Friday, April 2, 2010

Perfection? Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation?  What does this make you think?  Don't forget to include references to our class discussion.


Anonymous said...

For the survey I said that I want a man who will take me to the LDS Temple to get married. He MUST treat me with respect and be humble. I would like him to be a member of the LDS church and share the same standards as me. A person who is trustful, loyal, honest. One who is Christlike. I have learned from my life that I want a husband who will be committed to making the home the best that it can be. When the time comes that we have children I want my husband to be able to talk with the children without feeling like he does not know what's going on. My grandma said that she wants me to have a tall, handsome man, who is in the LDS church and will take me to the temple. He MUST be patient, fun to be with and would like to have children. He must have a good education and be able to provide for the family. Romeo and Juliet is like this because they are willing to do anything to be together. They trust each other. When Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead, he kills himself just to be with her. That is being devoted.

Clare B. said...

With Romeo and Juliet meet and fell in love in a matter of days. In that time period Romeo treats Juliet with respect and genuinely love her. Which is what my parents hope for me. Romeo and Juliet change together and embrace it. Which is what my parents want for me. I think to truly have a good relationship both people have to give a little bit.

AmandaA said...

During our class discussion we discussed the importance of certain traits such as being open to change and flexibility such as in Romeo and Juliet and how Juliet's family is not accepting the fact that Romeo and Juliet are in love and how they can't be flexible or open to change even for their daughters own happiness. Another important trait we discussed was honesty and how important being honest is in a relationship. In addition to being open to change and being honest another key trait in a relationship is respect, the two people must respect each other and connecting to Romeo and Juliet it is similar because Romeo is told that he cannot just tell Juliet they are getting married, he has to earn her love and learn to respect her. I think that these traits are not only important in Romeo and Juliet, but they are also still important in solid relationships today.

AmeliaS said...

My results from the survey was that my moms point of view is that as long as they are good to me and respect me that it doesn't matter who they are. My point off view is mostly the same because i feel that everyone deserves to have someone who treats them right. My results are completely opposite of what is going on in Romeo & Juliet. Their families are rivals and Juliet already has a specific person (Paris) who she is supposed to be with.

AbbyJH said...

The perfect mate activity showed me that I would definitely not want to be in Juliet's shoes. Although my Mom and I had some of the same qualities that would make a perfect mate we also have some different ideas. I know that I always want my parents to approve of my mate but I would never want them to choose for me like Paris was chosen for Juliet. There is never a substitute for true love like Romeo and Juliet had together. I think everyone should have the choice of who they love and who they want to marry because it can come when you least expect it.

Hannah F said...

In the "Perfect Mate" survey I found that my mom (she filled out the survey) and I are a lot alike. She said a lot of the same things I did. We both said, "tall, athletic, smart, funny, respectful, and attractive." It shows that we are very similar. She really seems to know me, unlike Juliet's mother and father, who set her up with Paris. I would not be afraid for my parents to pick out someone for me, I wouldn't really enjoy it, but it wouldn't be a total disaster. It makes me think that now parents and children are a lot closer than they were when Romeo and Juliet took place. I'm very happy that we are this close and it's good to know that if I didn't have a choice in who I married, like Juliet, it wouldn't be a horrible thing.

~Nouhad E. said...

In the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo treats Juliet with respect, and loves her for who she is. I think the "Perfect Mate" would be a caring person who is the same religion as me and shares the same beliefs. He has to be loyal, trustworthy, and honest. My mom said that she wants him to be tall and handsome. He has to be kind and loving and has to respect my parents.

Hope173 said...

It is essential to share that many people can find a way to make arranged marriages work. And many do not work out. When an arranged marriage doesn't work out then it causes tension between the couple. My experience with relationships and my parents has made me think about how hard Romeo and Juliet worked to make their relationship work. Even though it didn't last very long. My parents have always told me never to waste my time on anyone I have no interest in and also that they would never force me to date anyone that I don't like. This makes me think that I can trust my parents to know that anyone that I date, I have interest in. My parents also wrote down many of the same things that I did for the Perfect Mate Survey which is a relief because they know who I have interest in and who I do not. This is definitely a good thing knowing that my parents trust me to make good decisions when it comes to relationships.

Kristen said...

When thinking about who I want my mate to be, it made me really grateful that I don't have an arranged marriage. I can't even imagine having to marry someone who I don't love. In her situation I have no idea what I would do. I would hate to hurt my parents, but I would also hate to have to live with someone the rest of my life that I don't even love. Some qualities that I would want my future mate to be is to be respectful, kind, and be willing to be there for me. As much as my parents know me and love me, I think it would be very hard for them to chose someone for me that think would be prefect for me. We had many of the same answers, but I don't think I would be as happy if they chose someone for me rather then myself choosing someone.

