Friday, November 20, 2009

The Odyssey: Main Idea/Conflict?

Regarding Book 10 in The Odyssey, please write two sentences.  The first should address the main idea in Book 10.  The second sentence should address the primary conflict in Book 10.  Please number your sentences.


LindsayS said...
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AbbyJH said...

1. A beautiful, enchanting goddess entices a group of lost, hungry men who are on their way home.

2. When a year is over the men know it is time to leave the goddess,although, it is harder to leave than they think.

AbbyH said...

1.) The main idea in book ten is Odysseus and his men visiting the island that Circe lives on.

2.) Man verses man is the conflict in this story.

Chloe D said...

1. Book 10 is about Odesseus getting his men back from Circe.
2. The primary conflict in book 10 would be between Odesseus and Circe and testing his morals because he already have a wife but the only way to get his men back is to be with her.

Claudia D said...

1. The main idea in Book 10 is Odysseus' struggle to get his men back from Circe.
2. The conflict between Circe and Odysseus challenges his morals because he has a wife back in Ithaca, but the only way to get his men back is to cheat on her.

Autumn S said...
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Kristen said...

1.The main idea in Book 10 is how Odysseys deals with temptation to get what he wants.
2. Pressure with Circes and what she has done to his men, has brought Odysseys to issues and problems he needs to think about, which also includes what is the most important and necessary.

alexy said...

(1) In book ten the main idea of the story was how Odysseus is trying his morales and his men are suffering because of it.
(2) The primary conflict of this book is between Circe and Odysseus and his men as they try to leave the island, Odysseus didn't leave and now they can't leave even if they wanted to.

Danielle Z said...

1. An enchanting goddess, Circe takes advantage of a group of hungry men, in order to keep their company

2. After Odysseus tries to save his men he realizes that after a year, it would be harder to get home.

Claudia D said...
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aprilA said...

The main idea of book 10 is Odusseus and his men are over powered by lust and temptation of circe's hall and what she has to offer. In return they lose track of time of a year and he is then reminded by his men about home. Circe was testing his worth to his wife because Circe was NOT forcing Odusseus and his men to say on the island.

Alex Y said...

1 A pretty woman or goddess find Odysseus and his men on their way home.

2. To get back to Ithica they know that they have to leave this girl but they know that they don't want to, so it's hard for them.

AmandaA said...

1)The main idea of Book 10 is that Odysseus is trying to get home, and he faces many challenges that get in his way and test him physically, mentally and emotionally. 2) The conflict of the story is probably man vs. man because it is Odysseus vs. Circe because she challenges and tests him.

Caitlin N said...

1. The main idea is the choices and decisions they make to do what they want/ what they think is the right path.

2. Odysseus's men end up making the wrong decision because of there curiosity, this makes them end up staying there for a year.

~Nouhad E. said...

The Odyssey Book #10

1. Main Idea: Odysseus goes to Circe's palace because the wind pushes his boat in that direction.

2. Primary Conflict: Odysseus' men drink some of Circe's wine. They turn into pigs and Odysseus tell her too turn them back to men. She will do it on one condition: If Odysseus goes to get his other men and stay in Circe's palace. Odysseus does as told. He gets his men and they stay at Circe's palace.

The conflict is between Odysseus and Circe, because she never lets Odysseus and his men continue their journey.

Clare B. said...

1. The main idea is whether Odysseus' being that him saving his crew member from remaining pigs.
2. The conflict is whether or not Odysseus should really lead his men and as one of his men said it was his foolish actons which got them into trouble.

Hope173 said...

1. The main idea in Book ten is that Odysseus is still on his long journey home and yet again, he collides into another complication.

2. I believe the conflict in Book Ten would be that in which Odysseus is extremely arrogant, which causes other people to have negative reactions towards him.

Hannah F said...

1.The main idea of this story is that someone's true feelings will over power their desire to do something, he had to get his men back, but at a price. 2. The conflict is Odysseus trying to save his men who were under the power of Circe.

Alana W said...

1: The men arrive on Circes island.
2:Leaving is harder then they though.

Emily R. said...

"The Odyssey" was about how Odysseus and his men are trying to get through all of these obstacles that he goes through and how hes has to learn what is right and wrong.One conflict that when Circe is trying to get him into her bed. " to take my manhood when you have me stripped, i mount no bed of love with you upon it." i think this is showing that he needs to say no and do the right thing.

LindsayS said...

1. The main idea in book 10 was that the journey of Odysseus's is still going on and he keeps running into conflicts between in and the gods.

2.In book 10 the real conflict was with Odysseus and his inner-self, he does come across some others with his men and Circe's but the true conflict was him himself.

Autumn S said...

1) The main idea of the story is how Odysseus is going to get home and all of the problems he comes to, and how he is going to deal with the problems.
2) Man vs. Man conflict.

moniqueR said...

1. The main idea in book 10 is all about Odysseus is trying to get back home, and its all the stuff he has to over come.

2. The conflict is he has to deal with the Cyclopes and loses some of his men. Its man vs Conflict

Erin K said...

1. The main idea in Book 10 is that Odysseus has to be a man and do what he needs to do to get his men back.

2.The primary conflict in Book 10 is that Odysseus' men are turned into pigs when they go into Circe's hall and Odysseus goes in to save them.

Molly L said...

The story is about how weak these men are under the power of circe, how odysseus listens to all of her commands. The main idea is weakneess, and how everyone follows or listens to the crowd.

LexieC said...

1. The main idea is Odysseus' struggle to laeve the island Circe lives on.
2. There are many conflicts in Book 10, however; the main conflict is between Circe and Odysseus and his men.

Carly I said...

1. the main idea in book ten is that Odysseus and his crew struggle to find a path home.

2. the conflict is that the gods and godessess cures the and they barly escape each time.

Ellen B said...

1. Main Idea: The main idea of this story is probably the conflict Odysseus faces throughout his journey.

2. Conflict: The challenges Odysseus and his men face test his integrity and morality. Odysseus faces many tests (by the gods and other creatures) that tempt him and lead the reader to question his honesty and morality.

Rae.A said...

1.The main idea of the book The Odessey is that life is full of life struggles, and that we must never give up no matter how long it takes you to get to where were going as the book he Odessey demonstrates.

2.The primary conflict in the book The Odessey is that Odyssius is trying to get home and he cant seam to make his way home, on his way he runs into many obsticles that seam to keep him away.

Anna2013 said...

1.The main idea in Book 10 is represented by the extremes Odysseus will go to to be personally content and to help his men.

2. The main conflict in Book 10 is Odysseus(his morals) vs. temptations(Circe) and the decisions makes from this conflict.

squintcrwoley said...

1.) The main idea in book ten is Odysseus tries to get his men back.
2.) The conflict in the story is man vs. man becuase Odysseus and Circe test each other, so he can get his men back and leave the island.