Monday, April 19, 2010

Reader's Log Act II Contemplation?

Regarding Act II, what can you include in this blog about relationships?  What have you written about and contemplated in your Act II Reader's Log?  Please complete in class today.


LeslieH said...

In Act II the relationships seem somewhat tense but still kind of the same way they were in Act I. I think that the nurse that even though she is teasing Juliet, she might be straining their relationship, but it is not all the nurse's fault, I think Juliet, even though she is eager to marry Romeo, should calm down a little.

Dani Scott said...

If you truely love someone you should be with them no matter what. You may fall in love with your sworen enemy that shouldn't stop you from being happy. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness, even Romeo who moves on way too fast.

Erin C. said...

Romeo and Juliet have known each other for about two days and they are already getting married. They never want to leave each other's sides which concludes that in a relationship, anything can happen. Relationships are between two people. Romeo and Juliet don't care what their parents will think, they want to be together. The Friar is only agreeing to marry them because he thinks it will end the feud between the parents, but that doesn't really matter to Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I think act 2 is crazy. The love bug has hit everybody. I love the poetry that is used in the act. I can't imagine being so in love with someone to risk your life for them. I can't believe that Friar Lawrence is willing to marry the two so the feud is over between the families. I would think it would make it worse. bI think this relationship is to confusing and I would not like to be in a relationship that has all this confusion.

AbbyJH said...

There are many strong relationships in Act II. The main relationship is between Romeo and Juliet. In this act they admit there love for each other and agree to marry. Another relationship is between Benvolio, Mercutio, and Romeo. Although they joke around a lot they really care about Romeo and would do anything for him. Juliet and Nurse also have a strong relationship. Juliet trusted her enough to tell her about Romeo even though he is a Montague. The Nurse cares about Juliet more than anything and would give anything for her. I think that relationships in this Act were all about trust and sticking by someone no matter what.

Kristi S. said...

In Act II the relationships are pretty good. Romeo has his full trust in Friar Laurence to have him marry Romeo and Juliet. Juliet has her full trust in the Nurse for figuring out when and where she will meet Romeo so they can get married. Friar Laurence said to Romeo "For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone." He is saying that he will not leave Romeo and Juliet's side until they are married. That shows good relationship because Friar is protecting them. It is very obvious that the relationship between Romeo and Juliet is very good because they spent all night together talking about marriage and are both trying to figure out when and where to marry and who will marry them. Act II is full of good relationships and that is something I can take and put into my Reader's Log.

Hannah F said...

In Act II the relationships grow much stronger. Romeo and Friar Laurence become closer during this act. Romeo only trusted Friar Laurence with with the information that he and Juliet wanted to be married. He asked Friar Laurence to marry them. Juliet trusted the Nurse. They grew a lot closer in this act. Juliet sent the Nurse out to find Romeo to sent up the marriage, because she wasn't able to go out to see him, just encase someone saw them together.

Caitlin N said...

In Romeo and Juliet the relationship between Romeo an Friar Laurence is an awkward relationship. Friar Laurence is almost like Romeo's Psychiatrist. He helps him go through the marriage of Juliet and guided him through the hurt of Rosaline. He has given Romeo advice about how to love Juliet and respond to certain things. It is interesting because he seems like a mix of a father figure and a guiding figure. He is showing him the way but yet telling him why and giving reasonable answers to help him through things.

FlynneM said...

Romeo and Juliet's relationship is a strong one. Even though all of his friends were bing mean to the nurse he was a gentleman and tried to help her. It shows that even if he does not know that it is Juliet's nurse he was still kind and showed that he was not in the mode to be mean to this woman. Also Romeo and Friar Laurence became closer because romeo needed help from a man that would not judge him and just listen to him and give him advice. Romeos Relationships with his friends goes down hill because he leaves them and does not want to be mean to everyone anymore.

Hope173 said...

Romeo and Juliet have to compromise and go through many struggles to make their relationship work. Love is unconquerable, which means that nothing can stop it. Many relationships in the 21st century do not last, simply because many people don't take them seriously. This is not the case for everyone though. I can proudly say that I am someone who takes a relationship extremely serious and I would do anything to make it fun and last. Romeo is a great example for boys today because he is so gentle, passionate and calm. The only downfall is Shakespeare makes him seem like it is a "player" in a way because he jumps from Rosaline right to Juliet.

Clare B. said...

What I have noticed in regarding relationships is that the nurse and Juliet have a very strong bond. When nurse comes back from talking to Romeo she purposely stalls just to tease Juliet. This I would believe would make her more of a sisterly or motherly figure rather than just a servant. Also, Romeo and the Friar have a interesting relationship. Since Romeo came to him immediately and didn't say anything to any of his other friend I would assume that Romeo often goes to the friar for advice and guidance which he doesn't get from his other peers.

Molly L said...

At the very end of this act Romeo and Juliet meet at friar Lawrence's cell to express their love for each other in a secret marriage. Their relationship seems strong. Juliet and the nurse also seem to have a good relationship. Mercuito and Romeo don't have the strongest relationship, Mercutio always mocks and laughs at Romeo whenever he gets the chance.

Cassie M said...

Act II shows how true love plays it's role. This proves that there is such thing as love as at first sight. It is possible. They ended up getting married, and lived happily ever after...not.

squintcrwoley said...

Regarding act II, about relationships I can include that they can become complicated. Relationships can to be interesting because they usually don't involve two people, there will be at least one other person that will like to mess things up. IN my act II reading log i have written about how Romeo and Juliet and making their love happen no matter what. They are trying their best to be together and not letting anyone be involved so they can be happy together.

