Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Inherit The Wind" Background Information Response?

Based upon your Inherit The Wind background research, what are at least four items that one should know about the historical context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other items you might have researched?  Please blog intelligently using specifics to support your thinking.  This blog response is due by 2:30p.m. on Fri., Dec. 6th.


Anonymous said...

Four items one should know about the historical context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other history from this time are that America was very reluctant to teaching against the bible, religion used to be a huge basis in politics, public speaking influenced the public immensely, and William Jennings Bryan's death represented an end of an era. The trial angered and sometimes changed the minds of Americans.

Anonymous said...

One should know that Scopes was used as a test subject to see how those who backed up the Butler Act would react. Other things that should be known is what the Butler Act is, what the first amendment means, and what the fundamentalist movement was. All information listed above is at least highly recommended to know about when approaching this case.

Anonymous said...

The Scopes Monkey Trial was a window into new historical thinking. It showed that everyone no longer believed in the Fundamentalist ways. They thought that they had discovered something, and they were going to show it. It marks a turning point in the rebellious nature of the human, as well as a sense of individuality among men.

Anonymous said...

Four things someone should know about the historical context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other items I have researched is that the Butler Act prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools, John Scopes got charged for testifying against the Butler Act in 1925, H.L Mencken was a rich business man from Dayton, Tennessee, lastly, the first amendment did not protect unlawful search and seizures.

Anonymous said...

Before reading "Inherit the WInd" four items one should know about the Scopes Monkey Trial and its time are Americans believe in living and teaching by the Bible, religion was a huge influence in people's lives and in politics, and that John Scopes went to jail for teaching evolution against the law. Another concept a reader should know is that an act was passed, The Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution. The Scopes Monkey Trial was a significant event in history, that changed how Americans looked at both unfair trials and how we should deal with crime.

Anonymous said...

I think someone should know that the Scopes Money Trail was that John Scopes was teaching evolution in class and it was not in the teaching curriculum. Also that this trial took place in 1925. At this time america was very agents about teaching agents the bible. This changed some Americans view on teaching about/agents the bible.

Anonymous said...

The Scopes Monkey Trial was a big trial involving religious beliefs, public school teaching, an amendment from the constitution, and many men taking sides and roles in the court hearing. The debated issue was whether or not public schools should be allowed to teach about evolution. There was a lot of arguing involved and John Scopes (a teacher taking a big part in it) was being used.

Anonymous said...

Four things everyone should know about the context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other things are the Butler Act prohibiting the teaching of evolution, John Scopes got charged for going against the Butler Act, H.L Mencken was a rich business man from Dayton, and also the first amendment did not protect search and seizures.

Anonymous said...

The Scopes Monkey Trial and other major beliefs consisted of the fact that at that certain point in time, religion and law were not separated, and any form of teaching/communication/otherwise that conflicted with the information in the bible was considered wrong. The Trial definitely fired up debates between Americans, on whether or not banning the teachings of evolutionism was justified, and created conflict between those people.

Anonymous said...

It takes place in a fictional town called Hillsboro, Inherit the Wind was originally a play, it took place in the early 1900's a time when america was very hesitant to teach about the bible, and Bertram Cates is the protagonist.

Anonymous said...

Four items that someone should know about the historical context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other items that I researched is that the actual trial called "Tennessee v. Scopes" took place in 1925. The Butler act prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools. John Scopes got arrested because he taught the idea of evolution even though it wasn't in the textbook. And lastly, H.L. Mencken was a newspaperman from Baltimore that was snarky and used humor to show people what was occurring during the trial.

Anonymous said...

Four important things to know...
America was very against teaching against the bible. What rights the first ammendment protects.
It shows a rebellious state of the american history.
About the butler act which didnt allow anyone to teach evolution.

Anonymous said...

The monkey scopes trial had said how the butler act was the evolution of school. Then John scopes testified against the Act in 1925. H.l was a rich business man from Tennessee. The first amendment didn't protect the search and seizures.