Friday, November 1, 2013

"Technology and A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class today.


Anonymous said...

Well first of all, My parents went to K-State. But I don't really get how this connects to anthem. Like Yes, our tecnology is amazing and it's becoming bigger and better and there is so much more tecnology coming. But I mean I guess It just has to do with creativity? Anthem could not be creative. But that's basically it. I didn't really see anything else.

Anonymous said...

This made me rethink how much stuff and time is involved in the internet. This at the time it was made was a new idea, similar to the world of "Anthem: We are made by the internet and creativity, as well as Anthem 7-2521 who lives through his creativity.

Anonymous said...

This made me think of how technology has changed. Over the matter of a few years, of how much the human race has become better.

Anonymous said...

The short video "us in the machine" makes me think about the Book Anthem. This video relates to Anthem because in the video they were using a lot of technology and in the society of Anthem they didn't any technology. All they have to use is paper and our world is more modern now so we could use technology to help in our society.

Anonymous said...

I also don't really know how this relates to Anthem. I guess just our technology is very advanced and Anthem doesn't have any technology. Does this have to do with that in Anthem,if all your brothers think it's right then you're wrong? I mean not all people agree with the advancement of technology. But maybe this just has to do with what Equality would think about this video? Equality would like how the user kept going to the web and retaining information and then typing it on another document? The user is obviously apprehending information and that's what Equality loves to do in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about how much the world has changes, technology wise. How we can talk to people all around the world.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a big connection between this video and Anthem because they're totally opposite. Anthem doesn't even have light and in this video they are using huge amounts of technology. There may be a smaller connection as in how Equality is very creative and all the stuff that we are able to do on the internet is creative. And ourselves are mostly creative people with our project, writings and everyday life.

Anonymous said...

well it makes me think that we are all able to do different things and find different ideas to help our thinking go further. But in anthem they are unable to research things so there for they are unable to expand there thinking because they can only have what is given to them.

Anonymous said...

Nothing really makes me think anything about the video, I'm just confused by it. None of us are machines and not everyone in on the virtual world. We have the choice to use the internet and some people use it as a way to stay in touch with friends and people use it to make friends. It's unreasonable to say that someone is a machine for merely using the computer or electronic like it. It connects with "Anthem" though, because everyone thinks of one another as a single body or as a "machine". As if one was a computer, one would have to have the approval of the rest of the "computer" to comtinue on as spoken by a scholar: “If this should lighten the toil of men . . . then it is a great evil, for men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men.” If one does not help the other the balance of the society is thrown off and people don't work together.

Anonymous said...

I didn't really understand how this is related to anthem. But I think it is trying to tell us that we now are putting our identities out there for every one when the people in anthem don't even have identities.

Anonymous said...

This video is about typing and a computer and how much we use it. It talks about HTML codes. I don't really understand how this video about the computer and internet have anything to do with "Anthem". This video made me thing about how crazy the internet is and how when you post something, its on there forever. Our identity is the internet and anyone can hack us. The internet is a very scary thing and its as if it is taking over.

Anonymous said...

This video made me rethink about how involved we are in technology. It is obvious that today's society is bombarding with technology every day. But are we really thinking about what who is seeing what we put out there? I personally do not see any connection to Anthem. Their society is not involved in technology at all and they aren't really progressing as we are.

Anonymous said...

This made my think about how we are relying so much on technology now. Like, if we had a worldwide blackout, so many of us would go crazy without our cell phones and computers, and even the more simple things like washing machines and refrigerators. We are improving our identity bu creating faster, smarter and more powerful technology, but at the same time we are limiting our physical capabilities to do stuff that technology now does for us.

Anonymous said...

I guess really the only thing i could connect Anthem to this video is the comparison of our use and the character's deprivation of technology. Other than that I really don't see how the two relate.

Anonymous said...

Lines of writing on paper is nonlinear, inefficient, and is flat in thinking. When writing on paper, the reader could have less of an idea of what we are trying to say. This generation is trained to use technology to the best of their ability. In Anthem, they don't know how to do this so Equality's thinking is flat. He knows there is something to enhance his thinking, he just has to re-discover it. Without technology, the perception in life is different than with technology today. "But we loved the Science of things. We wished to know.We wished to know about all the things which make the earth around us. We asked so many questions that the teachers forbade it." Equality is searching and re-thinking. HE is no longer thinking flat, but 3-dimensional.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" makes me think about how people promote themselves through technology and the internet. It all makes us rethink love, ethics, family, and individuality. It said that the machine is using us, then said that the machine is us. The people are technology, changing our world and changing or even losing our indentity. We can decide how much of what we want to show of ourselves to the world. This video may connect with Anthem by Equality trying to find his own individuality through himself with rebelling against his society and losing his individuality through his own society, because everyone is forced to be so alike. A quote that could possibly support this idea of individuality from Anthem is, "Know what you want in life and go after it. I worship individuals for their highest possibilities as individuals, and I loathe humanity, for its failure to live up to these possibilities."

