Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Significant Other And Perfection? Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-15-15.


Anonymous said...

In my paper I said that I wanted my "perfect mate" to be kind, funny smart, you know the typical stuff... However my parents are very protective of me and think that perfect isn't good enough for their little girl. even tough I am far from perfect. My parents don't like the people I like and that's not their fault but this is like Romeo and Juliet's relationship because both of their parents don't approve of the other. My parents are not as aggressive as their's.... So I can't personally relate...

Anonymous said...

I think it was important to know what they thought about the "perfect mate" so that we wouldn't argue and discriminate based on opinion. If the Capulets and Montegue's just listened calmly to each other and could except what each other had to say but not necessarily agree with them then they wouldn't have such an issue with each other.

Anonymous said...

The experience was really weird. When I talked to my parents about it they were really weird and gave me funny looks when I told them we had to look at it and talk about it. It was very funny I thought this assignment was very weird and fun!

Anonymous said...

The "Perfect Mate" handout relates to the Romeo and Juliet situation because someone that you may really like, your parent could not approve of the one person that you really think your mate is. Most of the things that I had said were the things that my parents said. Parents are strict about who their daughter marry's because they want a good outcome on life and make sure that they will not leave their child. Most of the class had many things that were similar to their parents. Parents have more experience so they know what is good and bad for the kid.

Anonymous said...

I think that in relation to Romeo and Juliet, the Perfect Mate paper is showing that you actually have to get to know someone and it might not all be about what has happened in the past. On my list, I said that I was want them to be positive and motivated when it comes to certain things. I also said that it was important to be pretty smart and respectful. On the parent side of the form, they said that they should make you happy and be funny.

Anonymous said...

After completing this assignment I found it essential that me and my mom had the same traits down witch is important and we had very similar ideas of respect. My situation is more like Romeo and Juliet in that my moms just wants what is best for me even if she is not personally found of whoever I connect with. Everything is more intenseand more passionate in Romeo and Juliet and its a good lesson learned on how important and intense love can be.

Anonymous said...

The blue handout relates to what Romeo and Juliet are feeling is that they aren't doing the tasks their parents want them to do just as your parents may want something different for your perfect mate. It makes me think they have no choice and pressure is put on them to marry elsewhere or to not be part of that family in the feud. They are put in a situation to either chose their parents or chose their love of their life.

Anonymous said...

My parents and I have very similar ideas about what a "perfect mate" would be in my life. These similarities bring up conversations and show that we share the same knowledge of who would be a good match for me and my personality. This experience shows how similar my parents ideas are to mine and shows how much my parents trust my judgement. This project also made me reflect on my previous guy interests and they're personality characteristics.

Anonymous said...

It is important in a "perfect mate" for me that they have certain qualities. He would need to be kind, be smart and have good prospects and good with children and animals. He would need to have a good out look on life. In regards to religion they would need to be Christian but preferably Mormon. He would also need to have a sense of humor, be gentle and be patient.

Anonymous said...

One thing that stood out to me regarding the "perfect mate" was that many answers I gave my mom gave. I choose things for my perfect match to like the same thing as I do, to be funny, attractive. While my mom was filling out the sheet of what my perfect match would be she noted many things similar to what I noted. Because of the like mind my mom there would not be a difference like in Romeo and Juliet. With the same liking there would not be disagreement between anyone lowing the relationship to go freely. -L.Whittemore

Anonymous said...

On the perfect mate project, my mom and I had very similar traits that we looked for. My mom seems to know me very well and I apparently know her well as well. I didn't really have any answers that didnt match up.

Anonymous said...

I think that the page that Mr.Trotter gave us relates to Romeo and Juliet because just like us and our parents, we had to fill out what we wanted in a spouse and the parents filled out what they wanted for me.Even though it may be that the parents really know what is best because they have been through the dating times and they know what to do, we (the children) may want something way different than the parents want for us. This is just like Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet's parents know that they need (they have to choice) to marry a person in their community and The children want something the total opposite- their enemies.

Anonymous said...

While writing down characteristics for the perfect mate handout, my mom and I had some of the same ideas on what I want in a guy and what she wants that guy to look like. For example someone who is a christian, nice personality... This is the opposite in Romeo and Juliet. Juliet's father has given her hand to someone else in marriage and Juliet has no say while sh e likes Romeo who is from the kingdom that they do not like. This makes me think about how lucky I am that I can have a say on who I want to date and not get someone chosen for me.

Anonymous said...