LexieC said...

The relationships in Act 2 are I believe getting stronger and stronger. The relationship between the Nurse and Juliet is becoming stronger, because they share a common secret. The nurse has already known Juliet her whole life and now she is helping her get married. The relationships between Juliet and Romeo is also getting stronger. Romeo and Juliet have decided to get married and this bring them one step closer to knowing each other. The relationship between Friar Laurence and Romeo and Juliet has also become stronger. Friar Laurence is marring Romeo and Juliet, this is sure to bring them closer to each other.

Anna S said...

Relationships are sometimes complicated. There are some things you need to keep secret and some things you want to share with the world but can't. Romeo and Juliet are secretly in love. Their hearts long for each other yet they can't tell anyone. I think when your heart fells this strong about someone, don't hold back your feelings. This is what Romeo and Juliet are doing.

Claudia D said...

In Act II the relationship between Romeo & Juliet is getting stronger and stronger. The Nurse seems to be trying to slow down the marriage process, while the Friar Lawrence is eager to marry them. I know the two lovers are excited but I think they are taking things too fast for their own good.

Unknown said...

In both acts the relationships in general all have issues in general. Then there Romeo and Juliet, who know barely know each other a few hours before they decide to get married.

AmandaA said...

Regarding Act II I learned a lot about relationships because in Romeo and Juliet there are many relationships between many of the characters and I think relationships are important because you need a strong bond and lots of trust to have a solid relationship. I wrote the quote about them outside because that shows their true bond. It is also one of the most famous parts in the play and i wrote that down because I'm not exactly sure why it's so famous.

Emily R. said...

This about relationships because Romeo and Juliet are starting to get close. They are falling in love and They are getting married so that they can be together forever and no one can change that. They are happy together for now but we will see how it is going. For now they are in love but do they really know each other?? And if they did know each other would it change things??

Ellen B said...

Romeo and Juliet have a very spontaneous relationship. Their situation included "Love at first sight". Romeo had experienced a lot of trouble from his former love. Rosaline did not return his feelings, and this was harsh for him to accept. Benvolio and Mercutio convinced Romeo that maybe he just needs to keep looking around. He and his friends sneak into a party hosted by the Capulets. There, Romeo sees Rosaline and realizes he is wasting his time waiting on her. He then sees Juliet and is almost "mesmerized" by her beauty. He completely forgets about Rosaline and is head over heels for Juliet. Personally, I think their relationship is too spontaneous and will not be very stable. He did not even know who Juliet was before the party. I think it's ridiculous how Romeo and Juliet are getting married after only knowing each other for less than a day. I think their relationship is unstable and destined to crumble.

Erin K said...

The nurse has a very close relationship with Juliet. She wants her to be happy and would do anything for her. This is shown when the nurse goes out to talk with Romeo about their wedding and the Nurse keeps the secret. Romeo and Friar Lawrence have a good relationship because Romeo goes to him and talks with him like they are good friends and the Friar agrees to marry them and keep the secret. Romeo and his friends don't have such a great relationship because they keep accusing him of things and Romeo can't tell them the truth because they would flip out and spread the word to everyone including Romeo's parents.

~Nouhad E. said...

In Act II,the Nurse tells Juliet that Romeo is waiting at Friar Lawrence’s cell to marry her. Romeo and Friar Lawrence wait for Juliet to arrive at the cell. Romeo and Juliet get married at the end of Act 2. That shows how much they love each other. The only characters that know that they are getting married are the nurse and friar laurence.

KelseyM. said...

The relationships in this act are much much stronger. Romeo and Juliet have grown such a strong bond in the two days they have known each other. They have claimed they are in love and they want to spend the rest of their lives together. They wanted to marry each other but it had to be in secrecy. Also the relationship between them and the nurse and Friar Lawrence is strong. During this time of secrecy, those were the people they could trust with their secret.

GingerW said...

In Act II I learned a lot about relationships. In Romeo and Juliet there are many relationships between many of the characters and I think relationships are important because you need a lot of trust makes a solid relationship.

MadisonW said...

In Act II, Romeo and Juliet's love for each other blossoms quickly. Even though their families are sworn enemies, that shouldn't stop them from pursuing their relationship. Everyone should get a chance at love even if some people may not approve of it, you should do what ever makes you happy. Act II portrays how love at first sight is realistic and possible, though people may not believe in fate and love at first sight, you have to look at the love of Romeo and Juliet.... is it possible?

AbbyH said...

Regarding Act II, I can include in this blog about relationships is that the relationships between the Capulet and Montague is still weak because they are still separated and are against each other. Mercutio's relationship with people other than Romeo is not aloof from people in his family. Both Benvolio and Mercutio are like brothers because they hang out with each other most of the time. Throughout this play, Shakespeare puts some interesting words in here. An example of a term that we hardly hear is rooteth which means grows in Shakespeare's time.

Danielle Z said...

In Act II the relationships i feel get better known. Romeo and Juliet become more intense with each other and they are more willing to express their feelings toward each other. They also are more joking so you get to see what the characters are really like in the story.

AmeliaS said...

The relationships in Act 2. are very complicated. It startes out showing the deep respect that Friar Laurence and Romeo have for eachother, if Romeo trusted him so much to confess his love for Juliet and ask for him to marry them. Also it shows the escalation of aggression between Tybalt and Romeo, because Tybalt sent a letter challenging Romeo to duel. In the end of course it also increases the love that Romeo and Juliet feel for eachother because at the end of this Act they get married.