Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Humanity And Progress?

Regarding Bradbury's short story There Will Come Soft Rains, what are you contemplating about humanity and progress?  What does the Close Reading of this story challenge you to consider? Please respond during class on October 1st, 2014.


Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rain made me think of how far humanity has come in just a few short years from TV to tablets. It also makes me think that we could have inventions like the house from the story pretty soon. Even though humans are intelligent and love to create, this short story showed me that it can all be gone in an instant.

Anonymous said...

The story There Will Come Soft Rains challenges you to consider the facts of getting too far in technology advancement, there will come a time when all houses are like this having a mind of there own but at some point technology will kill us. It will sneak up on us and ruin life as we know it and everything will restart and no longer exist. Our progress is getting further and further and as we go further so does our humanity. Now days we don't talk face to face we text, email, or call we no longer meet and really have the human interaction that we need to survive.

Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rains shows how the world has evolved and how it will keep evolving. The story shows how everything just happens with technology, there is no human involvement, making their lives so much easier. This shows what has changed that have made our lives easier, for example when you wanted to talk to someone that was far away you had to write a note but now you can text them and have an answer in minutes. This idea of how things can change so easily make me contemplate the idea of what the world will be like in 5 years, 10 years. How much will things change?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

The short story There Will come Soft Rain made me think of the story that we just read about a family traveling to mars because of the crazy people that were taking over the earth. Then thinking back to what we read about how the house was totally empty and I think that it might be the family that is traveling to mars. Because the setting is in the future, the house might be able to accomplish all of you duties for you.

Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rains shows how the wording is changing and will continue to change and grow. The story shows that everything is happening with the new technology that is coming to be. This also shows that new human inventions are coming so humans don’t have to work and technology can do it on their own. It makes me think that soon we will have enough technology that no student will every want to go to school because of all of the distractions and no one will be social and interact with eachother. How many things will change in the next couple years. How will growing up for our children look?

Anonymous said...

The short story "There will come soft rains" by Bradbury teaches the reader how different the world will be in the future and how much it is changing right before our eyes. It really made me think about how much evolution with today's technology there is and think about what the future technology and even entire world will look like. The story also makes me think about how much we take the technology we have today for granted. In the future there might not even be people; like in the story there could be houses that run themselves continuously and we would never know. The short story is very realistic and may very well be a idea of what the actual future will be like which is scary.

Anonymous said...

The short story "There will come soft rains" by Bradbury talks about how the world has evolved and how in the future how much technology has taken over us. For example, the house ran by itself, it woke whoever might have lived there up made breakfast, did dishes, mowed the lawn, read poems, and many more things. This story makes me think, is this how the world will be in 20, 60, 100, years? Will the human race not even know how to "work"? Will we have a house that does everything for us, make breakfast, clean, and so forth. It is scary to think how much the human race can change with technology. Yes technology is evolving and many newer models of the product or new ideas are coming out, but is the human race "evolving" also with the technology? This story makes you grasp and think about how the world and human race could possibly change in the future.

Anonymous said...

Humanity is progressing so much we don’t even realize how fast we are progressing. In the short story " There will come soft rains", they invented so much great things that may have made us humans listless, but it could become very useful to us, too. The deal is, is they all just got up and left. Leaving behind great inventions and so much progress, but for what? We never think we have it good enough, it always can become better. This story challenges me to consider to appreciate all I have. Humans can be so peerless. We need to stop thinking about what we could get or could have and thank everything for giving us what we have now. I am not saying that progress is bad, sometimes it can be good, but when technology is doing everything for us, like in the book, and we start getting lazy and know we don’t have to do everything for ourselves, it can be bad. It also challenges me to consider the way we progress and what we do with the progress. Using technology is good. It can help us save trees and many other things. When technology is making us expunge our knowledge, that's when we need to stop technology that does the work for us and create technology that only helps us.

Anonymous said...

There will be soft rain really made me reflect on that society and humanity can change so quickly and technology and life can get extremely advanced or eventually and human life could be gone. I mean even if you think about how just phones have changed in the last 5 years its crazy! What could change in the next 30 years? It kind of feels like that in this short story because there are no humans so it makes you wonder if there just gone or if all human life is. Which also makes me think if this story is some how connected to the story about the family moving to mars.

Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rain makes me think of how much society and humanity is progressing. In this short story the house functions on a day to day basis, yet no one is living in the house, so why must it function? This idea made me think that today we use our phones more then we do anything, it functions on a day to day basis just like the house, but for what? Only for our entertainment and joy. So does this mean that the house if functioning for it's own good? This just shows how fast humanity can progress and it's a terrifying thought to see where we will be in the future.

Anonymous said...

After reading Bradbury's short story There Will Come Soft Rains, I am contemplating how dependent humankind is on technology. For instance students here at AHS depend on their computers for most learning tools and experiences. The close reading challenges me to consider that no matter how smart the technology it (the house) can always be destroyed by the primitive forces of nature (the fire).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bradbury’s “There Will Come Soft Rains” has alerted my mind in many ways. I have found myself contemplating whether or not the human race is properly using the development of new technologies. In Bradbury’s story, he explains the human properties and abilities of a certain home. The owner is not around (the story had not clarified what had happened to them however, I am lead to believe he/she is deceased) and yet the house is still going about caring for itself and even is missing owner. The way the living house was treating the once active owner is in such a way that it seems as if he/she lived alone; perhaps the companionship of the home was so great that the owner never felt a need for human (or whatever being it was) appreciation. Could this be a prediction of the future of the real world? From the way technology has developed today, it would not be a shock if this were to become realistic.

