Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Romeo, Gnomeo, and Juliet?"

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet?  Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc...  This blog response is due during class today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RSC Meets "Romeo And Juliet?"

After viewing the RSC Versions of Romeo and Juliet, are you thinking about your scene performances differently?  If so, how?  What did you realize about transitions, narration, etc...?  Please complete your blog response during class today. 

Nextel And "Romeo And Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Love And Maturity?

Explain in detail how both Romeo and Juliet mature during the course of the play.  Cite examples from their speech or actions that illustrate your position.  Please complete this blog response during class today.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fate And Love?

So far through Act III.v in Romeo And Juliet, what is your assessment of fate and love regarding the characters Romeo and Juliet? Please respond during class today.