Monday, October 27, 2014

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How does This Too Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response. This blog response should be completed in class by October 28th.


Anonymous said...

This is very different then what you would ever think. They went from domino's to TV's to trucks and finally to paint. You never would have thought of doing anything like this. All they needed to do was sing the song and have paint thrown on them while they sang but they went beyond that.

Anonymous said...

This video related to Anthem because in the Anthem society everything has to be perfect and controlled. Obviously within this video every move and material has a place to go and something to be just like Equality. Within both the is no room for error.

Anonymous said...

I feel like the video is like Anthem in such a simple way. Its like equality because it shows that you can change and that you don't always have to stay the same person you were 5 years ago. For example when they had the t.v. show one of their other videos, it symbolizes how far they have come in their life/ corer. The video shows that every one has the same staring point and end point, but you take different path and you have to make your own in order to make you happy. Some people take the same path, some people take the road less travailed, but some people make their own path that is simply unique to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

This Is To Shall Pass relates to Anthem because although it might have taken a long time to work on and accomplish, they were both showing the process of moving forward as it goes on. “I am. I think. I will.” Equality realized that he could do whatever he wanted and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him. This relates to the video because these people were showing that the long process of building the things that were showed in the video, they could accomplish something that was out of the ordinary.

Anonymous said...

In "Anthem" Equality struggles with individuality. In this video a group of people come together to do something really simple in a very complex way. These people show creativity, independence and individuality. These are all issues in "Anthem" that are not very bad in today's society. Our society does not struggle with this very much but in some cases it could still be considered an issue. It definitely is in "Anthem".

Anonymous said...

This video is like Anthem because the whole pattern of movement starts with one. In Anthem Equality is that "one" thing. He has discovered how to be different compared to everyone else just like the people in the video. They make a very small thing, such as a toy car, into a huge deal just like Equality makes light a big deal.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the antithesis of Anthem because, in Anthem everyone is controlled and restricted back from being who they want to be. But in this video these people set up this obstacle course where one thing led to another. It was so colorful and unique. In Anthem it states that "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever." This video shows how that statement does not have to be true, you can be colorful and stand out but still lean on your brothers when help is needed, like each piece of the course leans on the next for the whole thing to work.

Anonymous said...

This relates to what is valued in Anthem because in this video everything is connected. In Anthem, the value of equality is the most important. This video shows how everything can be connected and still function the right way. The Council members in Anthem are represented by the members of the band and how they control and build up the set in the video. A quotation from Anthem that shows this is on page 18 and states " Ever have the Teachers and the Leaders pointed to us and frowned and said: "There is evil in your ones Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." But we cannot change our bones nor our body." This shows the relationship that they value. Everyone in this society is taught since a young age that they are equal to their "brothers" and no one is of less or more equality than the other. The video relates to this because each one of the band members built the set and got splattered with paint at the end of the video. The value of equality is prominent in both pieces of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

It showed that the little things matter the most in life."WE ARE ONE IN ALL AND ALL IN ONE. THERE ARE NO MEN BUT ONLY THE GREAT _WE_, ONE, INDIVISIBLE AND FOREVER." pg 19

Anonymous said...

In this video there are many things that relate to Anthem. In Anthem there are chain reactions that cause each thing to happen like this video there are many things happening from just a little starting. In Anthem, Equality is recreating himself from everything that has happened. When one thing goes wrong lots of things will come out of that. Equality recreating his life had many good and maybe some bad outcomes come out of it, and it takes a while for good things to come. The society of anthem is relating to this because with everything that is happening the society is still so bad, by not having people be called by names but yet numbers.

Anonymous said...

This video does exhibit and relate to anthem because this video shows individuality just like equality is struggling with in the book anthem and it shows how small little things lead to big things. When the sledge hammer hits the tv of the band singing there old song it symbolizes becoming a new person and changing yourself just like the quote; "My hands...My spirit...My sky...My forest...This earth of mine...." that equality says to himself in anthem. This quote shows equality changing, become his own person and realizing that he can be individual.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to creativity. People with ideas that are creative and not thought of as easily. Anthem’s society is plain. There is so little creativity because people are told what to do, wear, and think. Equality has some creativity because he invents the light bulb. That creativity could catch on and other people will build from that one invention that Equality created. “The Council of Scholars has said that we all know the things which exist and therefore the things which are not known by all do not exist” (Anthem pg. 52). This quote explains that people in the society are not willing to go beyond the life they have now. Inventions change the way of life and creativity inside others.

