Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How does This To Shall Pass by Okay Go ehibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response. This blog response should be completed in class byNovember 1st.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the video "This Shall pass" is almost the opposite of Anthem at first because this video is super creative. When making this video the people setting it up and organizing it probably had no limits of how creative they could be. But then in Anthem they could not be themselves everyone had to be equal, they also did not really have a chance to be creative and unique. Until the end and i think the video is what equality was trying to get at, being able to be different and creative in his own life.

Anonymous said...

This would not be aloud in the society, but I think Equality would like the video because shows that you can do what you want if you put your mind to it and also it is all connected in some sort of weird way. It connects to Anthem for Equality finding electricity and showing it to the Council is connected in some sort of twisted way. Also in the video all the machine was made to do was to shoot them with paint. It was pretty pointless, but it kind of showed the pointlessness in the Society that the jobs that they had and also the rules that they had.

Anonymous said...

This video is super unique. At the beginning I thought to myself, "Wow, I could totally do this." And then they smashed a t.v. and had a car roll down a ramp. Equality would probably think that this is amazing and he would be intrigued because he is just now discovering lights and mirrors. I think that Equality might question why they made the task of pouring paint on someone so elaborate, but he would at the same time think that the music, creativity and colors used were amazing. Equality might question the reason for pouring paint on a person but, in the end Equality has definitely never seen or heard of anything like this so he would be captivated in awe.

Anonymous said...

"Shall This Pass" could be shown in Anthem because it can sometimes be believed that if everyone worked as one, things would be better. This could be true, however in "Anthem" they are supposed to be one, but with limited creativity. I do believe that if everyone worked together, imagine all that creativity and how great that could be. However, if we were controlled and had our creativity and freedom taken away, that would be awful. Finally, Equality went through the harder way of finding electricity, there are probably easier ways, but like "Shall This Pass" Equality set up a complicated way of experimenting with electricity.

Anonymous said...

The music video This Shall Pass is related to Anthem in many ways. One being they created this whole set up in the video to get someones attention. Just like Equality did in Anthem to get the councils attention in hopes of finding a way out of this place they call prison.

Anonymous said...

This video reminds me of Anthem because in this video the true intelligence of people and the uniqueness that people can possess brings me back to Equality. Equality was a very intelligent and unique individual, the only difference is that Equality wasn't given the opportunity to show the society, show others, so his leaders what he was capable of. Which differs from today's world because you can see this youtube video that has been viewed by over 100,000 people and is continuing to be viewed all over the world, and it really gives people an understanding of how intelligent and unique people are. Equality made a brilliant discovery but was unable to share it with anyone due to the ways of the society. In both the video and Anthem there were discoveries and inventions that were made and found. Both Anthem and this video make it easier to see how many intelligent and unique people we have in today's world.

Anonymous said...

"This shall pass" by Okay Go ehibit the antithesis is what is valued in Anthem because it shows that the little things that are used as individuals can cause a bigger change and create a greater success, other than all being a group and doing the same things. If the objects all did the same thing then, there would be no point and nothing would happen but the same thing over and over again. One quote from the text anthem to help represent this is "We are one...and only...and we love you who are one..alone...and only" this quote helps represent this because it is saying that if we are alone we basically have our own path and others will support us when we have our own jobs. Like the smaller objects going to push the bigger objects to cause a change, the bigger objects support the smaller objects because they take up the job once the smaller objects have done their part... basically support.

Anonymous said...

This video is like Anthem because they had their own creativity to make this video and actually think to do something like this just like Equality does when he is trying to be creative and different from his brothers by finding his self and and exploring what he can do when he really tries to make a goal for himself, and he put his mind to do it that he really can just like this video showed they put their mind to it and made something very creative.

Anonymous said...

In the video, one small thing can cause a great effect. The same thing is exhibited in Anthem. The group of people that made the video showed that when a simple task is wanted, there are more complex ways of achieving your goals. This relates to Anthem because the candles are very simple, but Equality found a more complex, and interesting way to light the society. He was exploring the possibilities to achieve the same goal, but in a different way. At the end of the video "This to Shall Pass" they were shot with paint. That was the final outcome. Of course, there are many more simple ways to get to the same state, but they chose a creative and complex way to get there. The video relates to Anthem in many ways even though they do not seem alike at first.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go connects to Anthem because the people who made this happen are very intelligent and get to show how smart they are in our world. Equality on the other hand, was not allowed to show the world what he can do and what he could create. We live in a world where it is acceptable to be smart and encouraged to try new things and invent new ideas, demonstrated in this video, but the society in Anthem forces the people to only look at things one way and not allow them to think for themselves. In the book anthem, the author writes, " We are nothing.Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for our brothers who are the State. Amen." This quote shows how much power the government in the book has over the people and how different this society is to the one we live in. We are lucky to live in a world where being unique is accepted and doing things like the scientists did in this video is allowed and encouraged.

Anonymous said...

The video "This To Shall Pass" relates to Anthem because the video exhibits how people can act as one but put a twist into there own part of the task. Also it connected to how it was really over the top to get these guys full of paint and how some of the parts weren't necessary like in Anthem how there were some jobs that weren't exactly necessary that they still did.

Anonymous said...

In the community where Equality lives these exciting chain reaction would be looked down upon because it is very complex and required being creative. Although the community would disapprove of this invention i believe that Equality would like this a lot, he would like it because it shows new inventions. As we know equality created electricity so he is very adventurous and interested in creating new inventions. Equality would also approve because it is showing individuality and the intelligence of others.

