Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Writing Thoughts?

 ***Please respond to the following questions during class today.

1.  Regarding your Problem/Solution Paper, what did you specifically address or revise more than anything else to create a complete and final copy by April 2nd?

2.  How did you incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos within your paper?  Please explain.

3.  Based upon the entire Problem/Solution paper experience, what specific writing approach and instruction will you apply to the next writing you complete?  Please explain.


Anonymous said...

I revised my paper by adding details to make it longer. I added more of my opinion and back ground information.I used Ethos in my paper by creating analogies. My next writing piece will include more detail and be very organized, which is what I learned through the paper. I also learned that research is really really helpful.

Anonymous said...

1. I just look at my sentence structures and changed the way they sounded to add a more persuasive approach. I also up my game on word choice that allows me too sound more professional.
2. I did incorporate a bit of ethos, pathos, and logos. However, I was more focused on getting my point and view across on my topic.
3. I feel like the next time I write a paper I need to to pick a different type of topic in which will interest me more. Otherwise, I will focus on adding more information from my sources to give more back up evidence to support my view on the topic.

Anonymous said...

I Revised my thesis and topic sentences to have more meaning and to be more direct and on point starting sentences. I used ethos and logos because I basically stated that it is not nature that shapes a human, it is nurture and i used logos because I had lots of facts. I will try to not write so opinionated and back up my answers with facts.

Anonymous said...

For my Position Paper I revised my introduction paragraph the most because that is the first thing the readers read. I included logos in my paper by adding quotes of percentages of how many women get abortions a year and how the percentages have gone down since the 90's. The one major thing I learned from writing this paper and what I will put in my other papers is adding quotes because it helps me as a writer get my point a crossed to the readers.

Anonymous said...

As I was writing and revising my Problem/Solution paper, I found myself putting the most effort in my thesis statement and my arguments. I used emotional argument that could have triggered many different responses as well as quotes that used percentages and historical references. Based on this experience, the next time I write, I will be sure to plan more and to keep up with deadlines instead of waiting to do it till the last minute. The planning and spacing is so important to the quality and flow of the paper that it is essential that I have it.

Anonymous said...

I addressed my opinion on abortion. I revised my facts the most and reworded plenty of sentences to make my paper fair and include both sides. I used Logos the most in my paper to support my writing. Using facts to back it up. I will use more persuasion techniques to make my paper better. I really only used logos this time.

Anonymous said...

1. Regarding my position/problem/solution paper, I addressed and revised my outline and paper more than anything else.

2. I incorporated pathos when I mentioned that satellites can be dangerous and physically harm our bodies. Also, I incorporated logos when I argued that the NSA is wrong and hypocritical for using extreme surveillance on us.

3. Based upon the entire Problem/Solution paper experience, I would probably not procrastinate so much. I would also be very prepared and confident when it was time to turn the paper in. I would spend more time reading my cites and finding exactly what I wanted to take from them. I would also spend more time thinking about what message I was trying to get across in the future.

Anonymous said...

I spent a long time re-reading it and having other people read my paper. There is emotion and informing to not put there kids in football before the age of 14.

Anonymous said...

I edited and revised my paper to increase the length and make it more intriguing to the reader.
I used some of ethos, pathos and logos in my paper by using statistics and percentages in quotes but I was more focused on getting my point across to think of them. I feel like the next time I write a paper I will choose a topic that is easier to argue from both sides instead of something I am only supportive of on one side. Also I will add more information and make it very appealing.

Anonymous said...

1. Regarding my Problem/Solution Paper, I specifically addressed and revise more than anything else to create a complete and final copy by April 2nd would be adding more detail and information to "fill in the gaps" to have everything make sense and really give the reader the idea of the issue and my opinion about it.

2. I incorporated all three ideas and strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos. For ethos, I used the ethical reasoning by showing the unfair and unequal rights that women possess throughout the world and it's much better to grant women the exact same rights that men have. I also used logos with many facts and statistics and numbers, proving that women get less pay than men and the ratios for men to women are not the same. I also used a little bit of pathos by explaining the sad reality of many in third world countries regarding women's rights and equality.

3. Based upon the entire Problem/Solution paper experience, the specific writing approach and instruction that I will you apply to the next writing I complete will be to create a great thesis statement, provide detail and main topic sentences, and to make sure to have a great hook introduction and conclusion to leave the reader to think.

Anonymous said...