Claudia D said...

The characteristics I look for in "a perfect mate" are very similar to those of my parents. We agree that in a relationship there needs to be a level of trust and respect. Ideally, he needs to be a good student and a good role model for myself. My parents want the best for me, just like Romeo and Juliet's parents. In order to pursue a relationship, the two lovers have to keep it very secretive. I know from experience that this is one of the hardest things to do emotionally and physically.

Erin K said...

From what my parents and I wrote down I realized that we agree the perfect mate. I believe having older sisters and seeing them go through it all with their own guidance from my parents teaches me what I should look for. Romeo and Juliet and their parents didn't agree on who they should marry which left room for one side to become unhappy. I think that parents should share with their kid what qualities they think are important but they shouldn't get to choose.

Anna S said...

Traits from the "Perfect Mate" handout and traits from Romeo and Juliet are very similar. Juliet wants someone like Romeo: kind hearted and attractive while her parents want someone like Paris: respectful to them and good for Juliet (in their minds). My mom would never let me date someone that isn't respectful and it seems like Juliet's mom wouldn't either. Romeo is not the type of guy Juliet's mom would ever want for her and although their love is forbidden, they love each other anyway.

Erin C. said...

When I answered the perfect mate survey I tried to focus on how I live my life. I tried to write down my personality and what would be best for it. My parents, for the most part, had the same idea. If my parents had to choose my perfect mate I would trust them to find a decent person. Juliet and the arranged marriage of Paris did not fit her likes. Her parents did not think about what she wanted. When Capulet talks to Paris he says,"But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart;"(I.ii.16.). He is a little hesitant about the marriage but all he reminds Paris is to make sure he deserves his love from Juliet. He never thinks that maybe Juliet doesn't love him or if she agree to the marriage.

LeslieH said...

I think with the Perfect Mate handout a lot of parents did not focus on physical appearances, aside from saying that maybe they want someone taller for their children, and the parents focused on more personality.
My experience relates to Romeo and Juliet's experience in not many ways because my parents just want someone who will make me laugh and treat me right.
This makes me think that the times change quickly and I also think that having someone who is completely "perfect" is unobtainable, but we can always come close to perfect or think that the person we have is perfect to us.


Emily R. said...

Me and my mom agreed and said the same thing about everything I think that is because i am so much like my mom and we are very close. In "Romeo and Juliet" they don't have the same thoughts in who Romeo and Juliet will marry. They don't see eye to eye in what kind of man or woman would make them happy and i think that if they had more communication within their family Romeo and Juliet would end up more happy. I have always had and idea of what kind of guy my perfect mate would be because my mom tells me stories about her old relationships and what to look for in a guy. My parents helped me a lot to discover what kind of guy that i want.

Danielle Z said...

What sets me aside from what Romeo and Juilet is that my parents want whats best for me. When i asked them the question of what characteristics they thought would be good for me there was some jokes but what they really wanted was my happiness and that i am respected. Romeo and Juilet werent so lucky with there parents because they werent willing to end the feud for their childrens happiness. My parents are so judgmental to force me to be with someone i dont want to be. They have always wanted whats best for me that makes me happy and thats how they will always want it. I feel bad for Juilet because i dont know what i would do if my parents forbid me to be with someone i love.

Molly L said...

While discussing the perfect mate handout, a couple terms were repeated such as respect, honesty, and morals. While talking to my mom about this, she included the word character. She also said it doesn't matter if everyone else is happy, it only matters if you are happy and comfortable with the situations. I believe the perfect man should always be faithful, patient, true to his word, and someone i can trust. To me trust is very important. Romeo and Juliet is a little bit like this, they both trust each other and want to make the relationship last.

Caitlin N said...

I think the "Perfect Mate" assignment reflects on how you would feel if your parents required you to marry someone they picked out for you. I have realized that my parents would not want to choose who I would marry because they want me to be with someone I love and want to be around. My parents just want me to be happy and have a good life so that I don't get homeless or don't get any food. My experience doesn't relate to Romeo and Juliet's situation at all. My parents would never want to take the privlege of finding a person I love away from me. The most that they want is for my mate to treat me right and be able to have good money management skills. It makes me glad to have parents that want me to make my own decissions and want good things for me. I also think it is unfair. Different parents want different things for their children and have many different views on that subject.

BrittneeA said...

