Sunday, April 13, 2014

Significant Other And Perfection? Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-14-14.


Anonymous said...

Well Romeo and Juliet don't really relate to my situation because my parents like my boyfriend and I don't think I'd ever be able to be with someone if my parents didn't like them.

Anonymous said...

My mother's wishes with who she would want me to have a relationship with are very similar to mine. She would expect a man to treat me with unconditional love and respect. This does not relate to Romeo and Juliet's situation because my parents are quite open minded and just want me to be happy. My whole family would want me to be with someone who has good values, loves their family, and is overall a kind person.

Anonymous said...

I do not have experience with their relationship but I know that true love has flaws and you can overcome them. This makes me think that relationships can wait until you know they are special. But also being infatuated with someone is something I have never experienced. Also, it seems that love is different for everyone and some people believe that love is personality or looks and some believe that it is just being attached to a person for no reason.

Anonymous said...

I do not have experience when it comes to love so I can not reference my feelings towards Romeo and Juliet, but I feel as if Romeo and Juliet could have overcome it because parents always want their kids to be happy and cared for but instead their love was taken to a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet love each other unconditionally and that is what both me and my mom wrote down. We also both put down that he should be fun and religious.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't really have any experience but I know that the guys are not mature and they don't really care at this age. Though in every relationship there are bad incomes but overall there are guys that are no mature and others that are.

Unknown said...

My situation is close to Romeo and Juliet's because my parents didn't know about my boyfriend for a whole.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The thing that is essential to share regarding my completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout is that my mom and my answers are both very similar. We both said we wanted him to be smart, funny, and kind and caring. My experience doesn't relates to what I know about Romeo and Juliet's situation because we are both pretty much on the same page with my parents and agree with a lot of the values. This makes me think about the moral and theme of Romeo and Juliet which is that love can overcome flaws and that they cannot live without each other because love will find a way.

Anonymous said...

Most of the guys our age are immature and stupid. I don't have a lot of experience with love, just a little bit, but I can't really relate to Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

My views are very different compared to my parents- they don't care how my boyfriend looks or if he is respectable... I feel they would want me to get hurt so that way they won't have to worry about the risks of me having a boyfriend, because I wouldn't want to be hurt again by one. I feel like if my parents treat me like Juliet and don't talk to me as much... They deserve to have rebellious child if they don't treat her like an adult. The tighter the leash, the further you run when you are let go

Anonymous said...

I suppose something essential to share from the completed"perfect mate" paper would be that me and my mom had very similar answers and very little differences between our lists. A large portion of the class also, evidently, shared similar answers to their parents as well.

I've never had an experience in relation to Romeo and Juliet ever, not even in movies unless you count in the whole "you can't go with him cause he did blahblahblah" like every movie ever and evidently some of the girls' dads act like that too.

It really doesn't make me think about anything. Don't really feel like there's anything to reflect on. Nothing to really contemplate besides like "what if" answers were different.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that you shouldn't love someone enough to kill yourself! Even though they may be all the qualities you need in someone they just aren't worth killing yourself for!

Anonymous said...

I do not have experience with relationships, but my expectations for a boy are reasonable. But I also think that boys our age and also girls are age are mostly not mature enough to have a relationship. We all change our minds so fast. Getting married at this age in present time is out of the question. In most movies the to teenagers usually fall in love in high school witch I truly do not understand.

Anonymous said...

My parents and my expectations for a guy are pretty similar; kind, polite, responsible, loving and understanding. This doesn't relate to Romeo & Juliet because both of their parents wouldn't be okay if they found out about them, and I wouldn't want or be able to date someone my parents don't approve of.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't think many people these days can relate to the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. It is a false representation of both all males and females, and at least in this generation, guys and girls at the ages of 13 and 17 are not nearly as mature as they are in the play.

Anonymous said...

After completing the Perfect Mate Survey with my mom, I think that most of the things she would want me to have in a relationship align pretty well with what I would want for myself in a relationship. For example, we both wrote that we would want a man to treat me with kindness and respect, and also have a good sense of humor. My situation doesn't really relate to Romeo and Juliet because I don't think my parents will put a limit on who I can be with, I think they will be happy when I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

My mom actually got a lot right ab out my dream guy. We had the same ideas about my perfect boy. Which doesn't really relate to Romeo and Juliet's case because Juliet's mom didn't ever talk to her so she would never know what her dream guy is. I think that it is a good idea to talk to parents about this so they know what you look for I guess.