Anonymous said...

The music video, This Too Shall Pass by OK Go, relates to Anthem by Ayn Rand in multiple ways. The end picture does so more than any other section of the video, it shows a large group of people dressed in all grey cheering at the band. I saw this as them almost breaking free, although this doesn’t happen in Anthem and probably was not intended this way, I saw it as the band being like equality and stepping outside of the lines with color and excitement and influencing the people in grey who all look the same to be different. They caused an arousing or uprising among the people.

Anonymous said...

This video “This To Shall Pass” by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what was valued in Anthem’s society he is starting of small like on the light bulb project and in the video they start with the domino effect. They both grow the domino's now getting bigger into TV and cars. Just like how equality is now growing bigger he is showing the world what he created and he is reading and discovering the old life in the uncharted forest. In the book, “ Fear nothing of the forest. There is no danger in solitude. We have no need of our brothers.” (pg. 83) This quote shows how he needs love with at least one other but he doesn't need the brothers who betrayed him. Just like how in the video the broken things that didn't go right betrayed them and what they need are the people who helped make the dream come true. Equality would look up to this and he would figure out every part of it to make the dream come true and be free.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthems society because it shows the individuality that Equality represents. When Equality breaks free from Anthem and sheds all the beliefs of Anthem he is showing himself as a person and no longer a group. Much like in the video the band takes a different approach the separate themselves from all the other music videos in the word. After Equality is out of Anthem a he is beginning to remake his beliefs he even talks differently,”I AM I THINK I WILL”. Using words like “I” truly show how Equality is wanting to isolate himself and show himself as one person and stand out much like the Okay band is doing with the unique video.
Lauren C Period 2

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by OK GO has a lot in common with Anthem. When OK GO was playing a former video by them on a t.v. and smashed it with a hammer. This reminded me of when Equality realized that his old self was not really a person.- they were a group of people- so Equality is smashing the fake self and becoming a new self just like when OK GO smashed the t.v. "And as I stand here at the door of glory, I look behind me for the last time."(101)

Unknown said...

This To Shall Pass By Okay Go exhibits things that you would find in Anthem by starting off slowly with domino's using the domino affect. This is like Anthem because he is rebelling and soon many will follow "the domino affect". In some ways Equality 7-2522 is like to starting piece in this domino affect. He is leading a rebellion that started with him.

Anonymous said...

In the video many obstacles had to be accomplished to finish a simple task.This may be a stretch, but I related it to the fact that Equality did what he needed to do to get freedom.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the text “Anthem” in a very simple way. In the video, one small action can spark an entire reaction. This is what happens when Equality begins to rebel against his society. It first begins with him skipping his evening program to go to his own secret room. The next thing he does is creating electricity in this tunnel. His creation would not be possible if he had not found the tunnel in the first place, just like the ending of the video when the band was splattered with paint would not be possible if the dominoes had not fallen first. This can mean that even the smallest actions can create some of the biggest reactions. This video also relates to “Anthem” in the fact that the actual video itself was very individual and unique. The band wanted to produce something different than what was done in the past and I think we have proven that the main theme of “Anthem” was individuality. Equality simply wanted to be different from his brothers.

Anonymous said...

The video by Okay Go relates to anthem. It relates by how they could have done a normal video like everyone else and just have someone else throw paint at them. They wanted to be different and show people what they could do. They use things that you would have never thought you could use like a tv and piano. This relates to anthem by they were themselves and they wanted to be different than everyone else. Just like how Equality learned about being different and the world of "I". It shows how you can be different and you don't have to be like everyone else you can be different. This is kinda like when you realize you are trying to be just like everyone else and then you realize you don't have to be you can be yourself. It reminds me of a quote in anthem which says: ' It was when I read the first of the books I found in my house that I saw the word "I". And I understood this word, the book fell out of my hands and I wept., I who had never known tears. I wept in deliverance and in in pity for all mankind.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society because everything is attention grabbing. The society values sameness and conformity and this video is very unique. In the book is it said “what is not though by all men cannot be true” and this video is very different from any other video I have ever seen. This video is popular because it is not what we would think a typical music video to be.

