Friday, November 21, 2008

"Anthem"/"Is The Machine In Us?"

What connecting ideas or themes are you thinking about regarding the primitive futuristic society in Anthem and the Youtube clip you viewed The Machine Is Using Us that was created by Michael Wesch? Use quotations from the text and ideas from the video clip to support your claims.


Kelley said...

The society in the book Anthem, everyone is no longer an individual. They think of themselves as a "we" instead of an "I". In the clip The Machine Is Using US, it talks about how we use the computer and internet everyday and how we are not being used by the machine but by how we are using it. These two things connect by the fact that we need to be ourselves and not follow what other people say whole-heartedly.

Anonymous said...

In the book Anthem everyone cant really express their feelings and they dont call each other by names and called each other by number "they whose name is Liberty 5-3000, and we think of no others." in the clip it tells how we use computer and internet websites.

loveroflifeisgood said...

"Anthem" is a society where everything is decided for each individual. They may not love they may not choose their own career, they may not even show opinon. It is so sad how he has to be scaried to even think of a girl. to talk to her. "For men are forbidden to take notice of women, and women are forbidden to take notice of men."(Ch 2 2.2) If a culture is based on laws that are against normal human behavior, then it is far from perfect. Laws like these will likly cause error like how Equality 7-2521 confronted "the Golden One" Their community reminds me of the stepford wifes where they are all the same and they are forced to smile constantly. When you paint a smile on your face you look happy and strong, not weak and depressed. If the whole community is happy and strong then the community looks successful and that is what the goal is of the high members of the government.

Dakota G. said...
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Anonymous said...

In "Anthem" it talks about a world where it is bad to be your own person. If you were to be just a little bit different than the others then one of the higher powers would punish you because its a sin. In the clip it talked about us using the internet and molding it into our own. It is kind of the complete opposite in the book "Anthem" because all of the higher powers are in control of all of the people. Everybody just had to sit back and have their fate handed to them. But in our world with the internet we can do what we want and not be punished for who we are.

Camille! said...

In the Anthem you can't be your own person. You cant even stand out or be individual because that would be considered a sin. The council's make decisions for them. In the machine is using us it talks about how we are the internet. We make it how we want it to be and what we want it to say.

Anonymous said...

In the Anthem it talks about how a group of people are one whole, for example they are Equality 7-2521. In The Machine is Using Us we are "one" in the world because we all come together and we make the internet.

SarahD!24 said...

The anthem and the movie clip are alike in so many ways. IN the book the anthem everything seems to be taken over by numbers and letters like the names of our main character. And also the people in anthem are only learning what the leaders or computers want them to. "We" control the computer but sometimes it seems to be the other way around. "the web/computer.links are learning by what we click on and so its seems to be also the leaders. We are being taken over by something that doesnt really have a brain...the computer.

grac!e said...

the book "anthem" and the clip take away idividuality. it also took away personality "And we looked straight into the eyes of the Council, but their eyes were as cold blue glass buttons."

Erica said...

i think we use the computer to much

Anonymous said...
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FAbassi said...

In "Anthem" Liberty 7-2521 is considered as one. Life is already planned out for them. But towards the end, Liberty is considered as individuals. For the internet, we all come together as one, because we each contribute our ideas towards the internet, and we put all our knowledge together. We are considered individuals, but we all come together as one. So technically, we are the machine itself.

FAbassi said...

In "Anthem" Liberty 7-2521 is considered as one. Life is already planned out for them. But towards the end, Liberty is considered as individuals. For the internet, we all come together as one, because we each contribute our ideas towards the internet, and we put all our knowledge together. We are considered individuals, but we all come together as one. So technically, we are the machine itself.

Jazzy said...

I think that the Anthem society and the clip have very opposite views. In the book Anthem, people were controlled by the Council and didn't have the rights to have opinions or freedom. In the clip, it explains that we are the machine. People express themselves with so much freedom on the internet. And sometimes, people arn't that grateful to have that privilage.

Amanda said...

"Anthem"'s society reduces the amount of indivituality allowed by their rulers. The futuristic community also relates to the YouTube clip "The Machine Is Using Us" because ot shows hoe technology is increasing and how we are relying so much on it to get through the day. Soon, we may refer to ourselves as "we" instead or "I". They also cant think for themselves and cant learn any more than is taught in the home of the students. "they whose name is Liberty 5-3000, and we think of no others." this shows how much it could effect our brains and how they will begin to atrophy as we tend not to use them due to the exceedingly increase of technology.

NikkiZ said...

Were no longer considered a me or an I. We are considerd a us and an everyone. If we didint have individuals today the world would be boring. We are each unique. So we need to stand out and not blend in, if we blend in were going to end up getting lost. And will no longer know who really are.