Friday, September 18, 2009

Schools vs. Creativity?

What are your thoughts regarding Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "schools killing creativity?" In your response, please reflect, think, ponder, question, or wonder. Please complete your this blog response in class on 9-21-2009.


Caitlin N said...
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Molly L said...
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~Nouhad E. said...

The video that we watched was interesting and educational. It talked about how schools are decreasing classes like arts, music, drama... Sir Ken Robinson's video was very persuasive. He was telling people that schools should not kill creativity but should acknowledge it.

Chloe D said...

While I was watching Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "school killing creativity" I started to agree with him. School does kill creativity. They are trying to prepare us for the future, "productive jobs" not fun jobs like art or acting ect. Schools should really be more suportive with everyones dreams.

LexieC said...

I can agree with Sir Ken Robinson in his plea to get people to realize that schools are not encouraging the arts as much as academics. Academics are very important skills, but so aren't the arts. Sir Ken Robinson said this, "You don't grow into creativity you get educated out of it." I believe this statement to be very true. Even our parents push us out of creativity. they breath down our necks pushing us harder and farther and completely forget about our creativeness. Creativity should be very abundant not scarce.

Alana W said...

I agree with him because its true that schools do focus the most on subjects like math, science, english, and history, then comes the other subjects like art and drama. So even though they are training us for the future, if we only learn certain things theres not much room to grow and be individuals.

Clare B. said...

Sir Ken Robinson has a point with his video. Most schools when they don't have enough funding cut the art and music programs first. They are more centered around math and science than the arts. Like he said "You don't go into art you get educated out of it." This is truly sad that your academic ability is more important than your ability to create.Art classes should be treated just the same as all your other classes and shouldn't be cut just because it is apparently unimportant.

Caitlin N said...

In the presentation by Sir Ken Robinson, tells whether school is killing creativity. I agree with his reasoning of how it is killing creativity. In his video he says "we don't grow into creativity we get educated out of it." Education ruins our creativity because you can't think out of the box. Many reasons lay behind why it is removing our creativity but mainly you can't do anything to bring out your creative side. And that's the big reason behind all this madness.

aprilA said...

My thoughts about does school kill creativity is that it does because school doesn't teach you to be creative it teaches you math, science,history and english but no drawing or how to shade an object. "everyone is born creative, were just pushed out of it by school education." this is true because you mite want to be a singer but someone like parents, teachers and others may tell you different."being wrong is being creative"

Hope173 said...
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AbbyJH said...

Sir Ken Robinson's video did have a lot of great points and things to make you think about. I think that sometimes people don't focus enough on the creative parts of life. I really liked that story he told about the dancer who went on to be so successful. I think that schools should encourage students to try new things and to be creative.

AmandaA said...

I do think to some degree that schools kill creativity because they teach math, science, history and English, but which of these will we actually need in the future. In the future everything is going to be very technology based and yes we will need the mathematics to design the web pages, but we will also need the artists. Sir Ken Robinson stated that "No one knows what the future will be like in 5 years, yet we are supposed to be educated for it." Schools give the idea that its a bad thing to be wrong but Sir Ken Robinson also said that "If your not prepared to be wrong you'll never come up with anything." A

Danielle Z said...

I think that Sir Ken Robinson is partly correct when he says that "school's killing creativity". The main classes that we are required to take are english, history, science, and math. Not all schools have a requirement for kids to take certain electives like choir or art so they get left behind. When you think about the things you study in school the first class you think about likely isn't going to be one of the elective classes. Schools don't focus on those classes. You get taught that if you want to do something that has to do with the arts, you probably wont get a good job for it so it isn't worth studying. I personally think that if we had more options to follow what we wanted to do school would be more enjoyable and the arts wouldn't be suffering as much as they are today. I do think that academics are important since lots of jobs are based off of them but i also think Sir Ken Robinson was very persuasive which makes me agree with him that we should put more focus on the arts.

Hope173 said...

Sir Ken Robinson's presentation on "schools killing creativity" was very interesting to me. I couldn't exactly tell whether Mr. Robinson thought that schools were killing creativity, or whether he thought they weren't. But overall, Mr. Robinson's presentation was very informative to me. I loved how he used many metaphors in his presentation.
Although I wasn't able to tell what Mr. Robinson's point of view was on his own presentation, I definitely think that some schools, and some teachers are killing creativity.

Rae.A said...

Schools vs. Creativity
My ideas on this topic, is that schools should focus more on creativity than they already do. Math, English, U.S. History, and Science are still good subjects and its good to know the curriculum, but having more indulgence in the arts would be beneficial."In five years, we have no idea where we will be in education" and what the generations will need to know, yet were still teaching the same things that we were a few years ago. Art is something that will always be and it will always change because everyday art is evolving. "Some people are dancers and need movement to think." this is my view on Schools vs. Creativity.

Alex Y said...

In "Schools vs. Creativity", Sir Ken Robinson talks about how school systems around the world force children to not get more creative but to get taught out of it. His speech tells us that nearly every school system worldwide does the same thing, it gets rid of children's ability to be creative. He says that there are only specific classes that are really focused on and are, what we call them, core classes. Other classes such as art, computers, gym, and dance (what he talks about most) are not treated as importantly as these other subjects like Math and English are. Those classes are the most creative ones and are not as highly expected to be taught.

LindsayS said...

In the speech we watched a lot came to play in my mind. The man speaking had a lot to say about school verses creativity. Whether or not I agree with this is my thought. In my day to day classes I believe in most of them I am able to express my creativity about most things but I also think about what we are asigned. IN my art class, Drawing 1 i am assigned what to draw not being able to draw or express myself the way I think things. The man commented that if you don't prepare to be wrong, you cant really do anything. I took this like people express themselves differently so if one person fails one way not everyone is going to fail that same, way or even fail at all.

