Thursday, May 10, 2007


Which character is the most innocent victim within this play? Why?


egeise said...

Benvolio portrayed the part of an innocent victim because he had to suffer watching both of his friends get killed. He had to be the silent whitness of both Romeo's and Mercucio's death. He also had to watch Romeo as his romantic relationships slowly dwindle him down until he had no character left and eventually killed him. He had to watch as Romeo suffered the consequences of love and life. Benvolio also had to watch as Mercucio killed himself with not having Romeo around. Romeo was too caught up in his romance that he forgot about his good friends and Mercucio slowly started to dwindle from that. Mercucio eventually snaped when Tybalt insulted Romeo. Benvolio had to be the silent whintness in all of this and try to handle his friends and his nerves therefore, making him an innocent victim.

Eva H said...

I think that any character in this drama can, in some way, be portrayed as the most innocent person. In my opinion, I think the Prince is the most innocent person. He may have the power to dictate people’s actions, but he had nothing to do with the Death of Romeo and Juliet. That can be blamed on their childish actions, and their close family and friends. When the Prince announced that the next public fight would end in banishment, he was trying to keep the peace. After Romeo disobeyed this order, the Prince, like a good government had to stick to his word.

I disagree with Elizabeth. Yes, Benvolio watched his friends die, but could he have done something to stop death? if he had stepped in, the fight could have been prevented. He tried, but didn't succeed. He has never had control over any of his friends. I think Benvolio is innocent because he has no control over any situation. He could have prevented Mercutio's death, and stopped Romeo’s banishment.

kaylab said...

I think that Juliet was the most innocent victim in "Romeo and Juliet". When Romeo was banished she could not do anything and she just had to go along with it and could not fight back. Also when her parents told her she had to marry Paris she could not do anything except go along with it unless she told her parents about Romeo. Juliet was very innocent in many horrible situations but she had to make the best of them. That is why I think that Juleit is the most innocent victim in the play.

ashleyk said...

In Romeo and Juliet, almost no one can be found innocent. Almost every character at one point or another could've stepped in and stopped this chain of events from happening. Any one of the Capulets and Montagues could've prevented the fighting by turning the hate between the families into acceptance. The Prince of Verona is guilty as well for not governing his city well enough. He could have stepped in and have had his citizens pay more respect to his laws. The nurse and the friar could have not encourage Romeo and Juliet's quick marriage. Even the Apothecary, with his smaller part, can be blamed for Romeo and Juliet's deaths. He sold the poison to Romeo even though the law forbade him.

I believe the only innocent people in this entire play are the ones with the smallest parts. This includes Friar John, the servingmen, the guards, the one page, and a few other small parts. They had no knowledge of the situation and because knowledge is power (which includes responsiblity), none of these characters are responsible for the tragic set of events.

Anonymous said...

in my opinion no one in this play can be portrayed as a an innocent victim, because everything and everyone is this play is connected somehow. Every one plays an important role on how the play turn into tragedy. For example, could Benvolio have done something to prevent Mercutio's death? could the price take more actions to end the feud? could Friar Lawerence stop Romeo and Juliet from getting married? Could the nurse have done something to stop Juliet form killing herself? Could the parents be more understanding so that the kids could go to them for suggestions instead of someone else?? so i think that on one is an innocent victim.

Amanda G said...

I agree with Ashley and Sweta. No one really is innocent. The parents aren't becuase they were feuding over something that they didn't even know what the problem was since it happened so long ago. Rosaline broke Romeo's heart and Romeo killed Tybalt and Paris. Tybalt killed Mercutio, so he couldn't be innocent. Mercutio did some bad things before he died. Juliet went against her parents. Like Eva said, Benvolio could have helped Mercutio when he was dying. Friar John should not have trusted some else to give Romeo the letter about Juliet and the nurse should not have hidden the marriage from Juliet's parents. I believe all of the characters were not innocent.

BaileyG. said...

In Romeo and Juliet I also believe no one was innocent. Everyone in the play had some type of impact on the way things turned out. Since The Montagues and Capulets hated each other, it caused, in the end, for Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves. No one was innocent in this play, and everyone had a role of being guilty.

hilary l said...

Benvolio is the most innocent victim in the play "Romeo and Juliet" because he does not do anything wrong. He did not fight Tybalt back when he killed Mercucio like Romeo did, he didn't marry someone who was against his parents wishes like Romeo and Juliet, he didn’t help Romeo and Juliet get secretly married like the nurse and Friar Laurence did, and he also didn’t pressure Romeo or Juliet into going against their parents wishes like the parents did. He was an innocent friend and cousin of Romeo who had nothing to do with the lying, killing, and cheating.

caseyd said...

Short Essay:

79. Which character do you think is the most innocent victim of this play? Why?
In the play Romeo and Juliet the most innocent victim in this play is Juliet. Many forget her rule in being so innocent in the play because she is the main character, but she was always an innocent child that never hurt anyone but herself. In the beginning she was at the Capulet’s ball, and she had received an encounter with a young man named Romeo. I t was love at first site and many remember her for when she would kiss Romeo like there was no tomorrow-when in reality when you are in love with someone this seems like the natural thing to do. She is also acting out to show that she can make her own decisions when she decides to run away with Romeo and get married. This may seem some what rebellious, but is not a huge deal because at Juliet’s age many young girls were getting married. She was doing this for her own good so that she didn’t have to marry Paris. Also, when her parents described to her that she was going to marry Paris, she felt that she had no one to comfort her and therefore decided that to please everyone. To do this she would say yes to Paris for his marriage proposal and then make arrangements about fixing her problem later. By pleasing everyone else before pleasing herself made her more innocent then anyone else once again. Juliet also was related to many deaths in the story. When her cousin Tybalt died she could only think that her beloved Romeo was not dead and that she still loved him greatly. There was no way for her to stop the death of Tybalt. She also had nothing to do with Romeo’s banishment and would do anything possible to get him back. When Romeo died for Juliet-Juliet was never dead all along. It was not her fault that Romeo did not receive the news of her sleeping potion before Romeo decided to kill himself. When Juliet had awoken and saw her beloved Romeo dead, at her side, she killed herself out of love for her husband Romeo; yet again not hurting anyone else but herself. Clearly Juliet is the most innocent victim in this story.

Kate said...
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Tiffany F. said...

The most innicent victim of this play is the Prince. I say this because the Prince did not act out alot so he nothing to be blammed for, even though he could of acted out more on events in Verona. But he did not act that much so looking at what he did do he is innocent, because when he did act out they quit but they kept it up. The Prine did his job because he can act when ever he wants to or feels the need. He knew that if he would of acted out they would of kept up the fighting. The Prince was the most innocent.

NatashaL said...

I believe that Juliet acted as the innocent victim in this play because it seemed as if she was caught in between her love for Romeo and her obligation to her family. Although Romeo seemed to be in the same position Juliet was under much more pressure than him. Her parents had their minds set on the fact that she would marry Paris that they did not even take the time to inquire upon what their own daughter actually desired. When she finally found one moment of happiness with Romeo it was taken away because of his banishment. Shortly after her parents made the announcement that her marriage to Paris would take place in only a few days. Although she, as well as everyone else, made mistakes, she was cornered and made decisions based on desperation instead of rational thinking. Juliet was a puppet and
everyone seemed to be pulling on her strings at once.

chryss said...

I believe Paris is an innocent victim because he only wishes to marry Juliet because he loves her, not for money and power. He was mourning the loss of his wife when Romeo killed him.

He was truthfully devastated by Juliet's death. When he was killed by Romeo, he was doing no wrong. He was in fact going to approach him because Romeo is supposed to be banished.