Monday, November 23, 2009


In Book 12 of The Odyssey, does Odysseus restrain himself regarding a warning from Tiresias, treatment of his crew, and obedience to Circe?  Do the actions of Odysseus make him a hero?  Why or why not?  Defend your response with at least one quote from Book 12.  Blog response due by Tuesday, November 24th.


Alex Y said...

I don't think that Odysseus is a hero because he did know about he warning but he still put his men in danger for his own personal gain. In book 12 he and his men go through all of these obstacles trying to get home like the sirens, Charybdis, and Scylla. When, they arrived at the Island of Sun, his men sacraficed cattle that they didn't know who's were. Zeus was outraged about this and when they were out at sea again he sent a thunderbolt down to the ship. It destroyed the ship and killed everyone but Odysseus. Odysseus is not a hero because he got his men killed.

LexieC said...

I do not think Odysseus is a hero because he knew of all the dangers that lay before him and he did not tell his crew or take Circe seriously. Odysseus eventually tells his men when the danger came about but his men ate the cattle of helios and that got them killed. Is is Odysseus' fault that his men are dead.

Hannah F said...

I don't think Odysseus is a hero, because he knew what would happen if he went a certain way, but he went anyway. He put the lives of all of his men in danger when he didn't need to. Nobody is a hero if people get killed in the process. Odysseus is not a hero.

Erin K said...

I do not think Odysseus is a a Hero because he just thinks about himself and he is very selfish that way. In Book 12 he knows about the dangers that lay before them and that his men will be killed, but he goes anyway. Nobody is a hero that lets innocent people die.

Emily R. said...

Odysseus is not a Hero. He is a mean guy to let his men die. He is supposed to have their backs, not stab them in the back. He knows about the dangerous things that will happen but never warns his men, and thats not right.

AbbyH said...

In a way, I think that Odysseus is hero and also not a hero at the same time because he is pretty brave, but is a non-selfless man. He goes beyond his limits to impress people and to get attention. Odysseus is the kind of person that likes to be the center of the attention and likes to get credit for himself.

Molly L said...

I think Odysseus has his moments of being heroic, and other times not being so heroic. How he lets his men die and doesn't care is an example of not. but other times qhe helps his men, by putting beeswax in their ears to protect them from the siren's songs. He also gives his men a speech, which calms them down but loses 6 men in this book. He has his moments but he's usually not to heroic.

Clare B. said...

Odysseus has moments when he follows the heroic code and other times when he goes blatanly against it. Such as with the Cyclopous. He goes with the code when he want the glory of stabbing the cyclopous in the eye. But goes against it when all of his men died because of his pride and foolishness.

Rae.A said...

~ In book 12, odysseus does restrain himself, he listens to what tiresias says and he has his crew tie him to a pole so that he might resist the sirens. I myself do not find odysseus a hero, he is a selfish person, and really only does things for himself.

Autumn S said...

I think Odysseus isn't a hero. In book 12 he put his men through a lot of obtacles and got all of his men killed. A true hero wouldn't let all of his men get killed and would of kept most of them alive. When, they got to the Island of Sun, he should of told his men that they can't eat the sheep or they would get killed. Odysseus is not a hero.

Caitlin N said...

I think that because Odysseus has restrain from temptation but that doesn't make him a hero, he did warn the others not to go but he didn't make them not want to he said you'll be there for a while or something along those lines so I believe he is a hero and he isn't a hero. He is a hero to himself and family but not to his men and the people surrounding him.

Anna2013 said...

I feel that Odysseus is not a hero. Despite the fact that he is a brave man, I believe that he is a self-conscious coward. He jeopardizes his men's life and happiness to look like a hero. "My men disregarded all warnings and sacrificed his cattle..." I feel that this quotation hides much of the truth. Odysseus could have very well warned the men, but I believe that he didn't and is making his men look reluctant and making himself look better.

~Nouhad E. said...

I think Odesseus is a hero and is not a hero. He was heroic when he saved his men from the songs of the Sirens. However, he did not protect them in the end when their ship sunk from Zeus' thunderbolt. Odesseus also could have warned his men about the cattle. I think Odesseus was a hero and was not a hero.

Ellen B said...

Odysseus is definitely not a hero. He disregarded Circe's warning, and led his men right into the danger of the octopus creature. He knew that several of his men would die, but he took the risk anyway. He does not care about his men and their lives, he only values his best interests. A hero is someone who can be admired and looked up to. Odysseus is definitely not this. He is an arrogant, oblivious person who does not understand what a true hero is. No matter what, he strives to be popular and well-known. Heroes do not do good deeds for the popularity. They do them because they know that its the right thing to do. No matter how hard Odysseus tries, he will never be a true hero.

AbbyJH said...

I do not think that Odysseus is a hero at all. He is so self centered and wants fame and glory all to himself. A hero thinks of himself less than everyone around him. Odysseus strived to save himself alone and put his men in situations that he knew were dangerous.

LindsayS said...

I do not think that Odysseus is a hero because even though he went through the precautions about his journey all he thought about was himself. Being a leader is able to lead everybody not just yourself and that is what Odysseus did. He did everything for himself instead of for his men, by lying to them. He was not a hero.

AmandaA said...

I do not think that Odysseus is a hero because he knew all the dangers and had all the warnings and still did not tell his men or Circe. He got his men killed because he did not tell his men not to eat the cattle so they did and were soon dead. It is his fault that everyone was dead.

Alana W said...

I don't think hes a hero because he doesnt really think of his crew when making decisions, instead hes more concerned with fame and glory and making sure everybody knows who he is.

Carly I said...

i don't think that Odysseus is a hero because he did not warn the crew about the dangers that were held before them, until they came to present. he did not take the warnings of Circe to be to or to be of much importance. people would say the crew made the mistake of eating the forbidden cattle, but Odysseus never warned the men of the danger of eating them, so they all ended up dead.

Kristen said...

In book 12 of the Odysses, Odysseus dose not restrain himself regarding a warning from the Tiresias. He wants to see and experience everything and keep pushing the rules and keeping people safe. Even though he keeps pushing the rules, it continues to make him famous and a hero to many of his men. Odysseus does not want to be like everyone else. he wants to be stronger and better. The book says " No mortal man could scale it, not so much as land there not with twenty hands and feet, so sheer the cliffs are-as of polished with stone." He has good intentions but he gets too ahead of himself when he tries to protect people but also have much glory to himself.

Chloe D said...

I don't think Odysseus is a hero because he gets tons of warnings and still decides to put his men in danger. He does survive but at what cost? He is willing to sacrifice his mens lives for his own when i think a hero should save men and women from danger. Odysseus does the exact opposite. He goes straight into danger with his men. I think he is far from a hero.

squintcrwoley said...

In my belif, Odysseus is not a hero becuase he put his men in danger for his own personal gain. Odysseus as a leader is supposed to have thier backs but he never did.

Danielle Z said...

I dont think Odysseus is a hero. He put his men in danger through the whole trip. He didnt take seriously what Circe was warning him about which then cost him some of his men. If he hadnt been so focused on what he wanted then the trip probably would have gone a whole lot smoother. A true hero thinks of others before himself which Odysseus hasnt done the whole journey. He had other men sacrifice their lives for him. Thats not a hero.

Hope173 said...

In book 12, I do not think Odysseus is a hero; he may seem as if he is rising up during some points, but really, he does not do any heroic deeds. He is very arrogant and does not put others before him, therefore, he definitely does not act like a hero. When you think of others before you, your being selfish. Heros are far from selfish!