Friday, February 28, 2014

Testing? What Are We Learning?

What do you notice about the TCAP statistical information, The Mountain Of Green Beans, and other TCAP documents that we have read or written about in class this semester?  What do they measure?  What strategies can we employ while TCAP testing that demonstrate what we have learned about reading and writing this semester?  Please respond to this blog prompt in class today.


Anonymous said...

A great part of reading and evaluating during testing is details. They are extremely important. When responding, in order to get a good grade, it is necessary to prove that you can comprehend and understand what the reading is about, and prove that you were reading carefully and being attentive while analyzing the reading.

Anonymous said...

The TCAP information for the Mountain of Green Beans compared to others we have read is that you have to be thorough and attentive while reading to catch important details and the deeper meaning of the reading.

Anonymous said...

During our TCAP preparation, we are learning many skills that apply to our reading strategies as well as our writing skills. I notice that these stories are all kind of "cheesy," but enable us to learn good test taking strategies. We learned that the TCAP tests are important to our future, and it is essential that we do our absolute best.

Anonymous said...

Strategies:Read through the questions first then read the article well. After that then answer the questions.

Anonymous said...

I think that these all show us how we should manage our time and look at the work we need to do. Like even though TCAPS may be hard and worry us and stress us out we, need to take it one by one so we do good on it.

Anonymous said...

While TCAP testing, a good strategy is finding key points and piecing things together to make sure that you understand what you are doing to get a good grade when you have to respond to the text. If you can, relate something in the text to your own life to prove you comprehend it all. Annotate the reading, even if its in your head to pick out pieces that you find important. The more you know and connect about the story. the better the grade you will receive.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

On our TCAPs, the most important thing is to read the question thoroughly, and to focus on what we are reading so we can answer it properly.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that annotating with a purpose helps strategize the answer of the following questions. Also analyzing the details and finding the deeper meaning in a passage is usually what TCAP is looking for.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What I notice about the information of The Mountain Of Green Beans and in comparison to what we have read to other articles we have read this semester is this. Well we should read the questions before you read the article of story. Also we have to find words or phrases that can help the reader understand what they are reading.

Anonymous said...

This story, along with the other TCAP reading practice we have done have several things in common. They all ask us to engage in our reading and take careful note of useful details. These details may help you answer questions later. We learn to analyze certain parts of texts- this teaches us to use our reading skills and transform the into writing pieces.

Anonymous said...

One thing I noticed about the "The Mountain of Green Beans" article and other articles we've read and wrote about this semester is the abundance of descriptive language from personification to metaphors and connections. The article is meant to measure one's understanding and ability to understand the main points of a story and the meaning of certain metaphors and sayings. During TCAP testing we can use the strategy of reading the questions and then reading the test so we know what we need to focus on and it will show that we've learned to find a focus point while reading and make it our purpose to read and then we can answer the questions much quicker hopefully.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed in many of the items we've read in this class have been filled with description and detail to intrigue the reader. I've learned that it's important to have good thesis and body paragraphs that aren't going to bore the reader. "If you're bored with your writing the reader will be bored too." You have to have thorough thought and a good outline so that your paper is in chronological order and it makes sense to the reader. In our TCAP tests we need to remember to use these strategies and other strategies such as reading the questions before reading and getting your reading point.

Anonymous said...

When preparing for TCAP, the Mountain of Green Beans and other articles can help us to develop reading strategies for when we take the actual test. Good test taking strategies include reading through the questions first, and also being really thoughtful in your answers. I think these articles also help us to find the deeper meaning of the articles as well as notice important details.

Anonymous said...

What I notice about the TCAP information The Mountain of Green Beans and others that we have read or written about in class this semester is that annotating and trying to find the deeper meaning of the passage really helps when answering the questions about the text. The information measures the writing and reading abilities and skills that students have formed throughout the school year and the knowledge backgrounds.
The strategies that we can employ while TCAP testing that demonstrates what we have learned about reading and writing this semester is to read the questions ahead of time to look and find the reading purpose of the story. While testing, you also want to just take your time and make sure that you fully understand what happened in the text so that you can answer the questions and prompts to your full ability.

Anonymous said...

