Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lotus Eaters?

Some of Odysseus's men give up their desire to go home. Juxtapose the Lotus Eaters encounter with something that would make you give up your current situation or status. Explain. Define.


Anonymous said...

I don't really think anything could make me give up my current situation.

GraceK said...

i like my current situation, exept for some limitations of freedom, which were completely my fault. so i would like to go back to my previous situation which included freedom, but i wouldn't want to change anything unless for the better

Anonymous said...

i don't think that would want me to change my sitation right now but maybe if my something goes wrong but otherwise no

loveroflifeisgood said...

I don't think there could be a situation where I could have no desire to come home completely. I have too much comfort to leave this place. If I had nothing to keep me grounded here then I could leave like if I didn't have friends, family, or education then I would want to move on.

Amanda said...

I dont think anyting could make me give up my current situation. There are some restrictions and guidelines that are set, but they aren't to extremee as to were it is unlivable. I am also very comfortable where i am, so no nothing would make me give up my current situation.

alison! said...

i don't want to change my current situation because my friends and family are here. I mean there are some restrictions but they aren't that bad.

Ariana said...

I don't think that I could change anything about my situation. I agree with the other posts that i could do with more freedom. Less limitations.

Anonymous said...

I'm content with my current situation. If I could have a little more freedom I would be happy. But I can live with the rules and guidelines for a little while longer.

FAbassi said...

I would never give up my curretn situation, even if life may be falling apart, I try to deal with my problems, and fix them. I try to learn from my mistakes, and I wouldnt take back any of my mistakes because I have learned alot from them. I have learned to live life to the fullest, and make the best out of it! I would never give up my current situation. Whatever happens, happens for the better good.

SarahD!24 said...

I would never give up my situation because it is my life and I need to live it. How can I learn lessons and values in life without making a couple mistakes? I need to stay in this life and live it. Yes sometimes my parents can be hard to be with and live around but i have to keep on going cause that is how I am going to learn. I love my life right now and would not change it for the world.

Erica said...

I think that the only one thing that could make me want to change my situation is if i could start all over

Jazzy said...

I think that it depends what my current situation is. I have many. I think changing my situation for the better is good. Other times, I might want it to stay the same.

Kelley said...

IN my current situation i would like to be able to have a bit more freedom of choice rather than be forced in to things I don't believe are true. I would prefer to be liked as i am not be molded into something I'm not.

NikkiZ said...

ummmm i dont think i would give up my current situation. Sure there are some thing's that would like but will not be able to get intill im older and that's kind of a bummer. But im currently happy with my situation