Friday, January 7, 2011

Inspired Redux?

How does the Danny McCaskill Way Back Home presentation relate to your world? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Monday, January 10th, 2011 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill is amazing to watch on his bike.He never gives up and keeps trying even if he falls down. This inspires me because I want to give 100% just like him. He never gives up and that is what i try to do with hockey.

Anonymous said...

I feel inspired to push my limits and that I can do that in many ways.I feel that I am the one in charge and that I need to push my limits to grow stronger.
This also means that I need to continue to be me and not think about how others think of me.

Laura said...

Danny McCaskill "Way Back Home" relates to my world because he shows that you should never back down and always keep trying for the best. This can connect to my academic endeavors because this teaches you new things. He inspired me because he showed that nothing is to hard you just have to keep practicing what you love.

Lizzie said...

It relates to my world by never giving up in what you can do and not giving an excuse to why you cant do something. He somewhat motivated me by showing that if you try to do something you can possibly achieve it and if you do it frequently you will do better for that particular thing. He made me look twice at what he does and why he does it and he does it because he likes it and it interests him.

ClaudiaG said...

Last semester we watch a earlier video of Danny McCaskill, back when he was just getting somewhere with his BMX. Now, we just watch another one, where him and his BMX have made something of themselves, gone places. This relate to me and my talent and love of music (I play percussion (drums) and trumpet) because now I'm in the highest band at Arapahoe as a freshman and was on the field in marching band. But, later, I could fulfill my dream of playing or conducting at Carnegie Hall (New York).

NicoleM said...

i think it relates to the world by people doing something everyday that may change someones thoughts or even life. In this case this guy is showing that he never gave up and did his hardest to become what he is, it takes a lot of effort and time to do all that. It may seem impossible but he does practice and trys hard and is able to inspire people about trying hard and never give up on something you also shows reality that he has to go home but that still doesent stop him from stopping on the way there and keep practicing. TO me this shows me that you can do anything you out your mind to it just takes a lot of practice and you have to be 100 percent commited

reneeY said...

I think that he shows great courage and belief. Most people think that to accomplish something you have to be the best at what you do. But, I think that you just have to believe in what your doing and have fun. Danny McCaskill is a true inspiration because he likes to have fun with his bike riding.

maryL said...

The video we watched proved to me that when you set your mind to something, and work hard, you can accomplish it. When Danny did his tricks on his bike, he looked fearless. This inspired me, because it showed me that you can't live life being scared about getting hurt, but you have to give it all you've got. This can connect to academics because there is no reason for you to not do your very best. Looking at the way Danny rides his bike, he never slacks off or gives it 80% he always gives it all he has. This shows me that I should work in school with my best ability and give it all I've got.

Anonymous said...

In the video it showed things that most people could never do. Yet Danny McCaskill found a way. In today's world people have stopped trying to find the way. They have given up too easily. But those who do find it stand out of the crowd with excellence because they did what no one else was willing to do.

Anonymous said...

i think that this movie showed us not only how good you can be when you work hard on a passion that you have, but also how much fun you can have by yourself. it makes us think and dream of how good we can be or how far we could get with our passion. for me, it would be a mix of traveling, and writing. how much; could i see, or what could i write?

sportybridget said...

This video shows that life has its challenges but you can always over come it by never giving up and never quiting; and with that said we can do anything if we just put our mind to it. This guy inspired me to keep doing what I do and try and try again and I can achieve greatness. This is amazing and blows my mind as he does these amazing things on just a bike.

beccab said...

In the presentation Way Back Home it can relate to my life because he inspires me and motivates me. I see that he just started biking last summer and now he is an expert at it. From just watching him I could tell he practiced every single day for a year. That is definitely motivation. He inspired me because this was a dream that he probably wanted to achieve and he did. A dream that i have is i would love to be a pro soccer player when i am older. Watching this video that inspires me to achieve my goals and practice as much as you can to be successful in your goals.

Kat said...