Anonymous said...

This made me think of how technology has changed. Over the matter of a few years, of how much the human race has become better.

Anonymous said...

Technology majorly affects society. It changes the way people live their everyday lives. Technology makes previously more challenging tasks easier, and has been changing generations ever since the start of technology. This video and Anthem aren't directly, nor easily connected, because it is more of the main ideas that are connectable. Equality has this idea of new inventions, and what they could do for the world, and technology itself has done that. Technology has become a huge part of our culture. Other than that though, I do not think Anthem and the video can be really related to each other.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how the web has taken over. There are so many things that a computer can do. Our generation grew up with the web. In anthem people were born into a society where no one was different. Soon people born now will only use technology and that's all they will know. That is the only relation I could find anthem and the video. Being born into a certain life.

Anonymous said...

This is a form of creativity and how the internet shapes what we think and do. creativity was used in the short story anthem to describe how 7-2521 had creativity and wa shaping his own mind making his own decisions and doing what he wants. It also shows a way of how other peoples ideas cause people t want to follow the crowd because its the "normal" thing to do

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how much information the internet contains and how much we don't know about it. I learned a lot of new things in the video. The most memorable part was when it stated that the machine is us. People play a big role in technology, and in a way it controls us. In the video many forms of technology are revealed; however, in the book Anthem they do not have any technology. The technology world is advancing quickly, but in Anthem it took them many years to allow the candle.

Anonymous said...

When Wesch's video went to the article, zooming in on the sentences talking about how everyday we blog and post pictures, ect. Yes this video might be dated, but its true. How many pictures of our lives do we post a day. I thought about that a lot. And when he said, "We are the machine" I thought its so true. I don't know about you, but I'm in love with my phone, laptop, mostly my phone. But I love it. I'm on it all the time.. Its become sad. When watching this video I didn't think about Anthem so when you ask this question, I don't get it fully. Then I remembered, at the beginning of the video when he was using paper, and kept erasing, I remembered. In Anthem they have no technology. Just paper. He started off that way then mentioned how technology is easy, and flexible.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" makes me think how technology is not only efficient, but has changed our world for the better. But did Anthem's characters think of technology as a bad thing? They probably would because it makes people think, share, and learn sometimes more than they're supposed to. The primitive culture of Anthem shows that they do not want any new inventions or technologies, just equality. The quote, “We, Equality 7-2521, were not happy in those year in the Home of the Students. It was not that the learning was too hard for us. It was that the learning was too easy. This is a great sin, to be born with a head which is too quick. It is not good to be different from our brothers, but it is evil to be superior to them. The Teachers told us so, and they frowned when they looked at us,” shows that innovation is very unaccepted in Anthem and a person that contradicts that could be punished severely.

Anonymous said...

This video really made me think of what is going on in this world with the web like Facebook and twitter and all of those social websites. Everyone being a author/writer it's saying that when we are blogging or writing answers or even just saying or posting "wow wonderful weather we are having today." This means that we are authors on everything we type or write. This would not be okay for Anthem because no one in Anthem have technology so there for they wouldn't like it. I mean if they used technology they could relate to this video but they don't and that means a lot they would be all authors as well.

Anonymous said...

This video produced by Michael Wesch was focused on how writing with a pencil and paper is kind of going out of style, because the internet has so much more information and ideas for us. Doing activities on the internet elevates our thinking and has really advanced our society. This could relate to “Anthem” because their society doesn’t have any technology, and most people aren’t even allowed to put their thoughts on paper. Equality defied this rule, and when he discovered electricity, the Council refused to appreciate it. “‘How dared you think that your mind held great wisdom than the minds of your brothers? And if the Councils had decreed that you should be a Street Sweeper, how dared you think that you could be of greater use to men than in streeping the streets?’” (Rand 72). If something like this happened today, with some new internet discovery or new device, the creator would be praised and appreciated.

Anonymous said...

The computer is trained to think a certain way. And in a way so are we.. After being in this society for a long time we become brainwashed to think a certain way. As Life goes one we become numb to how we think. We are the machine.

We are all just part of the "well oiled machine" that has trained us to not only think differently but to think differently about certain things. The video said "we need to rethink love." When we think of love we think of the perfect relationship with the perfect person; every thing is perfect. But thats just the way we were trained to think love comes with so many things including heart ache, struggle. Its not always perfect, in face it almost never is. But if the love is strong enough it can over come anything.

This relates to anthem because he is trained to think a certain way but he dosent he takes his own path..