Monday, December 2, 2013

"The Simpsons", Satire, and "The Odyssey?"

Compare The Odyssey video excerpt from the Simpsons with Homer's epic poem The Odyssey Books 9,10,12,21,22,23. What does the Simpson's version satirize? What does it make you think about regarding the poem's characters, theme, relationships, and episodes? Please respond with specific support (i.e.-quotations) for your argument.


Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version is very exaggerated, but really shows how it is all completely unrealistic. When Odysseus returns, it is a realistic happy loving love story.

Anonymous said...

IN thus short film, they exaggerate the sirens and how ugly they are. Also when Odysseus wife gets hit on, she is overly dramatic and the suitors all look like clowns or really silly and foolish. Lastly, Circe is a witch right off the bat and in the Film, Odysseus eats his friends and then when he gets to his wife, he only throws a spear, never firing a single arrow from a bow.

Anonymous said...

The video clip is like the books because they have the same plot but they make a more modern funny twist of what happened and they relate to popular things in our world but they make fun of music and the gods and things like that. For example, when homer went through the Styx river they made fun of the band the Styx that still makes songs today. But for the most part, the storyline of what happened and the overall picture was alike.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version had a lot of hyperbole's and was making fun of a lot of different things. I feel like it plays the same story as Odysseus but is not at all close to the story we read. Also at the end he was supposed to be disguised and it wasn't necessarily a 'happy ending' because he ended up getting mad and 'needing space' so he left for somewhere even though it was the first time he had seen his wife in 20-21 years.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons episode satirizes The Odyssey and Odysseus' journey by making fun of music, the sirens and Odysseus. When Odysseus goes to Circe's Island, he eats all of his friends who were turned into pigs and then leaves. He also was sailing through Hades and then the music wasn't of his taste and he said this is truly.... I think that the episode made fun of Odysseus and what he had to go through to get back to Ithaca.

Anonymous said...

The show was exaggerated but most of the facts where true, they added little things in there to make it funny and entertaining but still tell the true story of the Oddyssey.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version, I thought, did a good job of showcasing all of the information from the book. Even though it was exaggerated it was easy to learn. If I were someone who had never read The Odyssey, I would have found that video extremely insightful.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons version exaggerates a lot and is sort of different from the Odyssey. The people in the simpsons made everything they said a joke. In the simpsons they make fun of the sirens, Ithaca and hades. In the Odyssey, those things were very hard for Odysseus and his men to face.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpson's version of The Odyssey the sirens had been "ugly", there were no men that had already been transformed into animals on Circe's island, Homer ate his men, there was no relationship between Circe and Homer, he had no disguise when he returned home, killed all the men with one shot without help from his son or a re connection with his servants, and there was no scene that involved the bed.

Anonymous said...

Since the video was only two minutes long, there wasn't enough time to fit all the information in. Instead of the Sirens being beautiful, they are ugly. They left out the part with the Cyclops, and when Odysseus' men get turned into pigs, he doesn't eat them in Homer's version of the book. They also don't expand on the relationship between Circe and Odysseus. There is a line of suitors wanting to marry Penelope. (In the Simpsons version, they make fun of Helen no longer being pretty.) Instead of their being a drawn out battle between Odysseus and the suitors, he kills them all with one spear, and immediately makes up with Penelope.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the Simpson's version of the Odyssey was the same prospected but really more for entertainment. Also they have the same plot but they have two different views.

Anonymous said...

“The Simpsons” version of “The Odyssey,” started out by satirizing the song of the Siren. In “The Odyssey” text, the sirens are described as beautiful and tempting, but in this video they were depicted as ugly and undesirable. Another element they made fun of was all the suitors living in Odysseus’ house while he was gone. The video showed them as rude and outspoken, wearing foolish outfits and looking overall unkempt. In the book, the suitors were definitely rude and outspoken, but I don’t think their appearance was ever really mentioned. Although the text “The Odyssey” and the Simpsons video were relaying the same story line, they were very different, and The Simpsons video was filled with satire and exaggeration.

Anonymous said...

I think it's agreeable that The Simpsons video was an exaggeration of the Odyssey, but also represents the story in a true fashion. They stuck to the main plot of the story and really showed just how dramatized the story was.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons Odyssey video was slightly more exaggerated and humorous than The actual books. The Simpson's version satarizes Odysseus's personality, and his relationship with the gods and his wife. He is seen as more of a selfish character in the video, and that is how I perceived him in the books. Homer is sarcastic version of Odysseus, and the books portrayed him as very serious.

Anonymous said...

In this short story everything is exaggerated. And it stays close to the original version but in many ways detail wise it strays from the original. In the end the main parts in the story stay close to the same.

Anonymous said...

In this episode of the Simpson's, they make fun of a lot of things such as The Odyssey. In the original story when Odysseus men turn into pigs and he has to make a deal with Circe to get them back to their human form but in this episode, when the men turn into pigs, Odysseus eats them. Then in this episode, when Odysseus returns home and his wife asks to hear about his journey, Odysseus gets annoyed and tells her he's going to the bar

Anonymous said...

In the Odyssey, Odysseus has to stay with Circe and in The Simpsons Homer or Odysseus just has to go through the path to get back home for his love Penelope. In the books Odysseus fights with many people but in the clip he just gets to go home and that's not fair. But in the end Odysseus and Penelope and Odysseus end up together so they at least have something in common.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey video excerpt does not show everything that the actual book did. The book includes much more detail of the journey rather than the short reunion of the two lovers.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons was really over done, they made it seem worse then it was. Its unrealistic to how the story actually went. It did show how Odysseus' wife was hit on for several years, and when he had returned it didn't show how mad he was at the other men for trying to be with his wife and changing things, plus they didnt look like people tryng to be with his wife. They were dressed as clowns looking like foolish men. The simpsons was a lot different from the books, and it kind of made fun of the story.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey video excerpt and Homer's epic poem with books 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, and 23 compares to the Simpsons clip by the Simpsons almost making fun of and joking with the whole story behind Odysseus. They incorporated when Odysseus arrived on an island and the Siren's were there and singing to them, making them want to come closer. But when they got close they noticed that they were hideous, and didn't want anything to do with it. That was sort of the joke behind it too. They also mentioned the part of when Circe poisoned his men and turned them into pigs. The joke behind that is then Odysseus actually ate his friends and pigs in the Simpsons. It makes me think about regarding the poem's characters, theme, relationships, and episodes by comparing the two and getting some joke out of it. The Simpsons also showed how Penelope was stranded in Ithaca for 20 years without Odysseus and how men were wanting and waiting for her. They compared it well and it was funny.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version and The Odyssey video excerpt were obviously very different. The books were more realistic because they state facts and hardly exaggerate; whereas, The Simpson's is trying to make people laugh. The books stated how the sirens were so enticing and the only way to refuse them was to cover your ears or be tied up. This was obviously very different from how The Simpson's portrayed it. Another difference was that Odysseus ate his men after Circe turned them into swine.

Anonymous said...

It obviously made fun of music and other things. I didn't really see much of a difference between the stories, I was kinda confused. The characters seemed the same