I think that the page that Mr.Trotter gave us relates to Romeo and Juliet because just like us and our parents, we had to fill out what we wanted in a spouse and the parents filled out what they wanted for me.Even though it may be that the parents really know what is best because they have been through the dating times and they know what to do, we (the children) may want something way different than the parents want for us. This is just like Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet's parents know that they need (they have to choice) to marry a person in their community and The children want something the total opposite- their enemies.

Anonymous said...

When I completed the perfect mate student form, I was very surprised at how much my mom and I put very similar things. I think this could relate to Romeo and Juliet because if I pick similar traits as my mom then wouldn't Juliet and her mom do the same? The Montague's and Capulet's do have hope after all.

Anonymous said...

It makes me realize that usually what you want in someone isn't the same as what your parents would necessarily want for you. At the same time though some things that I said my mom had said as well which was cool. Just knowing what I know from the play I realized how hard things can be for everyone and how much life and certain things such as your family can get in the way of what you necessarily want.

Anonymous said...

It is essential to share that me and my father have different taste when it comes to my perfect mate. He thinks I should have a guy who is christian, good hearted, honest, and kind. I thought he would say that. I want a guy who is fun, active, strong, has blue/green eyes, tan, good body, likes Disney movies, tall, likes football, wants/has dogs, wants kids, has respect towards women, and wants to do something or has a plan for his life. I wrote a lot more than my dad did in the traits of what I would want in a partner. In class we talked about how Romeo and Juliet didn’t want anyone to know because no one would approve of their love they shared and cherished. Me and my dad relate to Romeo and Juliet’s situation because it shows that our parents have a totally different idea of what we want in a person than we do. Maybe they will disapprove of them and maybe forbid it but sometimes they aren't like Romeo and Juliet and realize that we are different people with different taste. This makes me think of why we think this way. Maybe it is because of the generation gap or maybe it is just that they want the best for us. It really shows that our parents think differently.

Anonymous said...

Nice looking, Strong(piggy back rides), Funny, smart, and fun to be with. Romeo and Juliet barely knew each other but they knew enough to know they were meant to be. This makes me think that we don't always need to know the person for years to know you guys belong together.

Anonymous said...

In the Perfect Mate handout I said I wanted personality traits such as funny, caring, humble and kind. My mom ended up listing almost the exact same traits. My mom and I are very similar so it proved how much we think alike. It made me relate to Romeo and Juliet's situation by thinking about how their parents do not believe in the same things their children do, while my mom and I do think alike.

Anonymous said...

I think that the assignment that Mr.Trotter gave us relates to Romeo and Juliet because just like us and our parents. Parents might not want the same qualities for their children the way that we want the qualities to be. This is just like Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet's parents decide to choose to marry a person in their community to their son and daughter when and the children want something the total opposite. They want to choose.

Anonymous said...

The "perfect mate" relates to Romeo and Juliet because both of their parents didn't necessarily approve of their relationship. I think that if the Capulets and Montages just talked to each other they would accept eachother other. When I talked to my parents they both agreed with what i had written down, funny, adventurous, smart etc..

Anonymous said...

In my paper I said that I wanted a man who was athletic, funny, nice, genuine, pure, honest, skis, and positive. Other than the looks and personality I wrote the he must get along with my family(especially my sister). One thing that is my top priority is that he is strong in his faith and close with his family. Lastly, is that he puts his heart into everything that he does.

Anonymous said...

My parents and I agreed on many of the same characteristics when I'm looking for my perfect mate. Unlike Romeo and Juliet, they were unable to choose who they wanted to marry, but today I can choose who I want to marry. It was nice getting feedback from my parents about the qualities they are looking for in my future. The "Perfect Mate" handout relates to Romeo and Juliet because Lord Capulet and Mrs. Capulet and Lord Montague and Mrs. Montague had a disagreement. Since Romeo and Juliet love each other their parents don't approve because Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to know your parent's feelings and thoughts on a "perfect mate." Making sure that the person is nice and caring. I am very picky on a "perfect mate" and therefore would look up to my parents for help on this matter. This relates to Romeo and Juliet because they see each other as being "perfect" for one another.

Unknown said...

In the paper "Perfect Mate" me and my parents had similar qualities. I agree with my parents unlike Romeo and Juliet, they don't act like the Capulet's and Montegue's. If I had found someone I am happy with then they would rejoice. Even if they hated my relationship they would still treat him with kindness if he was kind to me.

Anonymous said...

For a perfect mate I believe that the two should be able to communicate with one another, they should show each other respect and kindness and care for one another. Romeo shows that he cares for Juliet dearly and listens to what she has to say savoring every word she speaks and I think that is wonderful. (Even if they did only know each other for like an hour) It's very sweet the way he speaks to Juliet showing nothing more then kindness. I think that is a perfect mate.