Thursday, September 4, 2014


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Tuesday, September 9th, 2014 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

This video was really cool. I think that this guy is very crazy though. He inspired me to like conquer my fears. This guy is very crazy and I was freaking out when he did this. But he can be and inspiration to the world by how he does all this stuff and you can learn a lot of things from him

Anonymous said...

This presentation relates to my world because it is showing to do what you love. Doing what you want to do and be good at is doing what you love. The guy shows you to not be afraid. This can connect to learning by trying something new and learning something new. I was motivated because I get scared to try something new, but it always feels good to accomplish something you never thought that you would ever do.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to many things in my life but also in other peoples lives. It shows that if you have your heart set on something you can accomplish it. If you practice and have a mind set of "I can do this" then anything is possible.
Yes, he did make me look twice because what he is doing is amazing and is insparational. He is makeing me think about how i could succede in life.

Anonymous said...

I think that the video relates to things today because it is showing that if your work for something you can achieve it. This is inspirational because at some point in his life he couldn't ride a bike but he still managed to become a professional.

Anonymous said...

This relates to our world because it shows that if we try really hard we can do anything that we set our minds to. The same thing applies to our school work. This video definitely made me look twice because it is unbelievable what this person can do and what it means. This video made me want to try harder in all of my endeavors.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about the inspiration that this brings to people. Some people do not realize that we can do things that are impossible for others to accomplish. In this video it shows how he can do many tricks on his bicycle that some other people are not capable of doing. Inspiration is also a major factor in our lives. Other people actions usually inspire us to do something for the greater good, or try something new. The biker in this video inspired a lot of people to start trying new things on their bikes and doing things outside of their comfort zone. Personally, this video showed me that I am capable of doing things that I never thought I could.

Anonymous said...

THIS GUY IS ASKING FOR A DEATH WISH. I thought he was insane doing all of those tricks. It also shows that when you put your mind to it you can do anything

Anonymous said...

THIS GUY IS ASKING FOR A DEATH WISH. I thought he was insane doing all of those tricks. It also shows that when you put your mind to it you can do anything

Anonymous said...

THIS GUY IS ASKING FOR A DEATH WISH. I thought he was insane doing all of those tricks. It also shows that when you put your mind to it you can do anything

Anonymous said...

THIS GUY IS ASKING FOR A DEATH WISH. I thought he was insane doing all of those tricks. It also shows that when you put your mind to it you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

This video is really inspiring. It shows that anyone can do anything if they really believe. The guy on the bicycle is extremely good, and at one point in his life he couldn’t even ride a bike, but yet now he can jump over walls and rails and jump on buildings. This inspires me because it can show that if you set your mind to anything you can do it. The video definitely makes you look twice and see that he is amazing. Not everyone can ride a bike like that, but everyone does have their own talent and they are very unique and no one else can do it like them. This video makes me want to find a unique talent and perfect it.

Anonymous said...

Inspiration can take place in all corners of the world. When I saw this video it made me think about the amount of commitment that he had to have when he was working on his skills and what not. This word as a hole does not work to inspire others, but we compete against one another. That is just how humans naturally are. We want to be the best. Inspiration could be taken in two ways. The first way would be to want to help others or yourself. For example when you are watching t.v and you see the animal shelter ads to help the animals, you want to help them. In other words you are inspired to "change the world." The other way inspiration, is you want to be better. From personal experiences when I was younger and watching the Olympics with my brothers or who ever, i would always want to be just like the person performing. I wanted to be them. I would want to do my best i guess to prove that i could do something, but that is a different topic of how things around us influence us.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to me because it shows me that although I might just be starting something or I am not very good at it I can always learn to get better. This basic idea does not only relate to me it relates to everyone else. Everyone has to start somewhere while doing something, and often times they fail but keep trying. Although this was not shown in the video it was the idea I got from the video. Relating back how this video connects to me is that when I started lacrosse I did not know how to play at all. But as time went on I got better and better, I learned how to catch, cradle and then I could take those basic moves and do more with them.

Anonymous said...

This video was very cool; in the beginning, McCaskill has the struggle to accomplish his first trick. When he finally learns to conquer his fear of this first trick, his talent becomes stronger and stronger. As the video moves on, he begins to accomplish greater things. This video didn't exactly motivate me, but it did give me a different perspective. Meaning, it's going to take a few times to succeed.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the real world because it shows something that everyone can relate to when they were little learning to ride a bike for the first time. In this video at the beginning it shows how he was first learning struggling to get it like we all do. It showed how nones perfect when you start but if you work hard you can get to where he was at near the end of the video. It inspires you to do something more to improve what you believe in. At a second glance this video has so much influence to just go out and do what you love. Learn how to trust and believe what's truely in your heart.

