Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Reading Reflection

Over the summer, you were asked to read at least two novels of your choice.
1) Briefly tell me what you read, including the titles and authors.

2) I want to know what you liked about the books, what you learned and, more importantly, what matters to you about the book's content.

*Make sure to adhere to proper conventions and proofread your response. If, for some reason, you did not read two novels, tell me about two novels you have read and answer the above. This blog post must be completed by 2:30p.m. on Friday, August 20th, 2010.


Anonymous said...

1)I read "Left Behind" by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
and "Tribulation Force" also by the same two authors. (there are 10 more in the series)
2) From the books, I learned about the end times and I believe that those books have a possibility of being quite accurate. I liked how thrilling it was and how realistic it was to me. I felt like I was being sucked into the book with every word.

ashleyb said...

1) i read "Speak" by Larie Halse Anderson and "A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks
2)I liked how both books were engageing and i wanted to keep reading to find out what happened next.From "Speak" I learned that you have to speak up for yourself nomatter what the situation it will get you a lot better off in life. In " A Walk to Remember" I learned that you have to enjoy how much time you do get with loved ones because they will be gone before you know it. I think that I could relate to both books in some situations that i've been through.

Yael said...

1) I read the book "Access Denied" by Denise Vega. I also read the book "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.

2) Both of these incredible books were very different, but I loved both of them equally and immensely. "Access Denied" is part of the category, Modern Realism, and I enjoy that category very much. I got engaged in it very quickly and got very attached with the characters which is difficult for me. "My Sister's Keeper" is a very tragic story that I enjoyed reading because I had watched the movie and loved the story-line so i read the book and loved it as-well. It is part of the category of Fiction but it was based on a true story! Both books were astonishing! :)

Lizzie said...

1.) I read La Candy by Lauren Conrad and The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen.

2.) I liked that in La Candy it's about a reality show much like The Real World on MTV. It has drama, heart, humor, and friendship. I liked the book so much i read the sequel titled Sweet Little Lies. In The Truth About Forever it is about a girl who learns about how to deal with common problems in life. I liked both of these books but I really like La Candy and suggest it to anyone.

mlynch14 said...

1)I read "The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder"by Rebecka Wells and "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks.
2) These two books taught me to enjoy every second of life and treasure every relationship you make with all different people, because you never know when it all can end. I really enjoyed both of these books and it was hard to put the book down!

ClaudiaG said...

1) I read Maximum Ride by James Patterson and The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

2) I really liked both of those books. Both books aren't out of the genre I usually read but both really suprised me in the hidden morals of both stories. Both taught be that its good to come out of my comfort zones, with both there stories and the good content

ChristianaJ said...
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ChristianaJ said...

1) I read The five People You Meet in Heaven and A walk to Remeber.
2) I loved detailed and emotional both books were. I learned to appreaciate every person that I meet and how greatly little thing can affect others. I also learned to appreciate simple things and live in the moment. What matter most about the context for me was the life lessons and connections in both books.

KendraR said...

1) I read Uglies and Pretties both by scott westerfield.

2) Those books are basically about these two groups of people, uglies and pretties. Tally is the main character, she is an ugly(poor not popular) and wants to become a pretty(rich popular). when her best friend, who is a pretty, runs away, Tally goes looking for her and discovers a bad side of pretties. I learned that there shouldn't be a different group of people, we are all the same but yet we are all different!!

megans said...

1) Over the summer i read "Wanted" by Sara Shepard and "The A List" by Zoey Dean.

2) I really liked these books because they kept me wanting to read more the whole time! They were also good thrillers!! These books tell you the consequences about lying and life, and i would recommend them to anyone who wants a girly book to read with a thriller.

sportybridget said...

1)I read "The Book Theif" by Markus Zusak and "Charlie St. Cloud" by Ben Sherwood.
2) I liked the word choice in "The Book Theif" it made the book very engaging and made it so you can see everything thats happening.I didn't like "Charlie St. Cloud" very much because it was so cheesy and predictable but I did like how it really showed how much Charlie loved his brother but he new that he can't live with reality and the ghost of his dead brother. "The Book Theif" taught me to be greatful for everything I have because you can lose it at any time. "Charlie St. Cloud" taught me that I need to let go of the bad things that happened in my life and just be real to myself.

reneeY said...

