Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Poetry In Music?

Please Quote One Of Your Favorite Song Lines Or Lyrics And Explain How It Exhibits One Of Our Studied Poetry Terms? Make sure that your quoted lyrics are appropriate. Please italicize the song lyrics, include the song title/artist(s), and qualify or establish the connection between the poetry term and the lyrics. (Due Friday 1-07-2011 by 2:30p.m.)


Anonymous said...

i think that my favorite lyrics are the ones from IT HAPPENS IN A BLINK and sas " it happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time it took to look back" because its talking about how quickly life can pass you by with no enjoyment, and how you live life so monotone and you dont realize its gone till its gone

Anonymous said...

btw i dont know how to italisize with this so it put quaotetation things around it

beccab said...

One of my favorite lyrics are from Imagine from John Lennon "You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one" I really like this quote because I like how this relates to the real world. This can also relate to one person if that one person thinks they are the only who believes in something there probably not because there are millions of people in the world you want the same thing as you. So at the last line he is saying that if everyone comes together the world will become one.

Anonymous said...

My favorite line in the song "Traffic in the Sky" by Jack Joonhson is " kids playing games on the pavement, drawing waves on the pavement,". These lyrics deminstrates rhyme by the way he matched the sounds of the words
"waves" and "games". The rest of the song has a lot of other rhymes but that one is by far my favorite.

Anonymous said...

There are many lyrics I would like to quote because I can't narrow down so many songs I love, but one of my top favorite songs would be "Let it Out" by Chris and Conrad. My favorite lyrics from that song are "Don't you know that He knows you, sees everything you've done? So tell me why you keep tryin' to fool everyone." I love these words because it says that it is impossible to hide your true self. Also, the words rhyme, which I happen to like a lot!

brianna:) said...

i have many favorite songs that i would like to quote but my favorite wolud have to be Chris Brown - Deuces one quote that sticks out to me it "My heart big but it beat quiet" i really like this quote because it is saying that some people have big hearts but u wont tell till you get to know them or...that the big hearted people can seem like they have no heart aka there mean lol.

AnnikaC said...

This song is called "22" by Lily Allen: "When she was 22 her future looked bright. But she's nearly 30 now, and she's out every night. I see that look in her face, she's got that look in her eye. She's thinking how did I get here, and wondering why." This song has rhyming in it... Bright, night... Eye, why...

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite songs is Yesterdays, preformed by Switchfoot. The first lines "Flowers cut and brought inside.Black cars in a single line. Your family in suits and ties,
and you're free." I like this beginning because it lets you imagine what is going on in the song for yourselve and it relates to elegy because the mood of the song is sort of melencholy although the rythm and tune is upbeat.

Yael said...

My favorite lyrics are from the song Little Wonders, by Rob Thomas. "Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder, don't you know, the hardest part is over, let it in, let your clarity define you, in the end, we will only just remember how it feels."These are my favorite lyrics because the make me realize how precious life is and how although everybody makes mistakes you can let it go, and move on. These lyrics have to do with the poetry term; symbol. This song symbolizes the regrets of one person, but it also symbolizes the strength of moving forward and that is what I love most about it. It really means something, and is very enjoyable.

sportybridget said...

My favorite song is "I Will Follow You into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie.In this song it says "Blinding lights or tunnel to gates of white", which is an example of rhyme with light and white. Although there are a lot of rhymes in this song this one was one that stuck out to me.

Katier said...

Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve

" 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Trying to make ends meet
You're a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the veins meet yeah

No change, I can't change
I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mind
I am here in my mind
But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mind
No, no, no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no"

The first refrain is a sestet and the second one is an octave. "Symphony" is a symbol for life and it is also a dactyl. "Bittersweet symphony" is a paradox. The song is a free verse and also a lyric poem.

antoinettew said...
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Anonymous said...

