Tuesday, December 1, 2009


In preparation for the final exam essay question, what matters to you?  Please respond as specifically as possible to this prompt.  Then, use your best ideas to fuel your final exam planning and writing.


AmandaA said...

I think what matters to me the most is happiness and being happy. There are so many unhappy people today and it is crazy that they're spending so much time worry about trying to be perfect and live up to someone else's standards that they are missing the most important part of life. We've only got 100 years to live if that, why waste time on trying to perfect the imperfections, look past them and learn to be happy just the way you are. Easier said than done, but I think that being happy is also a key point to success and a life well lived.

Hannah F said...

My freedom is what matters to me. It's not just that we live in America, "land off the free," it's that I have a choice in what I do or say or how I act. Having choice is the most important thing to me regarding freedom, because we are all people and deserve to have some choice about the direction our life takes. It doesn't seem fair to me that some countries take away that right. Who we are is all we have in the end; so why should someone else get a say in who we become?

Rae.A said...
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AbbyH said...

what matters to me mostly is challenge because it helps us to know what to do or how to do it next time if we don't succeed the first time. Challenge helps us to learn. Learning is another thing that matters to me because people go to school to learn that way they can get a good job in the future.

AbbyJH said...

What matters to me most is the relationships I have and reaching out to other people. My family is very important to me, I couldn't get through life without them.They are always there for me and love me no matter what happens. Also my friends mean so much to me. Watching that video I did realize that we spend so much of of our time just watching TV, listening to music, or being online. I should be more careful to value my time and be with the people I love.Also I should try to reach out to other people that are hurting. That is what matters to me.

Autumn S said...
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Clare B. said...

What matters to me is my family if it wasn't for them i would be in this classroom. i would probably be in California in a class that has over thirty students and some don't even have a thing to write on. I wouldn't have gone to Ames elementary school, which has closed, I would have finish my primary school education at Vannoy, which unfortunately was robbed five times when I was there and had frequent lock down drills. It had no art program and no gym.it had barely anything but here i can get a good education and have family close by. If it wasn't for them I would not be here in this classroom today.

Emily R. said...

What matters to me is my friends. My friends make my life fun. Most of my friends i brought with me from middle school but i have also made a lot of new friends at high school. I think friends are so important because they help you as best they can through out all of your hard times and they are always there for you. My friends always entertain me when board and they help me relax when i am around them. Sometimes it is just good to know that you have a friend who you can talk to about any problems that you are having. Friends matter extremely to me because they help keep me level headed.

Erin K said...

What matters to me right now is the honesty of friendship. My best friend for eight and a half years could have died on Sunday. The people around her influence her not to make the right choices and there isn't much I can do to help her. The people that she makes bad choices with live right by her so they are almost always together. I'm not saying they don't care, they do but maybe not enough. I feel when she tries to quit stuff they encourage her not too and is that really friendship when you want your friend to do something that could hurt them? No, its not. I have told her what I think and feel about this and I got no response, it makes me wonder, what she thought of our friendship all these years.

Dani Scott said...

What matters to me is my family and friends. What also matters to me is living life to the fullest and I need to make sure I get a good education. With out my family and a good education where would I be in this world? No where! I would be lost. Those are key things, most people don't understand, and some people think they don't need them. But this world thrives on families and education.

squintcrwoley said...

Being true to yourself is what matters to me. There are so many people in this world that change them selfs so others will like them, but what they truly do is forget who they really are. At times i change myself so i can hide but when i see friends act around me, then act different around others (like guys) it bothers me. You never want to forget who you really are, so being true to yourself is one of the most important things on my list.

Kristen said...

Technology is something that almost every person uses, almost every day. It has become something that is not just fun, but addicting and taking over our lives. Cell Phones, computers, T.V. all of that is great, but it is taking over our life, and everything we do. It takes away from family, friends, and time to yourself. Some might think that is does not really matter, and that its fun, so who really cares, but it does matter. It is slowly destroying us. When we lean on these things for support, we expect them to hold us up, and that they wont let us down, but the sad but true thing to that is, it will let us down. All technology will not always be there to pick us up when we fall. It wont always be there to fulfill what we need and our anxiety

Alex Y said...
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Molly L said...

