Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What Are You Thinking?

Do the Did You Know 2.0? and Did You Know 4.0? presentations make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 19th, 2011.


Anonymous said...

The Did You Know videos made me think a lot. These videos really show us how much we rely on technology, and how much technology has advanced. I t seems crazy to think that in one of the videos it said, "Something that used to fit in a building, now fit in your pocket, and in 20 years whats in your pocket will fit in a blood cell." It seems so unreal to think that soon there will be a computer that can outsmart the human race. In all honestly I don't even think that a computer that technologically advanced is needed. Because we created these things and soon they will be able to surpass us, it makes me think!

Anonymous said...

Im thinking that we dont need to be any more advanced that we already are, a computer that can outsmart the human race just isnt something we need. we rely way to much on technology.

Anonymous said...

I feel like we’ve created something to make our lives easier but we’ve also condemned ourselves to always being around technology of some kind. My ten year old sister doesn’t have a cell phone, and she’s literally counting down the days until she gets one. It’s almost as if our generation can’t survive without technology; we depend on it that much, and sooner or later that technology will surpass or own race. (Which sounds like a really bad horror movie[:) It’s a lot to think about and I think it depends on your view and how you chose to let thing affect you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, The “ did you know” videos did make me think.This presentation did make me think because it showed countries all over world and their education compared to ours. It got me thinking that were always trying to learn their language, on the other hand, they’re trying to learn ours. This impacts my academic and views of the world is that we are really lucky to have education and we should appreciate it. Also it really surprised me how much technology has changed throughout time, for example when we were in 1st grade they didn’t have the super high speed telephones with internet that we have today. This also impact my acedemic views by combining technology today and also some without computers or phones with internet. I peredict int he future that we will be doing everything on the computer so i think its important to not use the computer all the time but also do traditional handwriting.

Anonymous said...

These videos made me think a lot about how fast technology is moving, and how much people rely on technology. Technology goes up every year and people invent something new all of the time. People also rely so much on technology, the statistics of how many people use myspace is crazy! It would make a huge country! Technology is even smarter than people. It is also insane how fast the internet got fast, about 4 years! Technolgy is realiable source and we use it everyday.

Anonymous said...

These videos made me think a lot about how fast technology is moving, and how much people rely on technology. Technology goes up every year and people invent something new all of the time. People also rely so much on technology, the statistics of how many people use myspace is crazy! It would make a huge country! Technology is even smarter than people. It is also insane how fast the internet got fast, about 4 years! Technolgy is realiable source and we use it everyday.

Anonymous said...

After watching both of the Did You Know videos, I thought a lot about what they said. To me it is outrageous to think of all the new technology we have created. While it is a huge accomplishment, all of it isn't really necessary. If someday computers will be smarter than the human race, there will be no value of the human brain and what it is capable of doing. Technology has already gradually linked itself into education and in the future it will most likely become even more intertwined. All the new technology is truly amazing but we can’t lose sight in what the human race can do without it. It's strange to think how far society has come and how far we are going to go.

Anonymous said...

Both of the did you know videos made me think about a lot. They showed how much technology is changing and how many people rely on technology. I always wonder what we would all do if it just all went down. People couldn't do nearly as much. In the past few years so much has changed and I haven't really noticed it until those two videos showed me. This might impact my view of the world because now I will notice the technology being used. It is crazy how it's just normal for us to all be using this technology and years ago no one would even think of it. A scary thought from one of the videos is that in a few years a computer can out smart mankind, even though we created it.

Anonymous said...

Although I did not see the first video, I did see the second- Did You Know 4.0. Watching this, I was taken by surprise when hearing some of the incredible facts they had to share. Watching these videos makes you realize the connectivity we have in the world today. There are so many devices to access the internet, as well as so many websites to access on the internet! I think that the technology that has been created and the availability of that technology to students has a large impact on the way we learn. We have so many more tools at our fingertips than our parents did; and pretty soon our children will be saying the same thing.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know videos gave me a lot to think about. i love technology and I think for kids our age it is hard to even imagine not having our cell phones and I-pods. Although I love technology, I also think about all the things that are going away like newspapers and magazines as almost everything is on the internet know. Even books are going away and bookstores are closing. I don't know what else we will lose as technology keeps advancing.

Anonymous said...