"There you go making my heart beat again.Heart beat again.Heart beat again.There you go making me feel like a kid." Stuck Like Glue/ Sugarland
This song is an example of a simile during the chorus which is "there you go making me feel like a kid." For the deeper meaning of the song she is compairing how she is so in love with this guy and she can't stay away from him. The thing it is compairing with is a little kid who has one certain thing that they can't leave without. For example a bunny stuffed animal for a little girl. She can not sleep without it being right besides her.

antoinettew said...
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antoinettew said...

"It's alright just and see your string of lights are still bright to me oh, who you are is not where you've been, you're still an innocent" this song is called Innocent by Taylor Swift. These lyrics include rhyme with see and me. The lyrics also include a metaphor with comparing this person's life as to a string of lights that are still bright even they may have messed up.

Anonymous said...

My favorite lyric is from LaRoux's son "Bulletproof" and it goes like this "I won't let you turn around
And tell me now, I'm much too proud
To walk away from something when it's dead" I think that this means that you have to be yourself even when people tell you that you are wrong and that you need to be able to just walk away.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite song lyrics go to Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. It's, "The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm, and I'm a house of cards You're the kind of reckless that should send me runnin' but I kinda know that I won't get far....". This isn't the only line i like in the song, there's more, but this is the one that stands out to me most. It relates to the poetry we've been learning because it says the way you move is like a full-on rainstorm. This line is a simile because its making a comparsion using like (it's figurative, your body cant really move like a full-on rainstorm).

ClaudiaG said...

My favorite lyrics are probably from Blink-182; I Miss You. "And as I stare I count them, the webs from all the spiders catching things and eating there insides. And I think we can live like Jack and Sally where you can always find me." I Really like these lyrics because it has a deeper meeting and compares different things.

Laura said...

One of my favorite song quotes is from the song Soundtrack To My Life. by Kid Cudi. "My hearts an open sore that I hope heals soon,I live in a cocoon opposite of Cancun,Where it is never sunny the dark side of the moon." This has to do with poetry terms because it rhymes.

Tiffany said...

My lyric is the song "Rocketeer by Far East Movement Ft. Ryan Tedder. The lyric is "You make me feel like I could touch the planets. You want the moon, girl watch me grab it." The connection with this lyric and a poetry term is a hyperbole. Hyperbole is when you exaggerate which is in the lyric since no one can make you really touch the planets. Also, you can't grab the moon.

ericad said...

Probably one of my favorite songs because of the lyrics is "Thunder" By boys like girls. "Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, do you know your unlike anyother, you'll always be my thunder, and said, your eyes are the brightest of all the colors i dont wanna ever love another you'll always be my thunder, so bring on the rain, brimg on the thunder, todays a winding road thats taking me to places that i didnt want go whoa,.." Because its explaining how much you care about another person, and how special they are to you, it really relates to the world.

maryL said...

One of my favorite songs is "Firework" by Katy Perry. "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again. You just gotta ignite a light and let it shine, just own the night like the 4th of july." The song is telling that they are special, and that they just have to find confidence in themselves, and others will believe in them. The song is written free verse. I believe that some of the greatest poems and songs are free verse.

NicoleM said...

I have alot of favorite songs but there is one that has alot of meaning to it and that is Gernade by Bruno Mars my favorite lyrics from this song are "Easy come, Easy go thats just how you live, , take, take, take it all,But you never give." I love these lyrics beacause it telling reality with soemones life and how they feel. Its also a symbolism which is a movement in poetry or music that emphasixed disconnected descripriptions of thoughts and feelings.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite songs is "Shattered" by O.I.R. "How many times can I break till I shatter? Over the line can't define what I'm after. (shatter and after rhyme so there is some rhythem) I always turn the car around. Give me a break let me make my own pattern. All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered.( Pattern and Shattered rhyme plus the E in Give Me Break Let Me Make is stressed) Always turn the car around"

Lizzie said...

In my favorite song Insomnia written by The Dirty Heads has many similes in it which describes being an insomniac which makes you visualize how one could or would act in being an insomniac. And I can go a few days without sleep which is probably why I like the song that sorta describes me.