Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Romeo, Pyramus, Thisbe, and Juliet"

What "Big Ideas" do the Pyramus and Thisbe myth and Romeo and Juliet drama proclaim regarding love? Syhthesize, react, and challenge.


egeise said...

Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe both tend to proclaim that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Pyramus thought that Thisbe was dead (similar to Romeo and Juliet) and killed himself when Thisbe wasn't dead; he jumped to conclusions. I also feel that you should be careful of who you love. I might love someone so much but I propbably wouldn't kill myself if they died. They should look at reality a little more and rephrase their oaths so they don't end up in that position where they "promised" they would always be with them; because they wont. I understand that myths tell a story on how something happens; like the mulberries in Pyramus and Thisbe. Does Romeo and Juliet tell a story? Does it teach something about our natural world? Is there some hidden meaning in the text?

Elizabeth G.

hilary l said...

In both stories, Romeo and Juliet, and Pyramus and Thisbe, show of all the love that the men had to the women and how they both believed that their loves were dead so they killed themselves. Pyramus believed that Thisbe was killed by a lion so he killed himself because he thought it was he fault for making her go out in the woods by herself. Of course Thisbe was not dead but when she found him dead she then killed herself. This story ends just the same way as Romeo and Juliet. The men reacted to quickly and ended their lives too quickly because their love was taking over their lives.

Destiny B said...

Both stories just go to show that love with make you do crazy things. In the stories of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe love blinds the couples in the stories into believing that their love is dead. Pyramus thought that Thisbe was eaten by a lion, and Romeo thought that juliet had drinken poison. So both the men kill themselves thinking they cant go on without their loved ones when it turns out the girls arent dead. So when the girls see the guys dead they kill themselves because they cant live without them. I find these actions pretty crazy but i think that you have to first experience love to know that feeling of not being able to go on without the other. Destiny

Amanda G said...

Both of these tradgic stories both tell us that love can over power. In both of these cases, one of the lovers thought the other one was dead so they killed themself. But then it would turn out that the other one was stil alive so they also killed themself. Love is overpowering because it can end lovers lives. Both of these stories tells us what loved ones would do anything for eachother.

I agree with Elizabeth. Loved ones should not jump ahead. Instead they should take time to think clear.

ashleyk said...

Pyramus and Thisbe as well as Romeo and Juliet both gave the impression that love is blind. Love is blind from the consequences of the future. Pyramus and Thisbe were blind to the consequences of running away and taking very sudden actions. Thisbe ran away from the lion and didn't think to look for Pyramus, which led to the his misconception of the situation. Pyramus killed himself on the notion that his love, Thisbe, had died. All of these actions did not involve thinking because these people were using thier hearts, not their heads. Therefore, their love blinded them from being able to see the possible consequences. This was also the situation in Romeo and Juliet. Both acted without thinking and didn't foresee what could possibly happen to them. Although things didn't go exactly as they planned, a little more thinking on both of their parts could've led to a happier ending. After all, it was only a few minutes after Romeo killed himself that Juliet woke up and then saw her lover dead. If Romeo had thought instead of just acted, they would have been able to run away together and live.

Kate said...

Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe have very few differences. They are both stories about teenagers who are not supposed to love each other. Both of the couples decide to follow their hearts and run away with each other. The ways that they try to stay with each other backfires and all of them end up dieing. The only differences in these two love stories, are that Pyramus and Thisbe actually know each and spent time getting to know one another unlike Romeo and Juliet. I agree with Hilary, both of the guys in the stories jumped to a conclusion too quickly.

Tiffany F. said...

The big ideas that Romeo and Juliet and the Pyramus and Thisbe myth drama regarding love, is that they will go and do what ever they need to do to be together all for love. The two couples had to risk their life for one another. Pyramus and Thisbe had to talk through a wall at least Romeo and Juliet could see one another when they talk, doing this very sneaky. The endings are very similar because they die in the end with one of them killing themselves, as the others have said they jumped to conclusion!! There love was so strong they died with love missing. In real life they would need to face that loved ones will die, but not by choice, they loved ones just cope with the loss with family. The two didn’t really at the time have anyone to go to so they over reacted only to kill themselves. If they would have just waited a little longer life would have gone on together. The overall idea is that if you love someone so much you will risk everything you have just to be with them because you love them.

Tiffany F.

Ciara S. said...

in both of the stories, they had two characters that loved eachother a lot, and these people didn't even really know eachother. In each of the stories the male died first because they thought that the other person had died. Then the female found their love dead so they ended up killing themselves also. In each of the stories love came to over power the characters. In both of the stories it also shows that love can make you do crazy things like kill yourself for one another.

