Friday, April 9, 2010

Cube It!

Regarding the Position Paper Process, what did you learn about yourself and the writing process?  What will you apply and remember?  Comment about the rubric, writing lab, conferences, process steps, peer editing, etc...  Please respond today in class.


Anonymous said...

I learned that I suck at writing and hate long essays. I thought I worked hard and long at this. I liked the rubric, it helped a lot.

Anonymous said...

I learned that I suck at writing and hate long essays. I thought I worked hard and long at this. I liked the rubric, it helped a lot.

Dani Scott said...

The Position paper taught me how to use other resoursces I didn't know we had at our disposal. Noodle Tools really helped me and I have used these resoursces in other classes.

Cassie M said...

The position paper really seemed to help improve my writing. I had to go through some process to achieve this goal. I went into the writing lab, which was very helpful! I also had my family members read my paper and correct any mistakes that they could find. Editing in class was helpful as well. As I write more papers, I will always go to the writing lab just to make sure everything sounds and flows okay. I love writing, so the position paper was great.

Anonymous said...

I learned that I suck at writing and hate long essays. I thought I worked hard and long at this. I liked the rubric, it helped a lot.

BrittneeA said...

I really learned how to write a paper. All the steps really helped me write my paper in a timely manner. By doing all the separate steps it made the paper a lot easier to write. By the time the paper was due I found that by doing all the separate steps it wasn't hard to write the final draft and it really didn't take all that long. I really liked having all the separate steps it really helped me learn how to write a paper in a correct way.

AmeliaS said...

I feel that my position paper has turned out surprisingly great. I have learned a lot about the different parts the create a good essay. In the beginning starting out was hard, because I turned my paper around from doing it on the death penalty to it now being on the deprived state of the equine industry. the conferences helped, as well as writing lab. I went to writing lab twice the first time I didn't get many things improved on my paper. The second time I went to writing lab Mrs. Lee helped me out a ton with my passive voice. She showed me a website that helped me revise my page more than simply having a peer edit it. the web site is called SAS and I feel like it saved my paper. I feel like this paper will be useful later in life, like in college.

Hope173 said...

I learned that being ontop of things is definitely helpful when writing an important essay. Next time I write an essay I will definitely say on top of things as well as do some extra work to excel. I will always remember to use new vocabulary instead of the same boring words. The rubric I think was fit speciafically for someone's paper, but if you perfect it to fit your paper than it was fine. I was never able to go to writing lab because my off hours didn't match with the hours that it was open. I followed the process steps as closely as possible. And the peer editing was very helping when trying to improve my paper!

Alana W said...

i learned that i hate rubrics and having to talk about my work, i dont really think i learned anything new.

Claudia D said...

I learned that if I really put a lot of effort into something, it can turn out well. I feel like I did a good job on this paper and I am proud of it. Writing it was fun, but making the annotated bibliography was not my favorite aspect...

LexieC said...

Throughout the process of writing our position papers. I have learned that writing lab is very helpful and useful. I also think when we have one date when the paper is due helps me write better. When we have little days in between when different things are due I get stressed and don't do the work. I think writing conferences are a bit of a hassle. Peer editing doesn't help in the least to me. I don't get anything out of peer editing. Ultimately, I think the process has been quite an experience.

AbbyJH said...

Going through the process of writing the position paper taught me to really push myself and get my paper to the best copy. I will always remember for future papers to not procrastenate and start early. I also learned that the thesis is very important and everything in your paper should relate to it. Writing the position paper was challenging but it was a really good experience to write a paper of that length.

Molly L said...

During the position paper process I learned about citing my work and setting up my paper correctly. I will remember how to properly cite my sources to avoid plagiarism. Even though i did not attend writing lab, I thought peer editing was really helpful. People seeing the mistakes I could not find improved my writing tremendously.

Emily R. said...

During the process of writing my position paper i learned that i have good ideas but i have problems putting my ideas on paper. Putting my ideas into words is very hard for me and my sentences sometimes don't make sense. I am glad that we didn't have a certain length for the position paper. I like writing an amount that is good for me because i make random sentences that don't make sense towards my essay because i want it to be long enough for the points.

Kristen said...

Writing the position paper took a lot of patients and research, without those two things there is no way my paper would turn out the way it did. Writing about Eating Disorders tough me so much and how incredible harmful they are. Getting help from teachers, family, and friends help me expand my knowledge about writing and helped my paper be the best it could be.

Caitlin N said...

During the process of writing the position paper I realized that using the outline technique was very helpful even though I hate making them. Most peer editing techniques didn't help me much but conferences and and writing lab helped me to know what Mr. Trotter wanted. I also found that the process it's self is very tuff and takes pateince. It was very hard with trying to make it to our teachers approval but it might have made my writing better. All together I don't necessarily agree with some of the process but maybe that's because it was hard.

~Nouhad E. said...

The Position Paper was a challenging paper to write because of how it needed to be structured. Writing Lab and Conferences helped clarify the requirements for the paper. The challenging part of the position paper was making it 3 pages. I think that this paper helped us see what level of writing we are at.

Hannah F said...