I think that in many ways you can prepare for TCAP. I believe that like the grandmother in The Mountain of Green Beans, that we have to take everything bit by bit and not to get overwhelmed trying to do everything in once. During TCAP we need to be thorough and consistent with our amount of effort we put into our work.

Anonymous said...

Over this year I have learned to be calm and collective during testing. When testing it is wise to always double check answers or work, and put forth all of your effort. If someone were to not understand a question before answering it, it's obvious that it would be difficult to get a good grade. I have discovered that in order to achieve greatness and live up to my full potential I must make wise decision while testing. Double checking work, taking my time, and fully comprehending the material is very essential and helpful in taking TCAP or testing in general.

Anonymous said...

When doing TCAP you want to carefully look at each piece of the writing, because you are never done with it. There is always more to evaluate. When reading all of these pieces of writing in TCAP they all seem like they were easily written and that there is not much to say because it is all already there. But you need to remember to list all of the things that you think are common and they will pick up. Thats why you look for the key points. Annotate and pick out the main points and small details. Don't try to rush and use up as much time as you can.

Anonymous said...

The TCAP information we have read so far has prepared us to really comprehend what we read. It is important to read through every question before you read the article so that you know what to look for. It determine your attention span and how well you can remember each question and how to find answer it.It is helpful to pay attention to details while reading.

Anonymous said...

During testing it does not only help the teachers but also the student taking the test. The test shows helps the students brain annotates the reading mentally. Also, how well the readers brain can comprehend the prompt by having to answer the questions relating to the prompt. The student learns different skills while preparing and taking the test by coming up with strategies on how to complete TCAPS with the best of there ability with the time span provided. The TCAPS help prepare for later test like SAT's by having to think to the best of there ability in the sorted amount of time.

Anonymous said...

TCAP helps us see our progress from year to year. Strategies I use before TCAP is studying before I take the test and doing practice writing assignments.

Anonymous said...

I think that the TCAP preparation we did helped us by getting our minds to focus on what we are going to have to do on the TCAP test. Also it helped us with test taking strategies.

Anonymous said...

Learning what we learn for tcap is essential because tcap can test our knowledge if we are really learning or not. Tcap gives us information on how well we are understanding as well as how the teachers are teaching.

Unknown said...

T cap shows how the teachers do and not how the kids do but I do think that they keep us on track

Anonymous said...

Over this year i have learned that it is very important to be thorough and to give it all of your effort. You have to make educated guesses when you don't know the answer. It is also very important to double check all of your work.

Anonymous said...

During the TCAP the main idea of putting these stories in there was to test our basic ability to comprehend details. We can take this into our learning today by when we read not just reading to read but paying attention to all the small details that hold the stories together. This skill is not easily possessed this skill is hard to come by because it demands focus throughout the whole story.

Anonymous said...

It is important to read the questions you will be asked to answer before you read the story because this way you can go through the passage with purpose; knowing what you are going to be asked to talk about or answer when you have finished. TCAP short answer questions measure the readers ability to find theme for the theme in the story. The question asked says that the test taker should explain and give details about the writing when answering the question. It's also important to explain a quote when you put it in one of your answers because this way there is reason behind your evidence.It reminds me to think about the question and answer it to my best ability.

Anonymous said...

It is important to read the questions you will be asked to answer before you read the story because this way you can go through the passage with purpose; knowing what you are going to be asked to talk about or answer when you have finished. TCAP short answer questions measure the readers ability to find theme for the theme in the story. The question asked says that the test taker should explain and give details about the writing when answering the question. It's also important to explain a quote when you put it in one of your answers because this way there is reason behind your evidence.It reminds me to think about the question and answer it to my best ability.

Anonymous said...

It is important to first read the questions, in order to be attentive on the details in the text, which will help us to answer the questions properly. Therefore the TCAP is testing us so we don't just read a story but also find out what the true meaning of it is and get to understand it.

Anonymous said...

It is important to first read the questions, in order to be attentive on the details in the text, which will help us to answer the questions properly. Therefore the TCAP is testing us so we don't just read a story but also find out what the true meaning of it is and get to understand it.

Anonymous said...

It is important to first read the questions, in order to be attentive on the details in the text, which will help us to answer the questions properly. Therefore the TCAP is testing us so we don't just read a story but also find out what the true meaning of it is and get to understand it.