After watching these videos I had to really stop and think about what they meant to me. I cannot say that I agree with the progression in technology these days, and I prefer the "old fashioned way" of doing things. We rely so much on technology that we forget to use our own words and our own thoughts. Instead of thinking for ourselves we have some man-made machine do the work for us. Is that how we learn and grow? Is that how we become an independent person, and begin to think for ourselves? Our technology is already so advanced. We need to stop spending money on new technological advances, and spend it on education and resources for other countries. We are in a good place right now where we still have control of Technology. Lets stop there.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know videos made me think a lot. It just shows how the world has changed so much in even the past 10 years. We rely on technology for almost everything we do. School, communication, sports, even falling asleep. In the video it showed how the average person can send up to over 2,000 text messages in a month. That makes me think about how ridiculous the use of technology is becoming in our life. I think how much technology is used on a daily basis is unnecessary. Even in the class room we use a smart board..computer..and protector on a daily basis. It does make the classroom more convent witch is nice. It just makes me wonder what the world is going to be like 20,10, even 5 years from now.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know videos made me think of what our life would be like with out technoligy.Its amazing that one day a computer might be samrter than us. How is that possible that something we created could ever be smarter than us.Its crazy to think how would we survie without tecnoligy for a little while. How in the future will this efect the human race. we might just end up fat and we will be come so lazy because we are so relyent on tecnology. Teachnology is a great resorce and we should keep on using it.There should be limits but its usful. The video made me really think on how much technology will improve and keep on going.

Anonymous said...

these two videos really made me think a lot. its hard to think that we use technology so much every single day. its made me think what would happen to our world if we didn't have the technology we have now. what will happen when the technology that we make because better and smarter then us? what if we create something that could take over? these are just some of the questions that the videos made me come up with. i would never think that we would become so attached to technology but we did everyone is.

Anonymous said...

After watching the "Did You Know" videos I thought about where our society was heading. We rely so much on technology to the point where we can't live without it. It is scary to think that at one point, technology didn't exist. It is incredible how much we have advanced in our computers and phones. What amazed me the most was the quote, "What used to fit in a building can now fit in your pocket, and in 20 years, what fits in your pocket will fit in a blood cell.” It shows how much our world has improved in terms of making things faster and more efficient. The videos also mentioned what the future might be like. For example, how computers may outsmart us in 50 years. We are getting above our heads and I think that the electronics we have currently is sufficient. Stopping the advancing of technology would be a much better plan then just keeping it all going. All these computers and phones have been getting smaller, faster, and more efficient. Why would we need anything more?

Anonymous said...

The Did you know videos made me think a lot. It made me realize how much we actually need our technology. Also to think that we rely so much on it while only a few years ago we didnt have half the technology we do now. The video made me think when it said "...whats in your pocket will fit in a blood cell in 20 years." I mean, how could that happen. Also when it said that in only a couple of years there will be technology that will outsmart the human race. Thats so unreal because we created it, so how can it be smarter then people? I dont think we should even need some of the technology we have now, so in a few years it will be outrages. This might impact our academics because in a few short years we will probably rely only on technology and everything will be online/on the computer! its crazy to think that when we started elementry school, we didnt have the stuff we have in todays age. The 'Did you Know 2.0?' Videos are amazing in which way they show us all the facts about the technology we rely on daily!

Anonymous said...

i feel like we shouldn't rely on technology but we should rely more on each other instead of creating more and more advanced technology that will eventually out smart us all. and we have soo much technology to the point where we as people are getting to lazy to even do anything for our selfs, like instead of writing a letter we just send text messages, instead of talking to people in person we are chatting with them online threw a website. its just scary to think what will be created next and what our future is going to look like.

Anonymous said...

These two "Did You Know" videos made me realize how much the United States, and the world as a whole rely on technology. Every year technology grows in ways that we never thought would be possible 40 years ago. I believe that my education now, and in the near future will be very dependant on technology; that it is becoming more and more important to learn how to use new programs and be updated. More importantly, the "Did You Know" videos are an eye opener to what my generation, and youger generations will be able to accomplish and invent in the future.

Anonymous said...

The videos where extremely thought provoking. The reality of the use of our technology scared me. People don't need computers doing everything for them. We don't need So many electonic tools! As technology keeps advancing, there will become more and more things we don't need, and eventually I think it may, in a way hurt us more then help us.

abbeys said...

These videos made me think what the future would be like. All the technology and knowledge we have now is overwhelming, and we are going to keep improving and inventing new things, even more amazing than a smart phone, or a 1 1/2 centimeter thick computer. And what really overwhelmed me was a computer that can out do the human race is mind blowing. Its hard to think that something we created can out do us in anyway possible.