Monday, January 31, 2011

Poetry And Learning?

In summation, what have you learned regarding writing poetry, poetry terminology, and analyzing poetry?  Think and respond with genuine concern for the aformentioned material.  Please finish this response in class on Monday, 1-31-11.


maryL said...

I feel like poetry is a great way to look at the deeper meaning of life. It makes you think outside the box, and to challenge yourself. Students have to spend so much time writing about long essays, and writing wordy paragraphs, not even thinking about what we are writing about. I am thankful that we got to do a poetry portfolio, because it let us branch off of what we usually do in school. I have learned many poetry terms, they are not very important to me, but I learned many new words that I didn't know at the beginning of the year,

ClaudiaG said...

I actually learned a lot during the poetry unit. In past years most teacher's have just set us off in writing our own poems. This year we were able to look at the technical aspect of poetry. I now know what different poetry terms mean, and I'm really glad we got into analysing
other poems. I'm now so much better at that.

Anonymous said...

in this poetry unit i have learned how to write a deeper meaning poem, some new terms that refer to poetry, and how to correctly analyze a poem. i kinda liked poetry before this unit and now i really enjoy it all together.

Katier said...

I learned about all the different kinds of poetry. I also learned about the different terms, which there were a lot of. I also learned about the TP-CASTT method, which was confusing at first.I also learned that you can use poetry to tell many kinds of stories.All in all, I learned a lot about poetry. but it's still not my favorite type of writing.

Yael said...

I learned how to correctly TP-CAST a poem. It helps you understand a poem better, and also makes you see the deep meaning of it. I learned tons of new poetry terms. These terms will help me in the future when we use them more. Finally, I got the chance to write some of my own poetry and learned a lot on techniques, and different poetry styles. This unit was great!

Anonymous said...

In class we learned about a lot of things like recognizing personifications and onomatopoeias and stuff, but i already knew about most of that stuff. I did learn how to analyze poems with TPCASTT and I Guess that helped in some way. I'm not entirely sure when ill use it though.

Anonymous said...

This unit I haven't learned anything new about poetry writing or terminology because we did this unit last year but i did learn how to analyse a poem and how to identify the parts of it

AnnikaC said...

In summation, I have learned a lot regarding poetry. I have learned that there are a lot of poetry terms that are used in many different scenarios. All of the poetic terms mean something different and come up at different times. I also have learned how to truly analyze poetry. There are many steps in analyzing poetry right. Analyzing poetry really helps you understand a poem better.

Anonymous said...

I've learned in analyzing poems with the TP-CASTT method. I now know how to connotate a poem.I also know how to detect the shift in a poem and find the tone/attitude of it as well. Also, I learned new poetry terms like assonance and slant rhyme and many others. In writing poetry I learned that it's not as hard to write poetry. You just write words and somehow they become a poem. You just write whatever comes to your mind and it can turn to a poem. It's not all that hard. If you put in effort you can write good poems with very little effort and not waste much time.

Anonymous said...

In this unit, I learned how to annotate better than first semester and how to use vivid word choice in my poetry writing.
I was able to really improve my annotation skills because I was able to find deeper meanings in writing through poetry. Also, our vocabulary learning motivated me to use more challenging words in writing.

Anonymous said...

SO far I have learned a lot about poetry. I learned about the different types of poems. I really like I am.... poems the most because they are really fun to write and to read,you learn a lot about the writer from I am.... poems. There are so many different types of poem and I still have a lot more to learn

Lizzie said...

I have learned that poetry is hard to write because you have to think of ideas that are class appropriate in the way of writing a sweet and nice poem. I have learned how to annotate better than I did first semester. I have learned about different types of poetry and how to identify it.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that you have more freedom when writing poetry and that you don't always have to be straight forward with your topic when writing poetry. You can use symbols and have different meaning throughout the poem to express your point.Through poetic terminology I learned that there are many elements to poetry and that poetry has a certain structure. Through analyzing poetry I have learned that poetry mainly tries to appeal to the senses or expresses some type of emotion.

sportybridget said...

I have learned many types different types of speech and how to analyze a poem using TP-CAST. I have also learned to read the title and guess what I think it will be about and when I read the poem I wait till the second time to start analyzing it. This method makes reading poetry a lot clearer and helps me understand it better.

Laura said...

I have learned many different types of poetry terms and how to use them. I also learned how to do a better job rhyming and explaining feelings through my writing. It is important to use poetry terms in your poems because it helps add up and create more creativity in the poems itself. Clearly, that is what I learned about poetry.

Anonymous said...

