Tuesday, October 20, 2009


What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete the prompt in class.


Autumn S said...

The video made me think about how much technology we use everyday. We depend on technology to get us everywhere and give us information about everything. We depend on technology way to much.

Alex Y said...

The video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" tells you about how technology and the computer is learning from us and how we control are internet. I think that this video shows us that everything on the internet can be seen by anyone who owns a computer or can get access to one, and once it's on it can't be taken off.

Erin K said...

Wesch's short video makes me think about how fast things are happening in the world and how we are adding more and more things to the web. One person can post multiple things in a short amount of time, so when you just think about everyone in the world posting new things its amazing how much we can do.

AmandaA said...

This blog made me think and realize a lot of things. It made me realize how many things a computer does that we don't even know about. It also made me see how unsafe the Internet is for everyone and their family, identity, and privacy. It left me with the question, How are WE going to protect ourselves from letting the machine use us? I thought this was a very interesting blog.

Caitlin N said...

The video Us in the Machine makes me think about where technology is going and what it is doing to us. We do need to think about love, our family, identity, ect. I think about how technology makes things easier for us. With typing it goes a lot faster than writing does and you can read it better than most writing. Technology defines us how we have it define us. Its not using us we are using it.

Claudia D said...
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Clare B. said...

In the short video "us in the machine" really explains that we are the machine. We are the Internet and we teach the machine what it needs to know. i was really surprised at how much we need to rethink ethics. Like a year ago someone published online one of Stephine Meyer's manuscripts. It just proves how we need to up date our ethics to the digital age.

AbbyJH said...

Wesch's video made me think about how many times a day people click on websites.That number would be huge. I think that we are the "machine" because technology really is a part of life. This video was really interesting because it showed some of the things we can do with technology. There are so many ways that we can connect with other people online; such as youtube videos, blogs, email, and many others. Technology is a great tool for everyone.

Rae.A said...

HOLY CRAP! that video was so intense.
This video had so much truth to it, when you think about what we read in the video every day we are on about 10 million web pages, and every time we do the computer learns, the computer is learning, what if one day the computer controls us? Think about always learning just about 24/7. The INTERNET is world wide and anyone and everyone can see and find what they need. There is no privacy on the world wide wed, personally this scares me because me as a normal person can type in someones name or phone number and it will pull up information on this person or show me a map of how to get to their house. This video really makes you think about todays technology i know i did.

Claudia D said...

The statement made by Wesch that said "the machine is using us...the machine is us" really made me think about technology and the machines we use today. It also made me wonder what the relationship will be between man and machine 1000 years from now.

AbbyH said...

This video makes me think about like how often we use technologies to get informations and other stuff. We pretty much depend on technologies to do things such as researches.

Chloe D said...

This video was really interesting to watch. It made me think about how the Internet is using us... or that we are the Internet. How we can't live without the Internet. Everyones life is connected to using the web. I think its scary to think about, how we need the Internet to do what we do every day.

Danielle Z said...

Wesch's short video makes us think about how much we rely on technology. So many people everyday open a web page. It makes me think about all the information that is out there on the internet and that if its like this now with technology, then it is going to be much more advanced in the future. We all are becoming more reliant on computers and technology then we use to, which i dont know if it could be a bad or a good thing for us in the future. But i do think that it could affect everyones lives because once something is on the internet it can never fully be erased.

Kristen said...

Wesch's short video was really cool to watch. It still amazes me all the things the Internet can do. To think that every new thing that is done on the computer is teaching it new things.. wow. I always seem to forget how many amazing things the Internet can do. I don't use it that often but when I do I will just go onto the same websites. But, it also reminds me of how dangerous it can be. So many people are on line and anything u post or if you put any information on line, many people can look at it if you don't protect it.

LexieC said...

Wesch's short video, "us in the machine" made me think about how much we rely on the web and how we are the web. We created the web. The web defines us. What we put on the web not only reflects who we are but what we know and how we can use our knowledge. We control what we put on the web. One person can post so many things onto the web and when you multiply that by all the people in the world...you have an infinite amount of knowledge.We can do so much.

squintcrwoley said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" to me means that all though we created it doesn't mean we can control it. Humans use the the web and it is to the point that it is controlling us and doing everything for us. Also maybe the is a point that the computer with be the brain and we don't have to do anything. The machine is what is thinking...
English hour1

Alana W said...

The video made me realize how technology has become such a major aspect of our every day life, how we rely on it for so much, and how were changing and improving it all the time. I thought it was interesting when he said that were teaching the machine and giving it ideas every time we click, it also made me think of how far we've come with technology in such a short time.

~Nouhad E. said...

When i watched Wesch's video "Us in the Machine" i thought about what goes on in daily life on the web. It also shows that when we add anything or open a web page, we are teaching the computer a new command. Many symbols have been created for technology, and they are being expanded. A lot of blogs are being made, a lot of videos, music and pictures are being posted. This video mostly reminded me of Digital Footprinting. Everything we post on the web counts and we should respect privacy rights, and we should not plagiarize.

Emily R. said...

This video makes me think that we use technology for almost everything. We use technology because it is easier to find so much information quickly. We need to put the information that we find in our own words so that we are not copying someone else's work.(it says this towards the end of the video it talks about copywriter laws. So this video just makes me think about how we use technology for so many different things and in so many different ways. There are so many different websites that you can use on the internet.