Once I think about it, I have come a long way. Since I started high school, I couldn't type like I can now. The first semester, I did well, I learned many new things and those new things are gonna help me with school this semester. The video has inspired me to try and one day I will be as good as him on violin as he is on his bike. My skills will improve after this semester. I am sure of it.

Anonymous said...

Danny mcCaskill inspired me in my life. At first he didn't know how to ride a bike, but now he's doing all this off rode stunts. It goes to show that i can do anything in my life and with a little practice i just might be good at it. It motivates you to never give up. Even if some things seem impossible, you can do anything you put your mind to. He made me look twice in this video because he was that good. So just remember you can do anything you want to do even if it it seems hard. You just need a little practice:)

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill and his presentation did inspire me on what i want to do when i grow up. What comes to my mind when i was watching was dont doubt the impossible give it a shot you dont want to live with regrets. Now when i have a goal that i want to for fill i now know that i should not give it up if it means a lot to me.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Way Back Home" presentation relates to my world because everyone has talents that they are perusing and becoming even better at their talent. This also connects with my academic endeavors because it shows that you don't have to be good at what your doing at first as long as you have enough drive to want to improve yourself. The part that made me look twice was the scenery and locations he choose to film his presentation at. Yes, he inspired me to not give up on something because I'm not good at it to begin with.

Lindsey said...

I think that the things Mr. McCaskill are sweet. His video really shows how one can persevere through just about anything. There are always different obstacle in life its just a matter if you take them head on or cower away. The different things he does tricks off of and rides on are kind of like obstacles, and show that no matter what the situation or the circumstances you can improvise and make it through any thing.

ericad said...

It related to me and inspired me, to try something new, that i can do something amazing if i really work for it, and try hard. He showed us that he set himself a goal, and went for it, he didn't give up, or get frustrated, if he couldn't do something, he just kept trying.It made me want to set my mind to something and get it done, with no excuses!

Katier said...

Danny McCaskill's "Way Back Home" shows that anything is possible, you just can't give up. This inspires me to just push through the rough times, personal or academical. Another connection I had was the places they showed in the video. I have been to several of those places so it was very cool to see them in that video.

AnnikaC said...

Danny McCaskill's "Way Back Home" presentation relates to my world because not everyone is going to be for what you want to do, and I'm sure he has gotten a lot of critisism. He of course did not know how to do everything he does today, at one point. He had to have had lots of practice, and lots of failures.. And that's what everyone needs. Everyone needs practice when they try things for the first time and it isn't going to be perfect for a while. This video was very inspiring to me. Showing that you should never back down and always try your hardest.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's presentation related to my world because he never gave up when he was trying a new trick with his bike. It must have taken hours, maybe days, for him to perfect all the skills he showed in a few short minutes. Whenever I want to achieve something I'm passionate about, I work hard to reach that goal. His ambitious attitude makes me want to polish my talents.

Yael said...

I think this video relates to my world in many ways. Pushing to reach a goal, or trying something new for any matter is the best thing. You can just keep trying to reach what you have been trying for and what you deserve.

antoinettew said...

Danny McCaskill's video shows that when you lose your way, you can always get back up and find your way back home. This message relates and also inspires me in life and even in school showing me to never give up there is a really good quote that relates to this: "If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." -Michael Jordan

antoinettew said...

Danny McCaskill's video shows that even when you lose your way, you can always find your way back home. This ideas inspires me to never give up. There is a very good quote that relates to this, "If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." -Michael Jordan

Anonymous said...

I think this video relates to me in many ways because i always try to push my self to reach my goals even if there impossible. He did motivate me to try harder in the things i want/need

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill "Way Back Home" video inspired me because of his courage and how he pushes himself to try and do anything. For example, one of the scenes in the video when he was trying to go over the telephone booth he didn't have enough power, I guess so he went and did it again and succeeded. That takes effort and determination. This makes me want to push myself harder to try and succeed in what i want to do. This can also help me in school to push myself to succeed in tests or a problem i'm confused on. Danny definitely inspired me and motivated me to not be afraid of many things and to push myself to work hard and in the end it will all be worth it.