Anonymous said...

I feel that being in Romeo and Juliet's spot would be very hard because their families are enemies so that just automatically interferes with them. In relation to what I found from my survey, my dad didn't write everything I said but that doesn't mean that if I ended up with someone that didn't meet all the "expectations" that they're wrong for me. Romeo and Juliet's parents were enemies and therefore believe them to be wrong for each other.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that I could be with someone whom my parents don't like, but then again i haven been in that situation. i haven't met that one person who makes me want to risk everything just to be with them. If i met that person that i was so deeply in love with i think i would find that my parents thoughts didn't matter as my rational thoughts would also be affected. I don't think I could think rationally if i did find that person. My parents and I both wrote down trusting, trustworthy and loving. If i could find that in a guy i think it might be possible for me to loose control of what i am doing. but at this age (high school) guys are not mature and half the time when they do stuff they aren't thinking. So it would be hard to find that kind of a relationship at this young of an age.

Anonymous said...

After reviewing my mom's answers I have discovered that we are in agreement and look for many of the same qualities in a mate for me. My situation is very different than Romeo and Juliet's because my parents completely give me the freedom to choose. It is not up to anyone but me and they respect that, unlike Juliet's parents.

Anonymous said...

My Mom is very open minded, and she is accepting to everyone. As long as my sisters and I are happy and are being treated with respect and love,then she will allow us to be with whoever we want to be with. You can't help who you fall in love with. I know this based on movies such as "The Notebook." Life is about being happy, and if you find someone who helps make that happen,you should be allowed to spend the rest of your life with them. Not someone who your parents picked out.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that if you are really close to your parent they know you and for what boy you are looking for. My situation is totally different than in the book Romeo and Juliet. However true love sometimes has to overcome difficulties.

Anonymous said...

With Romeo and Juliet, their parents had a hate for the whole entire family; so the Capulets automatically hated Romeo, same goes for Juliet with Romeos family. The thing is with there relationship there parents knew nothing about the them as an individual, they assumed they were like the parents. With my parents they only know the good things about my boyfriend haha. I don't tell them the bad things, so of course they like him and think I've made an outstanding choice in guys. They have never said I can't be with someone because they know I will follow my heart and do what I want, and most times they cannot stop me. Which is great that my parents give me the freedom to make my own choices as long as I obey there major rules. As far as the sheet goes, me and my dad had very similar thoughts on my "Prefect mate" so I don't have any conflict with him. Although, he did go into a lot greater detail then I did.

Anonymous said...

I don't have experience with the situation between Romeo and Juliet. My mom and i agree with the same qualities a guy should have to date. I think Romeo and Juliet should do what they want not what others say they have to do.

Anonymous said...

My parents and I have different idea of what to expect form a guy yet we both agree at the same time. I agree with my mom on how guys have to be able to care and provide for a family and how also they have to take care of you.They cant use you and they have to not be skunkbags who only have sexual attractions to a guy.

Anonymous said...

My mom had different expectations that she thought I want in a perfect mate. I like all of my moms ideas for characteristics though. Romeo and Juliet can't tell there parents about anything that they fell about one another because they are in different families.

Anonymous said...

I feel Romeo and Juliet do in a way relate to my "love life." I know there is someone out there who I am meant to be with. It is written in God's plan. I do not know if I have meant this person yet or not, but when I find out, I will for sure know. If my parents don't like God's match for me, that is their problem. I will marry whoever is right for ME. It is my life, not my parents.

Anonymous said...

I think that the handout showed that me and my parents share similar morals and likes/dislikes about this. If my parents did not like my husband/boyfriend then I think that I would not stay with him because my parents know me very well according to the perfect mate handout. This does not relate to Romeo and Juliet because I think my parents would be supportive and open minded.

Anonymous said...

well me and my mom thought about the same characteristic in a man for me and her. We were thinking about the same values and moral standings. We both agree about what they need to have to be a good mate for us. This relates to Romeo and Juliet because me and my mom agree but there parents wouldn't agree with her choose witch would make it a lot easier foe them to see each other.

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that I have never been in a relationship, I would not really be able to speak from experience. Though, I can say that from an outsider's perspective looking in it is very important that all people affected by the relationship have mutual respect for each other. When filling out the sheet I would say that my mom and I considered the same things when looking for my "perfect mate." Ironically enough though she was pickier than I was.