Monday, November 18, 2013

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  Please respond during class today.


Anonymous said...

It was obviously more graphic.But Odysseus is smarter than the other men about talking to Cyclops. There is no music or dances or anything like that. I don't really understand this book in general though so.

Anonymous said...

Overall the video clip and the reading were pretty similar but I noticed that the Cyclops only killed one man but in the reading the Cyclops killed multiple men. I also noticed that the Cyclops screamed about his eye before they left in the video but in the reading the men I believe escaped before the Cyclops screamed. I didn't see very many differences from the reading and the video.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus seems much more laid back in the film versus in the text. His tone of voice sounds more sarcastic in the film when he sounds more serious in the book. Also, the film presents extras that weren't originally in the text, like the music in the background. Other than that, the film is a pretty accurate representation of the book.

Anonymous said...

In the movie, the cyclops has a rather friendly conversation with Odysseus. He tells the cyclops he is magic and that he has all the secrets in the world. He doesn't want to eat him and then he gives him wine. The cyclops rests and says he wants more secrets, then Odysseus wants to kill but doesn't. The Cyclops has only eaten one man and music plays while the make the spear to keep the cyclops asleep. The Cyclops has opened the rock and is shouting to his fellow people. The men then escape disguised as ghosts. They run to the ship. AS they sail away, he tell the Cyclops who he is. He then prays to his father Poseidon and asks for revenge.

Anonymous said...

The cyclops falls asleep after drinking the win, and the cyclops only eats one man. Also, Odysseus does not walk around the cyclops preparing to kill him. Odysseus also does not reveal his real name to the cyclops. And once the cyclops is stabbed in his eye, he doesn't immediately open the door, he comes after the men.

Anonymous said...

Odysseious didnt try to kill cyclops. The cyclops ate less men in the movie. There was no music in the book. The other cyclops' didn't come to see what was wrong. Cyclops didn't throw the rock in the book.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the video and the reading is that the video is a lot easier to understand because you can see everything that is going on and also hear everything. Details like music and sound effects help create a more sensory experience, which makes it easier to understand.

Anonymous said...

In the film they said that they were soldiers.In the film the cyclopes eats one of the soldiers. There is no music in the text. The brothers of the cyclopes didn't show up. Two guys died instead of more. They all tied them self's with twine to look like they were sheep's.

Anonymous said...

It is more graphic but the two converse more than i think that they did in the book... There was no music in the book. So that was probably just a little added note to make the movie longer. also you never see the other collapses... In the book they didnt actually tie them selves under the sheep..

Anonymous said...

In the film they said that they were soldiers.In the film the cyclopes eats one of the soldiers. There is no music in the text. The brothers of the cyclopes didn't show up. Two guys died instead of more. They all tied them self's with twine to look like they were sheep's.

Anonymous said...

Subtle differences I noticed in The Odyssey text and the movie is that the movie was much more graphic. Odysseus also did not contemplate killing the cyclops at first in the movie. At first the Cyclopes' relationship with Odysseus is pretty normal, and in the text the Cyclops was more upset with them being in his cave.

Anonymous said...

The video clip and the book were pretty similar. The only main differences were that there was no music or any dancing in the book. The clip was more graphic.

Anonymous said...

The Book IX Odyssey and The Odyssey film clip are very similar! In the film the cyclops only eats one man; however, in the book he eats multiple. There is no music and dancing in the text, but there are both in the film. In the film the Cyclops' brothers do not call out to him, but they do in the text. Also, text was more graphic and realistic.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus pushed for his men to not attack to cyclops and spoke much more in the film than in the text. They also offered the wine to the cyclopes much faster and he sounded out Nohbdy as "Noh-B-Dy". There is much more speech during the film and only one man was eaten, there's music, there is not the groaning for staying in the cave for the night. The cyclops opened the door right away and the crew was able to sneak out on the first try and the man playing the flute sacrificed himself. They stole no sheep and lost only two men in total. The wording of how he reveals himself and how Polythemus set the curse on Odysseus. They also tied no men to sheeps.

Anonymous said...

In the text, there was no music but in the video there was. In the text, the Cyclops killed one man versus inn the video he killed two. Also, in the video, someone was about to give away his identity and someone had to shut him up.

Anonymous said...

In the film and in the book the guy changes his name to nobody. Also in the text Odysseus tries to kill him.In the text he tries to poke the eye as a plan and that is what actually happened in the film. They came outside and he never removed the rock. The brothers of the Cyclopes didn't show up. Two guys died instead of one. They all put sheep skin on themselves. There was no music in the book and in the film there was music.

Anonymous said...

Although the text and film of “The Odyssey” were based upon the same story, there were some notable differences throughout the video. One of the first differences that I noticed was that when Odysseus knocks the Cyclops out by gifting him with the wine in the book, he tries to kill the Cyclops by stabbing him in the gut, but in the video he never even begins to kill the monster, he immediately decides he shouldn’t yet. Another difference I noticed was that in the film, when Odysseus and his men stab the Cyclops in the eye and he calls out for help, no other Cyclops come to see what’s wrong with him, like they did in the book. Finally, Odysseus and his men had a fairly easy escape, and they didn’t have to spend the night with the sheep or tie themselves under the sheep to get away.

Anonymous said...

The subtle or overt differences that I noticed regarding the Book IX The Odyssey and watching the film clip of the Cyclops episode are that there was no music that Odyssey played while the whole thing happened. The Cyclops also only killed one man in the movie and he killed many more in the text. When the Cyclops got stabbed in the eye, he didn't directly just move the rock, they talked and discussed it out more. They didn't all tie themselves with twine with the sheep fur to trick the Cyclops, only about one man did.

Anonymous said...

In the text there is no music, and he didn't open the rock at first in the story. Odysseus is smarter then the other men by knowing how to do this. To get out, they did not hide under the sheep, only one did, the men just ran out. The one men that did, had put the sheep skin over. In the film the Cyclops was friendly where in the book he was not at all

Anonymous said...
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