In order to complete a final, complete copy of my Problem/Solution Paper by April 2nd, I really tried to focus on removing any helping verbs throughout the paper, because, even though it was challenging to do, I knew it would improve my quality of writing. I used ethos, pathos, and logos throughout the paper by writing to the readers emotions and using statistics to back up my statements. Also, I used logistics to make the reader ask questions. After having this experience with a Problem/Solution Paper, I will definitely approach each paper I write in the future by researching before I start to write the paper, and establish a lot of quality sources to base my paper off of.

Anonymous said...

1. In my paper the main thing I revised was shortening or lengthening the paragraphs and trying to set the paragraphs to the color coded guide. I think I did at least half decently with the editing I did.

2. To incorporate ethos, pathos and logos I just put out the simple facts(logos) and my own experiences(pathos) added in with the new word of "doxxing"(ethos)as most tales that I read about were quite sad to imagine such things happen in reality and the ethics of doxxing someone is simple idiocy and merely the result of a bruised ego (unless they are causing physical harm to someone/something) and the fact that many of the sources I used also recounted their own experiences gave good reason and true facts about the state of the gaming industry.

3. I will try to make my writing more detailed but shorter at the same time after writing this paper and I hope I will be able to produce papers of better quality the next time I write one but also shorter as 7 pages can be good but it can also be an issue as I felt, thinking back on it now, that I left some irrelevant stuff in there.

Anonymous said...

I revised my topic sentences more than anything so they could have a catching lead that would make the reader want to read more. I didn't really put logos in my paper, but I had some ethos because of the really emotional aspects, and I don't really think I had pathos. I think I will approach the next paper the same way I approached this one.

Anonymous said...

I revised a lot before i turned in my final copy. I spent more time adding information that i did not have before. I used ethos by having questions being answered. Pathos is in my essay because there are sad emotional things. I had logos by explaining a reason why i choose what i wanted. In my next writing i will use more details.

Anonymous said...

I revised my writing by putting in more quotes and facts from other people into my paper.
I used stories to be persuasive.
I think I will have more than one rough draft. My next writings would have more detail. And use my research more in my papers.

Anonymous said...

In my paper I revised many things. I kept revising my introduction because I needed to add more background knowledge. I incorporated was logos because I was using logic. I will add more background information and try to incorporate more ethos,logos,and pathos.

Anonymous said...

1. I revised my introduction the most because I really wanted the reader to be hooked and appreciate my opinion.
2. I did incorporate a bit of ethos, pathos, and logos. However, I was more focused on getting my point and view across on my topic.
3. I will definitely be more efficient next time and use a good outline.

Anonymous said...

1) I specifically addressed why North Korea was not as bad as it was put out to be. I was constantly revising my writing to see if there we're improvements on words I could use, and also different better ways to phrase the statement.

2) I'm not sure if this counts as including logos, but I did mention in a quote the amount of people in the country. However, that is a number, not a percentage.

3) I will make sure my thesis is strong, and that I can talk about the subject from many points of view covering all questions that might be asked by the reader within the writing.

Anonymous said...

In my paper I made sure to address the fact that because same sex union isn't legal everywhere it is limiting the rights of a group of people. I addressed that because so many are closed minded and make laws based upon sexuality that makes less of a group people and puts them below heterosexual people. i incorporated ethos, pathos and logos because many of them were incorporated in the articles I had since it is a global "issue". I took more of a pathos type of approach just because I felt like that would get the reader much more intrigued and it made me think better also when I put my own feelings into it.

Anonymous said...

From my rough copy to my hard copy I had to make my intro paragraph much longer. Ethos Pathos and Logos has played a part into my paper because I used many quotes. I am going to get my sources after I start writing instead of before.

Anonymous said...

I had to edit a ton of my paper but I added ethos pathos and logos because of the use of the articles. My article has symbols in itself and its a symbol to the world. its an issue that everyone has to think about around the world.

Anonymous said...

1. I revised my writing as a whole but I revised the lead and conclusion the most because I feel that the lead and conclusion are very important parts of the paper. 2. I used ethos in my papers by using analogies. 3. Next time I write a paper I will have more sources.

Anonymous said...

- I revised my Introduction and Conclusion the most because I wanted to make it interesting for the reader and that they know what my opinion pointed to.
- I used ethos, pathos, and logos, but my main goal was to get get to the point of my topic.
- For my next essay I will definitely write a better Outline as it is the skeleton of an essay and helps you out a lot. If you have a good Thesis and Outline your essay is almost done and productive.