Wednesday, April 21, 2010


After reading the information addressing Shakespeare and fate, what are you contemplating regarding Romeo and Juliet?  How is fate a force at work?  Is it untimely?  Please respond in class today.


Dani Scott said...

I think Shakespeare wrote most of his plays on fate. I think it was what most people believed in, during that time. Most things in his plays happen because of fate but can fate be stopped? Does everything that is planned by fate have to happen?

Anonymous said...

I believe that things happen for a reason. Whether good or bad. Every action and choice is one step closer to who you will become and how your life will be. Fate is a mystery. No one can predict the future. No one knows what will happen or how to react until the event has come. Fate is the way life is suppose to be. As it says in THE SECRET the law of attraction is working. You attract good and bad and you are the one to bring about what you want in life. Trails come for a reason and the way they end it fate. The way it is suppose to be.

AmeliaS said...

I feel like in Romeo and Juliet fate is a strong factor that has morphed this story. It was fate that as Romeo put it directed his sails toward the party that lead him to meeting Juliet. Romeo and Juliet were destined to be true loves but it was fate that I feel brought them together. As for me I am not completely sure on what my philosophy on fate is.

GingerW said...

Most of Shakespeare's plays revolved around fate. Fate is what made his plays popular, especially in Romeo and Juliet the whole love story is all due to fate. Because of Boethius Shakespeare found fate so intriguing and therefore intrigued his audiences.

AbbyJH said...

I think that Shakespeare is a strong believer in fate and wants to include it into his writing. I think that there is such a thing as fate but it shouldn't control someone. I'm not really sure if fate is a force at work and I don't think anyone will ever know. Life is full of choices and you will make good ones and bad ones. Are the bad things that happen fate as well?

Clare B. said...

Fate was a big part in Shakespearean time. Like in the way Romeo and Juliet are described as star-crossed lovers. which means they were doomed to face a horrible demise. So Shakespeare take the beliefs of the times and use them to create a spiraling demise for Romeo and Juliet.

squintcrwoley said...

Fate seems to be in most of Shakespeare's plays. I believe that The story Romeo and Juliet happened a lot back then. Fate is a force of work because we usually don't realize when it happens but it just does. Fate can be stopped because we don't have control over it in the first place.

Molly L said...

Fate is a force that can pull people together or tear them apart. In Romeo and Juliet it can end up doing both, it brought them together in the beginning, but in the end it tears them apart. What would have happened if they never met? what would happen then? Does fate actually exist, or is it just our imagination?

Cassie M said...

"You must sing a-down a-down,An you call him a-down-a.O, how the wheel becomes it! It is the false steward, that stole his master's daughter."(Hamlet, 4.5.176), Ophelia. This quote shows that it was inconvenient that he was taking the master's daughter. But they were in love, so let them love.

Hope173 said...

The definition of fate is, something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot ( Fate is unstoppable. Fate is a force at work because like I just said, it is unstoppable but in addition it is endless. Fate in Romeo and Juliet is hidden to me. I catch some of it but not all of it is visible at first sight. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to find things that may be missed at first sight.

Emily R. said...

I think that everything in movies and in songs and in plays are all based on fate. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet on fate. Fate is a force at work because when you find the person that you are meant to be with, you can tell that they are to one. If your fate is being with a certain person and that is how you feel sometimes the other person wont feel the same way but if it really is fate then you will meet later and life and be together.

FlynneM said...

I think that romeo and Juliets relationship is not fate. I think that fate is not real and i think that stuff just happens. I think that the whole big deal of fate is just to mask the fact that they are messed up. Fate had nothing to do with them both killing themselves.

Hope173 said...

The definition of fate is, something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot ( Fate is unstoppable. Fate is a force at work because like I just said, it is unstoppable but in addition it is endless. Fate in Romeo and Juliet is hidden to me. I catch some of it but not all of it is visible at first sight. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to find things that may be missed at first sight.