Anonymous said...

After reading Bradbury's There Will Come Soft Rain, it reminded me of how humanity is evolving. We have changes so much from the 1900's into the 21st century. There are so many new advancements and new technology in his day and age that were not invented earlier. I am contemplating if there is really going to be a human apocalypse where we have to escape Earth and travel to another planet to survive. This close reading challenges me to consider the stages of humans evolving. With how many new advancements we have made, I do not know when there will be an end to all of our technology and when we will finally have world peace. One day I believe that we might turn against each other and end up causing the Earth to go down in flames and wiping out the entire human population.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Bradbury's short story There Will Come Soft Rains, what are you contemplating about humanity and progress? What does the Close Reading of this story challenge you to consider? Please respond during class on October 1st, 2014.

During the reading I was contemplating about humanity and how humans desire to be the first ones and be truly alone when they find there people like that dad did with his family and he decided to jest leave for mars and leave everything behind. It challenges me to consider how sometimes a fresh start is good to find a new setting and to start from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rain story has opened my eyes to see how far this world has come. To think back to millions of years ago where all there was, was the earth and humans,and now there is everything you could ever imagine. Our world is only growing and expanding. Nothing is getting smaller. Everything we do or say or use in our daily life has started from just a piece of nothing.Now everything has a purpose and major key factor in out world.

Anonymous said...

After reading There Will Come Soft Rain I realized that the world has evolved so much from what it was all those years ago. Back then, everything started from nothing and now people are so dependent on other things. This story made me think about how advanced technology will be in just a matter of years.

Unknown said...

I think that that part of the story sort of explains the way people have changed from being so dependent on other people like now which was men't to be the past. But is the future.

Anonymous said...

The short story " There Will Come Soft Rains" reminds me of when I was a kid and there were tapes. I only used them until i was around age 5 and then many other things got popular such as a dvd, ipods, ipads, cd players, and much more. Society has come much further throughout the years.

Anonymous said...

There Will Come Soft Rain made me think about how well humanity has done, we started off as cavemen that didn't even know how to make fire and now we walk around with Iphones and computers. We have come a long way and someday we may make flying cars or discover life on other planets. The possibilities are endless and with a little time we can do anything as long as we try.

Anonymous said...

The story there will come soft rains makes me think about how much our technology has improved. My mom always talks about how they had really boxy phones when she grew up. Technology has changed from boxy phones to iPhone 6s. Technology has changed in so many other ways also.

Anonymous said...

The people are not very social face to face. They are challenging to open up to people and not give into the world.

Anonymous said...

The short story made me think of the story that we just read about a family traveling to mars because of the crazy people that were taking over the earth. Then thinking back to what we read about how the house was totally empty and I think that it might be the family that is traveling to mars. Because the setting is in the future, the house might be able to accomplish all of you duties for you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There will come soft Rains, makes me think about humanity and progress. Humanity has gotten to the point where humans are no longer around. Whether they have died out or left, they still left behind a world they created to manage their lives. Progress had destroyed humans yet all the technologies and progressive advancements were invented to help humans and make things better and easier. In the end of the short story, it’s all that is left of humanity

Anonymous said...

The short story "There Will Come soft Rains" makes me think about how much our technology has improved. people had really large and heavy computers and cell phones and now we have MacBooks and i phones.

Anonymous said...

After Reading the short story “There will come Soft Rains” made me think about how life has become so advance that technology runs our life and we just let it. In the story the house is running by itself and the people that use to live in the house are no longer there to see it. The technology was there and running well and the people are no longer there. The house was all about time and following that the people would have been forced to follow that schedule. Having the same schedule every day for so long and not even thinking about breaking it makes people no better than robots.

Anonymous said...

After reading, There Will Come Soft Rain, it shows how much the human race has changed and is still changing today. The way technology has changes and the way of life in general. Some of the new inventions may cause us to not need to attend school because everything we will need to know will be there in front of us in a technology format.The brain of a human being is so intelligent that our technology has been made based off of previous technology and is almost "upgraded" and has become more modern. From reading this story, I can predict that there will be many different things in the future.

Anonymous said...

I think that we as a whole haven't made a lot of progress but many individuals have. for example, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates etc... In some ways I think that we have backtracked or created bad things. As far as intelligent children and adults, yes we speak better then we did 1000 years ago. But as you think of all the good things we have done; you will be able to think of all the terrible things we have done. I.E. 9-11, columbine, Aurora. Even though some people have done amazing things witch farther along can lead many others to do great things and change the world; but there are also so many bad things that happened to the world that shape the way we are now. This could be the main reason on why the world as a whole hasn't progressed, because we live in a world of fear rather then joyful and optimistic. We just wait for other people to change the world for us.

Unknown said...

There Will Come Soft Rain challenges me to think how technology can even last through the end of times. Although in this short story this house revolves around how to make the life easier for the family, reminding them about special dates that day or to remember a coat. This shows how people look for the laziest route because we hate inconvenience. This story shows me that although technology can be great and it makes life a lot easier its knowledge is what you want it to be but when you are gone this convenience is no longer needed.

Anonymous said...

The reading of, There Will be Soft Rain, makes me think of humanity in a different perspective. Over the past couple of years technology has advanced rapidly, and so have the social skills of humans. Although this is how humans live now, in There Will Be Soft Rain, there is no technology, or social skills. Everyone is quite lonely with basically nothing. This story could possibly represent a foreshadowing of how our society may come to be because
of technology.