Friday, April 11, 2014

"Pyramus And Thisbe?"

How does Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet?  What do you notice about the message of the myth?  Other thoughts?  Please complete during class today.


Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe has similarities regarding Romeo and Juliet in the way that both stories are classified as ill-fated and/or tragedies, and sort of displays the disadvantages to disobeying the important people in your life, such as family. Doing things that aren't considered 'allowed' may have benefits, such as falling in love, yet in this instance, can also turn sour, and may result in deathly consequences.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The two stories compare to each other due to the fact there is tradegy and romance involved between the two stories. The message is that love is vey powerful and can cause death to be unbearable to the point where the other one in the relationship leads to them killing themselves.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has many connections with Pyramus and Thisbe. Within both stories, the two lovers families are feuding and forbid them to be together, but the couples still find a way to be together, whether talking through a hole in the wall or meeting late at night. Both stories end in a tragedy, with both Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus an Thisbe dying in the end. Romeo and Pyramus were both led to believe that their loves were dead, when in reality they weren't. This deception led, in both stories led to tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Both Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe are love tragedies. They are both love stories that end in a sad way. They both aren't allowed to marry but do anyway because of their undying love for each other and both families have feuds. Both stories are Love Tragedies.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects with Romeo and Juliet by basically having the same plot of a boy and girl falling in love when their love is supposed to be forbidden. Then one of the lovers "die" so they other one also kill themselves because they can literally not live without each other. What I noticed about the message of the myth is that their love is so strong and eternal that they can't live without each other, so they will be together not on Earth, but in heaven when they can be together. My other thoughts on this topic is that these stories are romantic tragedies, so they aren't really supposed to be a happy ending, but to leave a message and point across to the viewers and readers.

Anonymous said...

Well one thing that connects Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe is that the lady in the relationship tries to get away from family and end up appearing as if they are dead and then the guy in the relationship kill themselves cause "my love's dead my life's over" and then the lady come back and discovers dead lover and then they kill themselves and then suddenly family enemies are family friends or something.

The main message of the myths seem to be something like fighting is stupid and people will do whatever they can to get away from it or something like that.

Honestly both stories seem quite foolish to me to be honest and so many people base their relationships on Romeo and Juliet and completely ignoring all the people that died and it's way to romanticized to be honest as it shouldn't be something for someone to base their relationship off of as there are a lot of problematic actions and behaviors in the story.

Anonymous said...

well they were both not supposed to be together but neither of them cared about that and they still had their relationships.. In both stories one was thought to be dead so the other killed them self, the person who was dead now kills themselves because the other is actually dead. Both of these stories try to tell that you should do anything for love, no matter what is is. This is a story of to people who are to young to even know what love is. And yet they are willing to die just to not live in a world with out the other. They act on impulse and they all four end up dying. What if they just talked to their percents and just said, look i like this guy and this stupid family feud isn't going to stop us. They story would have changed completely had this happened and there wouldn't have been 2 people who killed them selves.

Anonymous said...

Both stories connect with each other because they have love and romance in them. It shows us that love is very strong, and has more power than we can dream of. In both cases, the love is so strong, both lovers end up killing themselves because they didn't want to live without one another.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe, and Romeo and Juliet are very similar because they both talk about the "power" or their love. Romeo believes that Juliet is dead, and he cannot stand to live without her so he kills himself, then Juliet wakes up and does the same. Both stories explain how overwhelming love can be.

Anonymous said...

Both Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe are star crossed lovers. Both families in the seperate stories are fueding and the eternal love is caught in the middle. The difference is Pyramus and Thisbe aren't married yet and die becus eone thinks the other is eaten by the lion under the tree. In Romeo and Juliet, juliet fakes her death and Romeo actually thinks she is dead, so when thisbe poisons himself and Juliet find him, she stabs herself and the both die. The plot of both stories are virtually the same with a twist at the end for each. The message of both stories are that if you really love someone, their love for you will always last, whether they are dead or alive- communication is everything.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Julie for many reasons.They relate because in both all of the main characters die drastically. Also they connect because they both involve love stories. I notice that the message of the Myth is that if you fall in love make good decisions and all come/involve consequences.

Anonymous said...

They both talk about there power of there love! The power is so strong. That video was really cool!