Erin C. said...

I think Shakespeare is trying to show that fate can bring even the enemies together. In almost all of his stories he talks about fate. He shows through the writing that the fate is what brought them together, not the parties or anything else. I believe it was fate for Romeo and Juliet to die so that the two families would finally get along.

LeslieH said...

Fate: an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future.
In Romeo and Juliet "fate" is a force at work by trying to rip these two lovers apart. If "fate" is true then "fate" did not want these two lovers together at all. "Fate" is untimely because if maybe it brought these two lovers together later, they might have actually had a chance of happiness.

Alana W said...

i think he wrote about fate a lot... which i can understand because during his time people were a lot more religious and believed more in that stuff. i feel bad for Romeo and Juliet because there fate sucked, fall in love at first sight, married like the next day, and then within like a week of them meeting there both dead.

Caitlin N said...

The fate between Romeo and Juliet relies on the masquerade ball. If Romeo wasn't "in love" with Rosaline then he would have never gone to the ball or found out about it. If the servant didn't know how to read then he wouldn't have found out about the ball. And if Romeo didn't have the helping personality then also wouldn't of found out about it. If Romeo wasn't the way he was then it wouldn't be fate. That's what everything relies on.

AmandaA said...

It seems as though Shakespeare wrote most of his plays based on the force of fate. I think that maybe he wrote his plays based on fate because it wasn't something that usually happened to most people. I think that people are fascinated by the idea of fate but I don't think that the reality of fate is as good as the idea. In his plays it seems like fate is always at work, even when the characters don't see its happening , we the readers do. I think that fate isn't something that usually happens, in my opinion it is most of the time just being in the right place at the right time.

BrittneeA said...

After reading the information about Shakespeare and fate I truly believe that fate does exist. I believe that each and every one of us has someone that we are meant to be with. Fate is a force at work, most of the time we met our fate on the road we took to avoid something. Romeo and Juliet met at a ball where Romeo's intent is to make Rosalie fall in love with him. Once at the ball he sees Juliet on the dance floor and instantly falls in love with her. Romeo mets Juliet in the most unexpected situation. This is the same in our everyday lives, we met people in the most unexpected situations. So because of that I think fate does exist in every day lives and not just in stories.

~Nouhad E. said...

Shakespeare's themes for most of his plays were fate, and tragedy. I think that Romeo and Juliet weren't in control of everything that happened in their life. Their parents did not support their marriage, because of what families they came from. Fate is always happens for a reason. I think that Romeo and Juliet's fate was bad.

Hannah F said...

Romeo and Juliet's relationship is all because of fate. If Romeo hadn't been rejected by Rosaline and then told to go to the Capulet masque he never would've seen Juliet. Romeo says "O, I am fortune's fool" he saying that he is just a puppet, I guess you could say, of the fates. Shakespeare uses fate in a lot of his books, for example, in the "Twelfth Night" he writes, "My stars shine darkly over me: the malignancy of my fate might perhaps distemper yours." He referenced fate in that book as well as in "The Tempest" he writes, "By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune,
Now my dear lady, hath mine enemies
Brought to this shore; and by my prescience I find my zenith doth depend upon A most auspicious star, whose influence If now I court not but omit, my fortunes Will ever after droop." He uses fate to determine relationships and events in a lot of his books. Fate seems too be the determining factor in most of Shakespeare's books.

Anna S said...

Obviously Shakespeare likes to write about fate. Most of his writing is about fate. Fate is untimely especially in Romeo and Juliet. It's almost Juliet's birthday and Romeo is in love with Rosaline. whatever will they do?! well they fall in love anyway and live happily ever after...ha yeah right ;)

Kristen said...

