Friday, April 22, 2011

Significant Other And Perfection? Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think?  Reflect?  Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion.  This blog response should be completed in class on 4-22-11.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

When I first saw what my parents thought was the best guy for me I was thinking that they were going to ask for more in a guy, but when I compared it with mine it wasn't that far off. It isn't the same because I would get to know the guy before I want to go out with him. Another reason it isn't the same is because my parents won't disagree with what I pick and in the end we both won't kill ourself. It makes me think will I ever find a guy who will have all the traits that I wrote down.

Anonymous said...

The Perfect Mate survey made me realize that my mother's expectations were much like mine. I actually wasn't surprised because I know she wants what's best for me and that her opinions only matter a tiny bit compared to mine. I was glad that my mother and I shared the same values because that means it won't be too hard for my future significant other to win her approval.

Anonymous said...

I found out I had high expectations for myself and for my "significant other", but also that my parents shared many of those expectations but also had others as well. I didn't fully understand all of them but I think some of them come with age and experience. I think Romeo and Juliet is a good example because Juliet had expectations for her perfect mate and then she found out she was partially aligned with her father. He wanted her to be happy, instead of forcing her into a relationship. He valued love as she did. Romeo and Juliet also showed the differences. The parents didn't see things the way Romeo and Juliet did, sometimes out of wisdom but sometimes it was because they were blind from their anger. Juliet's mother also has different expectations for Juliet. She wants her to get married and have children. She doesn't care for love as her husband and daughter do.

antoinettew said...

For my "Perfect Mate" handout I found that me and my mom have similar expectations for the perfect mate. Except my expectations were a little bit more about physical and my mom's was more about heart, values, and faith. Me and my mom's survey are very different than Romeo and Juliet because Juliet's parents had very different expectations from Juliet's.

antoinettew said...
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Anonymous said...

Parent's can be so mysterious sometimes. Especially when it comes to their daughter's love life... I found out that my parents have just about the same expectations that I do. I think that is very important to have that in a family relationship. Juliet's Mother is having the issue of not agreeing on the requirements. She love's someone but her mom doesn't want her to. Even if parents do not have the same expectations it is important to follow your heart because it is your life that you have to live with not theirs.

Anonymous said...

I was very surprised when my mom wrote about my "perfect mate". We agreed on more things than I thought we did and it is nice to have the support of my parents and to have them agree with me. Romeo and Juliet did not have the support of there parents or family.

ClaudiaG said...

I thought that my expectations would be higher than my parents, but there's were actually a little bit higher. Where I would want a guy that's shy at first, until you get to them, and my parents want someone who is very social. I allowed room for more flaws then my parents did. I think this fits Romeo and Juliet, because the time period is so short, yet they both think the other is so perfect, therefore they are more excepting of each other's possible faults.

Anonymous said...

When my dad and I did the Perfect mate survey there were some places we were similar and others that were suprising. I was expecting my dads expectations to be mush harsher than they were but when it comes down to it mine were actually more severe. Some of the things my dad had put down are things that I don't find as important and that is where we tend to collide. It definitely shows that he is very protective and that he actually kinda knows what I am looking for in a "mate".

Anonymous said...

I suppose Romeo and Juliets love was real, but if they loved each other than they should let nothing stop them. Juliet shouldnt have taken the potien, but just said no to Paris, and ran away with Romeo. Instead Romeo killed himself, and her for him. What a depressing ending

Anonymous said...

My dad surprised me when stating what my perfect mate would be. He said that i would want some one who was good looking, funny and had money which surprised me because I had never really said any of those things were important to me. but when he stated what was important to him it matched what i had listed as important to me (mostly)

Yael said...

Sharing the "Perfect Mate" handout with my parents, was interesting in many ways. My parents feel the same way I do, and they agree exactly with what I believe are the characteristics of the truly perfect mate. In the handout I had a couple of great things that I believe in...
-Respectful etc.
These are the same characteristics that my parents believe in as well. It was interesting to see that we agree in this topic.

Anonymous said...

my parents werent dissagreeable,but they really didnt know what i wanted. They put general ideas

Kat said...

The "Perfect Mate" handout showed how much I align with my mom. Although I think that I have a higher expectation than my mom does. My experience doesn't really relate with Romeo and Juliet. Forbidden love in Romeo and Juliet is because their families are in a feud and doesn't like each other very much. That can very well happen in real life.

Katier said...

I was surprised at the similarity. They were still different but not as much as I thought they'd be. It's similar to Romeo and Juliet because there are differences but it's different because they would probably be more open to who I want then what they want. They no that it isn't there choice whereas in Romeo and Juliet, Capulet tries to choose who she marries.

Anonymous said...

By doing the survey, I have learned that my parents and I have similar expectations for a perfect mate for me. I thought that my mom would be way too unreasonable and make many pointless mistakes so it is less likely to find the perfect guy. She actually had fewer expectations than what I had. This would not relate to the story Romeo and Juliet at all because they have families that hate each other. I think it would be better to have similar expectations with my parents because then they would accept any guy that I choose based on my expectations. This was a good survey to do because then it helps you figure out what your parents expectations of a perfect mate would be and you can base your desicions on both yours and your parents expectations, and if they match then it will be easier.

Anonymous said...

This experience relates to what i know about Romeo and Juliet's situation because every parent's child wants to pick who their kids mate is mostly because they want to be proud and happy for them and they think they know what they want. Also this makes me think, why do parents want what the child has and live young again and so the parents try to pick the perfect traits for their child's mate.

ericad said...

