Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Writing Reflection?

Please share what you have learned regarding writing so far this semester. What have you improved within your Uniform paragraph? Please reflect upon your improvements within this blog entry. Remember the 6+1 Traits, Grammar, Revisions, Technology, Sentence Types, Thesis Statements, etc... Please respond to this blog by Tues., November 30th, 2010.


Anonymous said...

when i wrote my uniform paragraph, i was bored and tired and it was right after the summer, and i had forgotten everything. now, i know how to remove linking verbs and recognize sentence types, and all that junk(metaphorically speaking) and i think my paragraph is a whole lot better

reneeY said...

By having the Uniform paragraph and having to make revisions on it I have learned alot. I have learned how to get rid of linking verbs. That will help me in my writing for other classes.

ChristianaJ said...

What I have learned regarding my writing so far this semester is that there are more elements to writing than I originally thought coming in this semester. Some improvements I've made within my Uniform paragraph is the ability to remove linking verbs, using all sentence types and properly adding a quotation to my papers.

Yael said...

Writing this semester has been one of our main topics. We have written many pieces on different topics, and I am confident that we will still write more and more pieces to make us better writers. I have learned about thesis statements, and ways to shape and plan my writing with Mr. Trotter's interesting way of teaching his way of writing. It is good because we learned hands on, by actually writing a piece, and then mechanically alter it too. This has been a great semester..I am exited to learn even more.

maryL said...

I have learned many things about writing this year. My original uniform paragraph had so many linking verbs, and I was able to remove all of them, which made my writing sound ten times better. I also learned how to address different types of sentences in a paragraph. I used to not be able to cite my sources, but I learned how to do that in this class. Diagramming sentences are still very hard for me, but I am much better than I used to be. I am happy with how much I have accomplished this year.

Kenziem said...

I have learned a few things about writing this year, linking verbs, grammar, how to start a paper, leads, and thesis statements are some examples. I have made many revisions on my writing pieces so far this year and not just in language arts also in my other classes. At the beginning of the year the 6+1 traits packet really helped me get started.

Lizzie said...

I have learned how to write paragraphs better and I have learned that I can use better words in writing to express an opinion or a feeling rather than just saying, "sad, mad, happy, ect." and by using better speech and planning before actually turning in something that is unfinished.

meganl said...

I learned that in every writing it is best to get rid of the words "is, am, are,was,were,be,being,and been." In the uniform paragraph I learned that having quotes that other people said is very useful to help explain and support your side that you are writing about. Some more things that I have learned is that word choice can change a whole paragraph to make it seem that you know what you are talking about.

ClaudiaG said...

The uniform paragraph really opened up some options to improve my writing. I learned how to make my writing more interesting by taking out certain verbs. Also, by recognizing different sentence types I'll be able to put some variety in my sentence structure. Revising my uniform paragraph has enhance my writing style.

brianna:) said...

through out this semester i have learned a lot of things including sentence types and and 6+1 traits, the uniform paragraph has tough me how to make better thesis statements and by keeping 'bad' words out like is but are...etc.I am very proud that we did the uniform paragraph because if we didn't i wouldn't know what i know now:)

sportybridget said...

What I learned this semester is to use better word choice and to remove linking verbs and I now know the sentence types. Everything we have done with the uniform paragraph helped me very much in becoming a better write now and in the future.

Lindsey said...

This semester I have learned more about and understand writing. In my Uniform paragraph I have learned how to move around and rewrite sentences to make my writing more interesting and easier to read. It also helped me to see how certain things like linking verbs and punctuation can make a paper seem more formal and put together. I learned a lot about ways to write a thesis. I also remembered things like sentence parts and clauses. I got a more in depth understanding of how to use them in all my sentences.

Kat said...

So far this semester, I learned how to remove linking verbs, cite better, and do grammar. I rewrote my paragraph 3 times to try to get it the best it can be.

FaithV said...

I have learned a lot about writing in a short amount of time. I have learned how important it is to write specifically instead of going on and on about the same thing because its boring and it does not entertain the reader. I also learned how important leaving out linking verbs. Exceptional vocabulary makes a huge difference in my writing. Another thing that I discovered while writing my Uniform paragraph was details and reasons. I have always known that details and reasons are important in writing, but I understand now how to use them to make an argument and and persuade others to understand and see my point of view.I still do not understand thesis statements fully, but I have come to understand them more this year.

Anonymous said...

This semester, I learned how to make my writing richer by getting rid of linking verbs, and how to improve my grammar.

Anonymous said...

Over this past semester I have learned a lot. I have learned how to take out linking verbs and use different words that make the paragraph stand out even more.I have also learned how to point out the different types of sentences like CD,S and,CX. there are more than just these 3 that i have learned but these are the ones i used the most in my paragraph. i have learned how to fix grammar issues that I had been doing.I have also learned how to do citations again and you will use this in your life. I have learned a lot and i am excited to learn more.

antoinettew said...

I have learned many things this semester that are very useful to my writing. I have learned how to write sentence very well and how to cooridinate them in your writing well. I have also learned how to edit my papers well using grammar and punctuation.

Laura said...

Writing through out this semester I have learned many new things for example how to write a thesis statement and how to change and make my paragraphs better. I also learned how to remove linking verbs, make my paragraphs more interesting, and how to use to use strong words describing my paragraph by Mr. Trotters teaching techniques.

Anonymous said...

Somethings i have improved during the Uniform paragraph are my linking verbs. Some improvements are that i know when it start and to take it out and make some words into prepositional phrases. All the sentence types helped me learn whats not compound or complex start or not.

beccab said...

This year I have learned lots of new facts about writing. In my uniform paragraph I started as a one but worked my way up to a 3. I think i have im proved the most on prepositional phrases. I also worked on my thesis statement and really tried to focus on a catchy beginning.

AnnikaC said...

I think I have learned a few good skills to know while writing this year. We have written many things in this class, and I have improved in many ways. In my Uniform paragraph... Like, I know how to make my grammar and word choice better! Also, I learned how to locate and remove linking verbs.

megans said...

I've learned alot regarding writing this semester. I've learned sentence types, grammar, puncuation, and thesis statements. I still don't understand thesis statements all to well but I'm learning. I've learned that there are four sentence types; simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Since I've learned all of this, I've improved my Uniform paragraph. I use to have ones and twos on my paragraph but I've improved it and now I have threes! Overall, I really enjoy writing this semester.