Molly L said...

The video "The Machine is Using Us", made me think about how we depend on technology everyday. We use it for informational purposes, transportation and so much more. The world is using the Internet everyday. We use technology for our own purposes. We are the machine, we are technology.

aprilA said...

In the short video "us in the machine,"by Wesch, my view on "us in the machine" is that were not forced to be a machine, people are choosing to be the machine and play the part and some just don't care. Most people these days are aware of copy righting and that some sources are not the best. This presents a challenge to many because you can believe what your reading because you don't know if its the facts or not.

alexy said...

In Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" makes me think about the Internet and how it is made. I never quite understood what an HTML or URL was or how you made them. The Internet seems to be made of lots of codes and passwords that might confuse the average human. What I don't understand is what or who decided to make the Internet the way it is? I know Bill Gates and all his smart Microsoft computer achievements, but was the Internet made by us or discovered by us? Did cyberspace already exist before we knew about it? It's weird to think almost 20 years ago we had computers the size of cars and one colored screens. Now, our phones are computers and you can look at the screen in all the colors of the rainbow, maybe even more. The computer is very powerful and some people use it for fun while others use it to do bad and dangerous things. Lots of people don't know how a computer works or even what it does. This video taught us a little bit about the story behind this genius machine.

Hope173 said...

I wasn't really sure what the video was saying exacting, whether it was meaning that technology was good or bad. I know he said, "technology is using the world" (or something of that sort) and then he backspaced and said, "technology is us". I definitely think technology is a HUGE part of the world right now, but not every one has accessibility to it or is interested. This is definitely not a good thing in my point of view because when you use a computer, and put information out on the internet, you are basically showing the world because of all the people that use technology. These days, cell phones have internet which causes us to be more addicted then we already are. The internet is a source for pretty much everything. We can go to google and search anything and 95% of the time, we get our answer. I think technology is absolutely wonderful, but it is definitely over-used in our society. We just need to slow down and take a deep breath before we either put information out on the internet, or even interpret information.

Hannah F said...

Wesch's video about "us in the machine" really made me see that we are the reason for all the information. If people didn't post things our information would be very limited. Our resources would be limited. Even though some of the information we get might not be credible its still there for the taking and if use that information, then that's your fault. A lot of the information we get are just opinions, and after a while it's hard to tell fact from fiction. If people keep posting and posting eventually all of our info will be lost along with who we are. If all we do is copy and paste our ideas won't be our own, our thoughts will be someone else's. This video showed me that everything we do the computer learns from, and in turn we learn.

LindsayS said...

The short video about "us in the machine" shows how much the world is changing. It shows that human any ages are addicted to computers and that is not always good. The video kept saying that we are teaching the computer every time we press a button or link a website. This is good to a point but it ends up putting your identity on the line. The computers can do so much now-a-days because we have taught them everything there is to know. Computers are very good to a degree, but like the video and i said before are soon to become not only a study tool or a time passer, but who knows where it can go from here.

Carly I said...

the video that we saw, technology showed how technology has been changing, and how we are also expanding with it. you can do many things to improve your writing and anything you are doing on the web. this video makes me think a lot about what is happing around me and whats changing.

GingerW said...

This video makes me wonder since we rely on the computer for most of our life, what would it be like without this machine. Work, school, learning, browsing, everything we do is easier with a computer and we can connect and share with people around the world. In such a case could identity and privacy be a problem. When people post stuff on the Internet about you, do they have your consent? Would life in general for all people be more private without this device? Anyone can put anything on their computer. Such as how to make a bomb or how to kill someone. In a way the computer is a dangerous machine, a way for terrorists to connect just as you do. The computer still needs a lot of work and still needs more rules. Although there are all these difficulties and issues with the computer life would never be the same without The Machine.

Ellen B said...

Wesch's video challenged me to think about how much I rely on the internet everyday. I also realized that we depend on machines and technology to survive all the time. When he wrote, "The Internet is us", it really expressed our dependency on this device. This presentation has impacted me because I realize how technology is exceeding the capabilities of humans. Wesch said, "Every time we post something on the internet, it learns from it." We no longer depend solely on ourselves to complete a task, we use technology to help us out. This video really showed me that without electricity and computers, and phones, the world we know today wouldn't exist. What would happen if technology disappeared. Would we be capable of adapting?

Anna2013 said...

I feel very impacted by this video. It also shows us as humans that we have the capacity to do almost anything. We can communicate with people all across the world. It is not a big deal getting on the internet. No one knows what we will be able to do with technology in the near future. We need to be thankful for the gifts(technology, etc.) we have and not take them for granted. We should use technology for the well-being of humanity. If taken for granted or over extended, the use of technology in our world could drastically change. This video makes me think about how much we as humans rely on technology, a capricious and faulty source. If anything were to happen to it, we would be in big trouble.

moniqueR said...

The video we saw mad me realize that we do depend on technology alot.And we use it in our everyday lives. We depend on it now more then anything to communicate, type a paper, listen to music, and so much more soon i do not think we will even be communicating in person. Myspace is a social networking site where teens now bully, act like a diffrent person an post things they normally would not say i show people. In my opinion i think everyone should cut back and eat dinner together each night.