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe relate to Romeo and Juliet because they were star crossed lovers and they fell in love with each other. Also, in the end of both stories, they guy misunderstands the situation and believes their love is dead. After that the guy kills himself and then the girl awakens or comes back and kills herself too....I think that this is a very dark story if you really dissect the piece and have a deep conversation about it. The parents in the story aren't supportive and they don't communicate to their children at all unless it's to command them to do something. It is very unfortunate that the message never got to Romeo and Thisbe lost her robe/cape thing ad Pyramus misunderstood the situation.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Pyramus and Thisbe are similar to Romeo and Juliet because they were both madly in love and were going to meet eachother, but Romeo and Pyramus had thought that Juliet and Thisbe had died and it was their fault, so they killed themselves. Later, Juliet and Thisbe had found them dead and killed themselves because they could not live without each other.

Anonymous said...

The two stories compare to each other due to the fact there is extreme tragedies and romance within the two stories. The message is that love is so powerful and can cause death of a loved one to be unbearable to the point where the other one in the relationship leads to them killing or seriously harming themselves.

Anonymous said...

They connect because both family are enemies and two teenagers fall in love with each other and have to sneak away to see each other, ending with the two in both story's killing themselves. I think the message of both of the story's would be that love is very powerful. And two people would go to the ends of the earth just to be with each other. They would rather die for one another than not be together. I understand that most people would think a story like "Romeo and Juliet" wouldn't happen in reality(getting married to someone with only knowing them for 1 day)but I don't think that is the point Shakespeare was trying to get a crossed to the readers. I think the point is to show young readers that strong love in possible

Anonymous said...

Romance, love, and tragedy obviously occur in both stories. Both couples cannot stand the idea of living without their true love; therefore, they go to extreme extents. The "power" of love in these stories are immensely strong and courageous.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe is easily compared to Romeo and Juliet in multiple ways. Both Pyramus and Romeo were handsome young gentlemen that fell in love with beautiful, young girls. Another reason is because their parents objected to their love and forbade they to communicate.

Unknown said...

It was a story of two star-crashed lovers that were forbidden to love one another and ended up killed in the end.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe are connected with Romeo and Juliet because they both have a love story. Both parents objected their love. Both relationships show how powerful love can be because they show that they can not live without each other.

Anonymous said...

pyramus and romeo and juliet are alike because they both have a similar love story and both stories have parents that oppose the love between the characters

Anonymous said...

Both the story of Romeo and Juliet as well as Pryamus and Thisbe are romantic tragedies. In both stories the "lovers" are forbidden to be together. The main message is people are going to do what they want and what they believe in. No stopping it. I think maybe both stories are trying to tell you not to meddle into other peoples relationships. You shouldn't try to control them otherwise they're going to do the exact opposite of what you'd like them to.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet are have similarities because they were both a story about two people having a romance and then it ends in a tragedy. In both, it shows that their "love" is so strong that they can't live without the other so they end up taking their own lives.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects to Romeo and Juliet because they are both dramatic stories that involve tragedy and romance and being rebelling against a higher power. They also result in harsh consequences that are hard to read.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe is very very similar to Romeo and Juliet. It is similar in the way that they are both about two young lovers who are separated by their families and are forbidden to be together so they try to sneak away but their plan goes awry and one ends up looking like they are dead and results in suicide because of their love for each other. To not judge people and to give people a second chance, especially if your child is in love with the family whose child you disapprove of.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe is very very similar to Romeo and Juliet. It is similar in the way that they are both about two young lovers who are separated by their families and are forbidden to be together so they try to sneak away but their plan goes awry and one ends up looking like they are dead and results in suicide because of their love for each other. To not judge people and to give people a second chance, especially if your child is in love with the family whose child you disapprove of.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects with Romeo and Juliet in so many ways. The plot for one is very similar, and I feel that Shakespeare probable used this ancient story for inspiration in writing. Both stories incorporate young love, rebellion, and I feel fate. It also involves the death of the lovers and the sorrow the other must face. This leads them to a decision that they must make, death or life without a loved one. In these stories, the lovers both choose death.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects with Romeo and Juliet in so many ways. The plot for one is very similar, and I feel that Shakespeare probable used this ancient story for inspiration in writing. Both stories incorporate young love, rebellion, and I feel fate. It also involves the death of the lovers and the sorrow the other must face. This leads them to a decision that they must make, death or life without a loved one. In these stories, the lovers both choose death.

Anonymous said...

pyramus and Thisbe is alike Romeo and Juliet because they are both in love with someone and there family's don't get along and so the two pairs try so hard to find ways to be with each other and they all try to get away and live together even though there family's would hate to know that they are together

Anonymous said...

There are multiple ways in which the story of Romeo and Juliet connects to the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. For instance, in both of the stories their love was forbitten by their parents and at the end both loving couples took their lifes because of a misunderstanding.