When i completed the Perfect Mate handout, i was suprised on what my parents said. They seemed that there standards are higher then mine on a guy for me. I think this relates to Romeo and Juliet's situation because there parents have high standards. Even worse on having there child date the enemy.

Anonymous said...

When filling out the perfect mate survey, my mom and i had most of the same traits when considering a man. My mom would never choose my husband for me, but in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's mom tells her that Paris wants to marry her. Back then, women didn't have much of a say in who they married. Their parents made the decision for them. Juliet was going to marry Paris but then she met Romeo. If I were them two, I wouldn't want to hide our love. I'd want to be able to tell my parents that we were together and not keep it a secret like they did.

brianna:) said...

The perfect mate would be a hard working,loyal, trusting person. I though my moms and my interest would be totally different, but surprisingly they were really alike.My moms ideal mate for me would be educated, respectful person, she would let me marry who i thought was right for me. When Juliet was told by the nurse that Paris was wanting to propose she would have to make it work because her mom wanted that for her even though shes 13 and hes a lot older, i think that you should be able to marry who ever you feel right with and not forced to marry someone and make it work.

Laura said...

Doing the "Perfect Mate" assignment made me realize that my mom and I thought of the same expectations of what I look for in a guy.Also, that is a good thing my mom and I have the same characteristics because it describes how close my mom and I.

Anonymous said...

My mother and I had similarities and differences within our survey. She just had a different view on certain things.Having an older brother makes it that much harder to date because if the guy doesn't sit well with him, its not going to happen.I believe that it will be harder to get my brother to approve then my mom. Juliet's parents sort of had the same idea. They disagreed with Juliet with a few things and yet agreed on others. Juliet doesn't have the approval of her parents to fall in love Romeo but she does anyway. Nobody really has that approval to give but set themselves up to be the deciding factor. Then they are just passed over because the emotion of love is stronger then any other emotion or feeling.

beccab said...

When talking with my mom about the perfect mate we had some similarities and differences in the man i would expect. My mom would never choose the man for me but in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's parents told her she had to marry and they had a man for her. My mom would never make me marry anyone but she would want me to marry a nice sophisticated guy which i feel Juliet's parents thought Paris was like. I do not agree to this at all because i think we should choose who we want to marry it is our decision who we want to be with for the rest of our lives. I wouldnt want to be with someone i dont love because I think everyone should find love in their own creative way and be happy with who they find to love.

ChristianaJ said...

It is essential to share basic qualities and main expectations of what your ideal mate would be regarding the "Perfect Mate handout. This experience relates to Romeo and Juliet's situation because even though my mom and I agreed on some topics we differed in other topics. I was also more detailed in my response than my mom. This makes me think that parents play a bigger role in personal relationships than I thought. This got me to reflect on passed relationships and how my parents would have felt about them. This made me contemplate about what my future relationships will be like and with what type of person.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My parents wanted me to be happy but wanted my mate to be what i needed: funny, nice, caring, etc. They had the same kind of expectations that i did too. My parents wanted my mate to have the kind of love that Romeo and Juliet share. The passionate love that is strong enough to go through with their parents hating each other. My parents want my mate and I to be together forever. My parent's aren't divorced and they are happy and they want me to be happy and not get divorced so they want me to think hard on my right guy when he comes along. In class we discussed the things that Romeo and Juliet go through: feuding parents hating each other, rivalry, one's ready to be wed to another. All of that they go through and they're loves go stronger. My parents want my mate to be with through thick and thin whenever and fight for me if we get in fights or disagreements. Most of all my parents just want me to happy, whoever im happy with, they will learn to accept. Unlike Romeo and Juliet's parents.

Anonymous said...

That my parents and I agree on what characteristics the perfect man has. This relates to romeo and Juliet because their parents are rivals and do not agree with their relationship. This makes me think that their love is stronger than that but it's still a problem if the parents never except it and they could end up losing their family. Then it turns out because of both of them dieing brings the families together.

Anonymous said...

When filling out the perfect mate survey with my mom, we had most of the same traits when looking for a man. Although my mom would never choose who I'd marry like Juliet's mom did to her. Juliet's mom told her that Paris wanted to marry her. Juliet was going to marry Paris until she met Romeo. They kept their love a secret and didn't tell anyone. If i were them I would want to tell everyone that we're in love and not keep it a secret. Their love was a struggle but they made it last.

Anonymous said...

By taking this survey, I have found that my parents expectations were actually very similar to mine. I thought that they would have much higher expectations on choosing a perfect mate then what I would have. It turned out that I actually had more expectations for a perfect mate than my parents did. This was a good question to answer because then it will help you find out if you and your parents will have similar expectations on finding the perfect mate for you. The more closely they match, then the easier it will be to find a mate that meets both you and your parents expectations. This is the complete opposite of the story of Romeo and Juliet because their families hate each other and don't accept each others mate.

Lizzie said...

I figured out that mom and I are pretty close in what the 'perfect mate' would be for me. There was one trait that surprised me that mom had written down for me, it was that he would have either a tattoo or piercing or some sort. I was shocked that she put that down because she is very against body art and piercings. I agreed with most if not all of the things that she wrote down. I was not remotely close to her when she and were writing these down, I was at dad's house when I wrote them down and she was at her house when she wrote them down. She didn't get to seIe the traits that I put down until she was done filling her sheet out. I thought that the standards that I had for my self were low before but then I realized after I had written them down that I had moderately high standards.