Anonymous said...

The video To Shall Pass showed a series of events that at the end led to a simple task happening. This connects to Anthem because Equality finds that life is so much more complex than what it appears to be. In the story equality finds what life was like, everything that was magnificent about it. In the video it is connecting to the idea of something being complex. I believe that if Equality was to watch this video he would be amazed on what can go into something so simple. He would be surprised by this because the entire time he has lived all he had is simplicity, nothing more than that. Equality simplicity is shown several times in the story, on time when Equality says “These are the things before me. And I stand here at the door of glory...”. The video shows that there can be so much more than simplicity.

Anonymous said...

In this video being unique and having your own creativity is shown in this video. It goes through all of these different courses to get to the ending. In the book Anthem, there is no self creativity, but Equality breaks through that to have his own voice, just how like in the video you can see all of the broken tv’s. The video starts out very simple with a truck hitting down a bunch of dominos, but then gets very very complex. This is how I feel like equality is. Everyone is the same, simple and you have to abide by all of the rules, but as the story goes on it gets more and more complex and Equality realizes he doesn’t want to be classified as a “we” but an “I”. For example in the book says “... For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his Life. For his honor.” Equality has gotten to the point through this very complex and hard time but he got to the end. I feel like this video relates to Anthem through walls and boundaries get broken down, and they make huge accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

T he video relates to Anthem because in anthem the people's individuality was taken away from them and they weren't able to be creative. Equality created light which in todays society is a simple thing but for equality it took him along time to create the light. In the video they could have just have someone throw some paint at them while they were singing the song, but they decided to be creative just like equality. Equality was able to be creative to create the light when no one else would.

Anonymous said...

In the video This To Shall Pass by Okay Go holds many of the ideas that are also in Anthem. In Anthem their is the idea about leaving your old way of life and recreating your self in a new image that suits you and in the music video they smash a video that they were most famous for. Also, they cover themselves in paint and it kinda represents that they are creating a new self and that the old things they did no longer affect them. With Anthem, Equality finds a new name for himself and leaves a lot of things behind, starts new and does not let the society that he use to be in effect him.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibits Anthems society in many way. The main factor is the individuality that is put in to the video. The different new fun ideas exhibits Equality and there invention of the light bulb. They were creative enough to make the light bulb as Okay Go was creative enough to make an awesome video. Both of the makings required a lot of thought and a lot of complications. As Equality said to the men of the council, “ Fear nothing, out brothers. there is a great power in these wires, but this power is tamed. It is yours. We give it to you.” Just like equality says that the light has great powers but is tamed, so is the items in this video. each thought out process has been controlled and tamed so it would go in specific places and continue the domino effect. This video shows individuality because it took the minds and ideas from a person and with some help it was made into a fantastic video. Just like equality they worked together to build the light bulb but they know with the minds of others this invention could help out mankind.

Anonymous said...

This Too Shall Pass by Okay Go relates to Anthem in a few ways. First of all, the singers in this video are very individual and express that in the paint that is splattered across their clothing. Something that was interesting in this video was when a hammer smashed a tv playing an old video. I think that act symbolized Equality when he found himself and the smashing was almost like him smashed the old society in which he lived. A quote that explains Equality moving on from the past society is, " But I still wonder how it was possible, in those graceless years of transition, long ago, that men did not see whither they were going, and went on, in blindness and cowardice, to their fate." (Anthem page 103)

Anonymous said...

The video and the book both have in common how that equality and the band are striving for individuality and don't want to be labeled like everyone else. Equality through out the whole book says "we", as if he is speaking for every equality in his world. But later he ends up standing alone and saying "I". In the video it showed chain reactions from a toy car. That happens in real life and the book.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass is similar to Anthem because it demonstrates one important thing. Yes, there are extremely vital parts in Anthem, but the overall most important is Equality. Also, the video shows how the band desires and craves individuality, just as Equality does. Equality had to go through risky paths, but he managed to reach his goal of creating his own person; individuality.