was very creative and looked like it took time and was well thought out. I liked the second video a lot more because I think it was less "busy" looking and I assume that the dogs used were from a shelter which was nice for the dogs. I think that the videos relate to Anthem because most artists don't do what they did and in the society discourages creativity but Equality was very creative.

Anonymous said...

Okay Go exhibits in both "This Too Shall Pass" and "White Knuckles" the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's Society. The band was being outside of the box with the different music videos with showing a chain reaction and the dogs. It made me connect Okay Go to Equality because they both thought outside of the box and being creative without people’s judgment in mind. In Anthem, individually is forbidden and a sin. The Council believes that if anybody becomes a individual he or she will be punished."We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike." This is a quote in Anthem defines how the society treated others and how they all have to become the same person.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Both of the creative videos This too Shall Pass and White Knuckles are totally opposite from the book Anthem. Anthem is not creative the society it is the same and not different. It is a society that is dystopian. Everything has to be perfect including the people who live in the society. I think that if Anthem was more creative instead of a dystopian society then it would relate to the music videos that we watched in class.

Anonymous said...

In the two videos "This too shall pass" and "White Knuckles" by Okay Go shows a lot of creativity. In the book Anthem the brothers are not allowed to show any creativity. They must be alike and obey the orders of what they were told to become in the future. Only the brothers in the home of the scholars were allowed to invent things.

Anonymous said...

The videos "This Too Shall Pass" and "White Knuckles" by Okay Go were both very unique and creative. The videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society. They used several materials in the music video. This was easy for them since they had the resource to do so. But this is not anywhere similar to the society of Equality. Their people have limited access to the things that exist. Equality mentioned "Trees taller than we had ever seen before stood over us in a great silence.". This quote shows the lack of experience in his life. The society of Anthem does not have the background knowledge of design and art to produce something amazing like what I saw in the video. Okay Go seems to know their plan and what they were going to do for the music video but the society in Anthem would not have a clue.

Anonymous said...

The two videos are very creative, which is the opposite of what the society in Anthem. The uniqueness of the videos would be very frowned upon by the councils in Anthem. The people that believe in the normal values of the city, being part of a whole and not an individual,would be very against what is shown in these videos. But Equality would say the opposite. He would love these videos and would think they are a good way to show your creativity and a way to rebel against society.

Anonymous said...

In the two videos, “White Knuckles” and “This Too Shall Pass in Anthem,” the creativity has a great rise in society. Tasks are shown and represented as amazing even if they seem to be the smallest and easiest tasks. Examples can be shown differently depending on how you look at it as to be performed and the creativity you express.