Hannah F said...

"Schools killing creativity?" showed me that schools do kill creativity by teaching us math, and science,history, and language arts everyday-not that I'm saying those classes aren't important- those class just don't teach us about expressing ourselves through drawing or dancing. Because "the whole world is engulfed in revolution" we forget who we are and how important being creative and having an imagination is. Creativity is just different ways of seeing things, but when schools try to teach us to think the same and only have one set of correct answers they kill the way we think and how much creativity we have. "Being wrong is not the same as being creative."

alexy said...

"All kids have tremendous talent," said Sir Ken Robinson in his video presentation. In his presentation he talked about "schools killing creativity". What is he trying to tell us? Are schools cramming in to much math and science but not enough theater or art? Sir Robinson said, "All children are born artists". I have noticed in my life that my small cousin of four thinks of cooler stories off the top of his head then some of my friends could do, even if they were given a topic to write it about. I agree that schools need to put more emphasis on the arts. The arts help us stay young mentally no matter what age we really are. Sir Robinson is right "We grow out of creativity" we need to realize that being creative doesn't make us childish, it makes us individuals, different than everyone else. Creativity makes us who we are, if we grow out then who are you now?

AbbyH said...

I think it was kind of entertaining because of how he presented it with some jokes and stories. In one of his quotes Robinson says, "If you are not prepared to be wrong than you can't come up with anything". I agree with this quote because when you come up with some thing, but it's wrong then you can learn from it, mistake is the teacher.

Anna2013 said...

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson in his video. He says, "Education is what brings us to the future we cannot grasp." He says this explaining that we need creativity in our education because creativity is what brings inventions and cures to illnesses. If our creativity is taken away or confined, the cure to cancer could possibly not be found ever or for a longer time. He also says, "We may not see the future but they(children) will." Our children will be the ones that will be building the world for the next generations. We need to provide environments for children where they can grow in both mind and body. Also, he says,"Shakespeare was once in someone's english class." This means that any one of us could be the one who creates some amazing invention, or discover the cure to many diseases. We need to let children work and flourish how ever they want to. This will enable them to thrive and succeed.

Ellen B said...

I definitely agree with Sir Ken Robinson's thoughts and ideas. I think most assignments tell the student what to do exactly, and don't let them stretch to complete it differently and creatively. He says, "Creativity is as important in education as literacy." Most places don't allow a lot of creativity. Music, drama, and art classes are not thought of as being as important as math or history. He also says, "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you can't have creativity." Classes normally teach the students to have the right answer all the time. If they were given hints, but had to solve the problems on their own, they would have to be prepared to be wrong several times. Thomas Edison had to retry improving the light bulb many times before he was successful. With each time, he thought of new ways to make it work. He was creative with his ideas, and did not worry about always being right. So many people can not accept being wrong, and this is the only thing that keeps them from growing to their full potential. You learn from your mistakes, so those who are perfect would only have memorized facts. Schools kill creativity because they limit the growth of their students by always looking for the right answers and not accepting different ideas.

Claudia D said...

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson's argument. School is too uniform and should branch out to support everyones interests.

Molly L said...

this video got me to think about, do schools cut kids creativity? after this i believe they do, in order to prepare us for the future. "creativity in education is just as important as literacey."

Autumn S said...

The video that we watched says that schools are killing creativity. Creativity is born with us and schools need to acknowladge it. They need to stop killing creativity.

squintcrwoley said...

The video we watched in class was interesting and educational. It showed us how schools are cutting classes that show creativity like art, music, drama etc… Sir Ken Robinson's video showed that schools should not kill creativity but open it up to the world.
English 9

Erin K said...

I don't completely agree with what Sir Ken Robinson is saying about school killing creativity. Sure schools focus on Math, Science, English and History, but at most schools you can choose your electives in different art classes, its your choice. I know some schools have had to cut art from the school because of money issues but Math, History, Science, and English are things that you will need in day to day life as you grow older.

moniqueR said...

i agree that schools might be killing creativity. First, if school stops electives like art, band, scrap booking, and others. Then kids are not gonna have the skills they would normally learn if they did take classes like that. I predict in the future i children are not gonna have a chance to experience any creativity.

Emily R. said...

I think that after watching Sir Ken Robinson's video on "school killing creativity". I agree with him school does kill creativity. They are proparing us for our future when teenagers like us just wanna live in the present and arnt ready to talk about our futures yet. I think that private schools with uniforms kill creativity for kids because they cant dress themselves and express how they fell through there clothes. Schools need to help there kids becaome more creative not less.

GingerW said...

I do think to some degree that schools kill creativity. In school we learn the basics of math, science, history and English. To what point will we know all we truly need to know for the future? And at what point is what we are learning pointless? Which of these subjects will we actually need in the future. In the future everything is going to be very technology based,we could use a computer to learn everything we need to know. Sir Ken Robinson stated that "No one knows what the future will be like in 5 years, yet we are supposed to be educated for it." Schools give the idea that its a bad thing to be wrong but Sir Ken Robinson also said that "If your not prepared to be wrong you'll never come up with anything." -Ginger

Kristen said...

In the video, Sir Ken Robingson,said some really great things about how School does kill creativity. In school the wrong answer, is always wrong and it is something that teachers want everyone to stay away from, but alot of the time, that is how we find the right answer, through all of our mistakes. When everything has to be so perfect, and there is a strickt thinking on how things go, it is hard to be able to express yourself, and to be able to personalize things.