My friends and my family are what matters most to me, even though sometimes i wish I didn't have two brothers or annoying parents they are a huge part of my life. They will always be there for me, trust, and love me. At the end of the day they are what matters most. I can go to them for help, and advice. Another huge part of my life is my best friend Christy, and close friend Thomas. Thomas has been there for since we were three, i can tell him anything, and i trust him. Christy is always there for me through thick and thin, we share a personality, and memories. Family, and friends are what matters most in my life.

Danielle Z said...

I think what matters the most is option to be yourself and not try and change who you are for other people. Some people want to fit in to a certain look or group that they lose who they really are. But i think one of the amazing things about being a human is that no one else is like you. Instead of trying to change who we were born as i think what matters is that we embrace it. Its hard because you want to be perfect and fit in with everything about you but the truth is that it can never truly happen. Its better to not worry about who to become and rather to be glad for who you are.

LexieC said...

There are many,many things that are important to me in my life. My brother, My family, My best friend, My dog, My cats, My school work, Myself, My friends, My bed, My peers, My parents.But i think that being loved and loving is what matters most. Loving and being loved is so important it can fuel anybody to do anything. Love can always be made. there is enough love to spread around the world. Everybody can be loved. There is no limit to love. It never stops. Loving another person cannot make you stop loving someone else. It can always be made. Being Loved is not always the easiest to find but it can be done. Love is the key to life.

Claudia D said...

I think what matters to me is happiness and being positive. So many people worry about money and work that they forget the simple things in life. As long as you have good health and a loving family there is nothing to stress over. They say that money doesn't buy happiness and I agree. The key to living your life to the fullest is to be proud of who you are, what you have, and where you come from. Nobody is forcing you to be perfect, just live your life and be thankful for what you have.

GingerW said...

What matters to me is my family. I know that no matter what they will be by my side. I can count on them for anything and I know that they will always love me. When you are family, you are united at birth.

Hope173 said...

My family my friends my morals and my life matter to me. Through the good and bad, they are always there. When I say my family, I do not just mean my mother and father, I mean my distant family as well. Even though I may only see them at the big Christmas party, they are my world and most definitely matter to me. My friends definitely matter to me. Whether we are fighting or not, I always want the best for them. They get me through the ups and downs of life and strengthen me when I am weak. They lead me to know that God is good, and all things are possible through him. I will always care for them, so therefore, they matter to me, A LOT! My morals have always been important to me, and will always remain important to me. They keep my head on straight and they lead me away from danger when it seeks. They help me to know that when I make good choices, I am not only improving the way I live, but I could be improving other peoples lives. My life is probably the most important matter to me though. I love my life, and would not go back and change anything. My life consists of many people and things that I care for now, and I will care for it for the rest of my life.

Alana W said...

What matters most to me is just being myself. I think thats important because I'm not worried about what other people think of me or fitting in with everyone else, I'm happy and comfortable with who I am an don't think I should have to change to fit other peoples standards.

Caitlin N said...

The things that matter to me are the things that are close to me. Friends, family, dogs, sports. things like that but there are other things that might be more important like money for college, books, what I am going to be when I grow up. I don't know where I am going to be and that matters to me because I want to be able to make sure I don't end up being homeless and in debt. But then you have the things like computers to search for help and make it through. But what if I can't afford help, then what will I do.
Friends matter to me because you always need someone to talk to who won't judge and will be there for you as well as possibly help you through. Friends are like family because your family are your friends. So they can act like friends even though they are closer than that.
My dogs are important because you always need a little buddy for you when you don't really know what to do. They generally know when you are up set and you need some one to cry with. And no matter what they are loyal and are mans best friend.
But these are all things not what matters most. Emotions are a big part, love, hate, happiness and jealousy. It all is needed to be human

Carly I said...

people need something to live off of or prosper from, and somthing to help them through life. this is what matters to you. what matters the most to me is family, friends, and trust. what matters to you isnt always a material object, like trust. trust can mean more than anything else, you have to learn to trust people to be around you and to let them in, but you also need to learn that you have to be trustful as well. to me trust is like a safety net, it will always ketch you when you fall, its something to lean back on, to know that someone is there for you, to always pick you up. friends and family resemble this trust, they will always be the safety net below you, i think you need friends and family to survive, because without them theres not much tor live for. trust and family is all we have in life.

LindsayS said...