Anonymous said...

This presentation is a very good representation of many things that occur in our lives that we may doubt. At the beginning of the video he tries to do this one trick many times, fails, tries again and keeps going. After one or two times that he feel he didn't stop trying he kept his head up high and kept going. Everyone needs to learn how to do this because there are wonderful things about every single person. Even if you might fail the first time keep going! It will only help you! In school this is a very good lesson, you might bomb a test and then doubt your ability in that subject when really we should look on the bright side of things. To every bad thing that happens good can come out. This motivates me to keep standing strong even when you don't want to. Keep your head up and keep going. Even though you may be struggling there is probably 10 or more people struggling too. Look past your fears and weakness to something greater and brighter.

Anonymous said...

The video "Inspired Bicycles" was a very inspirational video. In very few instances do people accomplish and master something on their first try. They try over and over until they are successful. In an instance like Danny McCaskill, at first he didn't master riding his bike on the spindles of a metal fence, but he tried over and over until he did succeed. He inspired me to not always give up if I don't get something the first time, and that sometimes it will take you more than one try to master something. In my eyes, it's like trying to master a figure skating element. You can either choose to give up and never master it or you can choose to keep trying. I see this scenario very often when I'm figure skating. "Inspired Bicycles" has really inspired me to never give up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the video clip Inspired Bicycles it can relate to my world in some ways. One way is he never gave up on trying to accomplish his bicycle tricks such as going up a tree and flipping off of it. Also at the very beginning of the video clip it shows Danny McCaskill trying to succeed in one of his stunts but keeps failing. After a few times it showed him getting it right. Even though in the video it only showed him failing three or four times in real life it probably took many many more trials. This can also relate to my academic endeavors to always keep on trying, even when you have tried over thirty times to get it right, you keep persevering to get it right. You might feel like giving up on a piece of writing for instance because you can never make it sound like it flows, has enough vocabulary, complex sentences, and so on, but this clip reminds me to never give up and to always try your best. Danny McCaskill is pretty crazy, fearless, and a go- getter. He is risking his life to do these crazy stunts, and is also fearless by flipping from one platform to another. This video is a good reminder to all of us to stay motivated and to always keep on trying.

Anonymous said...

This video really makes me stop and think. It makes me think about how fearless and confident he is and how I should strive to be more confident like him. At first I thought he was absolutely crazy but when I looked at it from a different point of view, I realized he seems so fearless because he is doing something he loves and is very passionate about.

Anonymous said...

This short video clip really did open my eyes to how many possibilities we have in life. At some point this guy obviously didn't know how to ride a bike. Now you look at him and he is famous for being a professional athlete by flipping on his bike. He showed me that you can absolutely do anything you set your mind to. I remember towards the beginning of the video there was a clip of him trying to bike across a very sharp skinny fence, and on his fourth try he finally accomplished what he set his mind too. I hope I can start making important and great choices to improve myself and impact the world.

Anonymous said...

This relates to my world because it shows that you don't just all of a sudden know things you have to work hard to get good at them and work hard to achieve your goals. Just like the guy in the video we saw him fall at first but he got up and he did what he wanted to do. This video did make me look twice because I want to be that good at something one day and that passionate about something to always be practicing and working for it.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world because these days every one is trying to do there best and show their talents. His new exploits connect with my academic endeavors not because I need to ride a bike but because I need to try to do my best. The bicycler started at the very beginning. At one point he probably could not even ride a bike. He needed to work his way up and try hard because practice makes perfect. This connects to my academic endeavors because I need to try my hardest and learn to get the very best output on life. Danny did make me look twice. It is incredible that the greatest achievements this kid made was once not a big achievement at all, riding a bike. It amazes me that he would keep at it even with all of his failures and bruises. Danny inspired and motivated me to do the things I love most, and chase after my dreams. It made me realize that I can do whatever I want if I put my mind to it. That goes the same with everyone. It also makes me think that this kid could not have done it all by himself. He probably needed some kind of stable support, and everyone needs it. If I want to go for something I will need some kind of mental or physical support. Weather it is myself, a friend, or family I will need support and motivation.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world because it shows that you have to practice and not give up in order to succeed. His new exploits connect to my academic endeavors by showing me that his hard work payed off. His work has made him very skilled at riding the bike and that has earned him respect. He inspired me to work hard and not give up until I get the results that I want. Overall, the presentation is amazing and meaningful.