There is so much to learn in life but i feel that poetry is something that has been gone over too much and I would like to just be able to do my own thing and not worry about a grade... I am just a person who cannot do things under pressure and demand especially when you have to make it your own and good. I think that if we spent more time on the project it would have worked and I would be able to do really well. but to be honest I really didnt like it.

Anonymous said...

Throughout the poetry unit, I have learned that writing poetry is easy, you just have to think of what you want to say and make it sound better with figurative language. By analyzing different types of poems, it allows us to look at the deeper meaning of the poem and pull out the important parts. It allows us to learn more and more about different poems and helps us write better poems. It gives us ideas that we can use to write other poems. Also, by using poetry terminology and figurative language, it helps us to know what we are writing about and it makes it more interesting to read. The figurative language also helps us to describe two different things and imagine what the subject looks like, smells like, and feels like by using our sentences. This makes the poetry more powerful and helps get our point across better.

antoinettew said...

Regarding poetry I have learned so much about analyzing poems. Before this I never really knew had to annotate poetry but learning the TP-CASTT system has really helped me with that. I have also learned a lot of poetry terminology which helps a lot with analyzing poetry.

beccab said...

I have learned a lot this semester regarding writing and responding to poetry. I have learned a lot of new poetry terms and there definitions and how they tie into poetry. When writing poetry you dont always have to rhyme there are different types of poetry that you can write and express your self in. Which i learned a lot about too. I actually enjoy analyzing poetry i like writing about what the poem is about and kinda guessing what it will be about before reading it. I also like finding or discovering new vocabulary and what the words and there definitions mean.Poetry is my favorite subject to write and I hope we will continue with this unit so i can learn more and more about poetry.

Lindsey said...

One thing I have learned from analyzing poems is that most poems are more in depth than one would think. And that by analyzing them one gets past the face value and find a real meaning to the poem. Another thing I learned from writing poetry is all the different ways a poem can be interpreted.A poem can mean something so different to the author than it does to a reader. I also learned that it is a less sudden way of expressing your feelings and thoughts. Lastly, I have learned a bit from the terminology. It gives names to the different ways poets put depth into a poem.

Anonymous said...

I really didnt like this poetry thing. I just think that schools just continue to go over poetry and I think that we all know how to write it and we wont have much use for it later on in life.

Kat said...

In this unit, I learned poetry terms better because you need to know the main poetry terms to write your own poem. I also learned to analyze poems. Poems are like riddles that you need to decipher and understand. And I learned that poems are very descriptive and they give you clues in the text to figure out what the poem really means. Most poem are hard to figure out and your inferences are mostly educated guesses and sometimes only the actual author knows what it means. This year I actually learned more about poetry and how to analyze them. I felt as if I have progressed a lot more in this unit than the others

Anonymous said...

I've learned from reading, writing, and analyzing poetry is that there is more just like writing a book its no different. Some poems can tell what a place is like or just about the place and or just telling a story in poem form. When i first analyzed a poem it wasn't that different from a short story. Very much the same. There is a shift in the poems also there are can be some imagery and similes metaphors and many other kinds of things that i learned from reading, writing, and analyzing poetry.

Anonymous said...

I've learned a lot this semester regarding poetry. When writing poetry you don't' always have to make it rhyme. It's your choice whether you have punctuation or stanzas in it. There's different types of poetry you can write. You can write free verse, simile, metaphor, imagery, and many other types of poetry! When analyzing poetry you should use the TP-CAST or use any other terms you've learned. This really helps you analyze the poem you're reading and lets you understand it better. As you can see, poetry is very fun and easy to write. When you write poetry, you can express who you are on the inside and the outside.

Anonymous said...

I have learned a lot regarding poetry like writing It...I learned some have no length so be creative and make It about what you want it to be about. Analyzing poems is like analyzing a writing piece and get as much errors as you can,Iv also learned lots of new poetry terms like...simile, imagery, and hyperbole.

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about how to analyze poetry and figure out what the authors message is. TP CASTT is very helpful in that way and it helps to take apart the poem and figure out what it means to you. I also learned how to better write poetry, by using more figurative language. Poetry can mean a lot of different things for different people and the more you use figurative language and leave your writing open ended and it lets people figure it out for themselves and it adds a certain beauty and mystery to your poetry.

ericad said...

Poetry seams to give you bigger ideas to everyday stuff that you usually don't give more then a single thought to. It describes stuff, and gives it a bigger meaning then what you thought before. There are a a lot of different styles of poetry, and different ways to explain, and describe things.

Anonymous said...

In every poem there will always be a figure of speech. When you write s poem no matter how hard you try you will somehow get there to be at least one figure of speech per poem. I learned about TP-CASTT which stands for title, plot, connotation, attitude/tone, shift, theme, and title. This helped me when I was reading over a poem.