What matters to me? My friends and family do for sure, but is that all. My life matters surely,but is that the one thing that truly matters? No! I think love is what matter. I am loved by my friends family, enemies, God. I am loved. Love matters. My families love matters the world to me, without it I do not know how to survive. Love from a parent or a sibling, or a best friend, that matters to the person receiving it, it brightens up your day a little bit. Love is hard, loveis tough, but love is always there,always around you. Love is what matters.

aprilA said...

personality is almost the only thing I think we would have if your clothing, your name,family,pets and etc... were all taken away what would be left? Your personality,face structure, hair color and eye color. Would you be able to define your-self with personality or the color of your skin? Its not impossible.

Anna2013 said...

Personal happiness matters to me. If one is not truly happy, then their whole day or whole life could be ruined. Without happiness, there would be absolutely no peace. Every morning I wake up and decide to be happy and to not let anything upset me. Because of this decision, I have set my self up for success. When I am happy, I work harder and am more persistent because I know what I am working for without having negative things on my mind. I allow my day to not be ruined by my choices. If everyone was happy, no one would kill, steal, lie or do anything immoral or wrong. When people are not happy, they go racing through life, not seeing the beauty and joy of life. People try to play pretend and to look happy but people can see right through that. We try to live up to others' and our own standards and if we don't live up to them, we are let down and become unhappy. We choose to see the bad parts of life and let these things ruin our life. If everyone was happy, there would be world peace! who doesn't want that?

aprilA said...
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alexy said...

I am fifteen years old and I am already in debt to the government. This debt isn't from school tuition or even MY spending, it's the government itself that had this debt thrust upon me. I will be able to vote in the next presidential election. This subject really matters to me because the decisions we make will affect us for many years to come. Right now the government is spending money we don't have which is giving us teens and our children trillions of dollars of debt to pay off in our lifetime. The President now is not doing anything about this spending problem and nor will he ever do anything about it. I am concerned for what my future will hold if I have such a huge weight on my shoulders. Will I be able to afford to go to college? Or will I even have a job if I can't afford to take on all this debt? I don't know how stable my future will be if the present is crumbling down around us. The choice for President is a huge decision that might affect everyone not only for the four years of his term but for decades to come. Their decisions might damage or improve this country forever. In four years I will be able to vote and this decision might affect me and my life forever. Decisions are hard to make especially when we are in loads of pressure. Between to people that may or may not do something good for you or your country. Which door will we choose? It will affect our future and who knows whats in store for me when I vote this President out of office. Will the next one be better? Or will we be stuck between two doors not knowing what is behind them. We are traveling blind into our future and we need to change that.

Ellen B said...

Even though many might believe that family and friends matter the most, I think there are smaller topics within these large categories that matter even more. I definitely believe that these smaller topics are vital parts of our everyday lives. Take family for an example. Without unity, respect, and love for one another, a family is inexistent. The same can be said for friends. Without communication, being together, and caring, friendships can not exist. These small topics can and do apply each and every day. Without them, we have nothing. Even though friends and family do play a huge role in our lives, small parts, like respect, communication, and unity make them possible.

Chloe D said...
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Alex Y said...

I think the thing that matters to me most is happiness and having good relationships with my friends and family.I think the key thing to have happiness is friendships and and keeping a good relationship with family. Without happiness in life, life isn't worth living because being happy is what everyone wants and yearns to get.

~Nouhad E. said...

What matters to me the most is my family and friends. My family has taught me what is right and what is wrong. I live with eight family members. I have lived with them since i was born. My family has cared about me, and i care about them.
My friends are the reason i am not alone at school. Friends help you at times when you need someone to talk to. They are part of your life. Without family and friends, i wouldn't be who i am today.

AbbyH said...

What matters to me is helping others whe they are down because there are lots of people that are nonchalance about things. Some people don't care about how others feel or they don't realize what they did wrong. If everybody in the world didn't know how to help others, the world would be a mess.

Chloe D said...

The thing most important to me right now is living life to the fullest and having fun while doing it. A lot of people are to afraid or intimidated by life to have fun. Sometimes its hard to go out and just do whatever you want to, but life is to short to just sit there and watch. Don't let someone hold you back in life because all you'll get in return is regret and disappointment.

Rae.A said...

What matters most to me, is family, friends, and the love two people have for one eachother. Your family is the trunk of your tree, they are the support, the ones who hold you up. your friends are the branches, the ones who make you, theyre the ones who are there even after all the leaves fall of. The leaves are your heart, and the one you love, leave often come and go. They make the tree so confident and like they can do anything, and then the cold weather comes and they leave. But the ones who are still there are your branches and the tree trunk.