Anonymous said...

The Danny Catskills Inspired Bicycles presentation related to the world in that he learned to do something amazing and crazy but he started from the same point anyone else would. This shows that in life everyone starts from the beginning but its the work and effort each individual does that makes a difference. In school, the amount of effort, dedication, and drive someone has reflects on how a student does in school. This video inspired me to get out of the comfort zone and try something new because everything has a start a where someone goes from there is what makes someone look twice.

Anonymous said...

The Danny Catskills Inspired Bicycles presentation related to the world in that he learned to do something amazing and crazy but he started from the same point anyone else would. This shows that in life everyone starts from the beginning but its the work and effort each individual does that makes a difference. In school, the amount of effort, dedication, and drive someone has reflects on how a student does in school. This video inspired me to get out of the comfort zone and try something new because everything has a start a where someone goes from there is what makes someone look twice.

Anonymous said...

This video is very inspiring in the sense that although he is an incredible biker now,he once began not being able to ride at all. This shows that even the best athletes, actors, singers and more started off not knowing how to do what they are so good at. An Olympic gymnast can not just wake up and perform an elaborate routine. They have to practice first. So this video is basically saying that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Anonymous said...

Inspired Bicycles (A Blog Post By: Taylor Amen)

All people have at least some talent, wether it be dancing or singing or playing lacrosse or whatever else you do. It’s simply inevitable, if you think you don’t, I assure you, YOU DO. maybe you just haven't found it yet. It’s hiding inside your soul patiently awaiting it’s opportunity to make itself known in the world of you. Don’t make it wait! Your talent is just yearning in your heart to be known, banging on the walls and attempting to tear its way out of you. All it needs is for you to open that door and let it out. You are great we all have greatness in us, however the way in which it shines through you is up to you to decide. The hero is not made by his talent or power, but instead, by the way he or she chooses to use it. So if you don’t know your talents yet, I encourage you to look inside you and find them. It may seem difficult at first, but if you discover them now it can save you ALOT of wondering and pain in the future. Please, if I guide you and teach you only one thing in this whole post, let it be this- no matter what anyone tells you (the lovers, The haters, the friends and the bullies) you ARE amazing and talented and you CAN discover your talents if you haven’t. So I tell you, you do have a talent and you are great, it’s just a matter of how you choose to make use of them.

Unknown said...

This video related a lot to what teens and many others deal with. This man started at the bottom and rose to the top and in my opinion is the best bike trick artist. He represents that everything has to come from something, he learned to bike meaning at one point he had to learn to simply ride a bike, this rule doesn't just apply to biking it applies to fears, and wants. inspiration is a feeling that gets us pumped even if the thing you're inspired to do is mocked inspiration is the light at the end of the tunnel to a long road ahead.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think this video is very cool, the guy is insane but also very cool. I like to think that he couldn't even ride a bike and now he is doing all these wonderful tricks that must have taken years to perfect. It shows that everyone can do anything they set their minds on with a little hard work.

Anonymous said...

This video was very inspiring to watch because even though his passion isn't very common to make a career out of, he still does it because he loves it and he doesn't want to give that up. It just tells you to do what you love and follow your dreams. This connects to learning because the more you work at something the more likely you will achieve it. It didn't motivate me as much as it did other's, but it was great to see someone doing something that makes them happy.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's "Inspired Bicycles" motivated me to try something new that I would never think of doing. When I started dance a long time ago I wanted to get better by doing one hour of class a week. Now that I have seen this video, I want to accomplish dancing much faster than I have been. Other than just accomplishing something that I like to do, I realized that I can conquer my fears and do crazy things that I would normally don't get the chance to do.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world because it shows that you have to practice and not give up in order to succeed. In my opinion he is really inspiring. He inspired me to work hard and not give up until I get the results that I want. His new exploits connect to my school work by showing me that his hard work payed off. His work has made him very skilled at riding the bike and that has earned him respect. Overall, the presentation is amazing and meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my life when I fail at something. Even when I feel like giving up I get right back on my feet and try again. Like McCaskill. At the very beginning of the video he kept falling off that fence. But he tried and tried again until he succeeded. He inspired and motivated me to keep this up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This blog relates to everybody. If you really love something and have the determination to succeed at it and you are willing to spend the time to pursue your goal you will achieve it. The guy in the video, at first, he couldn't get up on the fence, but with time and effort he was finally able to get on the fence, and after more practice he was able to do all kinds of crazy tricks. So this relates to everybody, if you put in the effort, you will achieve your goal.