Sunday, November 4, 2012

Technology And A "Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class.


Anonymous said...

This video "Technology and a "Primitive Futuristic Society?"" shows that computers and technology pretty much control us. Although, this could be true, I think it just depends on who it is. Also, it was informational about what those HTML tags mean, I've always wondered what they meant. Finally, so maybe one day, the world will be completely controlled by technology.It's already getting there.

Anonymous said...

The video connects with Anthem because as in Anthem, no one really has their own identity or individuality. On the Internet, no one really knows who you are or what your true identity is. It also connects in a contradictory way because the society in Anthem is way less advanced than our society is today. We have many more advanced technology than the society in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

This video might connect with anthem because it helps me understand how important our unique qualities can help our society become more advanced and skilled.

Anonymous said...

I was interested to see the way technology has changed and how it now shapes our identity. It reinforces the fact that much of our identity is shaped by technology. I learned what different URL letters mean (like html) and how they have evolved over time. Whether we know it or not, we are actually telling the computers how to function and how to shape our society and everyday lives. This video was very informative and is very informational about to correlation between technology and our everyday life. It relates to Anthem in the fact that the society was very controlling and technology tends to control our everyday lives.

Anonymous said...

Wesch’s short video about “us in the machine” makes me think about the whole entire world. Everyday people are getting smarter and more efficent in different things, we are becoming more a “machine”. We are way smarter than any computor or program so we ourselfs are like a machine. This also relates to Anthem because it shows us that each of us are a “machine”. In growing up we learn more and more about things that make us who we are and defines us as a machine. As we create, move things, and make things better, we are buliding the machine inside of us. Otherwise known as yourself or your individuality which is exatly what Equality finds in Anthem. “I wished to know the meaning of things. I am the meaning.” (Ayn Rand 94). He learns in the end that the world is man, that he and all the others are the meaning of life. We are the ones who help life and wisdom grow amoung us. Without everyone individual’s help we would be lost, so the world starts with you.

Anonymous said...

The video,"us in the machine" kind of disturbed me. It made me think that the machine is constantly getting smarter and learning more about us, and we are constantly depending on the machine for individuality. The video connects with Anthem because in a way, we are like Equality. We are all connected and linked together by the internet and no one is above anybody. We are all equals on the computer.