I read "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picolt and "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls.
I liked how "My Sister's Keeper" was about how unpredictable life can be and how short life really is. I learned to enjoy what I have while I have it. I liked it a lot because it had peoples different views on what was happening.
I liked "The Glass Castle" because it was a true story. I learned that mo matter what a persons child life was like they can be incredibly succsessful. i think that this book had good word choice.

ericad said...

I read a book called 'Cathrine Called Birdy' By Caren Cushman, it was about a 14 year old girl Named cathrine who lives in england, and takes place in the 1290. She is a very stubborn girl, and is supposed to mary a man she dislikes very much. The other book i read was called "Sticky Fingers" By Niki Burnham. Its about a girk named Jenna who is a straight a student and gets into harvard. Until one day she goes to a party, and every starts to fall apart. She had alot of school pressures and boy friend pressures.

AnnikaC said...

1. I read "Flipped" by, Wendelin Van Draanen. I also read "Rhymes with Witches" by, Lauren Myracle.

2. What I liked about the book "Flipped", is that it was relatable. The main charachers were around my age and I could get what they were about.I learned to not judge abook by it's cover and to see what someone is really like before you make assumptions. What I liked about "Rhymes with Witches", is that it is also relatable. Once again the main characters are around my age and they deal with problems that happen in highschool. I learned to be you for you, and not try to be someone different just to impress people.

Laura said...

1) I read "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom.
2) I liked how in "The Secret like of Bees" that Lily was able to stand up for what she knew was right. In "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" i liked how the wording was neatly placed and the words were understanding. I learned that reading can be really fun when i give it a shot. What mattered the most to me is these two books made me relazie that life only lasts once and to take it for granted.

Tiffany said...

I read over the summer Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer and A Walk to remember by Nicholas Sparks. One thing i liked about Eclipse was the love triangle between them and i learned that you cant make a choice and satisfy everybody and i liked the other 1st 2 books. A walk to remember was a sad, romantic story. I learned that a person can change who they are and for the better. I liked the author so i wanted to read this book.

KendraW said...

I read face on the milk carton by Caroline B. Cooney. "This is a book about Janie who was kidnapped from her family when she was four.” I really liked this book. A also read “a friend at midnight. “This book is about a young boy who get abanned by his father at the air port and it is up to his sister to get him home safe and sound.”

FaithV said...

1)I read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and "Artemis Fowl" by Eion Colfer.

2)Both books are very intriguing but also very different. Artemis Fowl was a science fiction/fantasy and The Giver was a science fiction/Utopia book. I enjoy fantasy a lot and Artemis Fowl was totally fantasy. It was full of trolls, LEP-recons, fairies, and all sorts of strange creatures!! It was an interesting read since the humans and fantasy characters in this book are far more technologically advanced than the world today. But I thoroughly enjoyed The Giver as well. In my former English class I was in an advanced class called Language Arts Seminar and we spent a lot of time in the Utopia unit. We often read certain poems, novels, or short stories that were Utopia or Dystopia based. Then we would annotate them and have socratic seminars and write essays about them. This unit got me very interested in Utopia because it is very interesting to see different people’s ideas about Utopia. Sometimes it drives me crazy because of what some of the societies are like in this kind of literature but it makes me think and challenges some of my believes sometimes. But one thing is for sure....after each Utopia book I read I become more confident that Utopia is impossible. I also think that this book would be great for a socratic seminar. I found myself wishing that i could be back in LAS discussing this book after I read it.

FaithV said...

1)I read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and "Artemis Fowl" by Eion Colfer.