Ciara S.

Rach L said...

In Romeo and Juliet, and Pyramus and Thisbe, both stories show how easy it is to fall for someone. However, I don't think it is possible to literally love someone in such a short amount of time. I guess it is apart of life that we all have to experience to understand, but Romeo, Juliet, Pyramus, and Thisbe are still very young. Their parents might forbid them from marrying that person for a reason. They are older, and have more experience with the situation. At the end of each story, they all die. Each one says that they love each other so much that they would die for one another, even after a short period of time of actually knowing each other.


Jaime M said...


Unknown said...
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kaylab said...
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amandab said...
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Eva H said...

Love. To some, it may be very simple, but to others, this is a complex emotion where anything can happen!!! Both stories of Romeo and Juliet, and Pyramus and Thisbee support this idea. To put it simply, they love each other. In a more complexc matter, their love is forbidden, they have miscommunication, and that eventually leads to their death. Romeo and Juliet committ suicide for their love because they don't know all the facts about each other. Juliet is in a deep sleep, but romeo thinks she is dead, so he kills himself. When Juliet awakes, she finds her love, dead, and stabs herself in the heart. In Pyramus and Thisbee, Thisbee is thought to have been eaten by a lion, so Pyramus kills himself. When Thisbee returns to the scene, she then kills herself as well. A theme in both of these dramas is lve, and death. I guess love does make you do stupid kill yourself.

kaylab said...

The Pyramus and Thisbe story is very similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. Both stories show that love can make people do crazy things. Both Romeo and Pyramus thought that their lovers were dead and killed themselves even though neither Juliet or Thisbe were dead. When the girls found their men dead, they killed themselves because they didn't think they could live without them. I think the characters in both of these stories acted too hastily and could have saved all of their lives if they would have just waited and found out what really happened. Love may make people do crazy things, but I think they should try to act rash even if the situation may look bad.

Anonymous said...

the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is very similar to Romeo and Juliet, and it also contains the same life lessons. On both of the stories, the lovers jump into conclusions without even thinking the other possibilities. Not only the theme, but the storyline is also the same because both of their love is forbidden both that doesnt stop them from having feeling for one another.

caseyd said...

Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe all jump to conclusions. Pyramus thoughtt that Thisbe was dead and killed himself when Thisbe was really not dead...therefore porclaiming that he was jumping to conclusions. also i think that if someone should not kill themselves over love, i think that it hurts everyone around you as well as just yourself. so Romeo and Juliet, are jumping to conclsions with meeting eachother as well as getting married, and also their death.

amandab said...

These two stories both relate because the two star crossed lovers die because of a mistaken death.

kena. said...

The storise are really similar cause both of the se "lovers" die because of awhat they thought was a afalse death. It also shows all the love they both had toward each other and dispite them not being able to be together they figured out a way to be together because of their love.

NatashaL said...

The two stories of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Pyramus and Thisbe" share parallel themes and ideas. Two lovers tragically killing themselves when they believe that their partner is dead encompass both stories. In "Romeo and Juliet" Romeo took his own life because he thought Juliet was gone, and then Juliet killed herself when he found her dead. Pyramus and Thisbe end the same way with Pyramus acting the part of Romeo, and Thisbe as Juliet. These sad tales were meant to display the power of love and what it causes people to do, even if it brings them to suicide. When you possess a love for someone so great it makes you unable to live without them.
I disagree with Elizabeth. I don't believe that the stories were meant to discourage love as she makes it seem. I believe it was meant to merely point out how love can consume the person with possession of it. Also, I don’t think that she can really judge the way that the characters handled the situation because in the heat of the moment people usually do not act in a logical manner.

NatashaL said...
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NatashaL said...

The two stories of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Pyramus and Thisbe" share parallel themes and ideas. Two lovers tragically killing themselves when they believe that their partner is dead encompass both stories. In "Romeo and Juliet" Romeo took his own life because he thought Juliet was gone, and then Juliet killed herself when he found her dead. Pyramus and Thisbe end the same way with Pyramus acting the part of Romeo, and Thisbe as Juliet. These sad tales were meant to display the power of love and what it causes people to do, even if it brings them to suicide. When you possess a love for someone so great it makes you unable to live without them.
I disagree with Elizabeth. I don't believe that the stories were meant to discourage love as she makes it seem. I believe it was meant to merely point out how love can consume the person with possession of it. Also, I don’t think that she can really judge the way that the characters handled the situation because in the heat of the moment people usually do not act in a logical manner.

NatashaL said...
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