Through out our position paper I learned that it is a very good thing to go in to get help and to have someone look over your paper who isn't a friend. When you get that type of criticism it's very helpful. I did not really enjoy all the steps we had to go through to get to our final paper, but after I took all those steps I realized that if I hadn't have taken those steps my paper would not have been as good as it was. I learned that when I take all the steps and take my time in the end the result is very good. I think that now I'll always go in to see a teacher for help on my paper to see what I can do to improve the quality of my work.

Carly I said...

during writing this paper i found that when i sat down to write and focus i could actually accomplish a lot especially if i cared about the subject, but what ill have to do in the future is even if i don't care as much about it i still have to use the same work ethic that i put into the writing portion of the paper. i think that the conferences really helped because its a different set of eyes looking at your paper, and pointing out things you could have missed,it helped make the paper so much better.

Clare B. said...

I learned through the position paper process that using a plan is very useful rather than taking it head on. It helps organize your thoughts. The conferences help refine my writing by discussing it with the one who will be grading it. Peer editing helps me get a third option.

Anna S said...

During the position paper process I learned a lot about myself and writing. First, I learned that a good paper takes time to complete. It's impossible to turn in your first draft of a paper and receive a good grade. Next, you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Finally, I learned writing is not my best subject and I need to work really hard to make my writing good. I am so glad I am done with this paper! WHOOOOO! hahaha

Kristi S. said...

During the process of this writing I learned that I need to add more of myself into my writing. I also learned that more planning does help a lot but it just isn't for me. I think the conferences and peer editing helped me a lot with my paper. Getting different opinions help me make my writing better. I didn't look at the rubric a lot while writing my paper but after I wrote it I looked and made sure I had everything needed. I am happy with my paper, but I wish I would have picked a different topic to write about. I feel like it was a harder topic to pick a position on, but not a hard topic to write about.

FlynneM said...

What i learned about myself when writing and the writing process of the position paper was that it is very hard and that i could not slack with out getting in trouble. If i did not write for just one day it was hard to catch back up. the writing process was very hard and tedious. I will apply what i have learned to all of the essays that i have to write from now on. I generally liked what we did but i did not like the conferences because half the time i was not understanding what i was supposed to do.

Ellen B said...

The Position Paper Process was very lengthy, but also very rewarding. I learned that sometimes assignments and projects just take time to complete. Sometimes you just have to sit down and work. At times, this could be very challenging. Everyday, there are so many distractions to deal with. Towards the beginning, it was very difficult for me to stay focused on what I needed to get done. But, that diligence payed off in the end. I did not have to rush the night before pulling everything together. I learned that it's easier to stay focused in the beginning, so you don't have to make up for it in the end. The conferences definitely helped me realize what I needed to revise. It made me realize my paper wasn't as good as I thought. Sometimes, it can be a little harsh to accept that the paper you worked so hard on is really not that good. But, I found that the honest truth helped me make my position paper the best it can be. I really like how much time we had between each of the process steps. This helped me complete the project fully, without cutting corners. Peer editing was also beneficial to the final product. It helped me a lot to have several different people read and comment on my paper. Overall, I think I learned a lot and really benefited from writing this position paper.

Danielle Z said...

I learned that when i do all the steps in a paper then it actually helps me towards the whole writing process. It made me have more time to actually focus on what i wanted to say rather then just getting the paper done. We worked a lot on the thesis statments and i have now been able to apply them more to other writings i have done. Also i have started to be on the look out for linking verbs. I tend to put them a lot in my essays so i have had to practice different ways to take them out.

AmandaA said...

Regarding the Position Paper I learned many things about the writing process.I learned a lot about how to cite your sources and that a good paper consists of quotes. I learned that when using quotes you should use the 1,2 rule. Finally, I learned that writing a good and quality paper takes time and a lot of proof reading and editing.

Erin K said...

I learned that I get really tired of working on the same paper for so long just rereading it over and over again! Wow I actually fliped out a couple of times it got so frustrating figuring out how and what I needed to fix next, but I went to writing lab and the conference which helped me to understand what I needed. I also became better at writing a paper which will help me whenever i have to write a paper.

AbbyH said...

During this process of writing the position paper, I learned that I need to work on how to take position rather than just putting the facts down. Learning how to take position in this paper is definitely important when it comes to writing this paper. Even though using the noodle tools frustrated me, I've learned how to use it. I have also learned how to be a better writer by asking people to look at my paper. In this process, I got some great tips from my counselor and my friend.

squintcrwoley said...

I learned that reading is hard. This process was long and kinda boring after awhile. The steps got confusing and hard to remember. Peer editing was easy but again this process just got boring.

KelseyM. said...

I have learned for starters that staying on top of things when in the process for writing this essay is a very important note. I got behind at first and then it was like playing catch up when it came to start to actually writing. Also I have learned many key elements to writing a good strong essay that uses evidence (quotes) in the text to support your thesis. My paper is definitely not my strongest but that is alright, it is a good experience to learn from.

Rae.A said...

During this writing process, i learned i can not write to save my life, i hate writing, and i never wanna do it again. i will remember how the paper is supposed to be written. i didn't like this project at all, it wasn't fun and it was long and tedious.

MadisonW said...

During the process of creating the position paper I have learned how to use different resources, such as online subscription resources. I’ve also found that going in for extra help to either other teachers or peers can really impact the way your final paper turns out. I have realized that writing big papers are not my strong point but I have learned and improved positively throughout the process.