Monday, April 13, 2015

Observations Regarding Manzanar

As you viewed the Manzanar Prezi Projects created by your peers, what did you notice?  How do these projects help us to rethink hatred, prejudice, identity, and propaganda?  Please comment, share, argue, and critique the trends or ideas that you noticed.  Please complete this blog response during class today.


Anonymous said...

As I was looking through the Prezi's, I noticed that each of the presentations focused on how Jeanne was treated throughout her life. They were also showing how she learned to move on and use the camp to grow into a stronger person. They all said that Jeanne had problems finding her identity and discovering who she really was but towards the end she learned to put the camps in her past and find out who she wants to become

Anonymous said...

While viewing the Manzanar Prezi Projects created by my class I noticed how everyone interpreted the book differently and had a different idea if Jeanne and identity. These projects helped me someone think about being in the position of the Japanese at this time. Also how a moment like this could happen again. Next time it could be christians who are put away for the safety of others. This pejudice could happen to any religouse group or race at any time and that is a scary thought.

Anonymous said...

I saw that a lot of people had tree themes in their prezi... I dont know how thats useful but whatever, I also saw that people put in videos in their prezi and I thought that was cool.

Anonymous said...

When I viewed the other Prezi projects I noticed how some people used quotes in supporting their points and how some people did not use pictures. The projects helped me think of how we should never hate on people because of their ethnicity or what they believe in. I liked how they used videos to go more in depth on what they thought about the book.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people talked about after Jeanne got out and how people treated her differently. Jeanne lost lots of self esteem and self worth during her time in internment. She lost part of herself and felt as if she was being pulled apart by two different sides of herself. Her American side and her Japanese side.

Anonymous said...

As I walked around the class and looked at the different Prezi projects, I noticed how in each of the Prezi's there were different ideas about Jeanne's identity. I liked how a lot of the Prezi's used different multi-media enhancements to convey their thoughts on a different level; such as pictures and videos.

Unknown said...

I noticed with many peoples prezi projects that tried to go with a theme that matched the topic of the book Farewell to Manzanar from a blossom tree to a an hour glass you see how people saw this book.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the way that people put in the present day feelings. Today, Japanese still have racial slurs that are used against them. There is still some racism about the events however, the camps do not exist anymore. They showed how Jeanne was able to overcome some parts of her life and where her life began.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that each prezi seemed to have the same sort of content, telling the person, not word for word what goes on in the story but what the main character feels and goes through. How her character changes as time goes on and she gets older.

Anonymous said...

As i was looking through the Prei's I noticed how the white people treated the Japanese people. They thought that all Japanese people are bad. People discriminated the Japanese people and they would write rude things about them. This project helped me realize how the Japanese people were treated and how they felt.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Prezi's, I noticed how many of them were different because everyone has a different view on the identity of Jeanne. The Prezi's were very good with being supported by the quotes. The multi-media that was used in each prezi truly enhanced and made the prezi more interesting to read.

Anonymous said...

While going through the class Prezi project on Manzanar, many focused on what was required. But, 3 out of the 4 I read had connection to how the book relates to what is going on in our world today. This allowed me to make a better connection to what people felt like during this time. Another thing I noticed in the Prezi projects is that the photos that were shown were really detailed giving me an image of what times were like during that time. All of the Prezi were really good, and they all had a point to them.

Anonymous said...

As I went though ever prezi I noticed how people used the prejudice that each Japanese faced and how they were affected by this and how it affects us now days and what we have done to change this. They also used different themes and pictures to really portray what they were trying to get out of this project.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I noticed that many people seemed to feel strongly about this book and it made me see things in a different view on the hatred. I think that all were good even though I only got through four of them.

Anonymous said...

Looking through the prezis today I have seen how many people think that Jeanne struggles with her identity but in most she ends up finding herself. These make me rethink the values of life and how when put in bad situations you should always think positively because that will make the outcome better. Overall I think these projects were very good and really got in touch with the text.

Anonymous said...

As looking through four of the prezi's from our class I noticed that many people used the same ideas on identity and hatred. With many of the prezis all of them used propaganda slander such as signs despising Japanese-Americans. Jeanne showed her problems on how she thought that the camp was the ending, but it was actually where she grew up and really started her life. The prejudice of what happened should not happen, which was obvious in many of the prezis during connections how we should not despise people because of the different races.

Anonymous said...

MI noticed that many people included videos to help reenforce their ideas. By doing this project I've realized that so many people were prejudice towards the Japanese. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Americans saw the Japanese as a "threat" to the country and that they needed to be contained. It made many of the Japanese, specifically Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, have trouble finding who she was.

Anonymous said...

Looking through the prezis today I have seen how many people think that Jeanne struggles with her identity but in most she ends up finding herself. These make me rethink the values of life and how when put in bad situations you should always think positively because that will make the outcome better. Overall I think these projects were very good and really got in touch with the text.

Anonymous said...

Through experiencing other people's prezis today I have witnessed a recurrent theme of Jeanne breaking out of a shell and therefore becoming her own person. Jeanne's identities between the United States and Japan are very different and she will always be loyal to Japan.

Anonymous said...

When looking at my class mates prezi's, I noticed that a lot of them do a great job explaining how and why Jeanne feels the way she does. Invisible, lonely, and afraid of everything and everyone. Lastly I noticed that the groups were able to do a great job of providing examples of these feelings through images and videos.

Anonymous said...

A common theme was that Jeanne came out of the camp a different person then when she enter the camp. Also that everyone had their own view on the book and probably their own opinion. I also saw that a lot of people just plain out answered the questions and went into no detail. Overall, I just thought that it was a lot of fun and it helped me understand the text a little better.

Anonymous said...

As I looked through all of the presentations I noticed that a lot of them were very creative, and they were all very different. It also was really cool to get there perspective and get a better understanding of there lives and how they had to live because America decided they were not worthy of there citizenship. While reading the presentations I realized how much that this scared be because it could be any group of people next. I liked the videos that were also put in the presentations.

Anonymous said...

The presentations make me rethink the values of life and how people should always be optimistic because that will make the outcome better. Overall I think these projects were very good and looked well worked on.

Anonymous said...

As I looked through the Prezi's I saw how people really put their opinions and thoughts into these prezis. I really liked the videos that were put in the presentations and I liked howmuch time it looked like they put in them. I really liked ghow they used quotes and how only some used pictures. These prezis made my brain twist and turn and made it think of new things.

Anonymous said...

As I was looking through the Farewell to Manzanar prezi's, I noticed that all of them were focused on the main topic. Although most were focused on the same thing they were unique in their own ways. All of the prezi's focused on one certain thing. Some focused on the camps, others on the people, and some pointed out how the people though of themselves. Overall, the Prezi project was a success.

Anonymous said...

After seeing everyone's prezi's I noticed how everybody had a different point of view and opinion on what the meaning of the book was. Some believe it was about Jeanne and her childhood. I also noticed that some people think it was about Papa and how his actions affected his children and what they thought about themselves.