Monday, November 16, 2020

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How would This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go violate the societal norms set forth by the councils in Anthem?  Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society?  Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art?  Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response to prove your view(s). This blog response should be completed in class after we view the videos.


Unknown said...

There were lyrics that said "Let it go, this too shall pass." and that can always mean a lot of things in life but if we're talking about Anthem, it could mean that maybe Equality is right. Individuality is a no-no in their society. You show that you're different, you're punished.
The second video shows more about how people are different. "Maybe it's not so bad." is a lyric in the video. I think they're talking about how being different isn't a bad thing. In Anthem, Equality see's this.

Ember Kopperman

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

They violate the norms of the society because they are creative and unique. Those two characteristics are not approved in equality's society. He would approve of this video because of how they are different and creative. he values those characteristics
because he sees them in him.

Anonymous said...

These bands are not like a normal band. They use unique sounds that are made with objects to make music. They invented something new and a new way to do things. If they were in the same society as equality, then the council's would not let what they are doing go by. In a way this band is alot like Equality because they invented something new and they want to share it with society. That is like the lightbulb with Equality. I belive that yes equality would be pleased with there preformane because it is differnt. Equality is not like the others and that is what seperates him from anyone else in the community.Equality said "We made it. We created it." after he had made his first lightbulb. This is a connection to the music video because the band had also created something that know one had seen before.

Anonymous said...

I think this video celebrates individuality and the absence of order both of which contradict the ideals of the society of anthem. I think equality would enjoy this video for the reasons that the anthem society would not like it but I also think he would be confused by it and its purpose. "for our face and our body were beautiful. Our face was not like the face of our brothers"(pg 80) this quote shows equality celebrating his differences and his individuality.

Anonymous said...

It shows creativity and individuality. In Equality's society there is no individuality and I think that the stations being made by different people and the stations all being different really shows this. Each person was able to put a little bit of themselves into their work. Where as in Anthem this wouldn't be allowed.
In the second video there are different sections of thing that are very different. In the second video all the dogs are treated differently they all take different paths. In Anthem everybody takes the same path. I think that Equality would like this because he did the same thing. He decided to take a risk and chose his own way of doing things.

Anonymous said...

In the videos the creators used many new inventions and many colors. the society that the book anthem is placed in would more than likely punish all of them because this represents coming up with new ideas and even looking to change the future if you look at it the right way. the government tried to take away everything that could lead tp this type of thinking, for example "The sleeping halls were white and clean and bare of all things save one hundred beds" (Rand, 21). I believe that if equality watched these videos he would be astonished and probably speechless seeing all of the contraptions they built and the tv, all of the colors, paint, and even more. Also in the entire book animals were never mentioned so seeing a dog would be so strange to someone who barely knows the concept of an animal.

Ella Rael

Anonymous said...

I think that this video contradicts Anthem. In the first video it showed how a chain reaction worked. In Anthem the people in the society wake up and do the same thing every day and nothing ever changes. If seems as if they never make any progress froward unlike a chain reaction where things are constantly changing. The idea of individuality is crushed in the book whereas in the videos each individual piece matters. Equality would definitely be pleased with Okay GO's performances. Equality wants to be creative and discover so badly. In chapter 3 page 1 Equality says, "The secrets of the earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them." Clearly Equality wants to seek these things. He wants to see the wonders of the world and be his own creative individual. The videos display creative which contradicts Anthem because the book is clear that the society is against creativity and things made by individuals.

-Ellie Robinson

Anonymous said...

The music video would violate the societal norms set forth by the council in Anthem because the people in the video did what they wanted to do and had fun with it and in Anthem none of that would be allowed and you would have been punished for doing what they did in the video.

Anonymous said...

I think relates heavily on anthem because of the creativity shown. In the vision they use many different puzzles and tools that all work together. I think that is most similar to anthem. I think this because of how in their society they all were assigned a job leading and helping to the society. They are similar because how in the video everything has a different job. Something that is different is how in anthem it is way more individual that all the parts and people working together. I think he would approve of this because of he is drifting away from individuality and he is meeting new people and they are working together.

Unknown said...

In anthem the society values equality and forbid differences. In the videos each person was different, but they worked together, unlike anthems society because they all wer forced to be alike which is different then working together had different jobs to create on video or in anthem one society they worked together. there band shows a new equality that equality would prefer to the society he lives in " we cannot talk unless it is spoken by all our brothers so we don't speak at all" this is the unity of equality's life in the videos the people show that they are different but can still work together without force.
-Elliot Skurdal

Unknown said...

Comparing the first video to Anthem it does almost fully go against the society set in Anthem. With Anthem you can't have individuality, only working to live for others while never being able to express yourself. "We are nothing. Mankind is all." perfectly describes the society and their views. In the video many people come together, to achieve a goal but each having their own ideas on what should happen. If they weren't able to make this ideas reality then this wouldn't have been possible.

Anonymous said...

The video goes against what the city would allow because there doing what they want and enjoying it and its like not equal and everything is super hectic and different and the society would not allow that. Also they say what they want and in anthem they specifically say "we cannot talk unless it is spoken by all our brothers" and in both songs they speak whenever about random stuff.

Anonymous said...

This music and this book are extremely different but i guess you could say in some ways they are similar. It could be similar in the way that there saying everyone should be different just like equality writing on the piece of paper, But if they are different they get punished depending on what they had done.

Dylan Davis

Anonymous said...

They violate the norms of the society because they are creative and unique. Also they say what they want and in anthem they specifically say "we cannot talk unless it is spoken by all our brothers" and in both songs they speak whenever about random stuff. It could be similar in the way that there saying everyone should be different just like equality writing on the piece of paper, But if they are different they get punished depending on what they had done.

Anonymous said...

Elyssa Johnston

The band and music is completely different and defeats normality, in a way. They are saying that everyone should try to be different which is like equality writing on the paper.