Monday, September 7, 2020


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed in class on the day you meet: Sep. 21st, Sep. 22nd, Sep. 24th, or Sep 25th.


Elliot Skurdal said...

He reminded me that you have to redo some of your writing to really make it sound good and you have to start somewhere to get that good.

Unknown said...

Ember Kopperman

He showed that even if you fail, to try again and you'll get it eventually. Nobody is perfect and you won't get it first try. Not all talent is natural. You have to work for it.

Anonymous said...

This can inspire me and other people because throughout the video, he never gave up and continued trying. This can work for anything whether it is sports or just school. It was a cool video to watch because it is a little bit different.

Anonymous said...

He showed that perseverance goes a long way and even if you fall you can get right b ack up and try again. Its not prefect every time.

Anonymous said...

This inspired me because it showed that you can do anything depending on how hard you work and how hard you concentrate.

Anonymous said...

Elyssa Johnston

This can inspire me and other people because throughout the video, he never gave up and continued trying. This can work for anything whether it is sports or just school. It was a cool video to watch because it is a little bit different.

Anonymous said...

You have many failures in life, but what matters is what you do with those failures.

Anonymous said...

He reminds me that you first have to fall to get up, and you need to try to get good at something.

Anonymous said...

He has proven that if you work at something hard enough you can find something that you like doing. Everybody can find something that they enjoy doing even if you haven't found it yet. He has inspired people all over the world and if you try hard, you can do/accomplish anything.

Anonymous said...

His talents kinda just showed me that he wasnt born with that talent he had to work really hard to be that skilled and everyone has the ability to be that good at something. Not just biking whatever someones passion is they can become great at it you just have to put in a lot of hard work and time and effort into those things you want to be great at.

Anonymous said...

It relates to the world by showing dedication and persistence on something you value. This can relate to writing by showing if you fine tune and persevere through the challenges you can become incredibly talented. For overall learning you can find small tactics and if you keep finding small improvements it will bring you up overall as you find ways to apply the tactics. I wouldn't say he inspired me but it was nice to see someone so dedicated to their craft doing what they have worked to.

Anonymous said...

I think that what Danny does is very cool, I bike more specifically I BMX and this is very inspiring, I have seen some of the stuff he did before but some things I would have never thought to be possible. Also being able to do something you like and make a living off of it is awesome too.

Anonymous said...

While watching this short video I learned that everybody has different talents and some people have to work harder for them. In this, he had to work hard for his. This video was also very inspiring because of what you can do when you put in the practice and effort. Finally, this video also helped me realize that when you fail just persevere.

Anonymous said...

He inspired me to try new things, and to take risk. What he did was really look, but it looks very hard to do and is riskey. This film relates to the world because if you try hard enough, you can succeed.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, you have to redo something, to make it amazing. He showed that even if you fail, to try again and you'll get it eventually. Nobody is perfect and you won't get it first try. Perseverance goes a long way. He did inspire me to try to achive my goals. You will make many mistakes over the cousre of your life, but it matters what you learn from your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the world because when you see someone do incredible stunts like Danny did,you are inspired to do those things as well. He looked fearless and ready, he looked like he was having fun but at the same time he was cautious. This can inspire people to do great things and achieve goals.

Anonymous said...

This video is a great example of hard work paying off, as I'm sure he didn't just become this good at riding bikes over night. It also shows how important it is to not give up even if you fail the many times over.

Anonymous said...

Ellie Robinson
This video inspires me to want to work hard to see an end result. I think its cool how his video can really relate to anything in your life and any body as well. It shows me how when you put your mind to something you can achieve things you never thought were possible.

Unknown said...

This video was very inspiring seeing how he did so many hard tricks knowing that that wasn't the first shot and that video had to be retaken multiple times. I think this relates the writing because sometimes the first time you start writing it doesn't always come out right and you have to keep trying but never give up.
--Kaila Read

Anonymous said...

This presentation relates to my world in sports and in school. This video is showing that it is ok to fail and fail again if you keep getting up and trying again. I can relate this video to writing by realizing that you have to keep working at something if you want to become good at it. He did make me look twice because he was doing amazing things which anyone can do too. He did motivate me because he was so humble and worked extremely hard.
Carlee H