Anonymous said...

In Anthem, Equality 7-2521 believes in his own individuality and being creative. He believes that he is unique and that no man should is the same. In the video, This To Shall Pass relates to being creative and unique. Also, in Anthem, Equality had to put a lot of effort into convincing the Council to use his invention, just like in This To Shall Pass, you can just tell that it was difficult to create the track of the video perfectly that everything worked out. In Anthem, Equality just wants to have his own individuality and he goes to the Uncharted Forest with The Golden One and lives there. In the video, the entire point of the track was to get shot by the paint. That was the ending thing that happened and they had to work it out just so they could end with the paint shooting at them.

Anonymous said...

The theme of this video is very similar to the book "Anthem" in many ways. The society did not want to change because they had a fear of someone with a lower status (like Equality) would take over. The City and World Councils had a fear that one thing would drastically change their world. It is very similar to this video in the fact that one object led to everything else falling down. Also this video shows a great amount of creativity and hard work. In "Anthem" the people were not allowed to think beyond the outside world and have any great ideas/be creative.

Anonymous said...

The video This To Shall pass by Okay Go contrasts and compares to Anthem because in Anthem Equality makes a machine that in their society is useless the people. In this video the people set up a very elaborate system for just one simple thing to happen, to be shot with paint. In the video many different things happen so the main part can take place. With just one simple start the sequence of events continues and makes each new part of the video unique; it shows that with one event a bunch of new ones will take place. This is also in Anthem where Equality shows the scholars his invention and they reject it. This causes more events and actions to take place which branches out to more actions. In Anthem, Equality says, "We swung our fist through the windowpane, and we leapt out in a ringing rain of glass." This quote shows that because of one little situation a whole bunch of situations follow. Equality didn't intend on breaking glass and running away, but do to the situation everything changed an set up more events to take place.

Anonymous said...

I think that this machine in the video would not be allowed or would be in society in the book Anthem. To make a machine like this you need many people and their individual ideas. But in Anthem people were not allowed to express there ideas so machines like that could not be created. The government would prohibit this in Anthem because it involves creativity and individuality. The machine remindes me of Equality because it has so many parts to it like Equality has many parts to himself. The lamps showed light and in the book Equality made light/electricity. And the paint at the end shows how Equality at the end of the book was able to show his colors.

Anonymous said...

The video This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem because it showed individual thinking and creativity.In Anthem they didn't have such complicated machinery or thinking.The people never thought on their own instead they followed whatever the Elders wanted.In Anthem the people were also not allowed to invent.Invention was bad and this whole video was about inventing.The video also showed uncleanliness if it was in the Society of Anthem because such things as paint and fun weren't allowed.Just like the quote;"we are one",the Society of Anthem doesn't allow you to have a thinking state in your own mind.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The this to Shall Pass video related to Anthem by showing it can take a lot of work to do something little. In the video there are all these little chain reactions that lead to the ending which is just splattering paint which really wasn't that complicated of an action. In the book Equality wants to think for himself which seems like a simple idea in the world that we live in but in the world of Anthem it isn't and he has to work for his ability to think for himself become his own person. Equality says "For the coming of that day shall I fight, I and my sons and my chosen friends. For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor." which shows that Equality is and has to fight for a simple idea like in the video how all these little things have t happen for the paint to splatter even though its a simple action.

Anonymous said...

"This To Shall Pass" by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in "Anthem" because it shows that little things can cause a big change, causing the domino effect. The contraption started with a little toy car bumping into it. In "Anthem", Equality is like the toy car, he wants make a big change by becoming an individual in the controlling society. In the book, the quote: "We, Equality 7-2521, have discovered a new power of nature. And we have discovered it alone, and we are alone to know it." states that Equality found a new power (domino effect of the contraption) and he's found it alone and only he knows of it - the people who built the contraption know of the amazing domino effect and how it was constructed. A big change can be caused by one little action (Equality).

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go is like “Anthem” by Ayn Rand because it shows the creataors uniqueness. It shows how smart the creaters of this machine are and how they are different from others in the world and their individualism. The individualism that Equality was fighting for in “Anthem” so that everyone could be their self. An example from “Anthem” would be when Equality thinks “I am a man. This miricle of me is mine to own and keep, and mine to guard, and mine to use, and mine to kneel before!” (Ayn Rand 95). This shows us that Equality thinks all men deserve to be different from others and that it is a blessing to be able to show people what makes you different from everyone else.

Anonymous said...

"This To Shall Pass" By Okay Go is like "Anthem" by Ayn Rand in many ways. This video showed creativity which Equality was all for. He liked being different and seeing differernt things and this video showed a lot of this. If Equality were to see this video he probably would of though it was the coolest thing, because in his old society there was never anything like this. Everyone was the same and had to do the same things. No one was an individual they all had to be one.

Anonymous said...

I was absent when we responded. The video is completely opposite of "Anthem" because to me it represents freedom and how the human mind is so creative. But in "Anthem", they have been taught that it isn't okay to be creative or have a free mind or spirit. So I really think that the quote, "To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.", (Rand, 101) really relates to the music video because the video is really fun and free spirited. There seemed to be as if there were no limitations on what the producers could and couldn't do with what they were given. So in a way, the video is saying that what's new now is going to pass. So in "Anthem", the lifestyle of dictatoship will only last for a short period of time and then it will pass.