2)Both books are very intriguing but also very different. Artemis Fowl was a science fiction/fantasy and The Giver was a science fiction/Utopia book. I enjoy fantasy a lot and Artemis Fowl was totally fantasy. It was full of trolls, LEP-recons, fairies, and all sorts of strange creatures!! It was an interesting read since the humans and fantasy characters in this book are far more technologically advanced than the world today. But I thoroughly enjoyed The Giver as well. In my former English class I was in an advanced class called Language Arts Seminar and we spent a lot of time in the Utopia unit. We often read certain poems, novels, or short stories that were Utopia or Dystopia based. Then we would annotate them and have socratic seminars and write essays about them. This unit got me very interested in Utopia because it is very interesting to see different people’s ideas about Utopia. Sometimes it drives me crazy because of what some of the societies are like in this kind of literature but it makes me think and challenges some of my believes sometimes. But one thing is for sure....after each Utopia book I read I become more confident that Utopia is impossible. I also think that this book would be great for a socratic seminar. I found myself wishing that i could be back in LAS discussing this book after I read it.

antoinettew said...

1) This summer I read "It's Not Easy Being Mean" "Sealed with a Diss" by Lisi Harrison which are the seventh eighth books in the Clique series.

2) What I liked about these books is that there are a lot of books in this series but the books never start to get old, Lisi Harrison always keeps you guessing and makes the books hard to put down. What I learned is that if you really want something you have to fight to get it and that idea was portrayed really well in these books!

beccab said...

1) I read "Summer Sisters" by Judy Blume and To kill a mocking bird" by Harper Lee
2) I really enjoyed both of the books i read. They had a message that spoke to me in each one. In summer Sisters its about friend ship and how you will have to someday grow apart or say goodbye to your best friend. IN to kill a mocking bird i learned that back in that time there was a lot of racial issues between black and whites and what people had to go through.

meganl said...

The two books that I read this summer was "Envy" from "The Luxe" series by Anna Godbersen and "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott. "Envy" is like gossip girl in the 1800s. There is a lot of secrets and scandals. There is this one girl named Diana who is in love with Henry but the problem is that he is Diana's sister's (Elizabeth) ex-fiance and he is now married to Elizabeth's best friend. That is just one of the many problems that is in the book. I learned that you can go to any lengths to be with the one you want. What matters to me about the book's content is that it makes you realize that this could happen to anyone is this time. "Little Women" is about the lifes of four sisters tring to live through their time as women even when they don't have a lot of money. I learned that it is very wise to save your money for when you really need it. For me the book's content is about the hard ways to find love and still survive.

Lindsey said...

1) I read "Devoured" by Amamda Marrone and "The Geometry of Sisters" by Luanne Rice.
2)From the book "Devoured," by Amanda Marrone, I learned that there are always two sides to a story. This book was rather interesting because it takes the simple fairy tale Snow White and puts a twist on the story. This book really made me think about the the fact that things are not always what they seem. The other book,"The Geometry of Sisters" by Luanne Rice, taught me how important a family really is and how you can open your heart to even the most unsuspected person and create a bond that could last a life time. I liked this book because it was closer to reality and it made really think about how others and I treat our family, and how it does make a diffrence.

Kat said...

1) I read "The Prophecy" by Hillary Bell. I forgot to write the other one down but I knew that it was about dragons and griffins and other mythical creatures.
2)I liked how both books have mythical creatures in them and they are adventurous. I learned that if you use your head more than your muscles than you will get further. I loved how the writer described each scene. I could clearly see the scene in my head.

Zellie said...

I read the sisterhood of the traveling pants series this summer. I loved how the friendship that lasted for that long even through the up and downs of these relationships. i guess that i am just a sucker for friendship and love stories

brianna:) said...

I read the sisterhood of the traveling pants this summer. I liked how the friendship that lasted for that long even through the up and downs of these relationships. i just really like friendship stories.

NicoleM said...

Over the summer i read a book called A Walk to Remember by nicolas sparks it took me a while to read but i thought i was a good book. I talked about how this boy fell in love with his highschool lover but she is dieing i cant remember if it was cancer or lucemia. She ended up dieing and that changed his life.