From the "Perfect Mate" survey, both my mom and I had somewhat the same ideas in mind for my perfect mate. Juliet however isn't as lucky as me. Her parents have chosen her mate who is the complete opposite of what she would think is perfect. I think it is important for both parents and teens to talk about characteristes of a perfect mate because it helps you and your parents come up with ideas for a person that is perfect for you. Parents only want the best for their children and you should want the best for yourself. Which means finding things that you could look for in your perfect mate that away you know you have things in common and that they will treat you right.

Cassie M said...

After filling out the "Perfect Mate" survey with my parents. I noticed that we had a lot of the same opinions on what would be best for me. A big part was religion, and I would want a partner who is strong in their faith. But the biggest, was respect. He has to have respect for himself and respect for others, he has to respect me and also my family. This is where Romeo and Juliet come in to play, Romeo and Juliet were in love. But their parents and families were holding them back. Their families didn't support one another. That is extremely important to me, to be family oriented. I will always want to have my family's approval of my partner. It is very sad that they had to go through that. Clearly, these are main ideas of what is important to my family and I in my "perfect mate."

GingerW said...

The Perfect Mate activity made me realize how hard it would be to date someone your parents disapproved of. Juliet must sneak around to see Romeo and her parents are forcing her to marry somebody else. My parents would want my mate to be someone who respected themselves and me. And someone that would put me first in their life. Also I would want someone with goals and achievements.

Maddie W said...

Romeo and Juliet's love is unstoppable. they both respect each other and truly love each other, even though they fell head-over heals for each other in a matter of days. Unlike Juliet's parents, my parents only want the best for me and would support me with any decision i make regarding my perfect mate. its called your"perfect mate", isnt it? well i believe that someones perfect mate is what they want in a person not what everyone else wants.

KelseyM. said...

I am set aside from Romeo and Juliet by not being forced into a relationship like Juliet was. Her parents didn't care what was best for her, they were going to do what was in best interest for themselves. This made her so unhappy, both Romeo and Juliet unhappy. This made them devoted to each other because they would of done anything to be with each other. My parents on the other hand wants me to be with someone that i want o be with not just anyone. Also they must be loyal and devoted. Embracing change was one of my own personal requirement's. They must be willing to support me and the family as life goes on and has to treat me well.

Kristi S. said...

In completing the "Perfect Mate" handout I found that both my mom and I have the same traits in a man for me. If my mom picked a guy for me to marry I believe I wouldn't have a problem with who he is. I feel like my mom would pick someone she knows I would like, so I wouldn't be unhappy and unwilling to marry him. I wouldn't have to sneak off to secretly marry another man I truly love, like Romeo and Juliet did. This makes me think that all my mom wants is for me to be happy. If I didn't like somebody she picked for me I believe my mom would want me to tell her and she would respect that and pick someone else for me, or let me pick who I wanted. Respect, understanding and love is what my mom would look for if she had to pick a man for me.

Carly I said...

this perfect mate handout i think was very interesting to do. it was compelling to see what my mom put down, what she wanted for me.and i agree with the things she put down, it seems to me that she would like what ever i wanted, especially if it was good for me. it was also good to think about what i wanted.i haven' given much thought to it before. connections to Romeo and Juliet was a world apart. i dont think my parents would ever arrange for me to get married. how i see it is my parents want to see through my eyes and to understand what i want. my mom cares alot about respect in a person and being able to understand me. i value these traits also. what i think is who ever i find, if he treats me right my parent will be happy.

Ellen B said...

Throughout this past week, we have been discussing Romeo and Juliet's situation. Unfortunately, Juliet is planned to marry Paris due to her parent's decision. Juliet is actually in love with Romeo though. We have been exploring how the parent's idea of a "perfect mate" might differ from that of the child's. Some major traits we discussed in class were honesty, respect, support, and a true, unique personality. My parents and I both responded with traits such as these. Without them, a stable relationship is impossible. Both sides need to be honest with each other and not try to convey a different personality than themselves. Another portion that I think is important is support from the parents. Just like in Romeo and Juliet's situation, without this, it is nearly impossible to have a stable relationship. My experience with this assignment was quite different than Romeo and Juliet's situation. My parents and I had very similar responses and valued several of the same traits. This makes me think that maybe Romeo and Juliet's parents did not support them as much because they did not feel that their kids were able to make the right choice. Instead, they made it for them.

Rae.A said...

nothing is essential for me to share i just want a man who couldnt go a minute without me and loves me endlessly and is faithful. my mom totally doesnt know me and doesnt know what i want in a guy which isnt suprising. this assignment really made me think about what i want in a guy.

Dani Scott said...

This survey made me think about my relationship with my boyfriend. We had been together for a year and everyone keeps saying it won't last so when i filled out this survey it told me that my boyfriend is the perfect person for me.