Fate in Romeo and Juliet is almost never consistent. One minute its all happy and things are going great and then the next, lives are at stake and Romeo is banned from the place he lives. Fate is very apart of the play Romeo and Juliet. It would have been so possible that Romeo had never gone to the party and then would have never met Juliet. It is also very possible that when Juliet was dancing that she had never seen Romeo or even Tybalt could have gotten to Romeo and kicked him out. But as amazing as all these fate things have appeared, It doesn't all end happy and exciting. There are troubles that come along the way with all these great things. When Romeo got banned, it is going to complicated a lot of different things between him and Juliet and make fate not so enjoyable anymore.

Kristi S. said...

After reading the information I believe that fate is a force at work because it can't just happen on a random day to random people. Fate has to work like any other living person. It has to pick certain people and what their fate will be. Fate picked Romeo and Juliet hoping they would fall in love and live happy. They did fall in love but they didn't live happily. Fate is untimely because in Romeo and Juliet their fate of falling in love happened at the wrong time. They had so much to do to marry secretly, Juliet had to find a way to get out of marring Paris. There are difficulties with fate but it is real and it works at force and it is also untimely. Fate can happen to anyone and it could or could not work out the way it should.

Erin K said...

I think that Shakespeare wrote on the topic of fate because back then more people believed in it. Now a lot of people don't believe in it now. You always have a choice and your the one who makes your choices, so if you decide to do something and it backfires thats your fault and if you make the right choice then good for you! In Romeo and Juliet Mercutio dies because of his choice to fight, he easily could have decided to walk away.

Claudia D said...

I think Shakespeare adds fate into his plays to originate problems and bumps along the way. All good stories have a problem and a solution, which creates a reason for fate to be present.

Danielle Z said...

I think that everything happens for a reason. Fate i think takes a big part in Romeo and Juliet because of how they meet. Romeo wouldnt have gone to the party and me Juliet if he hadnt found the servant then he wouldnt have gone to the party to see Rosaline. Since i believe that Shakespeare was a strong believer in fate, he made it a key point through out the whole play.

Ellen B said...

Overall, the story of Romeo and Juliet is completely based upon fate. It shows up over and over again throughout the play. Romeo would have never met Juliet and fallen in love with her if he had not helped the servant earlier in the story. There are a lot of events that almost foreshadow the action later. These instances are normally examples of fate, too. The fact that Romeo happens to go to the Capulet's party and the fact that he just happens to see Juliet and immediately fall in love is based upon both of their fate. Also, the fact that he just can't forget about Rosaline is a huge example of fate. This is one of the biggest portions of the story that fuels the overall plot. Fate shows up multiple times throughout the story and is the basis of the play.

MadisonW said...

Romeo and Juliet were destined to be with each other and fate is what brought them together and later apart. Fate is what brought Romeo to Juliet. Fate is what Shakespeare believed in. Romeo and Juliet were meant to be with each other and fate made that happen.

AbbyH said...

After reading the information addressing Shakespeare and fate, I think fate is at times a force at work, but I don't think that it is an untimely thing. Fate is a force at work by making it happen randomly rather than on an every day bases. Fate at times can be a good thing and a bad thing. To me, fate is like miracle, it happens every once in a while, that is only if people believe in it. I believe in fate sometimes, but I'm not too big on it.

Rae.A said...

After reading the information addressing Romeo and Juliet and fate, i decided that there is no fate in Romeo and Juliet and that romeo and Juliet is just a story that Shakespeare wrote and he wasnt even the original author. the original author of romeo and Juliet was written by Arthur Brooke's and the name of his book was romeus and Juliet. Shakespeare used the story and shortened it to just a few days. i personally think there is no fate in this story, plus it is just a story that people made up. I can believe in fate, but i dont think this story has fate in it.

KelseyM. said...

It seems as if Romeo and Juliet's love was written by shake spear as it should rely on fate. They would of never met if Romeo would of not fallen in love with Rosaline.By there love not playing out and not working he would of never been able to meet Juliet which relies on him wanting to go to the party to try to make him self feel better. The fate of going to ball was the fact that the servant was able to read the invite and tell Romeo about it. The fate of them was pretty much cause and affect.