Monday, January 4, 2021

Thinking About Poetry?

After viewing the spoken word poem Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, what are you thinking regarding the poem's message, tone, theme, and use of poetic devices? Please analyze and comment using specifics. This blog response is due during class today.


Unknown said...

[Ember Kopperman]

I think this video shows a lot how technology can hurt people and how they think. Yes, I agree for the most part but think about this: it's now easier to call someone if another person is hurt. But that's the only good thing. I do believe that spending seven to twelve hours a day looking at a screen will affect you later in life.

Unknown said...

The massage behind his poem is that he wants to bring awareness to the growing manipulation of social media. He sheds light on the fact that its more harmful for yourself and the people around you.

-Chase Hancock

Anonymous said...

The guy had some very great points. It seems like he doesn't want anyone using electronic devices. The problem I have with this is that he didn't give any ways that devices can actually be good. Yes it might drive close relationships away but what about distant relationships. They wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Electronics. Family that doesn't live in the same state as you can now see you by the touch of a button. He may be right about some things but the pros out weigh the cons.

Unknown said...

the way he presented his poem was very good. he made it seem like a deep longing and was explaining it to us. we don't usually know how to explain deep longings or even have them but he found a way to explain his and show us that we need to think about what he's saying. the tone is a longing to see a change and the poem is put together excellently to the point where it doesn't seem like a poem any more.
-Elliot Skurdal

Unknown said...

While his point of social media being making people disconnected instead of connected can be somewhat true, if people are smart about the way they interact with it they can find success with it. It does take a certain mentality and barriers to not become consumed with it but it is a very manageable thing to do.

(Samuel Giffen)

Anonymous said...

The creator of the video uses many different types of poetic devices. The way he set the dramatic and serious tone made the audience feel how important his message really is. He had an important theme of the attachment of phones and social media but he used a serious tone to really attach the reader to the problem.

Anonymous said...

I think he makes a point about how much time we spend on our phones but is also a hypocrite because he put that video on the internet.

Anonymous said...

i think that social media can be a great tool but it can also corrupt people. right now we are spending less time with people because we have to so we use social media to connect with those people, but when we are allowed to see people again will we stop using social media, I think not. there is a great documentary called the "social dilemma" and it talks about how social media traps us in our own little worlds and only shows us what we like and makes us keep wanting to come back but then we never go back to the truth.

Anonymous said...

In his video he uses a very passionate tone that captures the viewers attention and he kind of goes of the base of your actions have consequences and what are you going to do to change that. In my opinion the theme of this video is how people can't connect to one another using a devices no matter how hard they try. He goes into detail about how social medias claim to bring communities together but in reality they tear them apart and I agree. I think that most social medias end up with negative affects rather than positive ones.

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the context in the video such as individuals carrying to much about their online status. Something I don't agree with is how he said that phones break us apart. In my opinion I think that in most cases phone bring us together via communication. For example if you cant meet up in real life, you can simply use facetime. Although it is not the same it is still better than not talking at all. He also mentions how adults attention span is 1 second slower than usual that does not indicate it is from technology. Overall this video was kind of mixed in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I think this man is correct about the way that he looks at society. But I don't think that there will be day were we stop looking at our phones. I actually think it will get worse since technology is improving. To people it is necessary to have a phone without it people would go crazy. Dylan D

Anonymous said...

Ella David

What I am thinking is that nobody can actually autocorrect humanity, we have to change it ourselves, with our own actions, not just a screen where something corrects it for us. I think the tone of this message is very powerful as to how he is speaking so deeply and thoroughly about this topic, it is very inspiring. I think this messages theme is to try and connect with people to tell them that there is actual humanity outside of a computer or phone screen, that phones or just electronics in general have taken over humanity as we know it and we as humans don't know how to change it right now. The poetic devices he used were rhyming, symmetry, and he connected to every different part that he was talking about.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this but I use my my phone way to much and I use social media a lot because I enjoy it but when I am with my friends and family I am not really on my phone that much and if I am taking a picture it is because i want to have that picture for a memory. But I completely agree people would rather be on there phone than enjoy whats going on around them and you only live once so why waste so much time on the internet. And i'm a very social person so school online is very hard for me because I need that social interaction that in person school gives so its hard to stay motivated when i'm online all day. - Sam B

Unknown said...

The meaning of "Can I autocorrect Humanity" by Prince Ea is that life is being restricted by technology. There is so much more to life but people are distracted from it by a screen. He's saying that he finds joy when his phone is on a low battery means that he is just that much closer to discovering the colors of the world. This means being able to do certain things without posting or sharing on social media, but only focus on you and then the moment.

By Angelo Petrides

Unknown said...

I think that the message of this video is just to be cautious of social media. Its a crazy thing and we are all being used and manipulated. I do agree with the video.
-Kaila Read

Anonymous said...

Elyssa Johnston

This video just explains how technology changes society in a way. I agree with basically all of it because it proves how it affects your life and others.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that people are connecting to screens too much and that it may hurt them in the future, but if people acknowledge that and start to look at screens less and less, they can start setting limits to lower their time on a screen.

Anonymous said...

I think this video shows how technology can make people distant and can hurt other people. It also shows that people use their phones to talk to people, instead of talking to the in person. (Izzy W)

Anonymous said...

I think this video shows how technology can make people distant and can hurt other people. I do agree that people are connecting to screens too much and that it may hurt them in the future, but if people acknowledge that and start to look at screens less and less, they can start setting limits to lower their time on a screen. There is so much more to life but people are distracted from it by a screen. He's saying that he finds joy when his phone is on a low battery means that he is just that much closer to discovering the colors of the world. He goes into detail about how social medias claim to bring communities together but in reality they tear them apart and I agree. I think that most social medias end up with negative affects rather than positive ones.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the video to a certain degree. However, I have made many friends through friends on social media and I actually know them. I was neighbors with my best friend Jack for a few years and later on, when we got phones he connected me with his friends and we all hung out a bunch of times for years on end before covid. I think if social media is used properly it isn't dangerous but it can be easy to fall into a phone addiction whether it be good or bad. I think it's only bad when you aren't actually benefiting from it in any significant way, if you are addicted to LinkedIn you likely benefit from it in some way or another.

Anonymous said...

I do think that we spend a lot of time on technology and interact a lot through social media. However I don't think that it is all bad. I think that it is ok to be on technology as long as it isn't controlling your whole life and influencing what you do and how you think.

Anonymous said...

I think that this video is very eye-opening but at the same time, we already realize but don't do anything about it, because people hurt other people whether online or in real life. Which makes people want to stay online to avoid getting hurt not realizing that they hurt mentally.